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Orion Asunder

The Orion Sphere, home to hundreds of systems, thousands of worlds, and a countless number of various species. For a thousand years the Orion Sphere once was united under the banner of the Orion Federation, a rule that had its share of turmoil, unrest, peace, and eventually would circle back. Regardless of its faults, the Age of the Federation was a Golden Age compared to what was to follow very soon.

From beyond the Periphery, an invading alien horde arrived, attacking worlds at will and without mercy, any and all attempts at communication were met with silence. Once word reached to the Sphere proper, the Federation mounted its defenses, preparing for the coming battle. The resulting war would last decades, a whole generation of Orions growing up knowing nothing but war and loss. The war proved to be the most devastating in the history of the Sphere, as both the invaders and the federation made use of outlandish and outright barbaric tactics to gain victory, entire worlds left in ruin and cinder, billions dying within days. It truly seemed to be the End of Days to some, however, there was a glimmer, as the tide slowly turned.

Eventually, the Federation stood victorious against the invaders, but for many, that victory came at a great cost, as people were scarred and forever changed by the war. Whole worlds were damaged beyond repair, and terrible decisions made by the leadership needed to be met with justice. The post-war period was a bitter one, as bickering and infighting followed. In addition, although the reports in isolation seemed benign at the time, they were a dire foreshadowing of the Federation’s downfall. A Stellar Storm of sorts had been reported in many parts of the Sphere, which would coincide with reports of ships going missing.

Eventually, the Hyper Relays, structures that would greatly assist in hyperspace travel and helped link the hyperlanes, had started to fail. What was lone ships, would soon turn into whole fleets going missing. Hyperspace travel had become increasingly more difficult, ships traveling less known paths, trips that would normally take a day, with stretch out for weeks or months at a time.

One by one, the hyperlanes started to fail, systems becoming more isolated as time went on, left to fend for themselves. Soon chaos and panic was overtaking the populace, the Federation was quickly losing control. Within a few years, it all came crashing down as most of the Orion Sphere’s Hyperlane network had collapsed, eventually leading to a bloody civil war that would serve as the final nail in the coffin. In the aftermath of the war, the Orion Sphere was finally broken, the Federation that once stood for over a thousand years, had fallen.

A century has passed since the civil war, the Federation is no more, seeming more like a mere myth, a distant age long forgotten. In place of the Federation arose numerous new states, some going their own way, others claiming to be the successors of the federation, others seeking a new vision of the future, be it good or ill. Now is the Sundering Age, what path shall your people take in these uncertain times?

Welcome to the Orion Sphere! A bountiful region of space that’s home to not only humanity, but to all sort of alien species as well, both exotic and familiar. For this NRP, I aim to do something different pacing-wise, as in, I’m taking a very relaxed pace for this rp. I don’t expect posts every week, heck months could go by and I would still consider this rp active. We all have IRL stuff to deal with, and I don’t want to add any more pressure in your lives. Consider this rp as a fun side project, you don’t need to post immediately, only when you feel like it.

Nation Sheet
Nation Name/Flag (The usual, provide a name of your nation(long version, short version, or both, you decide) and an option to post your nation’s flag.).

Map Location: (Post your claim on the starmap.)

Government Type: (State government type and provide a small bit of info on how things work, doesn’t need to be super detailed, just paint me a good enough picture)

Demographics: (The people of your nation, human, xeno or both. It could be as simple as a percentage list with pics, a small paragraph or whatever you feel is best)

Military: (The fun part! What’s defending your nation in these uncertain times? You can provide as much or as little detail as you like. Can’t also forget, showing tons of pictures of what their soldiers, vehicles and ships look like :P)
History: (Speaks for itself. It can as brief or detailed as you wish.)

Core Systems: The beating hearts of Orion civilization, back in the Federation days, the Core Systems once served as the foundation and center of the Sphere political landscape. Worlds within the Core Systems were highly developed, urbanized planets largely populated by the wealthy and privileged, serving as the seats of power for the most influential interstellar governments, corporations, and organizations. Even in the present age, the Core Worlds still maintain some power, although they are being quickly challenged by rising Successor States along the rim.

Inner Systems: The bridge between the Core Systems and Outer Systems. Inner Systems once served as the industrial base of the Sphere, hosting countless top of the line shipyards and foundries. In the civil war’s aftermath, much of that industrial capacity had been severely crippled, various new states within looking towards new means of financial stability.

Outer Systems: The Outer Systems is a wilder and more varied region, plagued with wars and such. The Federation often engaging in peacekeeping operations. Parts of the Outer Systems serving as breadbaskets for the Sphere, hosting many agri-worlds, and to a minor extent, possessed its own industry with minor shipyards and foundry worlds. Now in the present, the Outer Systems are sort of a wild card.

Founder Worlds: The Founders: An elite subclass within the Core Worlds and with a name that speaks for itself. The three Founder Worlds are the homeworlds of the first three founding species of the Federation. The power they once held in the Sphere has been severally diminished, new powers rising to fill the void, and refusing to kneel before their old masters.

Periphery Systems: By and large the least developed worlds in the Sphere, the Periphery was and continues to be infamous for playing host to all manner of criminals, reprobates and other undesirables. It shares many problems of the Outer Systems, the Periphery plagued with conflict, slavery, and warlordism on a wider scale. The Federation no longer present to keep the peace or to present a veil of peace to keep the worst aspects of all species at bay. Some Successor States from the Sphere Proper have taken upon themselves to bring order to the Periphery, for some, by any means necessary.

Hyperdrive: An FTL system that serves as the main means of long-distance transportation for ships within the Sphere.

Hyperlane: Hyperlanes are charted routes in the Sphere and the Periphery in which a starship could safely and quickly travel. In the Age of the Federation, hyperspace travel through the Hyperlanes were said to take mere hours or a day. However, since the Collapse, those golden days are long over, although new and old hyperlanes have been charted once more, travel between systems is not what it used to be and travel times may very now from days to possibly weeks.

Hyper Relays: Hyper Relays are transit superstructures that assist starships in hyperspace travel and providing a sort of “boost” to hyperdrives and assist in linking the hyperlanes between systems. The designs of the Hyper Relays has sadly, been lost with time with the fall of the Orion Federation, many existing Relays in the present day, are leftovers from the Golden Days, still maintained over a century later.

Psionics: A mysterious, paranormal power that had once been described as sorcery for some, powers of the divine for others. During the Age of the Federation, this power became fully understood as a gift that crosses species lines and touches a small group of individuals. Psionics is a power of the mind, granting heightened mental and physical abilities. These powers can range from telekinesis, mind reading, mind control and so forth.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hakaishin626


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Nation Name/Flag: The Kingdom of the Periphery

Map Location:https://imgbb.com/T4dtmfM

Government Type: Monarchy, the Periphery is ran by the Grand Merchant King Adolphus Seigfurt and is run by the Seigfurian bloodline and works in conjunction with the Council of Elders, a body of law proposers made up of the top 6 richest men in all of the Periphery. Due to it being in a region full of brigands it was decided upon to make it a hub for where instead of choosing a life of crime those brigands can come live for free and work for the government as contracted explorers, mercenaries, or just traders. Because of this, the Periphery gained money through the spoils gained through the Mercs and Royal Navy and the Traders bringing in their own money as we.l

Demographics: The Periphery is home to those who were refugees from the Great War, as such millions of humans and xeno’s would come to intermingle and come to coexist in this society following the principles of the Aora faith which believes in two cosmic beings Aora and Dalios, Aora being goddess of light and Dalios being god of darkness.

Military: The main military force in the Kingdom of the Periphery is the Grand Royal Navy which is ran by Admiral Xal’qu Amath, a Human raised by Xeno’s, the Grand Royal Navy has around 1 million active people and has 3 million in reserves. They have fairly outdated gear and ships making them a somewhat outdated army compared to those of the Center of the system.

History: Grand Merchant King Adolphus Seigfurt, the son of a refugee trader who fled his planet 50 years after some planets near the periphery fell under siege by some decent warlord, the siege ended in the system being torched and billions being forced to find another home make home in a system held by not so terrible pirates, upon this the refugees began to inhabit the planets ans begun to thrive with the pirates. Until one day Laurence Siegfurt, a refugee began to make his way up the ranks within a local pirate group known as the Golden Scarab and took reigns after the former leader Engil Zarak died in a gun fight in Tobin X. Seeing the state of lawlessness his home was now slowly and sorely becoming decided to take his band of merry men and begun recruiting people who would be willing to do trade missions in risky systems and would participate in pirate wars, within 5 years he sized control of the planet of Loha now named Laurentia, named after Laurence. After Loha came Tobin then Hasha, it was here after these conquests, that the Council of the Periphery then held a vote on who would be their next Chief, but at this point and time the Periphery was not yet a Monarchy and was ruled by a council made up of 10 of the most richest men in the 3 systems. Here then they decided that due to his merits and his leadership skills that his title of Chief of the United Periphery Systems would be changed to King of the United Periphery Systems and the councilmen would be relocated to the capital planet of Laurentia and the Council of the Periphery would be renamed to the Council of Elders. 10 years after the foundation of the nation of The Periphery, after 7ish years of peace, the kingdom would face a threat, after a warlord from the southern regions of the Periphery would reach Hasha and begin besieging the planet of Kaith the barbarian warlord would then raze the southern half of the planet and take over some smaller dwarf planets. This whole event and the whole conquering of some neighboring systems prompted the government to convene the Council of Elders. Of which 9/10 decided to tell the king that it would be a wise choice that they meet the attackers with the utmost urgency. And 3 years after the besieging the true battle would begin. The Royal Navy sent out a detachment of men out towards Hasha system, to counter the warlords forces. Of which they were rapidly eliminated and pushed out of the and in conjunction with some smaller power pushed them out and captured their leader Alfrom Lorside and sentenced him to death by tossing into space for his crimes committed in the Periphery.After 30 years of conquest, a miracle occurred when Laurence was 60 and heir was now in line to take reins of his newly formed kingdom, which he gave the name of the Kingdom of the Periphery named after the region in which they settled. A government became a thing and the whole nation of the Periphery became a more civilized place with now the pirates, the most veterans of them joined the Royal Navy and the new ones joined the Privateer Task Company and the Trade Union. After the death of Laurence at the age of 89, and now his son after 4 years of his death, King Adolphus at the age of 32 is monarch of the kingdom. Now a new growing threat looms in the farthest regions of the Periphery, word of a great pirate king has made way to the smaller barbarian worlds, a king who has managed to conquer at least 10 systems and has razed and destroyed anything that got in his way.


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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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@Hakaishin626 Sheet has promise so far, I can tell you that :) I like the idea behind it.

Just make sure to beef it a up a bit, add more info on government and so on, since the nation was founded by refugees, I think you're good on that aspect of the sheet, although further explanation is always welcome :)

And a small note, sadly I have to say that human/xeno hybrids are not a naturally occurring thing in the setting. Maybe like something artificial though. But so far, the idea behind your nation is pretty solid, I'll send you the discord link so we can all help you out.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hakaishin626


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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lucidnonsense


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Ok I worked a few hours on this, still have a lot to go, explaining in more detail some of the other ships, along with adding a bit more cultural detail to the demographics. and also explore the history of TAOSC. even if I dont make it in, it was interesting to think about/write/develope. I might draw pictures later, as Ive sometimes felt iffy about using others artwork without permission. for now I must sleep
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

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I guess it's time to bring up an oldie in new clothes.

I'll work on the history, map claim and other details later.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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@Willy Vereb After a review from both me and Commodore. I'm sorry to say that we feel that the sheet doesn't exactly match the setting. Sorry about that.

@Hakaishin626 After reviewing the latest update, it's a bit rough, but as said, there's potential and we can work out the patches later in the IC, approved!

@Lucidnonsense Currently reviewing your sheet, we'll give a reply soon.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lucidnonsense


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@Willy Vereb After a review from both me and Commodore. I'm sorry to say that we feel that the sheet doesn't exactly match the setting. Sorry about that.

@Hakaishin626 After reviewing the latest update, it's a bit rough, but as said, there's potential and we can work out the patches later in the IC, approved!

@Lucidnonsense Currently reviewing your sheet, we'll give a reply soon.

If you need anything explained or elaborated on let me know, I know sometimes I get a bit confusing.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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@Lucidnonsense Excellent, we'll take it step by step. For starters, I've taken a look at your tech, and I'm sorry to say that you'll have to drop the Fargates, Wormholes, and Backchannel system. The reason being I wish to keep the system of travel sort of streamlined, with everyone in the Sphere uses hyperspace, hyperlanes and so forth. Again, sorry about that.

Gravitics though, that's fine with me and Commodore.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Lucidnonsense


Member Seen 2 yrs ago

@Lucidnonsense Excellent, we'll take it step by step. For starters, I've taken a look at your tech, and I'm sorry to say that you'll have to drop the Fargates, Wormholes, and Backchannel system. The reason being I wish to keep the system of travel sort of streamlined, with everyone in the Sphere uses hyperspace, hyperlanes and so forth. Again, sorry about that.

Gravitics though, that's fine with me and Commodore.

Sounds alright, I can try to work on getting it in line, perhaps ill keep the religious fear of hyperdrive tech, but still have it. and perhaps ill have my hyperdrives be comparatively inefficient, so that ftl travel still feels like its something thats considered costly by my people, at least at the start
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

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@Willy Vereb After a review from both me and Commodore. I'm sorry to say that we feel that the sheet doesn't exactly match the setting. Sorry about that.

@Hakaishin626 After reviewing the latest update, it's a bit rough, but as said, there's potential and we can work out the patches later in the IC, approved!

@Lucidnonsense Currently reviewing your sheet, we'll give a reply soon.
I didn't even write their history section so it feels odd to be rejected before seeing how they could even connect to it. Federation fell 100 or so years ago but before that there had been many breakups. I don't know when did FTL systems began to malfunction, though. With the Stromlosweg being considered FUBAR I think there are many ways they can fit without feeling out.

The only way I can envision them not fitting in is if the species or the techbase raises concerns. Since none of this was brought up though I assume that wasn't the case.

Anyways, roughly how many years ago did the
Federation fight against the unknown alien invaders?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Sigma
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@Willy Vereb
The other parts of your sheet gave us a general impression of what sort of people the Mortes are, and the tone doesn’t exactly mesh well with Orion Asunder. That isn’t to say the setting isn’t averse to warfare, it’s a common occurrence in the Orion Sphere. Again, I do apologize, we just feel the Mortes would be more at home in a Warhammer-like rp.

Regarding the Federation’s downfall, the war against the Barbarians lasted three decades. The post-war period and hyperlane failure took over the course of a decade, finally leading to the actual civil war which lasted another two decades, finally leading to the century-long timeskip leading to the present day.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Willy Vereb
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Willy Vereb The Wordy Engineer

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I wonder if I somehow messed up my wording or perhaps laid the premise a bit too thick. Morte Imperium in all previous iterations were peaceful, the most "action" I got when NPCs attacked my flagship conducting diplomacy in a game around 2017. You may at first think a race which was in perpetual war may want to be aggressive but in reality they would be the most averse to further conflict. They can and if neccessary they would be forceful but conquest and just starting war with another culture they barely even know is not on the list.

To be fair in all previous games first contact was the most I could achieve before the game died (or I dropped out). In many of these scenarios the Morte also had nothing to gain from aggression. Nor was a genuine clash of objectives which could have resulted in conflict. I also admit in retrospect I played the Morte more passive than neccessary and wanted to rectify that this time. But that doesn't mean thr Morte would be some world-burning non-stop aggressor or any sorts of conqueror.

One of the storylines I always wanted to write with the Morte is what would ineviteably happen as the Morte could settle outside their deathly sector. What would happen if the Morte would no longer need to fight for survival? If radiation wouldn't curse them with abyssmal health. If the so-far ironclad social order would gradually dissolve.

Anyways, the Federation's fall happened more recently than I thought. I may need to adjust the history to account for this.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Antediluvixen
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Antediluvixen Kemonomimi Dystopia Creator

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Hmmmmm this looks like it could be very fun

Exactly how wild can we get here?
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