Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Member Seen 2 days ago

The Return of Magic:
Act 1 - An Intro

It has been millenniums since magic graced the mortal realm with her presence. What was once a driving force behind the advancement of humanity has become a thing of myth and legends. There are no books, no information, and most importantly, no mention of the world that once was. When people think of a mage, they think of magic in a game, a cauldron, and a black cat. When people think about humanity's past, they see the achievements alone, not those who pushed them forward. This is by design. Humankind is filled with fear of those who are different, of those who could wield powers that rivaled the gods. Those without powers hunted those who had them, and before long the last mage died. The hunters thought they had killed off the last of magic, and they figured it would never return.

They were wrong.

Magic has returned to the mortal realm. Her presence is weak but present all the same. This has brought forth a new generation of witches and warlocks. Their powers are weak, their knowledge of their history is non-existent, and their options for advancing their abilities are limited. A question hangs in the air over the heads of each mage. What will they do with their newfound powers?

The answer will be revealed soon enough. Each mage has received an invitation to learn. A mysterious benefactor has offered each one the means to journey to an old mansion tucked away from civilization. It is up to them to decide what to make of this opportunity.

One already has.

A single mage inside a lonely car barrels down the road to her future. And she is having a mental breakdown.

- - - - - - - -

"In one mile, your destination will be on the left," the GPS shouted, breaking the silence that Alora had grown accustomed to. Her car screamed to a stop as she slammed her foot down on the brake. Her hands gripped the steering wheel with enough force to cause the rubber to squeak in pain. The grip would subside, return, and lose its strength rapidly. Her left hand shot off the wheel, found her right one wrapped around it, and rubbed them together. The car seemed to echo with each breath she took, with each one faster and shallower than the last. She could feel her thoughts follow the rabbit hole into her dark spaces. Was this a scheme to kill her? Would this be someone who sought to hurt her? Could it be her family plotting to permanently cut her out of their lives? Who else would get her to leave her life behind and travel across the country on a whim?

Alora pressed her back into her seat and looked up at the top of her car. After a few tense moments, her breathing started to relax, as did her hands. They flew off the wheel and onto her face, covering her eyes. She rubbed them a few times before she dragged her hands down her face as she let out a muffled "fuck".

"The card worked for a first-class ticket, a hotel, and this fancy car rental," Alora spoke as she rationalized the situation. The invitation that she had received had come with a prepaid card. It was a semi-gloss silver color, with "the benefactor" etched onto the front. It felt fancy, at least it felt fancy to Alora. "I was able to buy breakfast, a coffee, and pay for tolls." She paused as she sat thoughtless for a moment. "If this was my mind going crazy, would the card have worked? Would I be all the way across the country?" Alora pulled her eyes off the roof and looked at the map on her phone. Before continuing her train of thought, a sensation outside the vehicle drew her attention.

A single, brightly colored leaf was floating through the air. It wasn't the first to fall, but it was the first that caught Alora's attention. Alora took a deep breath and reached out to the leaf. She concentrated, closing her eyes as she did, and tried to feel it fall through the air. She could feel a slight, cool rush of air as it floated downwards. Exhaling, she opened her eyes and watched it touch down on the road's asphalt. Alora could feel the rough texture of the pavement beneath as if touching it herself. A quick smile broke and then faded from her face.

Alora knew what she felt. She could feel nature all around her, and her connection to it had only grown stronger since her powers first appeared. This was not some trick that her mind played on her, this was something she could feel, and this was something that she could do. She could not quantify what she was doing nor explain how she could do it, but it was true to her nonetheless.

Above, she could even feel the weakness between the leaves and the branches they were connected to. It would take a slight breeze to dislodge them and bring them down. Or a tug. Alora rolled down the car window and crossed her arms on the door. She pushed her head out while her attention shot skyward. She focused on the connection between the leaves and the trees and pulled. At first, the leaves did not move; they stood their ground and refused her command. Alora, unphased, raised one hand palm open and slowly began to close it to form a fist. She took a deep breath and slowly pulled her hand down. Above, the branches and leaves attached began to obey. In a quick motion, Alora ripped her hand down, and with it, the canopy gave way.

A torrent of color descended from above. While the pull motion was sudden and powerful, the fall was gentle and peaceful. Alora could feel the sensation of the descent all around her. She felt the cold and brisk air rushing alongside the leaves in front, behind, and to her side. It was intoxicating. The rough texture of the ground was the only thing to break her free from staying in that moment.

"This is real," Anora whispered. Alora pulled herself into the driver's seat and placed a hand on her shifter. In a quick motion, she was back in drive, and her foot was on the gas. As the car lurched forward, the radio began to play a fitting but an oddly specific song.

She had questions that needed answers. She eventually turned into a long, windy driveway. The driveway was lined with trees and bushes that had long since died. It took five minutes of driving before she arrived at the decrepit mansion. Her eyes darted from the ruined roof to the desecrated porch and back to a massive dead tree resting on the house's side. To Alora, this indicated that this place had not been inhabited for a long time. Alora could not help but shake that someone, or something, was watching her from the house. The more she thought, the more it felt like the house was watching her.

Against her better judgment, Alora exited her vehicle and headed toward the door. She did not know what was ahead of her or her future. She knew that she had these powers, and someone was going to explain what they were and why she had them.


As the rest of the new mages arrive, they will notice many of the same things Alora did. From the broken house to the tree on the side and the unnerving presence that beckons them inside. Whoever this mysterious benefactor is, he certainly has an affinity for horror. The location itself indicates this. However, what he has in store for this group is anything but known. Will this benefactor keep up his end of the bargain and offer to train these wielders of magic? Or does he have some nefarious plan in store for the party?

The party is at a crossroads, and they must choose which direction to go. Shall they travel down the road less traveled and head towards a more magical future? Or will they follow the path they have always traveled and forgo their destiny? Will they even have a choice?
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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Spin The Wheel Random Skeleton

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Elio had been lucky, lately. Very lucky. And that made him suspicious. When he read the letter, he was fairly close to the location it asked him to go to. The bus didn't arrive late, and arrived early at his next stop. He had even found an uneaten hamburger on the bus seat. Truly a blessed day. But if there was anything this curly haired teen knew, it was that blessings and curses came together.

As the teen meandered through the woods, he considered the shining square in front of him. The card, then. It had come with the letter. Elio had checked it, of course, and found a frankly reckless amount of cash for an unsecured card. He hadn't touched any of it. He didn't really need it, close as he was, and he didn't want to use it either, afraid of some hidden strings attached. There was no such thing as a free lunch. Well, except for the burger he just ate.

Elio put the shining card into one of his hidden pockets. He didn't trust it much, but that didn't mean he wouldn't take it. Who knows, whoever gave it to him might let him keep it. As he trudged down the forest path, he thought about that - who had sent the letter? Somehow they knew where he was before he had arrived. It was probably magic, he thought to himself. If he could shoot fire out of hands, knowing where someone was seemed rather simple. It was easy enough for ad companies to do, if you were stupid enough to keep your phone's location on. Well, Elio's phone was usually off anyway, so that couldn't have been it. A part of him was still sceptical of magic's existence. The incredulous and imaginative part, that seemed to think that his parents had slipped him some kind of hallucigenic mushroom while he wasn't looking. If only things were that simple.

The blue eyed teen came to some kind of driveway, snaking through the forest. A portion of the surrounding bushland met the road at a certain point, but it seemed as if someone had ripped a hole through it. Elio shrugged and walked through. Perhaps someone had come ahead of him. Someone with a bull dozer. As he walked forward, however, he began to notice a subtle pull. The longer he walked down the path, the stronger it became. It wasn't a very pleasant feeling, but not particularly repulsive. He didn't really know how to explain it. Finally, he saw it - in the middle of a clearing was a manor, old and decrepit. The closer he got to the mansion the more he doubted his eyes. It was like a house made by giants, excessively large for a place that was meant to be lived in by human beings.

Maybe it wasn't meant for humans to live in.

He stopped in front of the manor. It was clear that it had been abandoned for some time. Elio was starting to believe that he was the victim of some kind of practical joke. Maybe he had been called to some kind of game show to go on an Alice in Wonderland-esque adventure. Yeah, maybe his parents had slipped in those mushrooms after all. Fortunately, if it was a prank, he wasn't the only one that got caught by it, judging by the black car in front of him. The driver was at the door - a woman, if the back of their head was any indication. Elio regarded the car. It was a rental car, high end. He was pretty familiar with these kinds of things. Perhaps whoever had arrived before him had paid for it using the card? If they could just casually give that kind of wealth to 2 complete strangers, they must be pretty confident in their financial power. But what if it was more than just 2?

Elio looked around. He disregarded the strange gravity of the mansion, the feeling that if he turned around he could spot eyes from the windows looking down on him. He had been invited because of his newly awakened magic, did that mean the woman was invited for the same reason? How many more of them were there? He turned to look at the woman crossing the threshold of the mansion.
And what happens when you go in? He thought to himself.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Location: 666 Mystic Lane, North Reading, MA
Interactions: None

He got down from the Uber he paid to take him here. It was a trip to come right around here. Though the driver wasn't sure of the road so he dropped him some steps away from the indicated spot. Not like that was exactly an issue for him either. After all, he never heard of the place before. He didn't even know such a street existed. Even though he did shows around the entire country and beyond, such a location was not known to anyone. Blaming the driver for actually wanting to be safe was the last thing he needed to do.

When he arrived at the indicated spot, all that he could see were trees. Trees, grasses... maybe a bird or two... and more trees. In fact, it had so many trees that he could barely see anything beyond it! Was that really the right place? Did he read it wrong? He grabbed the invitation to read it again.

"OK, this is really the right spot. But wasn't a house supposed to be here?" He asked himself.

As he approached it, suddenly a butterfly appeared and stared at him. Then, it flew toward the forest. Once he looked at it more carefully, it was really bright, as if it was a guiding light showing the pathway to where he was supposed to actually go. His eyes glimmered at that thought. That butterfly...

"It's got to be a magical butterfly, for sure." He said.

As a real nerdy person, Leon was actually not that skeptical of magic. After all, he himself had magical powers. Mostly uncontrollable, with nasty vertigo that made him sick a lot of times... but a magical power, nonetheless. And as an anime/manga/video game nerd, he was nowhere near as scared of that possibility. In fact, this was actually exciting! "A world of magic lies beyond these trees, hidden from the prying eyes of humankind, only susceptible to the chosen ones. Now you, as the hero, must now control your powers and master them!" It was such a basic isekai or a fantasy JRPG plot but Leon was liking it so far!

(If any other person were to be in my shoes, they'd definitely find this weird. I think I'm actually glad that I'm a nerd at heart. This is far more exciting than... well, having to deal with her...) He thought.

He pulled out his cell phone and went on WhatsApp. The first conversation to appear was the one with his mom. A rather unpleasant one, after everything that unfolded in the past few months.

"No time thinking about her now. Time to go in and see what awaits me!" He said, excited, while following the butterfly.

The forest expense was huge. The invitation hasn't been too specific on the conditions he was going to walk in, only giving him the directions necessary to get wherever he should go. Although no longer physically together with his rather prestigious family, he knew it was rude to deny an invitation. There was always that thing about "never talking with strangers" that his mother taught him when he was a kid. But he was an adult now. So he decided to take the risk and just roll with it, not knowing what else to expect once he arrived. If anything, this was already better than whatever was being thrown at him during his time in showbiz.

(It has been a while since I ever had something to actually do and look forward to! I mean, in the sense of REAL anticipation!) He thought.

After traveling the whole way, he finally arrived at the house. The old, falling apart, victorian mansion which the "Benefactor" was supposed to be. Considering he lived in a mansion before, the surprise wasn't exactly the fact that it was enormous, but the choice of style taken by this mysterious sender. If he had the money to actually buy a house, why an old one? Was it because of its location, or because it was a personal choice of his own? Either way, he had to admit that it was pretty hidden from the public eyes. The forest itself felt like an even bigger maze, so entering or leaving without any directions was risky, if not completely hopeless.

"So... this is where I'm supposed to stay. It feels hollow... almost truly abandoned." He spoke to himself. Still, he approached the house and quickly saw that two other people stood there.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hyyde322


Member Seen 15 days ago

Thank god, no more voices. Cassandra pulled the headphones down around her neck as she walked along the road that was supposed to lead to her destination. She could not drive yet, so renting a car was not up for debate and hitchhiking was out of the question. The unwanted conversations she would hear would have been enough to drive her insane and forget about taking the bus. It was hard enough getting here on the plane she reluctantly had to take. It figures her first plane ride would come with a bad experience, if it were not for the headphones she bought, she did not know how she would have made it through.

Almost deaf from the music she had playing, but it helped. Even if it just muffled the voices she heard in her head, it was a welcome distraction from what she had been dealing with for the past few weeks. It was not all bad, she found a few groups to add to her list of musical interests.

At least it's not too far, she thought as she walked along the road as she took in the sights around her. The changing of the colors on the leaves reminded her of home and all the festivities that came along with the changing seasons. The sales of freshly baked pumpkin pies, the selling of pumpkins for carving, all the decorations people put on their houses, the smell of homemade cider, all came flooding back to her. The rush of nostalgia for a life she may never be able to go back to was enough to bring a few tears to her eyes.

Most of all, she missed her family, especially her brother. Since she began this trip, she never stopped wondering how he got on without her. It was around this time of day she would go to pick him up from school and they would walk home together. She would get him a treat before they reached their house and they would talk all the way home. Pulling the picture out she brought with her as she walked along the road, she stared intensely at it all the while trying ignore the lump she had in her throat. Sorry kid, looks like you'll have to walk home without me, she thought to herself.

Distracted, she almost walked passed her destination as she quickly snapped back to reality. She stopped in front of the driveway that seemingly lead to a run-down manor. She was met with the view dead trees and other deceased vegetation as she slowly strolled toward the manor. Halfway there, she could see the place she had been sent to had seen better days, oh, oh ho, perfect, this place is perfect, I've always wanted to be murdered in a place just like this. The entire place sent chills down her spine the closer she got and it did not help that it was taking what felt like hours to reach the place. Her fear would be somewhat quelled as she saw a few people standing outside. Please be normal people, please be normal people, she chanted to herself as she crossed her fingers and prayed.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Member Seen 2 days ago

The Return of Magic:
Act 1 - An Intro

Scene two - The house beckons

Alora's attention shifted from the house to a new, strange sensation behind her. "What..." Anora felt like someone had started standing over her, but the sensation was far away from her body. Her mind focused on this feeling as she tried to decipher what it was exactly. She could feel ridges overtop that dug deep into what felt like her body. "One, no two? One again, and now three, four," she thought to herself as these sensations grew in number and strength. Alora closed her eyes as she focused her senses on this new one. "Four, two, one, three," she began to count out the sensations in time. Each one would press down on her for a moment before pulling back up. After a delay, another sensation would appear in front of where the last one was. Before long, she realized that these pressure points traveled together in pairs.

After a few more moments Alora began to recognize the rhythm of each motion. "Are these..." she paused as she focused on it further, "Step, step," Alora muttered to herself, "step, step." A second later, and with wide eyes, Alora blurted out "shoes," as the realization set in that she was no longer alone. They turned around slowly, and in obvious pain, and her sight was greeted by three new, and perplexing faces.


The first, and closest, person she saw was this young man who looked to be no older than 18. His clothes appeared mismatched and strewn together with no thought for making it work as a whole. She shifted her focus and eyed up the second. This one was older than the first but appeared younger than Alora by a few years. His hair was a vivid blue with nary a stray of whatever his original hair color present. Alora figured this meant he was very good at doing it himself or had the money to have it done again regularly. There was something about his face that was so oddly familiar. Alora had seen that face before, but she did not know where.

The third face she saw was one that grabbed her attention more than the first two. She was also much younger than Alora, though she had a beautiful floral tattoo that grabbed Alora's focus. She had always wanted a tattoo, though she never had the time nor mental energy to commit to one. Alora's eyes rose up and rested on the eyes of this new woman, and lingered for what felt like an eternity before she realized she was making eye contact and pulled her focus away. As they did, her attention was brought back to the same crushing sensation as before and they winced in clear pain. She looked down at each individual's shoes and realized that they were in the exact spot she felt the sensation.

"Can you all get off the grass, it hurts." Alora pointed towards the grass, before motioning towards the gravel driveway nearby. "I am Alora, I take it you all got the same letter from a benefactor?"

- - - -

Much like Alora, the rest of the group would also find that their powers were much more intense in this area. Cassandra may find it harder to push out the voices in her mind and control her illusions, Leon would find it harder to control the destination of his teleportation and may teleport much further than he could, and Elio's control over his chaos flame would diminish as the flame grew in intensity. As well, a presence inside the house beckons each one to head inside. This presence is unlike anything the group had experienced. It felt like something incredibly ancient was looking at each one and commanding them to obey its instruction.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by MagusDream
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MagusDream Fairy Light Magus

Member Seen 11 mos ago

Location: 666 Mystic Lane, North Reading, MA
Interactions: Alora (@MagratheanWhale)

BGM: The Centennial Festival for Magical Girls (Touhou Koumakyou: Embodiment of Scarlet Devil)

Much like Alora, the rest of the group would also find that their powers were much more intense in this area. Cassandra may find it harder to push out the voices in her mind and control her illusions, Leon would find it harder to control the destination of his teleportation and may teleport much further than he could, and Elio's control over his chaos flame would diminish as the flame grew in intensity. As well, a presence inside the house beckons each one to head inside. This presence is unlike anything the group had experienced. It felt like something incredibly ancient was looking at each one and commanding them to obey its instruction.

As Leon approached the house, an overwhelming pressure caused a chill to run down his spine. It's as if an immense power was running through the area. In a more nerdy comparison, it was like facing a level 99 boss but you're level 1 using the basic equipment at least. Any false move could lead to his downfall, and not even his power would be able to save him. Whatever this presence was, there was absolutely no way to defeat it. The only way Leon could get through it was to await whatever it had to do. And that wasn't the only thing eating away at Leon's heart.

(As if this oppressing presence wasn't problem enough, it feels like my powers are spiraling out of control. If I teleport right now, I could end up in another country. I don't think I'm supposed to actually feel this way, but I do. Whoever's emitting this aura is messing up with mine and this isn't good.) He thought.

"Can you all get off the grass, it hurts." Alora pointed towards the grass, before motioning towards the gravel driveway nearby. "I am Alora, I take it you all got the same letter from a benefactor?"

But before he could continue thinking, a woman's voice ran through his ear. He decided to turn at her. Upon first glance, she did look rebellious. The type of woman who would definitely play punk rock (or even heavy metal) in showbiz. Intimidating, cold, fierce... aggressive. With the intonation of voice that perfectly suits the role of a villainess, the berserker types. Though before any sort of reaction, he just followed her instructions and stepped into the gravel driveway. It was smarter for him to just listen to her than to confront her.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to actually damage nature. In any case, I did receive the same letter as you described. And my name's Leon. It's a pleasure." He responded, introducing himself to Alora.

It seems like Alora didn't recognize Leon's identity as Alear, which was quite beneficial for him. Not only he didn't need to act like his idol self, but he could also chat with her, a stranger that never knew his other side and seemed uninterested in it. After all, not everyone was a fan of Alear Alstroemeria.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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Spin The Wheel Random Skeleton

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Elio looked down. He did, in fact, have one foot on the grass.
"Sorry." He muttered quietly. He wasn't really sure if she heard it or not.
He wasn't sure if she'd really felt his foot either. Maybe she was just a weirdo - no shortage of those around here. At any rate, the people he was waiting for were here, presumeably.

The brown haired teen stayed right where he was, next to the car that wasn't his, which was hiding his back from people he didn't know. He was on his guard, as always, and for some reason he was getting somewhat nervous. A bead of sweat rolled down his back as he studied the group. Was it just him or was it getting warmer? Maybe the sunlight was getting to him.

Elio studied the people who came. He was pretty sure he'd seen the other guy on TV at some point, but the details eluded him. He watched a lot of TV (when he could watch one, anyway), but he mostly stuck to old action movies. He wasn't really sure where he came from, but it seemed to be right on the tip of his tongue, which bothered him immensely. In addition, his name was Leon, and that was close enough to his own name to make him annoyed. Elio quietly stared at him, as a grimace unknowingly formed on his face. The other 2 strangers made him wary, but this fashionable young man was even more dangerous.

"I'm Elio." He said quickly. "Just Lio is fine, though."
He couldn't let him get too far ahead.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hyyde322


Member Seen 15 days ago

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Hyyde322


Member Seen 15 days ago

Cassandra had finally reached the area where the people she could only hope were not deranged psychopaths who lured people to this run-down manor to meet their demise. Much to her surprise, she stood corrected about her assumption when one introduced herself as Alora, but the introduction was cut short as the woman pointed towards the grass and asked her to get off of it.

"Can you all get off the grass, it hurts." Alora pointed towards the grass, before motioning towards the gravel driveway nearby. "I am Alora, I take it you all got the same letter from a benefactor?"

Oh sorry, wasn't even paying attention, She quickly stepped onto the gravel driveway while not forgetting to unintentionally crush a few blades underneath her foot. Hoping she wouldn't notice the involuntary clumsy disregard for the other blades of grass, Cassandra turned her attention toward the woman again

She had to admit as far as first impressions went, she was a bit intimidated by Alora. She seemed to have a cold and aggressive demeanor about her. Her choice of clothing screamed rebel and her hairstyle was interesting, to say the least. The grass thing was a little strange, but if any of them were suffering from the same thing she was, strange was something to be expected.

This was someone her father would hit the roof if he knew Cassandra was even remotely associated with, not that she was one to just write this girl off without a chance. Cassandra could not help but notice the woman before her was gazing at her. Uh, Name's Cassandra or cassie, whichever one you prefer, she stuck her hand in the air as a nervous quick gesture of greeting. Yeah, he said he had answers to what's been going on, but after seeing this dump, I'm kind of wondering if we've been lured here to be murdered. She look over the manor one more time before looking back to the rest of the group that had arrived.

One had introduced himself as Leon. He looked familiar, but for the life of her, she could not put her finger on where she had seen him, television maybe? The other one who called himself Elio, well.....looked a little rough around the edges.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by NoriWasHere
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Member Seen 2 days ago

The Return of Magic:
Act 1 - An Intro

Scene three- The house beckons

"Sorry, I didn't mean to actually damage nature. In any case, I did receive the same letter as you described. And my name's Leon. It's a pleasure."

Leon,” Alora thought to herself, “that is not the name I thought I would hear.” Alora truthfully did not expect to hear any name in particular, she however expected to get one that helped her figure out who he was. She gave the mystery man a simple nod in acknowledgement.

"I'm Elio. Just Lio is fine, though."

“Lio, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

“Uh, Name's Cassandra or cassie, whichever one you prefer. Yeah, he said he had answers to what's been going on, but after seeing this dump, I'm kind of wondering if we've been lured here to be murdered”

Alora let out a laugh at Cassie’s response. “Well, if they did want to murder us they chose an amazing place to do it,” Alora paused as she took in the visage of the house, “the internet would love a murder mystery set in such a place.” Alora looked over the group again person by person. “Besides, if someone did want to kill us it wouldn’t make sense for them to bring us all together as I assume you all ha-" Alora paused as she realized the words he was about to say aloud to this group of strangers. Oh, this is insane. This is the moment where I will realize just how crazy I am. Like who actually believes in magic? As she became trapped in her thoughts her breathing once again became shallow and fast paced. Alora would not let herself be trapped in these thoughts for long, and she broke back to the present as she gulped in a deep breath and exhaled equally hard. Her eyes darted to the ground and shifted for a second until she saw a patch of nearly dead dandelions at her feet.

“I assume you all have some form of magic,” Alora said as she squatted down and placed her hand on the ground next to the dandelions. She took in a deep breath before she conjured forth her magic. In an instant the dandelions became more lifelike in both color and appearance. In an instant, the dandelion was brought to a bloom as the yellow flower erupted forth. “I can control plants, and nature, I guess? I can also feel what the plants feel hence why… your footsteps hurt.” As Alora pulled her magic back she looked up from the ground and towards the group. “A month ago I developed it. Thought I was going crazy at first. One minute the world made more sense, you know? The next minute I can feel the gust of wind on each blade of grass and it’s-" Alora exhaled as she focused her breathing once again, “so exhausting.”

“What about you all? What fun parlor tricks brought you here?”

Behind her the house groaned as a strong wind blasted across it's broken visage. The wind would flow down and crash across the group bringing an icy chill with it. The group would feel the wind ebb and flow across the group reminding them that the seasons marched forward regardless of their new found discoveries. Something would feel off about this wind, and each remember of the group would feel an unnatural chill fall down their spine.
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Spin The Wheel
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Spin The Wheel Random Skeleton

Member Seen 9 mos ago

Elio felt the burn in his body. He considered letting it out, letting it breathe. It would be easy, effortless even. All he had to was let it flow, follow the channels, and project it out of his open palms... But he quickly crushed his desires into his fist. It had taken him some time to arrive at this mansion, and for a good portion of that, he had been walking. With nothing better to do, he had practised his new 'ability'. He wanted to know what it was, how it worked. He wanted to control it, so that he wouldn't burn anymore of his belongings. His progress was... disappointing.

The chief issue was its frustrating inconsistency. Sometimes, things would go fine. He would think of a form for it, and it would come out more less like he wanted it too. As for every other time, well. Elio had mostly been travelling in the wilderness with no one around, and that had proven to be a wise decision. His parents' book had helped, or maybe it hadn't. Sometimes, before he released the energy, he could feel whether it would be good or bad for him. He still didn't know how it would end up, and it didn't work all the time, but sometimes he would have a bad feeling, and every time he released his magic with that bad feeling, bad things happened. A pretty clear and obvious association, but he couldn't help but be frustrated at the vagueness of it all. How much of it was because of the book, and how much of it was his own intuition?

"Do you think this is the time for that?" Elio asked, turning his head to scan the surroundings. "It feels a bit... ominous around here."
Ominous, that was a good word for it. Whether it was the chill wind blowing in, or the feeling of being watched from the windows, something felt off. He had a pretty good instinct about these kinds of things, but nothing looked out of place. Was it just him being nervous from meeting with strangers? Was it because his nerves had been worn down by the journey? Or could it have been some magical sense he had been newly awoken to?

Whatever it was, he would probably only find out after it happened. That was how things usually ended up for Elio.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Hyyde322


Member Seen 15 days ago

Alora let out a laugh at Cassie’s response. “Well, if they did want to murder us they chose an amazing place to do it,” Alora paused as she took in the visage of the house, “the internet would love a murder mystery set in such a place.” Alora looked over the group again person by person. “Besides, if someone did want to kill us it wouldn’t make sense for them to bring us all together as I assume you all ha-"

The thought of being murdered and ending up as a footnote in someone's internet murder mystery was not exactly an appealing idea. Of course she knew Alora was joking......hopefully. "yeeaah, I'd rather not end up on the nine o clock news or the internet." Thoughts of being murdered aside, she had to reluctantly agree. If there was ever a perfect place to kill a group of people, this would be it. Moving on from the thought of her possible imminent demise, Cassandra Turned her attention to Alora who had mentioned something about the reason they were all here before seemingly being cut short before restarting her sentence.

Showing the demonstration of her control over plants, she watched in awe as this girl who she met not two moments ago bring a dead flower back to life. "Y-you just." She had no words for what she had just seen, and did she mention something about magic? There was no way that's what was happening to her "d-did you say magic? There's no way that's what's going on." Is that the reason she had been hearing voices?

To say she was shocked was an understatement, but before she could get lost in her thoughts, Alora had asked about their abilities. "Uh......I don't know about magic, but I've....been hearing voices....if that counts, I guess I can make fake images of stuff too." To hear it out loud was crazy, hearing voices, making images, who wouldn't write her off as a lunatic?
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