Magical was once as essential to the development of mankind as fire or even the wheel. The witches and warlocks of our past worked hard to uplift their fellow humans and push them forward toward the future. However, as you know, our history books make no mention of our magically adept ancestors. No mention of the great wonders they built or the evil they defeated and banished away. This is by design. Those who could not wield the magic felt jealous, afraid even, by those who could and hunted them to extinction. It has been a thousand years since the last spell was cast, five hundred years since the last authentic trial and one hundred years since those whose bloodline was devoted to the murder of magic sheathed their blades and considered their quest completed.
Yet magic stirs once more in the realm of mortals. A new day dawns on a new generation of witches and warlocks, and only questions remain. Are they ready for the perils that await them? The monsters of the night that have been locked away seek to break the chains that bound them. Most importantly, would they be ready to stand up to the whole of humanity and face the wrath of their fear? These questions will not be answered overnight. As such, an invitation was sent to each of those that the magic returned to, inviting them to a place where they can learn to harness their powers.
They should do well to learn quickly. In the quiet corners of the internet, people have begun to report strange creatures, and people have started to disappear randomly. Could it be a coincidence, or could the return of magic be tied to something much more sinister?
** Howdy **
Whale here looking to do this magic-themed RP again. I think the IRL medical issues that sidelined this are under control again and I look forward to advancing through the story/
The basic premise is magic was once a natural part of our world. After years of hunting witches and warlocks to extinction, magic, among other things, disappeared seemingly for good. Now that magic has returned, and with it, the monsters of old, a new era of witches and warlocks much rise to the challenge. I plan to allow players to have some liberty with the magic their character can wield, but remember that you *just* got these powers. You will not be powerful yet.
Let me know if anyone has any questions! I am aiming for 4-6 players and could be happy to start with more or less than that!
Humanity has long benefited from magic, even if it has been dormant. In the early years, those who could wield magic helped propel the human race toward the future. Those who could command the water helped spread life in the most inhospitable places, while wind mages helped humanity sail the seas.
While humanity benefited greatly, their lack of powers relative to those who wielded magic led to a collective distrust. As this distrust grew, so did fear. As the fear dwelled in the hearts of man, so too did anger. Eventually, this hostile atmosphere blew up in the year 1200 BC, and a great war was fought all across the globe. Water mages flooded fields, fire mages burned soldiers to a crisp, and force mages crushed whole armies inside their armor. Though as powerful as they were, humanity had numbers and could weather the storm and thus humanity eventually won the war.
What followed was centuries of hunts that led to the eradication of magic and all its users. This did not stop those whose purpose was to find, capture and kill warlocks and witches. If anything, these hunters grew even more wicked and cruel in their search. Many innocent lives were lost at the pyre, and many more lived in fear of these monstrous humans and their ways.
Everything wrong can eventually give way to what is good. The hunts ended nearly a hundred years ago, and those who devoted their lives to eradicating any trace of magic could leave that life behind and join the modern world.
The hunters were very thorough in their mission to eradicate magic and all traces of its existence. You will find it hard to learn any information about the magical world, and what you see may be impossible to decipher. Some tomes may offer insights into your magic powers and they could help turn the tide against the enemies we will face. Thus far, we have not encountered much in the way of our mystical foes. That will change. As we discover and defeat our enemies, we will learn how to best them again.
Thus far the only name of mention is the mysterious benefactor. Their name, motives, and appearance are all a mystery,
A Cabin in the Woods
The mansion where we start our journey is a run-down, old victorian style mansion. Vines snake around the outside of the estate, the wooden floor has grown weak and creaky, and the air inside feels stagnant and pungent. Nature has already begun to take back what was once hers and hers alone. The mansion bellows disturbing energy as if someone or something is always watching out from the windows. Inside, you may hear strange sounds that can not be explained.
The strangest of most is the size of the doors and passageways. The inside and outdoor frames tower above most others at fifteen feet tall. Was this a style choice, or was this place built for a massive occupant?
How does magic work? Magic will work on a similar level to most skills. To master it, you must hone it through practice and experience. At the start, you can do a few things, but throughout the story, you will be able to expand.
A fire mage can conjure fire, a wind mage can push enemies away, and a water mage can change the course of a river without a single thought. To use these powers, it will be less chanting and more doing. Like running, you do not need to think about the action to act on it. Thus, your usage of magic will be something you can do without much in the way of it. As you progress through the magic, there may come a time when you have to use a spell book, a chant, or even a prepared spell to achieve a higher level.
At all times, you can run the risk of over-exerting your magic. Like running, you can hurt yourself if you try to run too fast for too long. The damage can be minor or very bad if you try to push through the pain. A fire mage could feel their temperature rising at the start, but the magic can quickly spiral out of control consuming the fire mage in a blazing inferno. A force mage could find their body breaking under the stress of their magic. This risk is true for all schools of magic.
Combat will be a simple "I take this action" on your part, followed by my response to the action. Each enemy and monstrous foe will have a weakness that the player can exploit. That said, you may not be able to brute force your way through an encounter, and brute force could spell trouble. If there are ten enemies in front of the party, and you rush in the middle of them trying to do something extraordinary, that may be problematic for your character. Don't do stupid stuff! Death is something I will reserve but potentially could bring out for PC during the story.
1. Thou shall not control another character unless permission is granted. 2. Thou shall not argue. 3. Thou shall not overlook these rules. 4 Thou shall know our enemies called you stupid. 5. Thou shall know I want to know if you agree. 6. Thou shall know I want a PM with your response. 7. Thou shall have fun.
Name: [picture] "Character quote"
What does your character look like? What do they wear? Images work in conjunction, but I ask that we do not use overly anime or cartoon-styled pictures. It is not a hard rule, so feel free to use said pictures if that is what you want for your character :)
Personality: {Three}{charater}{traits}
Please include a concise description of who your character is.
Be as detailed as you'd like. I would include all pertinent information about what your character has done or has been through. Keep in mind these characters are from the modern world and, for the most part, will have lived a life that is not mystical. While that is quickly changing, the base point remains! Please also include what it was like for them when they got their powers and how they learned they had them!
Any item they carry :)
What magic does your character have? What can they do with it currently?
I would like enough information to know what your powers are and what weaknesses you feel are appropriate. We are going to start limited with these powers and grow into them. Below, you will find an example used in my own CS.
Example: Alora's magic allows her to exert control over plant life. Thus far, she can manipulate her green friends to grow at a faster rate, sway on command, and can magically graft one plant onto another. This ability has grown stronger since she was first gifted her powers. At the start, she could only command a plant to follow her hand. As the weeks turned into a month, Alora noticed that she was becoming in tune with the plant life. While she can not see through them or hear, she can get a glimpse of what they feel around them. What scents are in the air, and what grounds have been stepped on?
These powers come with downsides, as all do. The more Alora tries to exert her control over plants, the more lost she can become in the networks of green life. There is a near-infinite number of plant life in a forest, from the pedals of grass to the massive mycelium colonies buried deep in the ground and all the pollen in the air. If she spends too long in tune with nature, her mind may as well be lost in it. As well, when she first discovered and started to use her power, she over-exerted herself. Her skin began to harden for a brief moment and appeared like bark. Alora would do well to avoid prolonged use of her powers, as one can not see the forest if one is a tree.
To whom it may concern,
Welcome to a world unlike any other. You have noticed that you have a magical gift and may be wondering how I have located you. Let's say I, too, am gifted in the mystic arts. It is important to note that you are the first generation of warlocks and witches our world has seen in thousands of years. This development is an exciting time for you, me, and humanity.
Not all will see it this way, and not all that is magical will be a friend. As magic has returned, so too have the creatures that the mages of old banished. If I can sense you, so too will the hunters. You are now in danger, and your life will be different forever.
I extend an invitation. I offer a tutor to help you in your magical journey and a safe place to conduct these affairs. Enclosed you will find the address and a prepaid card. Use this money and make your way to 666 Mystic Lane, North Reading, MA.
[hider=Cassandra Thompson][center]Cassandra Thompson "Don't sweat the small stuff"
Gender: Female
Age: 19
Appearance: Cassandra stands at about a stern five-foot-seven with a slender build. Not the tallest but what can she do, as for her style, it can best be described as down home. She wears what she feels is comfortable, and the colors she chooses are somewhat all over the place. Typically she can be seen wearing a blue crop top denim vest and a white shirt with the sleeves hanging on her arms. She wears ripped black skinny jeans and red high top sneakers, as for accessories, she wears a choker accompanied with a necklace and two black bracelets.
Cassandra has long brown hair and keeps it in a messy ponytail further adding to her down homey look. Her most notable feature is the full sleeve tattoo on her left arm which glows when she casts spells. It's not the greatest style, but it's her's
Personality: {Witty}{Affable}{easygoing}
For the most part, Cassandra is easy to get along with. Growing up in the rural parts of the country, she brings that small town hospitality rural areas are known for......well most areas. Her motto is "you take care of me and I'll take care of you." She is the big sister to those who befriend her just like the one they never had. What's that, they're older? Tough, she is the big sister anyway, being the eldest of two children, has, she can't help it. She will be a shoulder to cry on, offer advice, and tease them when she feels they need it.
Her wit is something to be admired as it goes hand in hand with er sarcasm. It is something saved for people she doesn't care for, people she cares for, people she doesn't know, pretty much everyone. The meaner the remark, the more the person she's directing it to will know how she feels about them. But not to worry it's very hard to get on her bad side.
She is very easy to talk to and when she's not having a bad day,very easy to approach and her eye rolling dry sense of humor comes standard, dad jokes non negotiable. Beyond her more positive traits, she suffers from insecurities brought on by her powers. She is afraid of hurting someone she cares about or even people in general due to her lack of control over it. Having powers bestowed on anyone from a plane she never knew existed will do that to anyone. She gets frustrated when she can't control it and hates when people give attention to it. Expect her to snap and quickly apologize when she calms down.
Cassandra was born in a small town in the Midwest. Her childhood was normal at best. She went to school, got good grades, and the latter. Her parents made a decent living being able to put food on the table and a roof over her head, get her into extracurricular activities and everything that could keep a kid out of trouble. It was not easy to get into trouble living in a small town where everyone knew everyone especiallywhen her father was the fire chief. She had everything a girl could need and then some....well almost everything. Being an only child was not all it was cracked up to be. All that would change in the the spring a week after her thirteenth birthday when she met her younger brother. It was the best late birthday gift she could ask for.
As time went on, she would spend the remainder of her time in the small town she grew up in now with her little brother at her side. She entered high school during the fall where she would find her love for the drums, banging on things that always seemed to interest her. When summer hit, she graduated from highschool and began to prepare for college. Unfortunately, college was out of the question as misfortune would strike.
about a month ago, she began to hear voices. At first they were quiet and she would hear the occasional whisper when she passed by someone. As days turned into weeks, the whispers began to grow into full on voices and got worse as time went on. she could not even be in crowds without hearing talking that wasn't her own and eventully could not be outside without having headphones on and blasting loud music to keep from hearing the whispers.
she could not for the life of her figure out what was happening to her and would finally hit a breaking point when misfortune would strike again. It would strike in the form of what she could only describe as these insanely bizarre coincidences. The breaking point came in the form of an illusion she manifested in a public restroom that took the form of a soap dispenser. She could not believe what had happened and thought she was going insane.
All of this put a damper on her psyche and she would barely leave the house for fear of something else happening. Her family even began to take notice and wanted to get her help and tried to send her to a mental institution. Before they could, she received a package with a postcard in the mail promising help, and rather than spend however long they planned to keep her, she would take her chances with the mysterious offer. She packed what she could carry, said goodbye to her brother, and fled under the dark of night.
-an extra pair of clothes -A picture of her family -headphone
Magic: Cassandra's magic is more on the mental aspect of things. In most aspects, she would be classified as a psychic as her magic has to do with mental forces. She can use a wide variety of telepathic abilities from telepathic to illusions and more. At the moment, the most she can do is read minds and create illusions of small objects.
Her magic is not under her complete control and can tend to get a bit out of hand when in use. reading people's thoughts all the time would wear on anyone's nerves. Not being able to turn it off is even worse, that being said, her telepathy only works on people a few feet away from her. She can't get any farther than that. Reading minds sounds fun in theory, but when you can't turn it off, well it tends to, in layman's terms....suck. She can only read the minds of conscious beings and non mindless entities such as robots, the undead, and the like. Her illusions are limited to small objects[/hider]
Alright, here we are. WIP because I'm bad at finding pictures. If you need me to change something, feel free to tell me.
Name: Elio Abbelman "I hope you know what you're doing. Because I don't."
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Appearance: Short and scrawny, Elio looks a bit younger than his real age. His messy brown curls and faded clothes speak to his unfortunate circumstances, but his clear blue eyes shine with bright defiance. He doesn't have many sets of clothes in his beaten backpack, so his outfit coordination is sloppy at best. But he makes do with what he has.
Personality: Sceptical | Withdrawn | Persistent Elio's youth belies a cynical sensibility, molded by his environment. He keeps his distance from others and treats things he doesn't understand with skepticism. The years have not yet blunted his optimism, but he has become more and more resigned to his circumstances in recent years. Nonetheless, the stubborness that comes with youth has not yet left him.
It can be easy to think of the modern era as one no longer in need of magic. They had magic in a different form now, wondrous machines that did things their ancestors couldn't even dream of. But people never truly forgot their love of magic, the need of spirituality. In the age of religous freedom, when Christianity's tyrannical grasp finally loosened from peoples' lives, they were free to explore their spirituality in any way they chose. There were some who took advantage of this wondrous freedom, rekindling the ancient ways. They did what they could to stop these practices, pointing and rooting out cult after cult filled with arcane enthusiasts. But after years of chasing shadows, the general consensus was that these new beliefs were ultimately harmless. They were just chasing after the shadows of magic, rather than recreating it. Meditation, chakras, and energy were mere amusements in today's enlightened age. Flashy, insubstantial, and inexplicably popular. And when something so vacuous spreads its immense influence on the people, leeches would inevitably emerge.
From the very moment of his birth, chaos followed Elio. His parents, poor by any measure, had spirited him away from the hospital he had been born in, in an effort to avoid adding a hefty hospital bill on top of their already sizeable debts. Their occupation was not a particularly prosperous one, but they were bound by their noble mission - to spread the word of the Chaos, to enrich the lives of others with their holy bible, that these lost lambs might find their fortunes by catching the winds of change in their sails. Missionaries, they called themselves. Scam artists, said everyone else. Elio spent most of his life in transit, moving from one state to another, hiding behind manufactured identity after manufactured identity. It was difficult making friends in such a volatile environment, doubly so when debt collectors were hot on their heels. Though, that only turned out to be part of the puzzle. Elio had no illusions about his parents' work, and though he wouldn't admit it, he had no small amount of hatred in his heart. Of them, of their circumstances, of many little things. But what could a child do?
The wayward family would stay in hotels, hostels, caravan parks, camping; anywhere they could get shelter. Formal education was an imposible prospect, due to their lack of permanent address and eternally inadequate finances, so Elio's parents gave him what scraps of wisdom they could. Somehow or another, he got used to it. As he entered his teenage years he even began to enjoy it somewhat. Unfortunately, the good times had to end at some point. When the family settled in an area, they tried to stay as long as possible. They didn't want to leave if they didn't have to, but when debts came knocking, it wasn't much of a choice. But sometimes, with no warning signs at all, they would pick up their things and leave. And one day, in the smouldering remains of one of their temporary camps, Elio had learned why. Smoke choked the air as his tent burned around him, heat rising through the soles of his feet from the blasted crater he found himself standing on. Fire raged through his veins, and he came to a dreaded realisation - the things his parents had told him, what he and the wider believed to be false, was true. Magic was real.
On seeing this, Elio's parents split from him, directing him to a certain place, supposedly a safehouse with some instructions. They said it would help him, and that splitting up would be safer. And before he could respond, they left. He journeyed to the safehouse, jumping at shadows all the while - there were too many things he didn't know. Somehow, a letter had arrived ahead of him, addressed to Elio by name. He found it very suspicious, but what choice did he have? He was on his own now.
Somehow or another, Elio made it to the cabin. Perhaps it had been the skills he had picked up during his turbulent upbringing, or maybe it was his newly blossomed magical talent. Either way, he was here now, and he had no idea what to expect. He could only hope that they had food, water, and a place to sleep. What more could a vagrant ask for, after all?
Equipment: Knife Trail mix Water flask Compass Old nokia (low battery) Leonardo Abbelman's Guide to Chaos Mastery, now available for only $10.99!
Magic: Elio Abbelman wields the mighty power of the Chaos Flame, an unpredictable and fearsome power, as likely to burn the user as it would his enemies. Based on pyromancy, Elio can build the flame inside his body, direct it to his hands (or other limbs), and release it. As for what form it takes when it comes out, only god would know. Speed, size, shape, and power all change inconsistently from cast to cast. There are limits to this, of course, and the spell's firepower generally will not be much higher or lower than his 'average' output. Elio's attempts to control this phenomenon ended in failure, but through the guidance of his parents' booklet, he can sometimes predict the end result before it leaves his hand.
Appearance: Justin is usually sporting an easy-going smile that might look misplaced against the backdrop of his moody black and white wardrobe, if not for his soft features and kind eyes partially hidden beneath wild tufts of blonde hair. He stands at an unassuming 5'9" and has a lean, athletic build that is clearly the result of disciplined training. The discerning eye would notice that he often wears clothing that he made or customized himself with the style and sureness of a practiced hand. Those embellishments often come in the form of skulls or other macabre imagery, further at odds with Justin's pleasant demeanor.
Justin was clearly taught the importance of expressing ones-self openly and honestly, given his quiet confidence and accepting nature. While usually not the first to speak up, Justin has no problem sharing his thoughts when asked, and will stand firmly for the things he believes in. He has a tendency to lose focus when not actively engaged and can often be found thinking about future goals and ambitions, from new workout routines to his dreams of starting his own clothing line.
While Justin was born in a small hospital in Toronto and would spend the first six years of his life in an unremarkable foster home only a few blocks away, he would tell you that his life didn't truly begin until he was adopted by his fathers. The first three years after were a blur of love and happiness, as Justin relished in finally having a family (and a fun one at that). He adored his fathers, and was a kind and thoughtful son in return. It wasn't until he grew slightly older and more mature that his youthfully optimistic notions about the world were challenged, and he saw that the world could be ugly to people that were deemed different.
Justin began to struggle sleeping and would often find himself anxiously worrying about the safety of his parents. His fathers, the loving and intuitive parents that they were, saw this and suggested he take karate classes so he could have the tools to protect himself and put his mind at ease. Justin eagerly accepted the challenge, but soon found that he was not cut out for karate. He struggled with the focus required and rigid social hierarchy within the dojo, and eventually left to seek out a different class more suited to him. Justin eventually settled on boxing to the slight disappointment of his fathers that found it too barbaric and dangerous, though they enthusiastically encouraged him all the same. He thrived in the sport that relied more on fluid, improvised movement and momentum than disciplined muscle memory.
He continued boxing through high school, though as he continued to mature he acquired a variety of interests, including a love of horror movies and clothing design. His fathers had taught him how to use a sewing machine when he was only in middle school, though he didn't fully appreciate the skill until his creativity and individuality blossomed in high school. He started by making small customizations to his clothing that allowed him to express himself, and eventually became proficient enough to make entire outfits from scratch.
When it came time to choose a college, Justin chose to leave boxing behind as a hobby and pursued fashion and clothing design. He went to Lasalle Fashion School in Montreal and learned much in his first two years, though he was often at odds with professors that didn't appreciate the dark, playful tone of his designs. Justin dropped out midway through his third year, frustrated with the institution that he viewed was stifling his creativity. He has since been focused on building his own clothing line out of his cramped studio apartment, and while he does have a small and devoted customer base, it is hardly the success he had envisioned.
Justin discovered his powers while training in the gym, his chosen form of therapy. He was in an uncharacteristically foul mood and struck the punching bag in frustration, shocked to see the bag explode at the seams and shoot across the room. Justin has yet to tell his parents about his powers while diligently training in the gym to hone them. He struggles with what these powers mean for his life and future.
Equipment: Justin designed and crafted training clothes that augment his abilities, including special boxing gloves with flared pockets that allow him to boost the strength of his punches with a strong burst of wind. His sweatshirt has a large pouch stitched around his shoulders that allow him to increase the height of his jumping with an upward gust.
Magic: Justin has the power to control wind, though he struggles to maintain the focus to use his powers for more than a few seconds. Recognizing this weakness, he has been training to use his powers in conjunction with his boxing, relying on short, powerful bursts of air to empower his punches and movements. His hand-crafted gear has allowed him to amplify these limited abilities, further increasing the power of his punches, the heights he can jump, and the speed he can run.
I like this CS! The only change I would like to see is removing the mentions of the hunters! As it stands, the hunters stopped the hunts over a century ago and thus they would not be active again quite yet :) Once you fix that and add in a physical description of your character you will be good to move that over to the CS tab!
Name:Matthew Pierce "Right, I think we need to be going now. We have important work to do!"
Matthew is a tall and lanky dude, with soft yet neat brown hair swept out of his face, usually serious brown eyes, pale skin that shows that he’s usually inside reading books all day instead of doing something athletic, and a narrow and slightly pointy nose. He’s not really muscular or athletic, and isn’t “stronger than he looks” physically, either. Instead, his strengths come from his brain and practical nature. So, basically, he’s a nerdy twig. xD
He usually wears clothing that’s subdued in color, making him not stand out so much. His favorite piece of clothing is his long, brown cloth jacket, which he usually wears when it’s cold outside. Otherwise, he usually wears browns, beiges, blacks, and grays, with some other color thrown in if he’s feeling a bit extra that day.
Personality: {Serious}{Practical}{No nonsense}
Matthew is a serious dude who doesn’t really like goofing around. He’s not much for cracking jokes or telling quippy one liners, and would rather get the work done and move on, whether it be a serious fight against a monster or just studying on his off time.
He often studies about and trains for his magic, and is often very irritated when he finds frequent dead ends whenever he tries to find anything useful for magic in general. He’s also very irritated when Nyx refuses to work with him, which is most of the time. He’s not trying to be a slaver, damnit! He’s only trying to work with her on her terms, and she’s still refusing to help him anyway!
Despite trying to be calm and in control of everything, Matthew is actually an utter mess in terms of his actual emotions. He’s easily annoyed, easily frustrated, easily stressed, and very, very nervous and pessimistic. Despite all this, he buries all his emotions all the way down, and only lets them out when he’s in private. Unfortunately, Nyx is usually with him even when he’s in private, which can lead to some…awkward situations.
Speaking of Nyx, she and Matthew have an…odd relationship, to say the least. They usually argue and bicker, and Nyx often teases Matthew, knowing exactly the way to get under his skin. They are still friends, though, and when the chips are down, Nyx will often do a whole lot of clever maneuvers in order to get him somewhere safe. She never wants to collaborate with him, however, and Matthew can sense that beneath all the teasing and snark, there’s something Nyx isn’t telling him…
Starting when he was a child, Matt used to be known as the jokester of the family, usually telling puns and riddles and just generally not taking things seriously. He was also very emotional and a bit manipulative, crying at the drop of a hat if he didn’t get his way, and also liked wearing colorful/pastel clothing, as well as loving cute things and usually carrying a teddy bear around.
Since he was in a place that was more lenient with gender roles, everyone around him was okay with this, including his mother, who loved him to death.
Then, tragedy struck.
While Matt and his family were traveling to his grandmother’s house, they got into a wreck that killed Matt’s older twin siblings and mother and paralyzed Matt’s father from the waist down. Only Matt came out fully unscathed.
After that, everything changed for little Matt. Along with having to live with survivor’s guilt and the death of half his family, his grandmother soon became the head of the household in order to take care of his father and constantly berated Matt for his jokes and his love of cute things and bright colors, telling him that “real men don’t joke around” and “I will not let my grandson be a feminine pushover!”
Not wanting to disappoint his family and his father agreeing with his grandmother because she was taking care of him, Matt gradually “grew out of” his “more feminine” interests and became more serious, throwing away his teddy bear and starting to bottle up his emotions because his grandmother complained about them, too.
Then, when Matt was fourteen, he had his first supernatural encounter…with a bat spirit who tried taking over his mind.
Thankfully, Matt was stubborn enough to resist the spirit’s multiple attempts in order to make her worn down to make a deal with him instead, with the deal being that the spirit would protect Matt from monsters if he would let her stay in his mind.
Matt, reluctant but frightened at the mention of more monsters, decides to let the spirit stay, and six years later, Matt is in college and gets a weak version of light magic, but the spirit(Nyx) stays in his mind because "the deal hasn't been paid off yet"(in reality, Nyx has formed a bond with Matt, and still wants to protect him, but is too tsundere to admit that.)
Phone Some books on magic Charging cable Couple changes of clothes A handful of dollars and pennies
Let there be LIGHT.
Matthew can partially illuminate a room and also make things or himself give off a faint glow. He can also partially blind people or creatures by literally shooting light into their eyes. As for his weaknesses, his vision dims a bit after using his powers, and he will become blind for a while if he uses them too much. His powers are also fairly weak compared to the others and even Nyx, but he tries to be helpful nonetheless.
I like this CS! The only change I would like to see is removing the mentions of the hunters! As it stands, the hunters stopped the hunts over a century ago and thus they would not be active again quite yet :) Once you fix that and add in a physical description of your character you will be good to move that over to the CS tab!
Done, and done. Here are the changed portions for convenience's sake:
Appearance: Short and scrawny, Elio looks a bit younger than his real age. His messy brown curls and faded clothes speak to his unfortunate circumstances, but his clear blue eyes shine with bright defiance. He doesn't have many sets of clothes in his beaten backpack, so his outfit coordination is sloppy at best. But he makes do with what he has.
On seeing this, Elio's parents split from him, directing him to a certain place, supposedly a safehouse with some instructions. They said it would help him, and that splitting up would be safer. And before he could respond, they left. He journeyed to the safehouse, jumping at shadows all the while - there were too many things he didn't know. Somehow, a letter had arrived ahead of him, addressed to Elio by name. He found it very suspicious, but what choice did he have? He was on his own now.
A quick reminder that we do have a Discord! Pop on in and leave a message and I will get you sorted with Roles! While not required, it will be the easiest way to ask me questions or get in contact with me!
OK @MagratheanWhale, I did my Tristan replacement. I await your judgment. (And again, sorry for the pic.)
"There's something wonderful about being in the spotlight, true. But the true wonder comes when I'm out of it, without the annoying need of keeping myself bottled inside of me."
Basic Information
Public Name: Alear Alstroemeria True Name: Leon Hellenia Forte Gender: Male Age: 24 Birthday: November 28th Sign: Sagittarus Height: 1.63 cm (5 ft, 4.2 in) Weight: 60 kg (132,3 lb) Sexuality: Homosexual / Gay Nationality: Brazilian (jus sanguinis) / American (jus soli) Birthplace: Los Angeles, CA
Appearance and Clothing
Appearance: Alear/Leon is a short 1.63 cm (5 ft, 4.2 in) young adult who is very slender, weighing 60 kg (132,3 lb). While he often does exercises to keep his energy on stage, he doesn't have any muscles in his body. His skin complexion is a medium clear tone since he's not white but his skin doesn't reach brown. His hair is originally chestnut colored and his eyes are sky blue. However, to create a different presence as an idol, his hair was painted blue and he started using orange-colored contact lenses, in order to create a calling and unique image on stage.
Clothing: Publically, Alear/Leon uses medium-sleeved shirts, preferably gray or red ones with some tribal stamp, a custom-made black leather jacket with a heart stamped on the front pocket, white-colored jeans with a red belt, and black boots. For accessories, he uses a single earring in his left ear and a custom-made stone bracelet on his right hand.
When he's alone or with close friends, he uses pretty basic-colored t-shirts, sometimes deviating to ones with rainbow stamps or even tie-dyes, basic-colored sweatpants, and blue sneakers. Outside of glasses that are prescribed to him, he doesn't use accessories when he's in "casual mode".
Personal Information
Charismatic | Extroverted | Talkative | Bubbly
Whenever he's being Alear Alstromeria, his idol persona, he becomes an overly charismatic person which makes him the party-lover of the group. Alear brims with charisma, happiness, and cheerfulness, enough to make even the dimmest of rooms shine brightly as if they were looking at the sun itself. This is the part that conquered most of Alear's fans since he's a friendly and easily approachable person who talks with you as if he was a "best friend" or something. He's often nicknamed the "Childhood Idol" because of this factor.
His industry colleagues also regard Alear as someone who's right at their side to help them achieve their dreams and improve them to the next level, and his team says that he's a pretty gentle and fun "boss" to work with. They add quotation marks around the word because he talks with them not as if he's ordering them around, but asking for favors, as well as actually wanting to know more about them and coordinating everyone to work together as a team.
Alear's biggest problem, however, is that he's extremely talkative and can go on for hours and hours talking about anything. He doesn't know how to keep conversations short and brief, which often makes him lose time to do work or practice because of his chatty nature. Not many people really mind that at all but some exceptions have already complained about how he seems rather unfocused and distracted because of his chatty nature.
Calm | Nerdy | Direct | Prefers His True Self
Leon, however, couldn't be more different than Alear. Well, not totally.
While he still keeps the charisma he's known to have as an idol, Leon isn't too much of a talkative and energetic person. Rather, his voice and words come out as a really calm and quiet person, unfitting to Alear's persona. He isn't shy or reserved but doesn't find the idea of talking for hours interesting nor does he find it necessary to have an overly energetic approach, so he comes more as a very kind and gentle young man than some extroverted idol.
Leon also tends to be far more direct and wastes less time going to the point and prefers people going directly to the point. Instead of going around in circles to reach a point, he goes directly to the business in order to resolve everything fast. This might make him come out as cold and uninterested since Leon isn't one for detailed stories when it only takes a single sentence to understand the situation.
People close to Leon also know that, despite being an idol, he doesn't live the style of a famous signer outside of the stage and keeps himself to a simplistic and, most notably, nerdy way of life. Leon loves to play games, read books and manga, watch series, movies, and anime at home and loves to listen to more chill rhythms than the agitated ones he works with. He's also not fond of shows, concerts, and parties, and would rather prefer a more casual outing such as a park or a stay-at-home outing at a friend's house.
One thing that only the closest people, like his manager, family, and a selected number of friends, know about Leon is that he has already declared to somewhat hate how he works as Alear. Not the job itself but the persona, because it doesn't fit with him at all. He does it because of his level of professionalism, though has already asked his superiors if he could do a change of style more than once, only to receive various "no" along the route. This is also why Leon doesn't like talking too much about Alear when he's not Alear and doesn't enjoy when people treat him as Alear when he's not working.
Idol | Art Student | Forced Career | Absent Father | Controlling Mother | Wants to Change Styles | Currently on Break
Leon was born in Los Angeles, California on November 28th, 1998. He is the only child of Otávio Forte, a known and popular director in Hollywood and responsible for some of the biggest hits in the cinema, music, and theater areas, and Michelle Hellenia, a retired actress and current CEO of Royale Inc., one of the biggest entertainment agencies in the United States. While his image is rather unknown to the public, he's also famous. Leon is a pop rock idol known as Alear Alstroemeria, a hit with teenagers and young adults.
Being born into such a family, one could state that Leon had a perfect childhood, filled with fun, riches, and joy, enviable by many. However, that couldn't be further from the truth. Even if he was a child, Leon was already introduced to the world of arts, without any freedom of speech or right to choose his future, having those stripped away from him by Michelle. As for Otávio, because of his schedule, he hasn't been too present in Leon's childhood, to the point where Leon's memories are truly vague regarding his father's presence in his life.
After some practicing in the various forms of art, Leon's talent was singing. Many of his teachers called his voice "angelical" so Michelle saw the opportunity to make him a superstar idol through her agency. However, even though he was her son, her stipulations to join the company, as well as the regulations toward child labor, made it pretty difficult for her to just put him as a child star from the very beginning. As such, he escaped from having to work and focused on his education.
Initially, Leon went to prestigious schools in the state, being able to interact with classmates, teachers, and other people. However, that was detrimental to Michelle's plans since he wasn't having too much training because of school. With her son's success in mind (as well as the money that she could receive from it), Michelle took Leon to homeschool and private tutoring, so she could also control his schedule and have Leon train his voice more and more. This made Leon very frustrated because he lost contact with all of his friends out of nowhere, and was separated from the outside world as if he was just a pet that his mom was training.
Once he had enough age to start, she immediately applied Leon to work as an idol when he started "high school". Still homeschooled, Leon was already facing the world of idols as a teenager, inexperienced on how he should do it. Michelle decided from the get-go that Leon would play pop-rock music, as it was a trendy style with teenagers and not too explored by too many other companies. She also created a new idol identity for Leon: Alear Alstroemeria. Thus, he not only had to sing music but also had to act entirely differently from his usual self, in order to create a popular idol for the world. All of his protests, however, were in vain.
Time passed and Alear became a popular hit, breaking numbers and records as a teenager's beloved pop-rock idol. As he reached adulthood, Leon decided to live independently, buying an apartment for him to live solo, in hopes to free himself from his mother's control. However, that wasn't possible since she kept her eyes on him through his managers and habitually blasted his phone with messages, wanting him to keep working on his career.
With the change of managers for the 7th time, he actually got his aunt Eleanora Hellenia, Michelle's twin sister, as his manager. Seeing her nephew overworked and losing his mind, Eleanora decided to step in and control the relations between him and her sister/boss, as to give the boy some space to breathe and rest. This led to them developing a healthier relationship as a family, something Leon never had with either his mother or his father.
When he completed 23 years old, Leon's powers began to appear. One day, during a routine practice, Leon was so tired that he wished to escape from the training and just go home. Suddenly, as he was dancing, he blinked. In one moment he was in the training room, and in the other, he was outside the building. Not knowing what exactly happened, he rushed back inside and went back into the room, where everyone was panicked about what happened and he was unable to explain it himself. They decided to call it a day and he went home early, as he wished.
In the following months, he began to understand what was happening. Out of nowhere, he suddenly gained the power to teleport. He initially found it convenient, but the problems started when he decided to abuse it and got sick and dizzy from the teleportation's vertigo. Naturally, with his tight schedule, he wasn't able to train his powers to master them, so Leon had to put them aside and just act normally. Though, on some occasions, he did use them out of laziness.
When he completed 24 years old, Leon (as Alear) announced that he was going to take a break from showbiz in order to properly rest. In character. he explained that he needed some time to gather his thoughts back together and return to his creative mind. This ensured a huge fight between him and his mother, as she didn't accept that he was stopping. That's when Leon finally lost it and said that either he took a break right now or he was quitting forever. Michelle saw her son snapping and Eleanora even backed him up. In a two-against-one argument, she backed off and just didn't say anything anymore.
Now on break, Leon receives a mysterious letter from someone called "the Benefactor", inviting him to 666 Mystic Lane, North Reading, MA. With nothing better to do, and wanting to escape from his family, he didn't think twice and set himself to this new adventure.
Equiment and Magic Powers
A suitcase containing A LOT of clothes and underwear (as if he was going on a 3-month trip);
A backpack with other stuff, such as his toothbrush, charger, etc.
His iPhone 14 Pro Max;
A Nintendo Switch (his favorite videogame);
A bag full of novels and manga for him to read.
Leon/Alear's magic grants him the power to teleport, which he has self-proclaimed his magic as Trickster Act. Its main ability is to allow Leon/Alear to teleport himself and any person and/or object he's currently holding. Currently, this is the only functionality of his power, as there is no extra ability developed since Leon/Alear hasn't fully trained his power. It's also a Basic Level teleportation magic since Leon/Alear can only teleport himself to a short distance of a maximum of 30m and can only teleport himself and one person and a maximum of three objects, two if he's carrying someone.
But as stated before, Trickster Act is still very basic and limited. For starters, Leon/Alear cannot independently teleport people or objects without teleporting himself alongside them. This means that he cannot use this as an emergency save unless he goes toward the objective and then teleports himself with it. There's also the fact that he must be physically touching said person or objects in order to teleport. If he isn't holding whatever he needs to teleport with him, he'll just go alone and the object will just stay there. This also means that he'll teleport anyone that's physically attacking him if he decides to use his power at that exact moment of being hit.
He's also incapable of teleporting too many times in a row without feeling vertigo from the teleportation physics. If Leon/Alear teleports more than twice in a span of 30s, he's going to feel sick and dizzy from teleporting around too much and will lose his own ground, becoming very vulnerable to attacks. This vertigo also affects other people, so he also has to take into consideration that whoever's with him will feel the teleportation's vertigo, causing sickness depending on the person using it.
Trickster Act also doesn't cancel physics. If Leon/Alear warps during a hit or while in movement, he'll reappear moving in the direction he's going or being sent. As an example, if he's sent toward a tree and teleports to avoid hitting the tree, he can avoid it but will reappear still being launched forward. This is extremely risky depending on the situation because he can hit something else or even fall into other places such as a river, a manhole, a pit, etc.
Lastly, Leon/Alear's teleportation magic can be entirely unpredictable sometimes and he might end up teleporting himself in the opposite direction than the one he wanted, or to a random direction he doesn't exactly pick. This is a problem that can be solved with training, but Leon/Alear hasn't trained long enough to do it.
I think this looks basically good to go. The only change I would need to see is in relation to be timing of your character developing his powers. Magic is just returning and you would have just developed your powers! Once this is fixed you’re approved!!