The Story
It's been a whole year since the events that shook up Papas Academy's Treasure Hunt. Prodigy students Carmine and Lilac have gone off on their own adventures outside the Paldea region as part of an international study, Nemona is starting her training to become the new top champion, Arven has graduated and has since taken up residence in his parents' laboratory, and Penny is running the S.T.C.s alongside the former captains of Team Star. In the face of all this change, classes must continue, and a new Treasure Hunt is about to begin.
Set against the backdrop of a new year at Papas Academy, this RP will tell the story of a different group of students who are about to embark on an adventure of their own. Armed with their partner Pokémon, these students will brave the Paldea Region and find treasures of their very own. Where will they go? What will they discover? Just what secrets is the Paldea Region still hiding?
Hey all! Making my return to the Guild after a brief absence. I noticed there were a severe lack of Scarlet/Violet themed RPs on the site so I thought I'd take a crack at making one of my own. The reason for the new academy name and the existence of two protagonist characters is because I'm writing this as an "Emerald Version" take on the Scarlet/Violet story. Mixing Scarlet and Violet gets you a muddy brown color so we now have Papas (Potato) Academy! In short... both protagonists exist, Professors Sada and Turo were a married couple studying past and future Pokémon concurrently in Area Zero, and the protags each have a Koraidon and a Miraidon respectively.
As for where this RP places some of the optional story beats, I'm also working under the idea that the characters did nothing outside the main story. As such, optional legendary Pokémon such as the Ruinous Quartet and the second Koraidon/Miraidon are still available to be caught in the region. However, your characters will not know this [the extra legendary] at the start so don't set out with your goal being to adventure into Area Zero unless you have a good reason (It's still forbidden after all).
As far as characters go, I'm open to this being a larger group than what I usually do. For the purposes of organization - and to make things interesting - each character will have a type specialty as part of their background. Ideally I'd like to max this RP at ten people with each one having a singular type specialty. Signing up would be an application basis since this is going to be a more writing heavy RP. When you post, three-four paragraphs would be the expected minimum.
Due to how vague the games were about how the academy is set up in terms of grade level, I'm treating it like a combination High School/University. Starting at age fourteen, students attend for four years and choose a 'focus' for their the majority of their studies (i.e. Nemona picked battle studies as her focus, while Arven studied humanities). A list of focuses will be provided for your character sheets below. Obviously, your focus will not determine how you have to spend your treasure hunt. A humanities student can still participate in the gym challenge.
General Notes
1. Students are free to travel anywhere in the region EXCEPT Area Zero:
Despite the protags being able to come and go as they please after the endgame, this was covered up by the Academy and, in-universe, Area Zero is still very much blocked off. This is subject to change during the RP, but it's not going to be an option early on.2. The individual stats of Pokémon do not matter:
The stats are there to balance the game, but the RP is meant to be fun. That being said, make sure you use common sense when engaging in battles with wild Pokémon and other players. A Pokémon in it's first stage will likely stand no chance against a fully evolved one. 3. The Paldea Region is still a wilderness:
Students from the academy may be more trained to take on the region than most, but Pokemon are wild animals at the end of the day. A wild Tauros running you down is going to hurt like hell if you get trampled under its hooves. Make sure to plan accordingly when you are traveling in the wilds. 4. Students can be of any age:
Papas Academy is open to students from all walks of life! Whether you are fourteen and just starting your Pokémon journey or you're fifty-five and looking to start over again, Papas academy will make sure you are prepared for whatever future you choose!5. This RP is about the people you meet:
For obvious reasons this RP is designed to be a slice of life story, but there will still be opportunities for action, battling, and a hint of danger. Use your downtime to develop your character their relationships with people and Pokémon! 6. Your Pokémon are more than just mindless animals:
Make sure your Pokémon all have names and personalities to set them apart from one another and the wild Pokémon. Have fun with this! Let them interact with other Pokemon and humans. These are meant to be your friends and partners!Rules
1. Do not GHOST us on this rp:
If you gotta leave, that's on you, but please just don't disappear without giving a reason. No one will judge you. 2. Don't make your Pokémon overpowered:
I said up top that stats won't matter, but try to keep your Pokémon within a reasonable power level. The four move rule will still apply here, but it's up to you to keep track of it. 3. Battles are to be decided between the players involved:
If the layers can't agree on the outcome of a battle, contact the GM (or Co-GMs if applicable) and they will help you out. Battles with NPCs are up to player discretion, just review rule #2. 4. Be respectful to other players:
I'm not going to tell anyone how they should act, but that doesn't mean I won't exercise discipline when needed. Use your common sense and be decent to other people. If I get any complaints, then I'll speak with the parties involved and a decision will be made. Aside from that, we're all here to have fun. Don't ruin it for other people. 5. Every choice in the RP matters:
Things you do and say will have an outcome on the final outcome of the story. Make your decisions wisely! Character Sheets
I'll have a sheet uploaded when I make the official RP forum. For now, I'm going to have a list of types for any interested players to put down an application for. Not all players will be accepted so make sure you put your best submission forward! Stuff to think about for the players: What subjects are your character's favorites? What's their 'treasure' in the hunt? What is their background and how does it contribute to their goals?
As a challenge for the players, try and choose a type you wouldn't normally pick as your specialty! I'll be doing this which is why I've already chosen the Normal-Type for myself!
Available Types:
Normal: @TheNoCoKid
Fire: @Crimson Flame
Grass: @Agunimon
Electric: @lotusthevoid
Fighting: [@Nyamehameha]
Bug: @Kidgoat
Ground: @Rin
Psychic: @Dragonfly 9
Rock: @Tangy
Dark: @AThousandCurses
Ghost: @LuckyBlackCat
Fairy: @InnerFlame