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Lockport, Louisiana is a small town. A small town focused on community, with a relatively simple way of life, at least for most. A town secluded from the qualms and disputes of the world around them. Considering this, one might not be blamed for hoping that said town would be able to sneak under the radar of the problems that plague the rest of world as well. Inflation, natural disaasters, certain resource shortages.
And now.. zombies.
That's right - zombies. Or, at least what seem to be zombies. Things that were once human turned savage and gruesome. They are ever-persistent, and completely unyielding in what seems like an emotionless, violent hunger. And they are upon us. Today is the day that the zombie apocalypse finally begins.
Over the past few days, news has been sweeping across the nation about the abrupt appearance of a sickness, more recently discovered to be a virus, that renders the afflicted extremely volatile. Just like they would during any virus-outbreak, the CDC and other applicable stations took their standard procedures and tried to contain this sickness. But is was already much more widespread, and evasive, than anybody realized.
Over the past couple days, it has begun ravaging the country in unspeakable fashion. It's on the news - and those who see it most definitely think it surreal. If you haven't seen it in your area, you will soon. Very soon.
You may ask, why is Lockport important? Well, it's where our story begins. And the virus hits the quaint little town hard. And it hits it today.
And now.. zombies.
That's right - zombies. Or, at least what seem to be zombies. Things that were once human turned savage and gruesome. They are ever-persistent, and completely unyielding in what seems like an emotionless, violent hunger. And they are upon us. Today is the day that the zombie apocalypse finally begins.
Over the past few days, news has been sweeping across the nation about the abrupt appearance of a sickness, more recently discovered to be a virus, that renders the afflicted extremely volatile. Just like they would during any virus-outbreak, the CDC and other applicable stations took their standard procedures and tried to contain this sickness. But is was already much more widespread, and evasive, than anybody realized.
Over the past couple days, it has begun ravaging the country in unspeakable fashion. It's on the news - and those who see it most definitely think it surreal. If you haven't seen it in your area, you will soon. Very soon.
You may ask, why is Lockport important? Well, it's where our story begins. And the virus hits the quaint little town hard. And it hits it today.
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- - CDC Guidelines for HHAV-1 (Human Hypothalamic-Aggressivity Virus) - -
To prevent infection and to slow transmission of HHAV-1, do the following:
- Cleanse your skin regularly with soap and water, or with safe alcohol-based materials.
- Do not under any circumstances leave the safety of your home or initiate travel. Military aid will be dispersed to the highest-risk areas as soon as possible.
- Do not engage with individuals outside of your household for any reason, especially if their infection status is unclear.
- Avoid activities that possess even small chances of exposing one's immune system to the environment.
- Avoid the transmission of bodily fluids, namely saliva and blood.
Determining infection status, as per CDC standards:
- Earliest signs of infection may include these symptoms: Nervousness, Nausea, Fever, Chills.
- Intermediate-period symptioms of infection may include: Mild aggression, Vomiting, Mild Convulsions.
- High-risk infection symptoms may include: Aggression, Desperation, Neurologic episodes and hallucinations, Violent gestures, Compromised breathing, Temporary "recovery", Bolstered appetite.
- Fully-infected individuals exhibit these symptoms, and must be avoided by all means: Extreme violence, Memory loss, Loss of speech, Partial Catatonia, Bleeding gums, Insensitivity to pain, Cannibalistic behavior, etc.
For more information on symptoms, visit the HHAV-1 section of the official CDC website.
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