Episode 1: The gang avoids a TPK
Mid-moon, Summer, Year 407
The company find themselves camped inside the ruins of an ancient and terrible fortress, healing their wounds and pondering the next course of action.

Pretend there are some dark clouds and shit all around. It's evil.
Three days ago, our heroes battled their way through an ancient and wicked tower, home to the evil wizard Phaendor Goatrider....
Encountering a dozen reanimated skeleton warriors within the hold, the company found their ranks greatly reduced, but managed to defeat the reanimated skeleton warriors. Exploring further, the remaining heroes discovered a magical creature known as a fungoid imprisoned by Phaendor, whom they quickly freed.Humphrey the Mushroom, thankful for his release explained that Phaendor had planned to use his magic for recreational use when the wizard found himself in a better frame of mind. The company agreed to take Humphrey with them and the fungoid ensured everyone had plenty of hit points, and giggled for no reason at all.
Our heroes continued to battle their way through the tower, finally encountering Phaendor himself, and his evil minion, the terrible, winged red haired goat Sassafras. An epic battle ensued and many dice were rolled. Phaendor was eventually reduced to 1 hit point and Escaped! like a bitch. Alas! before he flew away on his hircine companion, Phaendor managed to cast one last spell. The brave leader of the company, Sir Sigurd was unceremoniously transmogrified into an amphibian.

Sir Sigurd, Company Commander
Of the dozen brave souls that entered that tower, only four remained. The Commander was rendered amphibious. But they had a new companion, Humphrey, who was a pretty cool dude. The company had little else to do, save gather their softly croaking leader, what little treasure and coin they had managed to scrounge and make camp in the tower itself to plan their next course of action.
The Tower, Just before Midnight
It is mid-summer and the heroes are gathered around a small cook-fire on the ground floor of the tower. A gentle, warm rain falls through the tower roof, destroyed in the battle that took place their only a few short days ago. The room is rather large, being the base of a once mighty tower. Supplies are stacked here and there; some treasure chests filled with gold and artifacts lay in a corner, covered in a canvas tarp.
The door and only entrance to the tower is well intact, locked with a heavy iron beam to whatever creature might be roaming the wilderness outside in the darkness. It is wide enough for one man only to enter at a time. Opposite the door is a small antechamber with an ancient cistern well. The water drawn from the well has thus far proven safe to drink. Humphrey has claimed this room for himself and can be heard softly snoring.
The stairs leading to the upper chambers of the tower have also been destroyed in the battle, making it impossible to reach the second or third level of the tower, although they might be repaired with the proper supplies and know-how.
To the east are descending steps to a basement where the company decided to place the bodies of their fallen companions. They managed to scrape together what equipment and coin they could from the bodies, and covered them in some spare sheets they found in Phaendors boudoir.
The company commander, Sir Sigurd sits in a shallow wooden bowl filled with some dirt, moss, and a bit of fresh water, flicking his tongue to catch the mosquitoes and fireflies that wander too close to the bowl.
It is here, around the fire we begin our story...
The door and only entrance to the tower is well intact, locked with a heavy iron beam to whatever creature might be roaming the wilderness outside in the darkness. It is wide enough for one man only to enter at a time. Opposite the door is a small antechamber with an ancient cistern well. The water drawn from the well has thus far proven safe to drink. Humphrey has claimed this room for himself and can be heard softly snoring.
The stairs leading to the upper chambers of the tower have also been destroyed in the battle, making it impossible to reach the second or third level of the tower, although they might be repaired with the proper supplies and know-how.
To the east are descending steps to a basement where the company decided to place the bodies of their fallen companions. They managed to scrape together what equipment and coin they could from the bodies, and covered them in some spare sheets they found in Phaendors boudoir.
The company commander, Sir Sigurd sits in a shallow wooden bowl filled with some dirt, moss, and a bit of fresh water, flicking his tongue to catch the mosquitoes and fireflies that wander too close to the bowl.
It is here, around the fire we begin our story...