It's been 150 years since the massacre of the Cloud, a maega-ship hybrid with a city big enough to be a small country. A city that both "never slept and never stopped moving" as they said in the ad campaigns. What caused the massacre is unknown but it was immense, a isolated apocalypse that left its infrastructure breaking down bit by bit. Lights bulb flicker, doors sealed with no clear reason and small segments of the ship slowly but surely fell into darkness, if not out right into a total failure to support life. Still, somehow, life has survived and even thrived within this husk of a once vibrant metropolis and small sections of it had been painstakingly bought back to function in echoes of what they were once before.
All the top brass were slaughtered in whatever event happened all that while ago and the lower ones, the guys who still had some clearance and knowledge on the ships workings lived like kings forming their own mafia, revolutions or movements and utilized their little pearls of power to play petty games. Naturally, they too, were killed in their inner wars or at the hands of descendants and survivors. The ships AI had stopped responding years ago and the few crew who did try to actually take charge as a captains or repair the ship were swallowed by the abyssal hallways.
For the last 150 years a mixture of strange human offshoots and robots have lived as citizen in this crumbling town, desperately trying to keep things running as best they can. Tolerating organized factions who held key political power to the ships long term necessities via force, know how or skills just to keep things going. The citizen themselves had known no other life and anything beyond low level leisure computers of engineering terminals were virtually totally locked out. The mystery of the past sitting in the shadows, whispering fears into their minds over the still palpable nests of brutality that are unlocked in the scavenging expeditions or reclaiming old buildings.
But now there's hope. A keycard has appeared. A UNRS rescue ship docked with a company provided captains deck access card. The fate of this crew and their ship is unknown, possibly claimed by whatever lingers in the Clouds dark corridors or just destroyed by the ruined and hazardous derelict parts. If someone can get that card...make the journey through the abyss to the fortified captains deck. Well.
They will take control of our Drifting Future.
Before you pick a race, understand that each race has a part of their live not known by the greater outside world. This information is thus not revealed until you pick your race and apply your character information. Normally this information is bad and deals with the hidden hardship each races deals with that others are simply ignorant of, but it can also include unknown positives and alliances.

The ghost is the smallest faction of unique races in the old ruins of Cloud, but also the most respected and feared. These are almost always adorned in the uniforms and suits of old crew members, covering all of their body from bandages to chemical to mask or even full body space walking suits. The few who don't wear old crew uniforms have cobbled together facsimiles of them from scrap and old gear. Ghosts were found initially wandering the hallways, unresponsive and doing odd maintenance jobs or tasks to keep small subsections of the great ship still in tact, when asked how they know how to do these things or interrogated outright they would frequently mention things like "The screaming dead" or "The last task undone" and while most ghosts do partake in this ritual on some level, the ones so mesmerized to do so with little regard for their life or wellbeing are routinely considered to be "recruited by the dead" and best left be. The other ghosts all stem from the old crew quarters, especially areas where the old military forces, police, engineers and low level maintenance workers used to be.
They weren't found until about 35 years ago and rarely leave their home area for much. They mostly stay within a certain radius of their homes and only moving about based on "psychic maps" which stops them being bombarded with endless horrific visions. These visions haunt all ghosts, especially when they sleep but only in the more hotter areas of the ship do they become more clear and give more precise ideas of what occurred during the apocalypse. Yet, all that learn anything become "taken by the past" and go insane. Feral ghosts are invisible, ditching their suits and only being seen by their shadow. On camera or any electronic device ghosts can be seen but bear horrific or inherently disturbing faces and visuals with frequent flashes or glimpses into a nightmarish, realistic looking scene.
Ghost require their full body suits in order to dampen the psychic barrage they are under, while they can become invisible by ditching it, they quickly become closer and closer to total madness. Ghosts are treated with cautious respect by the various factions and left be but routinely get hired and hounded by various groups to act as interrogators and investigators thanks to their latent empathetic abilities and retrocognitive glimpses. As a community they separate themselves based on old crew rankings but some attempt to escape the dead and form new communities. They have an almost fervent culture tied to the dead, making them fanatic ancestralism and the smallest detour from such ideas results in many inner wars and uprisings in their group. Their grand appeasers is one of the few people with SOME access to the automated defence in his area and he uses this to effectively enforce a grand martial/ fascist like state on those that stay.
EMPATHS: Ghosts gain access to use the feelings tags mentioned in the OOC and SET UP section. You can use this meta-knowledge in game.
GLIMPSES: All ghosts gain at least 1 gimpses into the unknown threats.
INVISBILITY: You can take off your suit to go invisible - with exception to your shadow and sounds - you take damage each turn as if you were physically hurt while in this state. If you lose all your health you go insane and lose control of your character. They become a hostile NPC.

Some cyborg variants were made for security or heavy duty labor. Such as this.

A cyborg dressed in more casual ware.

When the cities started to be filled again, the industrial sector was found full of mechanical humanoid subjects that were aimless, lost and eagerly carrying about various mundane tasks. These entities were very welcoming, docile and followed non-members of their races orders with little examination or distrust. It was thought of that these beings were actually robotic servants left behind, as such cases were found sparingly still doing their jobs in the major cities but SLAVES are actually cyborgs who entered into a dormant state for reasons unknown, letting their robotic processors and back up functions take over. How they achieved this is a mystery as they show no ability to enter this wandering, hibernation state again. Naturally, these units upon waking up one by one led to a massive revolution, previously thought of to be a robot uprising by the larger public. The people who knew better mostly kept the organic brains/ organs secret or...in some cases, scooped them out and leaving only basic stems or chunks of organic components.
This slave revolt was occurred over a period of 3 years around 80 years ago and swiftly ended when the number of units waking up become virtually the entire industrial work force. Slaves during this time entered a awkward peace with the greater metropolis as they claimed the industrial sector as their home and swiftly evicted and executed many of their former labor masters with short trials and mob lynchings. Slaves are one of the few citizens to show any innate knowledge of how their blue collar sector works and some semblance of what live was like in their fuzzy, half depleted memories when metropolis was a futuristic, post-scarcity - for the common person - society near utopian in its abundance and quality of life but such memories are fizzy, causes great headaches amongst them and becomes more dreamlike and confused the more further they remember back. Those that do remember tell that all slaves are indentured servants, forced to do hundreds of years of labor and lack citizenship as a "immortality" debt for their greatly extended cyborg lives. Many of them being forced into this life by various tyrants or courts as punishment for their crimes. These cyborgs are almost universally paranoid, even of their own kin and escape the industrial area to live within the abyss of the Cloud's hallways. They especially don't trust organics to the point of violence.
All slaves were cyborgs for as far as they can remember. The namesake is given to them by the labour unions that took control of them and redefined them as slaves in a attempt to rebrand themselves correctly and continue working when the public started to become aware of their cyborg-esque nature. A name they kept as a act of defiance as it indicates sentient life being dominant into servitude, not machines acquired for a task. Slaves normally have "boxes" of communities, name such because they were stored together in large shipment crates now repurposed into cramped, multi-person apartments. They live and die mostly by the loyalty of these little box community and one without such community finds it almost impossible to get into another one. Such outcast rarely last long and typically die of equipment or maintenance failure within a year or two.
Slaves are affected by EMPs considerably and may die from them if shut down.
Slaves don't lose health each turn, automatically stabilizing but also don't heal nor benefit from healing items.
Slaves repairs are expensive and sometimes impossible due to the complexity of the lost technology.
Slaves have 1 free training of their choice.
Slaves can spend 10 points to become a heavy Variant. Heavy Variants have 9 health and can lift up to one tone of weight but their unarmed attacks are MODERATE in speed reflex attacks and they can't use a lot of guns because they are too small for them. Forcing them to use only heavy or mech aligned weaponry.
Before you pick a race, understand that each race has a part of their live not known by the greater outside world. This information is thus not revealed until you pick your race and apply your character information. Normally this information is bad and deals with the hidden hardship each races deals with that others are simply ignorant of, but it can also include unknown positives and alliances.
Rough examples

Humans altered by a series of passed down augments, both genetic and nanite based. There is no average discarded in terms of looks, unity nor purpose and it's not unusual to find them almost everywhere, not out of some numerical supremacy but because this lack of true identity as a race allows them a sort of social mobility most others lack. This is because they have a tendency to be horribly ugly or odd looking or wonderfully fascinating and attractive with little in between. These transhumanist originally had no great area which they called their own and primarily they rose up out of the many small bunkers, enclaves, sealed off or fortified areas that their long surviving citizen forefathers hid in for many decades as the apocalypse started to seemingly slink away from the known parts of the ship.
Culturally, thus, a lot of discarded define themselves by these homes in a tribal or clan-like fashion with various tattoos but many more immigrated entirely to the inner cities a generation or two ago, utterly forgetting their roots. A derogatory term amongst their kin for one that forgot where their original home was is "smudged" as a reference to the loss of identity and lost tattoo. Smudged, ironically ,make up the vast BULK of the citizens in comparison to their sentimental kin. Most of them being used as easy to swindle, cheap labour in restoring large amounts of the cities to their prior state. Acting both as low level security, leisure suppliers or raw labour.
All of this was in exchange for a small rim connected to the higher areas power grid which is now a ghetto and recieves virtually no support. While these discarded live much better than many, it's still a rough live full of crime and used as a "agreed" upon battleground of the protected higher ups and crimes lord for their power games. In this way they are considered to be "twice discarded" and there's a general sense of bitterness but acceptance among their kind.
DISCARDED AUGMENTATIONS: If you play as a discarded you choose your augments in two ways:
You have 3 Birth Points / BP in which to choose your augments from this small list.
You can ask me to roll for you. Rolling leaves your augments to chance but can turn out better for you as some options can only be obtain via rolling.
1: SHOW YOURSELF: Mood- Color Changing Eyes: MECHANICAL EFFECT: Shows your vague emotion state via a color in your eyes. Can't be controlled or turned off.
Costs 1 BP
2: SURVIVALIST 04: MECHANICAL EFFECT: When half your health is gone, you return to a stable state and stop losing health/ posts.
costs 4 BP
3: ADNORIS OH 4: You are exceptionally fair skinned, have very pronounced features for your gender - male or female - pearl white, perfect teeth and long, vibrant hair.
costs 2 bp
4: SKIN DANCER: You have a tattoo over your body - your choice- it's at least equal to half your face in size. It glows and moves about in some form. Your character was born with this tatoo and has no influence over its design or activity. Any new tattoos you get replicate this ability and animation.
costs 1 bp
5: SO STRONG, PUNCH AND BEGONE: A small implant in your chest that bumps out like a lump of flesh. You can perform small feats of increased strength equal to a weight lifting Olympian every few minutes.
costs 4 bp
6: Enigmatic Brain Implant: A large section of your brain is totally replaced with computer networks. Wires can be seen bumping out underneath your skin across your face or scalp. You grow head hair very slowly. There is no...known mechanical benefit to this.
costs 1 bp
7: REDUDANCY ORGAN: You get an additional organ besides the brain in your body, this can be mechanical or organic. Your choice. If you pick organic then you have a notable skin tone deviation from the norm - demonic red or bluish- if you pick mechanical that area of your body has a series of weird stretch marks and scars from awkward childgrowth with it in.
MECHANICAL EFFECT: 1 extra health
costs 3 bp
8: ROLL ONLY: nothing. If you have an augment it's too small to notice.
9: NUTRITON: Your appendix is replaced with a new, strange organ that helps gain more out of your food and decrease poisonous/ toxic effects from anything ingested. Mildly combats biological hazards. Virtually invisible but does make your stomach thud a bit every now and then as it works away.
MECHANICAL: provides 1 numbing against bio-hazzards.
costs: 2 bp
10: HYBRIDIZZATION: A part of your body has been half eaten away by a organic or robotic augment. This can result in your hand being a robots with your upper arm flesh entangled around it or you having a weird tumorous growth over a part of your body that was missing or been made missing - such as the side of your head - normally this only occurs if you have lost a part of yourself OR were born without a limb and gained it over time.
mechnaical hybrizations have no use but in the more sequestered away communities of discarded such people are considered to be good luck and touched by spirits/ ancestors of some form. As a result they typically receive a level of politeness others wouldn't.
costs: 1 bp
ROLLING: When you roll for a augment, if it lands or 8 or on the same augment that roll is lost. You get 3 rolls. So you should hope that one of your rolls results in a dud lest you get MIX AUGMENTATION SYNDROME.
MIXED AUGMENTATION SYNDROME: If you have 3 augmentations, be they rolled or bought then you get this. Mixed augments typically die within a few short years of their live and they are not overly welcomed in many communities, even among the discarded. They suffer with extream deformities that are hard to ignore such as loss of eyes, random metallic growths or even weird replictor augmentations spreading through their system that don't function. Ontop of this, MAS suffers find that one of their augments don't work and suffer with some sort of physical or mental crippling effect. EXAMPLES of such are: down syndrome, walking impairment, inability to read or to do some form of math, hard time speaking at all, blindness, mute, deafness or loss of tactile senses.

Humans altered by a series of passed down augments, both genetic and nanite based. There is no average discarded in terms of looks, unity nor purpose and it's not unusual to find them almost everywhere, not out of some numerical supremacy but because this lack of true identity as a race allows them a sort of social mobility most others lack. This is because they have a tendency to be horribly ugly or odd looking or wonderfully fascinating and attractive with little in between. These transhumanist originally had no great area which they called their own and primarily they rose up out of the many small bunkers, enclaves, sealed off or fortified areas that their long surviving citizen forefathers hid in for many decades as the apocalypse started to seemingly slink away from the known parts of the ship.
Culturally, thus, a lot of discarded define themselves by these homes in a tribal or clan-like fashion with various tattoos but many more immigrated entirely to the inner cities a generation or two ago, utterly forgetting their roots. A derogatory term amongst their kin for one that forgot where their original home was is "smudged" as a reference to the loss of identity and lost tattoo. Smudged, ironically ,make up the vast BULK of the citizens in comparison to their sentimental kin. Most of them being used as easy to swindle, cheap labour in restoring large amounts of the cities to their prior state. Acting both as low level security, leisure suppliers or raw labour.
All of this was in exchange for a small rim connected to the higher areas power grid which is now a ghetto and recieves virtually no support. While these discarded live much better than many, it's still a rough live full of crime and used as a "agreed" upon battleground of the protected higher ups and crimes lord for their power games. In this way they are considered to be "twice discarded" and there's a general sense of bitterness but acceptance among their kind.
DISCARDED AUGMENTATIONS: If you play as a discarded you choose your augments in two ways:
You have 3 Birth Points / BP in which to choose your augments from this small list.
You can ask me to roll for you. Rolling leaves your augments to chance but can turn out better for you as some options can only be obtain via rolling.
1: SHOW YOURSELF: Mood- Color Changing Eyes: MECHANICAL EFFECT: Shows your vague emotion state via a color in your eyes. Can't be controlled or turned off.
Costs 1 BP
2: SURVIVALIST 04: MECHANICAL EFFECT: When half your health is gone, you return to a stable state and stop losing health/ posts.
costs 4 BP
3: ADNORIS OH 4: You are exceptionally fair skinned, have very pronounced features for your gender - male or female - pearl white, perfect teeth and long, vibrant hair.
costs 2 bp
4: SKIN DANCER: You have a tattoo over your body - your choice- it's at least equal to half your face in size. It glows and moves about in some form. Your character was born with this tatoo and has no influence over its design or activity. Any new tattoos you get replicate this ability and animation.
costs 1 bp
5: SO STRONG, PUNCH AND BEGONE: A small implant in your chest that bumps out like a lump of flesh. You can perform small feats of increased strength equal to a weight lifting Olympian every few minutes.
costs 4 bp
6: Enigmatic Brain Implant: A large section of your brain is totally replaced with computer networks. Wires can be seen bumping out underneath your skin across your face or scalp. You grow head hair very slowly. There is no...known mechanical benefit to this.
costs 1 bp
7: REDUDANCY ORGAN: You get an additional organ besides the brain in your body, this can be mechanical or organic. Your choice. If you pick organic then you have a notable skin tone deviation from the norm - demonic red or bluish- if you pick mechanical that area of your body has a series of weird stretch marks and scars from awkward childgrowth with it in.
MECHANICAL EFFECT: 1 extra health
costs 3 bp
8: ROLL ONLY: nothing. If you have an augment it's too small to notice.
9: NUTRITON: Your appendix is replaced with a new, strange organ that helps gain more out of your food and decrease poisonous/ toxic effects from anything ingested. Mildly combats biological hazards. Virtually invisible but does make your stomach thud a bit every now and then as it works away.
MECHANICAL: provides 1 numbing against bio-hazzards.
costs: 2 bp
10: HYBRIDIZZATION: A part of your body has been half eaten away by a organic or robotic augment. This can result in your hand being a robots with your upper arm flesh entangled around it or you having a weird tumorous growth over a part of your body that was missing or been made missing - such as the side of your head - normally this only occurs if you have lost a part of yourself OR were born without a limb and gained it over time.
mechnaical hybrizations have no use but in the more sequestered away communities of discarded such people are considered to be good luck and touched by spirits/ ancestors of some form. As a result they typically receive a level of politeness others wouldn't.
costs: 1 bp
ROLLING: When you roll for a augment, if it lands or 8 or on the same augment that roll is lost. You get 3 rolls. So you should hope that one of your rolls results in a dud lest you get MIX AUGMENTATION SYNDROME.
MIXED AUGMENTATION SYNDROME: If you have 3 augmentations, be they rolled or bought then you get this. Mixed augments typically die within a few short years of their live and they are not overly welcomed in many communities, even among the discarded. They suffer with extream deformities that are hard to ignore such as loss of eyes, random metallic growths or even weird replictor augmentations spreading through their system that don't function. Ontop of this, MAS suffers find that one of their augments don't work and suffer with some sort of physical or mental crippling effect. EXAMPLES of such are: down syndrome, walking impairment, inability to read or to do some form of math, hard time speaking at all, blindness, mute, deafness or loss of tactile senses.
ECONOID who absorbed a large tree log into his arm.

NON-Absorbed Econoid with a missing limb

More standard variation of a healthy Econoid

In the miasma of the ships various biologically contaminated living areas exist a various multitude of threats, many of which are byproducts of the apocalypses and more of mutations and escaped ecological exhibits. It is virtually impossible for any other race, even ghosts, to wander these areas without special protection and if they could the Econoids surely would of destroyed generations ago. The Econoids are numerically one of the most prosperous races on the ship and are likened to rats, they hardly ever breed but more and more of them have a habit of just appearing out of more nest of biochemical wastes within the vast wreckage of the Outer Waste Lands. How they are made is a mystery, even to their own kind and those Econoids old enough to shed light on this puzzle are almost ALL Tumoroids by now. A off shoot of a overly mutated, overly absorbed and delirious monster that feeds on anything they can find.
Econoids are defined by a gross rash all over their body that bursts and blooms into random sores filled with weird, weeping material. This weeping oily substance act as a sort of anit-acid/ chemical suit that keeps them pristine but it's also the activation chemical for their absorption abilities. When a Econoid spend a long time with an object they slowly grow over it, along with nerve and muscle endings, their body clumsily counterweighs for this new body part which means most Econoid are misshapen with oddly desynchronized muscular tumors on only one or two limbs. This process is permanent but supplies additional strength and innate, born-like control of the object they add to their mass. This power does have a limit though and it's impossible for a econoid to gain control over complex digital systems this way although extremely rare Tumoroids have been found with crude digital control in the past.
Econoids had a great war with the other races when said races encroached into their space roughly 95 years ago where they were mistaken as Tumoroids. After this misunderstanding was cleared up many factions still wanted to clean and claim their territory. This resulted in a large loss of life on both sides and consequentially a lot of the more peaceful econoid factions before were wiped out. The vacuum of power allowed gangs, warlords and criminals both inside and outside their territory to take hold and effectively runs as a large organised crime community that tolerates the existence of smaller communities and enclaves. All Econoids are VERY community minded, having a near xenophobic sneer to the outside world which it returns but tolerate each other for transactional purposes.
They quickly form attachments and loyalties, having a crippling culture of "you owe X" which both inside and outside powers use to effectively indenture econoids into life styles as scavengers, workers and muscles. Which they ensure by making them absorb with a gun or item to make it virtually impossible for them to escape that life once it sets.
ECNOIDS have a passive BLOCK effect to chemical, toxic or even poisons. Some biologically caustic or venomous attack may still initial damage though but the Econoid stabilize immediately after.
Econoids gain an additional point of health every time they absorb something due to their muscular, skeletal growth.
Econoids ignore mechanical suit/ mech restrictions but become fully absorbed and can't leave their suits.

NON-Absorbed Econoid with a missing limb

More standard variation of a healthy Econoid

In the miasma of the ships various biologically contaminated living areas exist a various multitude of threats, many of which are byproducts of the apocalypses and more of mutations and escaped ecological exhibits. It is virtually impossible for any other race, even ghosts, to wander these areas without special protection and if they could the Econoids surely would of destroyed generations ago. The Econoids are numerically one of the most prosperous races on the ship and are likened to rats, they hardly ever breed but more and more of them have a habit of just appearing out of more nest of biochemical wastes within the vast wreckage of the Outer Waste Lands. How they are made is a mystery, even to their own kind and those Econoids old enough to shed light on this puzzle are almost ALL Tumoroids by now. A off shoot of a overly mutated, overly absorbed and delirious monster that feeds on anything they can find.
Econoids are defined by a gross rash all over their body that bursts and blooms into random sores filled with weird, weeping material. This weeping oily substance act as a sort of anit-acid/ chemical suit that keeps them pristine but it's also the activation chemical for their absorption abilities. When a Econoid spend a long time with an object they slowly grow over it, along with nerve and muscle endings, their body clumsily counterweighs for this new body part which means most Econoid are misshapen with oddly desynchronized muscular tumors on only one or two limbs. This process is permanent but supplies additional strength and innate, born-like control of the object they add to their mass. This power does have a limit though and it's impossible for a econoid to gain control over complex digital systems this way although extremely rare Tumoroids have been found with crude digital control in the past.
Econoids had a great war with the other races when said races encroached into their space roughly 95 years ago where they were mistaken as Tumoroids. After this misunderstanding was cleared up many factions still wanted to clean and claim their territory. This resulted in a large loss of life on both sides and consequentially a lot of the more peaceful econoid factions before were wiped out. The vacuum of power allowed gangs, warlords and criminals both inside and outside their territory to take hold and effectively runs as a large organised crime community that tolerates the existence of smaller communities and enclaves. All Econoids are VERY community minded, having a near xenophobic sneer to the outside world which it returns but tolerate each other for transactional purposes.
They quickly form attachments and loyalties, having a crippling culture of "you owe X" which both inside and outside powers use to effectively indenture econoids into life styles as scavengers, workers and muscles. Which they ensure by making them absorb with a gun or item to make it virtually impossible for them to escape that life once it sets.
ECNOIDS have a passive BLOCK effect to chemical, toxic or even poisons. Some biologically caustic or venomous attack may still initial damage though but the Econoid stabilize immediately after.
Econoids gain an additional point of health every time they absorb something due to their muscular, skeletal growth.
Econoids ignore mechanical suit/ mech restrictions but become fully absorbed and can't leave their suits.

The ghost is the smallest faction of unique races in the old ruins of Cloud, but also the most respected and feared. These are almost always adorned in the uniforms and suits of old crew members, covering all of their body from bandages to chemical to mask or even full body space walking suits. The few who don't wear old crew uniforms have cobbled together facsimiles of them from scrap and old gear. Ghosts were found initially wandering the hallways, unresponsive and doing odd maintenance jobs or tasks to keep small subsections of the great ship still in tact, when asked how they know how to do these things or interrogated outright they would frequently mention things like "The screaming dead" or "The last task undone" and while most ghosts do partake in this ritual on some level, the ones so mesmerized to do so with little regard for their life or wellbeing are routinely considered to be "recruited by the dead" and best left be. The other ghosts all stem from the old crew quarters, especially areas where the old military forces, police, engineers and low level maintenance workers used to be.
They weren't found until about 35 years ago and rarely leave their home area for much. They mostly stay within a certain radius of their homes and only moving about based on "psychic maps" which stops them being bombarded with endless horrific visions. These visions haunt all ghosts, especially when they sleep but only in the more hotter areas of the ship do they become more clear and give more precise ideas of what occurred during the apocalypse. Yet, all that learn anything become "taken by the past" and go insane. Feral ghosts are invisible, ditching their suits and only being seen by their shadow. On camera or any electronic device ghosts can be seen but bear horrific or inherently disturbing faces and visuals with frequent flashes or glimpses into a nightmarish, realistic looking scene.
Ghost require their full body suits in order to dampen the psychic barrage they are under, while they can become invisible by ditching it, they quickly become closer and closer to total madness. Ghosts are treated with cautious respect by the various factions and left be but routinely get hired and hounded by various groups to act as interrogators and investigators thanks to their latent empathetic abilities and retrocognitive glimpses. As a community they separate themselves based on old crew rankings but some attempt to escape the dead and form new communities. They have an almost fervent culture tied to the dead, making them fanatic ancestralism and the smallest detour from such ideas results in many inner wars and uprisings in their group. Their grand appeasers is one of the few people with SOME access to the automated defence in his area and he uses this to effectively enforce a grand martial/ fascist like state on those that stay.
EMPATHS: Ghosts gain access to use the feelings tags mentioned in the OOC and SET UP section. You can use this meta-knowledge in game.
GLIMPSES: All ghosts gain at least 1 gimpses into the unknown threats.
INVISBILITY: You can take off your suit to go invisible - with exception to your shadow and sounds - you take damage each turn as if you were physically hurt while in this state. If you lose all your health you go insane and lose control of your character. They become a hostile NPC.

Some cyborg variants were made for security or heavy duty labor. Such as this.

A cyborg dressed in more casual ware.

When the cities started to be filled again, the industrial sector was found full of mechanical humanoid subjects that were aimless, lost and eagerly carrying about various mundane tasks. These entities were very welcoming, docile and followed non-members of their races orders with little examination or distrust. It was thought of that these beings were actually robotic servants left behind, as such cases were found sparingly still doing their jobs in the major cities but SLAVES are actually cyborgs who entered into a dormant state for reasons unknown, letting their robotic processors and back up functions take over. How they achieved this is a mystery as they show no ability to enter this wandering, hibernation state again. Naturally, these units upon waking up one by one led to a massive revolution, previously thought of to be a robot uprising by the larger public. The people who knew better mostly kept the organic brains/ organs secret or...in some cases, scooped them out and leaving only basic stems or chunks of organic components.
This slave revolt was occurred over a period of 3 years around 80 years ago and swiftly ended when the number of units waking up become virtually the entire industrial work force. Slaves during this time entered a awkward peace with the greater metropolis as they claimed the industrial sector as their home and swiftly evicted and executed many of their former labor masters with short trials and mob lynchings. Slaves are one of the few citizens to show any innate knowledge of how their blue collar sector works and some semblance of what live was like in their fuzzy, half depleted memories when metropolis was a futuristic, post-scarcity - for the common person - society near utopian in its abundance and quality of life but such memories are fizzy, causes great headaches amongst them and becomes more dreamlike and confused the more further they remember back. Those that do remember tell that all slaves are indentured servants, forced to do hundreds of years of labor and lack citizenship as a "immortality" debt for their greatly extended cyborg lives. Many of them being forced into this life by various tyrants or courts as punishment for their crimes. These cyborgs are almost universally paranoid, even of their own kin and escape the industrial area to live within the abyss of the Cloud's hallways. They especially don't trust organics to the point of violence.
All slaves were cyborgs for as far as they can remember. The namesake is given to them by the labour unions that took control of them and redefined them as slaves in a attempt to rebrand themselves correctly and continue working when the public started to become aware of their cyborg-esque nature. A name they kept as a act of defiance as it indicates sentient life being dominant into servitude, not machines acquired for a task. Slaves normally have "boxes" of communities, name such because they were stored together in large shipment crates now repurposed into cramped, multi-person apartments. They live and die mostly by the loyalty of these little box community and one without such community finds it almost impossible to get into another one. Such outcast rarely last long and typically die of equipment or maintenance failure within a year or two.
Slaves are affected by EMPs considerably and may die from them if shut down.
Slaves don't lose health each turn, automatically stabilizing but also don't heal nor benefit from healing items.
Slaves repairs are expensive and sometimes impossible due to the complexity of the lost technology.
Slaves have 1 free training of their choice.
Slaves can spend 10 points to become a heavy Variant. Heavy Variants have 9 health and can lift up to one tone of weight but their unarmed attacks are MODERATE in speed reflex attacks and they can't use a lot of guns because they are too small for them. Forcing them to use only heavy or mech aligned weaponry.
The Metal Work Labour Union
Old Guard routinely use unmodified old suits and consider such loot to be theirs by right. Since most of the "ships property" applies to almost everything, including the ship, it gives them a thin veneer of legal right to take what they want and when. As holders of power, random check points and confiscation are a favoured pasttime.

A group set up shortly after the apocalypse some of the surviving members of crew. The top brass were dead and these people who lived a live with a moderate or less amount of power quickly abused their vacuum of authority. They claimed control over large areas, hoarding information and skills and effectively controlled large segments of the town via strangle holding these vital services and the occasional bit of violence. The old guard were at war with several other factions, especially among other surviving crew members until their own desperate attempts for control lead to their deaths, sometimes justified, sometimes not. While their originators may be dead, the old guard are still very much alive in the bigger, more prosperous cities as they keep a secretive society of cracked passwords, rights, access points, technological lessons and training close to the belt. They are just as violent and eager for power on their own.
The old guard mostly control the inner city, but also expend a lot of their resources on the outerim, the industrial sector and in some cases the outer waste lands. Thankfully, the old guard and their look-alikes don't and never had access to their captains deck nor the higher functions of the ship via a mixture of nearly impossible access to the proper areas to take control and AI unresponsiveness to updating anyone to autofill these positions. Still, they believe it's their right to take over the ship.
The people left SHOULD of been the captain by right of emergency and they are acting in the spirit of the former highest ranking people left. Of course, they leave out the ignobility that the highest ranking member at the time was a self impressed HR upper manager. You should too...people who mention that tend to end up blinded folded and left to wander in the deeper, dangerous parts of the cloud.

A group set up shortly after the apocalypse some of the surviving members of crew. The top brass were dead and these people who lived a live with a moderate or less amount of power quickly abused their vacuum of authority. They claimed control over large areas, hoarding information and skills and effectively controlled large segments of the town via strangle holding these vital services and the occasional bit of violence. The old guard were at war with several other factions, especially among other surviving crew members until their own desperate attempts for control lead to their deaths, sometimes justified, sometimes not. While their originators may be dead, the old guard are still very much alive in the bigger, more prosperous cities as they keep a secretive society of cracked passwords, rights, access points, technological lessons and training close to the belt. They are just as violent and eager for power on their own.
The old guard mostly control the inner city, but also expend a lot of their resources on the outerim, the industrial sector and in some cases the outer waste lands. Thankfully, the old guard and their look-alikes don't and never had access to their captains deck nor the higher functions of the ship via a mixture of nearly impossible access to the proper areas to take control and AI unresponsiveness to updating anyone to autofill these positions. Still, they believe it's their right to take over the ship.
The people left SHOULD of been the captain by right of emergency and they are acting in the spirit of the former highest ranking people left. Of course, they leave out the ignobility that the highest ranking member at the time was a self impressed HR upper manager. You should too...people who mention that tend to end up blinded folded and left to wander in the deeper, dangerous parts of the cloud.
Typical inner city SRS strong hold. Normally behind high security areas.

Picture of a Ribbon Society Advocate outside their territory

The high class version of the petty gangs it looks after, the silver ribbon got their name because a lot of the surviving residents with access to anything of any worth had metal bands on their arms. Most worked prior the apocalypse as storage directors, certain security detail, owners of certain big companies and even prison wardens. A good chunk of them though were simply lucky scavengers that obtained these ribbons over time and painstakingly through trial and area found out what they opened. Naturally, they are rich and own a large amount of useful buildings and land within the new world even after all these years. Combine this with hoarding information and certain technological understanding from their own predecessors although in must less glamorous or critical duties as the old guard and they are virtually impossible to not deal with at some point. If you want to do business in the inner city you will have to answer to them eventually and if you DARE try to work without their approval or paying them tribute and respect, they'll hamstring you in some way.
At the moment they disguise them in the modern day as a sort of Metropolitan Health Group, enforcing economic policies and rules downwards along with greater policy decisions. In areas that they control live could be mistaken to be idealic and peaceful with crime low and even police walking about with not a sign of ugly econoids or ruined dsicarded roaming about. This is a lie, there is crime aplenty but it runs through loops holes, white collar and little lies. All dressings of a representative town is just to lure people out and they routinely play a game of carrot and stick with their workers. They are profoundly intolerant of things not beautiful and its' not unusual for gifted discarded in the looks department to simply be tracked down and paid - or threatened- to join their community just to give it the "american dream" look, if they knew what that term meant. Others though are forced to work night and stay in at day.
The silver ribbon only let people in who achieve certain economic rank and so it's mostly people who are political, con artists or business men but many successful violent criminals and security members get rewarded enough cash for their work to eventually get in. As such lots of people tolerate the silver ribbons simply to be one of the wearers - cosmetic ones - themselves in due time.
Silver ribbons concern with control in the inner cities but they regularly reach out in order to enact agendas and sabotage other factions.

Picture of a Ribbon Society Advocate outside their territory

The high class version of the petty gangs it looks after, the silver ribbon got their name because a lot of the surviving residents with access to anything of any worth had metal bands on their arms. Most worked prior the apocalypse as storage directors, certain security detail, owners of certain big companies and even prison wardens. A good chunk of them though were simply lucky scavengers that obtained these ribbons over time and painstakingly through trial and area found out what they opened. Naturally, they are rich and own a large amount of useful buildings and land within the new world even after all these years. Combine this with hoarding information and certain technological understanding from their own predecessors although in must less glamorous or critical duties as the old guard and they are virtually impossible to not deal with at some point. If you want to do business in the inner city you will have to answer to them eventually and if you DARE try to work without their approval or paying them tribute and respect, they'll hamstring you in some way.
At the moment they disguise them in the modern day as a sort of Metropolitan Health Group, enforcing economic policies and rules downwards along with greater policy decisions. In areas that they control live could be mistaken to be idealic and peaceful with crime low and even police walking about with not a sign of ugly econoids or ruined dsicarded roaming about. This is a lie, there is crime aplenty but it runs through loops holes, white collar and little lies. All dressings of a representative town is just to lure people out and they routinely play a game of carrot and stick with their workers. They are profoundly intolerant of things not beautiful and its' not unusual for gifted discarded in the looks department to simply be tracked down and paid - or threatened- to join their community just to give it the "american dream" look, if they knew what that term meant. Others though are forced to work night and stay in at day.
The silver ribbon only let people in who achieve certain economic rank and so it's mostly people who are political, con artists or business men but many successful violent criminals and security members get rewarded enough cash for their work to eventually get in. As such lots of people tolerate the silver ribbons simply to be one of the wearers - cosmetic ones - themselves in due time.
Silver ribbons concern with control in the inner cities but they regularly reach out in order to enact agendas and sabotage other factions.
The jungle beasts mostly ruminate in abandoned areas, setting up fortified positions in enclosed enclaves.

When the econoids faced the threat of genocide, a lot of their more peaceful factions were swept away in the call for action, if not killed out right by their own kind or the invaders. The jungle beasts got their name because they descend from the absolute deepest, most virulent jungle like eco-systems of the far outer wastelands. They are violent, cruel and have a deeply ingrained sense of debt, with concepts of life debts and birth-caste being strongly encouraged in their communities, while a lot of econoid don't share this culture they adopt it and fake it in many cases out of fear for those in the jungle beasts eyes that DON'T live by these values are animals, literal scum that they considered be no better than a traitor to their kind. This intense sense of communal honour and loyalty means that several powerful people rule the land in separate functions but under one unified banner. They are unofficially at war and engage in propaganda to recruit others to their side with many small skirmishes cloaked in poor political campaigns and offenses made to one another.
They say that they are fighting for the econoids but the truth is that jungle beasts effectively functions as dukes, feudal lords and small kingdoms with a lot of civil unrest then promoted to let go of old hatreds in their masters lead via obedience and racial unity. The jungle beasts are directly owned by one of the great war chefs that fought against the econoid extermination and as such the concept of "racial debt" is deep in their culture. Loyalty to this family and her memory is considered a must with straying from this being the ultimate, unforgivable offense.
Jungle beasts rule through power, fear, obedience, loyalty and communal intermingling. They HATE outsiders and they typically make those they doubt go through obscene rituals to prove their worth, but outsiders, they go the extra mile. It's not unusual for them to be disfigured or even mutated by exposure to certain bio-hazards to join the Jungle Beasts or earn their favour.

When the econoids faced the threat of genocide, a lot of their more peaceful factions were swept away in the call for action, if not killed out right by their own kind or the invaders. The jungle beasts got their name because they descend from the absolute deepest, most virulent jungle like eco-systems of the far outer wastelands. They are violent, cruel and have a deeply ingrained sense of debt, with concepts of life debts and birth-caste being strongly encouraged in their communities, while a lot of econoid don't share this culture they adopt it and fake it in many cases out of fear for those in the jungle beasts eyes that DON'T live by these values are animals, literal scum that they considered be no better than a traitor to their kind. This intense sense of communal honour and loyalty means that several powerful people rule the land in separate functions but under one unified banner. They are unofficially at war and engage in propaganda to recruit others to their side with many small skirmishes cloaked in poor political campaigns and offenses made to one another.
They say that they are fighting for the econoids but the truth is that jungle beasts effectively functions as dukes, feudal lords and small kingdoms with a lot of civil unrest then promoted to let go of old hatreds in their masters lead via obedience and racial unity. The jungle beasts are directly owned by one of the great war chefs that fought against the econoid extermination and as such the concept of "racial debt" is deep in their culture. Loyalty to this family and her memory is considered a must with straying from this being the ultimate, unforgivable offense.
Jungle beasts rule through power, fear, obedience, loyalty and communal intermingling. They HATE outsiders and they typically make those they doubt go through obscene rituals to prove their worth, but outsiders, they go the extra mile. It's not unusual for them to be disfigured or even mutated by exposure to certain bio-hazards to join the Jungle Beasts or earn their favour.
The Metal Work Labour Union
Metal Workers like to have an omnipresent atmosphere and it's not unusual to have them just lingering about, staring people down. They like to let you know passively they can take you into an alleyway and bodychop you at a moments notice. So keep in line.

A slave oriented faction that effectively dominates the entire industrial sector via control of cyborg healthcare. Because the people that live in this area require advance parts and technological as well as medical knowledge it's virtually impossible for the vast majority of them to survive on their own for long periods of time without accruing amassing issues that eventually cause them to shut down or become permanently immobilized. The metal work labour union were originally the head directors of the indentured work force and organised what they needed, when and how while acting as a political voice on part of the workers but even then they were famously corrupt and by being one of the only avenues for slaves to get help or assistance from outside influences lead to everyone having to pay tribute and get in their good graces or find themselves cut off.
With the apocalypse this routine has gone to the extreme, now with near total control over the technical knowledge needed to actually fix the cyborgs in their area and a staggering violent approach to ANYONE that dares tries to set up any sort of cybernetic/ medical help in the industrial sector, to the point that charity organisations and entire families have been found brutalized for such transgression. It naturally goes that those inside the group get the best cybernetics - routinely taken from others outright as debt or murdered - and those outside struggle to get even hand me down gear or basic repairs.
With no central authority interested in upholding the equality or quality of life of slaves inside the area they effectively have free reign. Many slaves leave the sector purely so they can get help outside - even if this help will almost always have not half the cybernetic knowledge the MWL Union has - but even this has to be done in secret. The union routinely works with outsiders and views its own people dispassionately but will normally give spiels on about worker rights and freedom from organic servitude.
The union would not accept the title of being the rulers of the industrial sector nor slaves...but unoffically they more or less are the masters.

A slave oriented faction that effectively dominates the entire industrial sector via control of cyborg healthcare. Because the people that live in this area require advance parts and technological as well as medical knowledge it's virtually impossible for the vast majority of them to survive on their own for long periods of time without accruing amassing issues that eventually cause them to shut down or become permanently immobilized. The metal work labour union were originally the head directors of the indentured work force and organised what they needed, when and how while acting as a political voice on part of the workers but even then they were famously corrupt and by being one of the only avenues for slaves to get help or assistance from outside influences lead to everyone having to pay tribute and get in their good graces or find themselves cut off.
With the apocalypse this routine has gone to the extreme, now with near total control over the technical knowledge needed to actually fix the cyborgs in their area and a staggering violent approach to ANYONE that dares tries to set up any sort of cybernetic/ medical help in the industrial sector, to the point that charity organisations and entire families have been found brutalized for such transgression. It naturally goes that those inside the group get the best cybernetics - routinely taken from others outright as debt or murdered - and those outside struggle to get even hand me down gear or basic repairs.
With no central authority interested in upholding the equality or quality of life of slaves inside the area they effectively have free reign. Many slaves leave the sector purely so they can get help outside - even if this help will almost always have not half the cybernetic knowledge the MWL Union has - but even this has to be done in secret. The union routinely works with outsiders and views its own people dispassionately but will normally give spiels on about worker rights and freedom from organic servitude.
The union would not accept the title of being the rulers of the industrial sector nor slaves...but unoffically they more or less are the masters.
Parades of their power is standard, nearly daily. They expect much fanfare every time lest they think you are not supportive enough of the cause.

When society started to break down, a lot of people who supported the UNRS started a civil uprising to try and get message out to them, willing to give up their independence in order to be saved. What occurred exactly is not known although the old UNRS hide out and activist head quarters was left in a bullet ridden mess, falling apart and bombed to bits. Amazingly this sealed away the area under rubble and thus kept a lot of their loot and machinery relatively untouched by whatever happened during the end stages of the apocalypse.
The UNRS Remains is a collection of political activist who carry on that mission, trying to desperately send out messages into space for the UNRS to respond to so they may be rescued and society restored. Despite this seemingly benevolent goal, the actual group themselves are not empty of corruption and function more as a tightly rigged police state with the mask of proper politics. They offer help, then strangle you with it and never believe in charity. UNRS utilize heavy military reactions to everything but are one of the weakest factions in terms of numbers, as such, involuntary conscriptions, prison soldiers and threat slathered use of in-men and infiltrators are normal in their areas.
UNRS believe that their group is universal and with minimal information on what the UNRS was actually like nor what outside cloud was like that all nations, all people, all planets are a part of this group by birth and right. There is no leaving it, only traitors and cowards. Traitors and cowards don't deserve protection nor respect. They have an right to dictate the use of your resources, time and life as need be.

When society started to break down, a lot of people who supported the UNRS started a civil uprising to try and get message out to them, willing to give up their independence in order to be saved. What occurred exactly is not known although the old UNRS hide out and activist head quarters was left in a bullet ridden mess, falling apart and bombed to bits. Amazingly this sealed away the area under rubble and thus kept a lot of their loot and machinery relatively untouched by whatever happened during the end stages of the apocalypse.
The UNRS Remains is a collection of political activist who carry on that mission, trying to desperately send out messages into space for the UNRS to respond to so they may be rescued and society restored. Despite this seemingly benevolent goal, the actual group themselves are not empty of corruption and function more as a tightly rigged police state with the mask of proper politics. They offer help, then strangle you with it and never believe in charity. UNRS utilize heavy military reactions to everything but are one of the weakest factions in terms of numbers, as such, involuntary conscriptions, prison soldiers and threat slathered use of in-men and infiltrators are normal in their areas.
UNRS believe that their group is universal and with minimal information on what the UNRS was actually like nor what outside cloud was like that all nations, all people, all planets are a part of this group by birth and right. There is no leaving it, only traitors and cowards. Traitors and cowards don't deserve protection nor respect. They have an right to dictate the use of your resources, time and life as need be.

Sideways showing the depths and floors unknown

Gold/ yellow: Major city/ metropolis area.
Brown: Outer Rim grid/ down town.
Red: Outer waste lands, econoid control and jungle areas.
Dark Teal: Ghost tunnels and controlled section.
NO Color: Areas unknown and dangerous but vaguely encountered in the past.
Black: Totally unknown to anyone.
Reawakened City: A city that is bought back to near functionality. The streets are not open for random monsters to come in, certain infrastructure work. People could live here and not die of frost bite. Has some basic functioning power grid but lacks a lot of the high tech aid of the inner metropolis.
Stuttering City: A smaller city/ town that has to play miser with its resources. Schedule black/brown outs are typical and the things functioning tend to be minimal and sporadic. People don't so much as live here more that they hoard here than live exposed in the wild. Normally always crime infested to the extreme.
Nest: A nest is a term for a gunk up place filled with corpses, fresh or old and normally are used as random hold outs or scavenger locations. Sometimes people live in these places among the dead and regularly complain of hauntings but they are rare, even more rare when they are receptive or friendly.
Bunker: A term used for anyone that cut themselves off and lived in a tiny section of the ship during the apocalypse. Bunkers are normally very well fortified but lack many essentials of proper food, light or proper living space. Being more comparable to generational prisons.

This is where everyone wants to be in the world of cloud and it acts as the shinning beacon of just survival but thriving. In a imperfect, even scary world the inner metropolis was a torch against the darkness. Life can not just be bearable, not just exist, but be better and even be more than we hoped. Is it any wonder that this city bought so many races out of their seclusion one way or another. Functioning cities are not unheard of in the Cloud post apocalypse but the metropolis was a true recapture of some the luxury of the old world before.
The terminals are accessible, the rooms are cleared, the buildings beep again with robotic servants and the tram system is online. Normal infrastructure from the ethernet to automated services are online. Machine supply basic first aid and care in booths on the side of streets and the bio-gardens flourish once more with safe, unmutated foods with plant grown meat. Stores litter the place and large complexes of companies of almost every stripe work with reawaken assembly lines as if they were never shut down. Of course, the metropolis still lack access to the most powerful of systems with the replicators and instant printers- not actually instant just fast - being rationed only for the ultra rich or politically powerful. The weather dome even actually functions, making it one of the few places in the entirety of cloud not ran in perpetual night.

Discarded are the main populace here although they are by no means the kings nor owners. It's a throw away town with almost none of the care or maintenance of the inner city and basically a grandiose, bigger version of a reawakened city in and of itself. The streets still have rubble in some cases, especially down alleyways or in places the local think no one will care. A lot of the tunnels and transport are simply offline with only a few select spots being any good for travel and the robots simply don't respond. The weather system like everywhere else in the cloud simply dosen't work here and is stuck in a case of perpetual night switching from various intense levels of rain to snow and fog with little, if ever, deviation from the lot.
It functionally is a ghetto where the poor and undesirable end up getting chuck into, especially those that fail to get into the inner metropolis and end up bumming it around the rim. Despite this there are benefits to being directly near the city as they share a functioning power grid and routinely swap resources and aid. Almost all of the most frivolous or small items the big city needs the rim produces in their few working factories, mass cheap snack foods or random spare parts. If you can ignore the endless gang wars and bitterness that fills the air it's a pretty nice town if you know not to go down any dark alleyways and kiss whatever gang ass when they are in power.

The outer wastes is an area ruled by either wild life, random and unchecked ecology, econoids or wreckage to the extreme. It's one of the heaviest locations for scavenging on the city floor area and it has the bloodiest of histories both because of the econoid war but also because of the endless battles and skirmishes that take place here by various and random factions. It's considered to be the "jungle" and while on paper it's dominated by the econoids there's so much space and hidden, sequestered sections that even if they did fill up every crack of it they'll not have the manpower to stop people coming in and doing their thing.
The outer wastes consist of pocketed sections of barely running forts and thrown away cities, millions of little systems and entrances connect these parts to lower sections so it's easy to get lost into the guts of the ship without even realizing it. Large parts of the city here are devoted to food production, well, was, before the apocalypse happened so many farming based towns can be found run over or ripped to shreds. You will find the occasional stuttering city, normally, but not always, run by econoids.

The Industrial Sector was never meant to be a living space per say, more than a hold out segment of motels, hotels and the occasional cheap apartment block with flocks of cheap food and easy to walk to fabricator stores. Mostly what this area was used for was the stacking, storage and moving of massive amounts of raw material needed to assemble and build the complex and demanding devices the cloud required to survive. With a lot of the tram and train systems damaged beyond reasonable repair it simply became unrealistic to have any race going in and out of it willy nilly just to live in the metropolis nor rim an so the slaves had to make do. For the most part the sector is not a tolerable place to live for any organic.
Pollution is festering and everywhere with several of the cleaning and environmental systems down in the cloud, the darkness here is actually worse than many other places because the smog blocks out the simulated moon or stars and many of their own street lamps in some cases. Their "apartments" are riveted together, towering blocks of large shipping crates repurposed to allow several slaves to live in at once. Cramped, crowded and with little stores or places for food or luxury, the life of a industrial sector resident is mostly work orientated. However, the industrial sector is also the only place with a still functioning element fabricator reactor and several extremely high end functioning automated construction lines for cybernetics, robotics and previously thought lost technology. For many, this alone makes tolerating the city worth it.
A picture of one of the tunnel entrances leading into its dark maze.

It was the ghosts who returned some small semblance of glory to the crippled tram system, before they were encountered it could only go to a very few select places and the rare expedition to a still functioning spot in the deep unknown tended to be fruitless, end up in dead ends or simply result in the tram never coming back and with it neither their explorers. With the aid of the ghost and their psychic powers they were able to glean info and secrets others could not and in time with the help of the other races they restored a direct tram line between a lot of the rim, wasteland and metropolis key points and all the way to their home section.
This was only possible though because so much of the tram area and its systems were scoped out over generations in their tunnels in their complex psychic map. These points are dark, lacking any light whatsoever and normally thin on air, dirty, dusty, stale and full of debris. Age old sign of battle, malfunctioning or just cannibalized machinery is regularly and there is an unmistakable sense of wrongness to it with a dreadful cold that cuts down to the bone. While the tunnels are...safe...people still go missing in them sometimes and on the most silent of nights you can hear the most faint echo of a scream far, far away.

It was the ghosts who returned some small semblance of glory to the crippled tram system, before they were encountered it could only go to a very few select places and the rare expedition to a still functioning spot in the deep unknown tended to be fruitless, end up in dead ends or simply result in the tram never coming back and with it neither their explorers. With the aid of the ghost and their psychic powers they were able to glean info and secrets others could not and in time with the help of the other races they restored a direct tram line between a lot of the rim, wasteland and metropolis key points and all the way to their home section.
This was only possible though because so much of the tram area and its systems were scoped out over generations in their tunnels in their complex psychic map. These points are dark, lacking any light whatsoever and normally thin on air, dirty, dusty, stale and full of debris. Age old sign of battle, malfunctioning or just cannibalized machinery is regularly and there is an unmistakable sense of wrongness to it with a dreadful cold that cuts down to the bone. While the tunnels are...safe...people still go missing in them sometimes and on the most silent of nights you can hear the most faint echo of a scream far, far away.

Because resources are so pivotal and limited on Cloud and because scavenging is both dangerous and inconsistent mining is one of the only real options the citizen have to keep things sustainable. It's one of the few issues that every faction agrees is a unified effort, even the UNRS REMAINS who all work together and pull their skills to make each expedition to get more goodies as successful as possible. Because most of the escape pods and ships were long gone when anyone awoke from the apocalypse, the remaining ships were all almost wrecked to near obsoletion and short range in and out glider ships. This resulted in a mining economy resulting around utilizing drones and small range ships on to nearby passing asteroids and mining as much as possible before Cloud slowly drifted to far.
The docks is HIGHLY defended, perhaps the second most well defended place on Cloud next to Inner Metropolis and even the tiniest bit of threat will be met with swift execution with a short- if you are lucky - trial. The workers here are normally forced labour, typically prisoners, who live a life of thrifty neglect and harsh conditions under their more technically aware foreman and engineers who risk every day of being left behind on a rock if they are too slow to suffocate to death. Some miners though are actual workers and such miners who excel and aren't indentured are considered to be one of the few jobs with a good rep that might even get the various criminals to leave you alone out of respect.
Not essential so on hold. As are the other unknowns.

A lot of the defence system simply don't work, destroyed or spent of all their power or ammunition a long time ago while some even seem friendly. There is a notable amount that will shoot at all the regular races of today, not seeing them as allies or simply not caring if they are crew or not. These defences are typically fixed into one area or have very limited mobility. The most common will always be some sort of machine gun turret but the ship is old yet advanced. No one knows exactly what they can hold or do.
Sometimes they release spider bots from the wall, set up lazer gates or lock people in and start to cycle the air with toxins. Typically these defence are one and done and not overly complex....typically.

The fate of most econoids older than 50. Why econoids seem to over absorb until they become these monsters is unknown but they are a frequent threat even among their own kind and by no means easy to put down. Fighting a Tumouroid is always going to be a battle with stakes even for the most prepared simply because they come in so many variations with little consistency or dynamic. Talking them down is virtually impossible though and if they see you and you don't want to fight, you should be ready to run because they can shockingly fast.
These lumbering giants of flesh easily dwarf over discarded and slaves alike, standing anywhere from 7.5 to 14 foot tall in occasions. With so much integrated into their nervous system they can be armoured and armed like a small battalion. Some econoids in the furthest reaches of the jungle follow these monsters as leaders, engaging and provoking their delirium and battle rage as they sprawl across the wastes. But such groups rarely get more than 30 or so members.

Large sections of the ship are no longer breathable, many out right lacking any of the most basic of life support. Others are filled slowly with toxins, sometimes even by their own malfunctioning air scrubbers and more because of enigmatic forces or ecological threats that have taken root. It's easy to tell when you are suffocating without air, it's harder to tell when you are suffocating with it so you should always be prepared for the worst and cautious lest you find yourself feeling woozy...or worse while half an hour into some part of the lower unknown.

Many parts of the Cloud simply were left to rot and rust after the apocalypse, and the apocalypse itself didn't do most of it any favours either. Doors will suddenly shut with enough force to crush bone, large sections will collapse if an echo is too powerful and wires will lash out and become exposed when power is restored in some places. These are just a small list of the things that can kill you, and the Cloud has variety more in spades thanks to its gigantic size and major case of neglect and abuse.

Crime is the bread and butter of the Cloud life style. Everyone has been on the receiving end of it at least once in their life and it isn't any better when you get out of the cities either. You'll find crooks with hide outs, exploration teams, even sometimes a space walking vessel or two that like to explore into the depths. You could try bribing them, or talking to them but keep in mind that in a lot of the Cloud no one will hear you scream, and in others, people will hear and just not care.
These petty thugs typically aren't too much of a threat on their own but they like numbers and are intelligent enough to come up with plans and preserve their own ass. So keep an eye out.

Whatever happened in the apocalypse let a massive amount of animals and plants roam free and in humanity's absence they have grown and mutated due to unknown reasons. A lot of eco threats are barely recognizable as the plants or creatures they used to be but their unknown nature means many of them score easy kills on the general folk who dare wander too far from the cities. Thankfully, most of them are hyper aggressive and won't tolerate you in their territory alone. It's the ones that don't make their intentions known you got to worry about, because you never know what they're actually doing.
For the most part they the form of mutated mammals or odd looking plants but they can also be zombified corpses. Ironically, despite what all the stories say...zombies are actually the easiest to kill in the new ecosphere.

Don't stray from the light. If it's too cold, better bail. No one knows why, but the ghosts do, they don't know what they know but they survived so long for a reason. Something just...isn't right away from the beaten path. In the darker corridors, deeper segments of the Cloud...sometimes even if its especially neglect subways and alleyways there is a force, a whisper, a touch that strokes down your spine then passes. Even when people go into the dark tunnels in the tram system people close their eyes and ignore it. Just ignore it...
works for the split moments on the train. But down here, in the deep, in the secret. You can't. You try but you can't. Sometimes you forget where you are, sometimes you swear you are somewhere else. You couldn't possibly be on the cloud until you realise you must be. A dream awake, a trap...no...a lure too...better not find out. Keep an eye out for the darkness. It's an keeping an eye out for you.

A lot of the defence system simply don't work, destroyed or spent of all their power or ammunition a long time ago while some even seem friendly. There is a notable amount that will shoot at all the regular races of today, not seeing them as allies or simply not caring if they are crew or not. These defences are typically fixed into one area or have very limited mobility. The most common will always be some sort of machine gun turret but the ship is old yet advanced. No one knows exactly what they can hold or do.
Sometimes they release spider bots from the wall, set up lazer gates or lock people in and start to cycle the air with toxins. Typically these defence are one and done and not overly complex....typically.

The fate of most econoids older than 50. Why econoids seem to over absorb until they become these monsters is unknown but they are a frequent threat even among their own kind and by no means easy to put down. Fighting a Tumouroid is always going to be a battle with stakes even for the most prepared simply because they come in so many variations with little consistency or dynamic. Talking them down is virtually impossible though and if they see you and you don't want to fight, you should be ready to run because they can shockingly fast.
These lumbering giants of flesh easily dwarf over discarded and slaves alike, standing anywhere from 7.5 to 14 foot tall in occasions. With so much integrated into their nervous system they can be armoured and armed like a small battalion. Some econoids in the furthest reaches of the jungle follow these monsters as leaders, engaging and provoking their delirium and battle rage as they sprawl across the wastes. But such groups rarely get more than 30 or so members.

Large sections of the ship are no longer breathable, many out right lacking any of the most basic of life support. Others are filled slowly with toxins, sometimes even by their own malfunctioning air scrubbers and more because of enigmatic forces or ecological threats that have taken root. It's easy to tell when you are suffocating without air, it's harder to tell when you are suffocating with it so you should always be prepared for the worst and cautious lest you find yourself feeling woozy...or worse while half an hour into some part of the lower unknown.

Many parts of the Cloud simply were left to rot and rust after the apocalypse, and the apocalypse itself didn't do most of it any favours either. Doors will suddenly shut with enough force to crush bone, large sections will collapse if an echo is too powerful and wires will lash out and become exposed when power is restored in some places. These are just a small list of the things that can kill you, and the Cloud has variety more in spades thanks to its gigantic size and major case of neglect and abuse.

Crime is the bread and butter of the Cloud life style. Everyone has been on the receiving end of it at least once in their life and it isn't any better when you get out of the cities either. You'll find crooks with hide outs, exploration teams, even sometimes a space walking vessel or two that like to explore into the depths. You could try bribing them, or talking to them but keep in mind that in a lot of the Cloud no one will hear you scream, and in others, people will hear and just not care.
These petty thugs typically aren't too much of a threat on their own but they like numbers and are intelligent enough to come up with plans and preserve their own ass. So keep an eye out.

Whatever happened in the apocalypse let a massive amount of animals and plants roam free and in humanity's absence they have grown and mutated due to unknown reasons. A lot of eco threats are barely recognizable as the plants or creatures they used to be but their unknown nature means many of them score easy kills on the general folk who dare wander too far from the cities. Thankfully, most of them are hyper aggressive and won't tolerate you in their territory alone. It's the ones that don't make their intentions known you got to worry about, because you never know what they're actually doing.
For the most part they the form of mutated mammals or odd looking plants but they can also be zombified corpses. Ironically, despite what all the stories say...zombies are actually the easiest to kill in the new ecosphere.

Don't stray from the light. If it's too cold, better bail. No one knows why, but the ghosts do, they don't know what they know but they survived so long for a reason. Something just...isn't right away from the beaten path. In the darker corridors, deeper segments of the Cloud...sometimes even if its especially neglect subways and alleyways there is a force, a whisper, a touch that strokes down your spine then passes. Even when people go into the dark tunnels in the tram system people close their eyes and ignore it. Just ignore it...
works for the split moments on the train. But down here, in the deep, in the secret. You can't. You try but you can't. Sometimes you forget where you are, sometimes you swear you are somewhere else. You couldn't possibly be on the cloud until you realise you must be. A dream awake, a trap...no...a lure too...better not find out. Keep an eye out for the darkness. It's an keeping an eye out for you.
When a damaging event is declared, such as a bomb going off, each player gets a post to respond except in special circumstances where reaction is impossible or fruitless - eg: being next to a nuke - during this post the player can relatively do anything but the GM - me - will decree if their post would logically go through. Certain items or weaponry have a "reflex time" which will tell you if you could pull them out or use them in time to fit in one of these posts.
Health is determined by POSTS LEFT which is your bodily frame. If you get hit then the number of posts you have left until you die of blood loss/ shock or some such keeps going down whenever it is your turn to post in the post cycle, even if you don't actually post. Damage after this point continues to decrease or take off more of your remaining posts.
Armor has two states: BLOCKING and NUMBING. Blocked attacks do nothing themselves but logically you may still get damaged from the aftermath such - if you block up close shot gut attack you may still be sent flying off and hit your head on something in a tight corridor - Numbing simply decreases the amount of POST LEFT damage you take from certain attacks. Armor will have its blocking and numbing stats on it.
Combat time occurs within 15 to 20 second periods. Outside of combat you are much more free with your time logic so long as your character could at least do their movement within a day and still holds itself to some level of logic but in combat your time is very limited and your character should act as such. Keep this time in mind when I use the term "posts" in these combat mechanics because they won't make much sense with out them.
Speed determines how fast a item can be used in any setting. The speed range goes from SLOW, MODERATE, FAST, LIGHTNING.
SLOW: 3 posts
LIGHTNING: breaks reaction post rules. Finishes it affect on post used. MOSTLY will be used by certain enemies.
When I say POSTS I don't mean, literally you have to wait for 3 people to post to use your bazooka. But it does mean that other peoples REACTION post increase to that time. As such, this means that if you are taking out a proto-type rail gun towards a horde of monsters be aware that you may be giving them 3 posts worth of time or activity to just rain down on your ass and gobble you up.
When a damaging event is declared, such as a bomb going off, each player gets a post to respond except in special circumstances where reaction is impossible or fruitless - eg: being next to a nuke - during this post the player can relatively do anything but the GM - me - will decree if their post would logically go through. Certain items or weaponry have a "reflex time" which will tell you if you could pull them out or use them in time to fit in one of these posts.
Health is determined by POSTS LEFT which is your bodily frame. If you get hit then the number of posts you have left until you die of blood loss/ shock or some such keeps going down whenever it is your turn to post in the post cycle, even if you don't actually post. Damage after this point continues to decrease or take off more of your remaining posts.
Armor has two states: BLOCKING and NUMBING. Blocked attacks do nothing themselves but logically you may still get damaged from the aftermath such - if you block up close shot gut attack you may still be sent flying off and hit your head on something in a tight corridor - Numbing simply decreases the amount of POST LEFT damage you take from certain attacks. Armor will have its blocking and numbing stats on it.
Combat time occurs within 15 to 20 second periods. Outside of combat you are much more free with your time logic so long as your character could at least do their movement within a day and still holds itself to some level of logic but in combat your time is very limited and your character should act as such. Keep this time in mind when I use the term "posts" in these combat mechanics because they won't make much sense with out them.
Speed determines how fast a item can be used in any setting. The speed range goes from SLOW, MODERATE, FAST, LIGHTNING.
SLOW: 3 posts
LIGHTNING: breaks reaction post rules. Finishes it affect on post used. MOSTLY will be used by certain enemies.
When I say POSTS I don't mean, literally you have to wait for 3 people to post to use your bazooka. But it does mean that other peoples REACTION post increase to that time. As such, this means that if you are taking out a proto-type rail gun towards a horde of monsters be aware that you may be giving them 3 posts worth of time or activity to just rain down on your ass and gobble you up.
There are two tags you will notice in this game right off the bat. One will look like this:
All players should post this if a GHOST or other person with psychic powers is near you. These are your characters feelings and inner complexities, you DON'T and shouldn't give a clear answer. So be sure to apply as many keywords you think apply to your characters emotional state. If they just got done talking to a hot girl they might feel anxious or regretful as well as happy and ready for the day, for example. It's up for character - their player - to try and deduce useful information from your revealed emotions.
This is a tag you'll only see by me. In this tag you will get constant updating information about the world. All of this is information your character can get passively by just being around or petty side tracks. Oddly aware hobos, low info brokers, fellow faction members or just the bartender. You don't need to ask these people for this stuff, you innately just pick up although you won't get ALL information from this tag. So, if you're going to see someone big...like a gang leader you may ask them or barter for more juicy info and leads, if they have them. This is mostly to bypass "I've started the game and I got nothing to do. I better ask this random bum for a clue" as well as help you be aware of the world and your objectives somewhat.
If you see your mention in this tag. It means the rumours involve you. If you don't see your mention in this, it means the post involves - or pertains to - you in some way.
In the world of cloud there are many unknown threats and mysteries. A glimpses is afforded to a player as a flash back of either their memories or others with one of these mysterious threats. These glimpses always take the form of small writings PM'd to them which they may use in character as access to knowledge only they have but others don't. Glimpses are always vague to the bigger picture but will always be useful. A glimpses should not be talked about in detail in OOC channels in order to retain their mystery.
Ghosts get a glimpses from their visions by default.
There are two tags you will notice in this game right off the bat. One will look like this:
Malcom is feeling: sad, betrayed, tired, frustrated, hurt, rushed, aggitated, alert, ready, active and adventerous.
All players should post this if a GHOST or other person with psychic powers is near you. These are your characters feelings and inner complexities, you DON'T and shouldn't give a clear answer. So be sure to apply as many keywords you think apply to your characters emotional state. If they just got done talking to a hot girl they might feel anxious or regretful as well as happy and ready for the day, for example. It's up for character - their player - to try and deduce useful information from your revealed emotions.
MAIN OBJECTIVE: You hear a hobo has found a key card in x area.
TIDBIT: Workers are rioting on the docks again
TIDBIT: Workers are rioting on the docks again
This is a tag you'll only see by me. In this tag you will get constant updating information about the world. All of this is information your character can get passively by just being around or petty side tracks. Oddly aware hobos, low info brokers, fellow faction members or just the bartender. You don't need to ask these people for this stuff, you innately just pick up although you won't get ALL information from this tag. So, if you're going to see someone big...like a gang leader you may ask them or barter for more juicy info and leads, if they have them. This is mostly to bypass "I've started the game and I got nothing to do. I better ask this random bum for a clue" as well as help you be aware of the world and your objectives somewhat.
If you see your mention in this tag. It means the rumours involve you. If you don't see your mention in this, it means the post involves - or pertains to - you in some way.
In the world of cloud there are many unknown threats and mysteries. A glimpses is afforded to a player as a flash back of either their memories or others with one of these mysterious threats. These glimpses always take the form of small writings PM'd to them which they may use in character as access to knowledge only they have but others don't. Glimpses are always vague to the bigger picture but will always be useful. A glimpses should not be talked about in detail in OOC channels in order to retain their mystery.
Ghosts get a glimpses from their visions by default.
[color= CHOOSE YOUR COLOR][h1]NAME HERE...I mean literally here in between the code. [/h1][/color]
secure.runescape.com/m=forum/forums?2… Here is a link to colors and their names for you to pick. Please remember to repost your name in this code- and your color - atop your posts.
male or female.
While long age is a thing thanks to the transhumanist aspect. You should not be more than 80 generally.
Discarded live up to 300 years and slow down in age as they reach their late 40's.
Ghost live virtually forever but go mad or die eventually from psychic burn out.
Econoids rarely live past 50 without turning into a Tumouroid or dying from violence.
Slaves are the exception but you should refer to their age since they woke up as their memory is unreliable.
You may use description or a picture. Please try to keep worded description below 3 paragraphs.
how is your character involved in the key card? Why do they want it? Do they want to stop somehow else getting it? Destroy it? Maybe they are more interested in the UNRS ship it came on? Your character should have a in built motivation for the main plot.
[b] TIES [/b]
Write down your faction ties and greater communal relationships here.
[h2] BACKGROUND [/h2]
Write underneath here your characters background and life story leading up to this point. If you have questions about what works for your character/ race just ask and I'll help you as best as I can.
You format your relationships as thus.
[b][color = players chosen color] characters name [/color][/b]
"Your in character opinion of them here. EG: Oh. Charles is great. He always makes me laugh"
You SHOULD have one pre-rearranged relationship built up with another player before you get in. If there is another player you can mingle and make a relationship with...it can be anything...nemesis...exes....lovers...military comrades. Anything. But I won't finalize your acceptance until you at least have one.
If you go the extra mile to form an actual character past and opinion on others in anyway then you are great.
If you are alone and can't do this then you are exempt.
=====================[h2][MECHANICS AND GEAR][/h2]=======================
TRAITS: These are your traits.
RACIAL BONUSES: Be sure to add your bonuses here from your race. Makes them easier to keep track of.
GEAR: When the shop opens up you can put your gear here.
MAX HEALTH: This is your max health. Your standard health should be 4 but is increased by racial perks, traits or gear.
At the moment the items are a bit scarce but my plan is to slowly open up the items more and more as the group meets more stores and people. This is just your starting options. I'll might add a few more bits later.
You automatically get 3 traits of your choice for your character. You DON'T have to use up all your traits.
PSYCHIC (Discarded or Econoid only): You were born with a strange, immutable sense that others lack. You gain access to the Revealed Information tab that ghosts get and get retrocognitive vibes about areas or places to a much lesser extent than ghosts.
but you also suffer with nightmares, hallucinations and even suffer trauma that can render you insane over time from mental barrages by the horrors of the ship.
BAD TIMES: You experienced something awful and it will stick with you until the day you die. But in return you retain a GLIMPSE into one of the many unknown threats of the Cloud.
Picking bad times multiple times will grant different glimpses of different threats. If you want more info on one specific unknown threat then pick Traumatized.
Effect: You get a glimpse. The glimpse will take form of a memory PM'd to you of something in your past. If you served in the military it could be a mission that went wrong or if you were a miner you might of seen something in an asteroid and so on. Glimpses are written by me and detail what occurred.
TRAUMATIZED: You have experienced something that has outright severely crippled your mind. The nature of your insanity must be extreme such as schizophrenia, stress induced deafness/blindness/mutism, chronic self injury, a panic attack inducing fear of something common place and so on. But you get an additional glimpse into a singular unknown threat and thus more prepared for them later.
CONNECTED: You have friends in a specific faction who vouch for you. As such, dealing with that faction goes a bit more smoothly for you than it would for others. But this courtesy will only go so far.
DEBT: You are in debt to a major faction, you don't know how you're going to pay this off but you get an extra 10 points to spend on gear in exchange for this trait. They want their money, with interest, soon.
MEDICAL TRAINING: You have a beyond basic experience in treating people. You can treat organic humanoids enough to stabilize their wounds. Bigger or more drastic wounds or form of injury require the use of tools. You can use a lot of medical equipment that others can't.
CYBERNETIC TRAINING: You have a semi-understanding of cybernetics. You get information on the parts you are buying and if they are any good. You also can repair slaves and cybernetics so long as you can get parts and proper machinery. Without it your options are limited.
Without this a lot of your understanding of cybernetic modifications and items will be vague and hard for your character to understand.
COMBAT TRAINING: You were trained in basic combat at some point. You know how to use most standard types of firearms and explosives which grants you access to bigger guns that you need training to use effectively.
LIVE FIRE TRAINING: need combat training to get this: You know how to use all conventional weaponry and explosives. You were most likely trained and deployed in some manner in your past and actually engaged in combat. Your reflex with guns can't be slower than MODERATE. Certain old guns that might be considered to be broken by others you might know how to finesse to get working again.
SHIP EXPERT: People who have any knowledge of space flight are very few in the Cloud with almost no one knowing how the actual Clouds own system function in regards to engines or rocket science. Asa ship expert you work regularly with space walkers or the short range ships found decaying in the few docks people have cracked into.
You can pilot ships relatively well with little issue. If you encounter a spacewalker or ship you want to get working you'll understand what you'll need to do to get it up. Your training generally spills over, to a lesser degree into trams and mobile transport unit on the Cloud.
FERAL (Econoid only): When in combat you got into a feral like state. If you take the first attack from an enemy head on, it dosen't deal any bleed on damage. You also gain for the post after twice the average human strength and jumping speed in your savage rage.
SUPER METABOLISM: (econoid only) The body of the econoid is never consistent exactly. Some exhibit strange mutations and growths. A econoid with super metabolism can eat virtually anything, including hard metals without suffering any damage or discomfort, even their own kin. Remarkably, this somehow grants them certain regenerative qualities when eat large amounts of meat.
effect: grants 1 health back when you eat a human sized amount of meat in any form.
TOTAL NEURON REMAPPING (Slave only): Your advance brain to hardware system allows long term healing of the mind that others could only dream of. When you take psychic damage you actively heal from that damage each post, regenerating any health lost from psychic attacks or errors. Also stabilizes you from neurotoxins and nerve based attacks.
SYSTEM BACK UP( slave only): You were built with a life time guarantee long before you got onto the Cloud. When you would die, you instead go into a limp state and hit the floor. A emergency power and failsafe system kicks in and you regain 3 health next turn. Bringing you back to life. Dosen't replace missing limbs or body parts.
BENEFACTOR (Ghost only): You have gained the ancestral appreciation of the dead for reason unknown to you. As a result you will regularly get warnings or an odd chill when how that ancestor died is close or poses a threat to you.
gives you a CHILL Alert whena specific threat is near you in some way. You don't get told what that alert is. You got to figure it out as you go.
MAINTAINED SUIT (Ghost only): You were given one of the prime suits worn by the crew back before the apocalypses and looked after it as a treasured family hairloom. As such, it retains functioning features now rare among the local populace.
choose 2 from below for your suit:
1: You have an inbuilt air filter that last for 5 posts. Protecting you from air toxins.
2: Oxygen tank: you have an air tank that functions for 4 posts. It needs to be refilled at a still functioning oxygen provider or replaced each use but grants you blocking against lack of air and toxins. Can be turned on instantly.
3: reinforced: your suit has basic armor plating. Granting you a block and numbing of 1 point. Dosen't stack with other armor.
4: Multi-scan: your suit offers night vision or thermal vision.
5: Thrusters: You have thrusters in your back allowing slow flight up/ down in a general direction. Has enough fuel for 5 posts worth of flight.
PSYCHIC (Discarded or Econoid only): You were born with a strange, immutable sense that others lack. You gain access to the Revealed Information tab that ghosts get and get retrocognitive vibes about areas or places to a much lesser extent than ghosts.
but you also suffer with nightmares, hallucinations and even suffer trauma that can render you insane over time from mental barrages by the horrors of the ship.
BAD TIMES: You experienced something awful and it will stick with you until the day you die. But in return you retain a GLIMPSE into one of the many unknown threats of the Cloud.
Picking bad times multiple times will grant different glimpses of different threats. If you want more info on one specific unknown threat then pick Traumatized.
Effect: You get a glimpse. The glimpse will take form of a memory PM'd to you of something in your past. If you served in the military it could be a mission that went wrong or if you were a miner you might of seen something in an asteroid and so on. Glimpses are written by me and detail what occurred.
TRAUMATIZED: You have experienced something that has outright severely crippled your mind. The nature of your insanity must be extreme such as schizophrenia, stress induced deafness/blindness/mutism, chronic self injury, a panic attack inducing fear of something common place and so on. But you get an additional glimpse into a singular unknown threat and thus more prepared for them later.
CONNECTED: You have friends in a specific faction who vouch for you. As such, dealing with that faction goes a bit more smoothly for you than it would for others. But this courtesy will only go so far.
DEBT: You are in debt to a major faction, you don't know how you're going to pay this off but you get an extra 10 points to spend on gear in exchange for this trait. They want their money, with interest, soon.
MEDICAL TRAINING: You have a beyond basic experience in treating people. You can treat organic humanoids enough to stabilize their wounds. Bigger or more drastic wounds or form of injury require the use of tools. You can use a lot of medical equipment that others can't.
CYBERNETIC TRAINING: You have a semi-understanding of cybernetics. You get information on the parts you are buying and if they are any good. You also can repair slaves and cybernetics so long as you can get parts and proper machinery. Without it your options are limited.
Without this a lot of your understanding of cybernetic modifications and items will be vague and hard for your character to understand.
COMBAT TRAINING: You were trained in basic combat at some point. You know how to use most standard types of firearms and explosives which grants you access to bigger guns that you need training to use effectively.
LIVE FIRE TRAINING: need combat training to get this: You know how to use all conventional weaponry and explosives. You were most likely trained and deployed in some manner in your past and actually engaged in combat. Your reflex with guns can't be slower than MODERATE. Certain old guns that might be considered to be broken by others you might know how to finesse to get working again.
SHIP EXPERT: People who have any knowledge of space flight are very few in the Cloud with almost no one knowing how the actual Clouds own system function in regards to engines or rocket science. Asa ship expert you work regularly with space walkers or the short range ships found decaying in the few docks people have cracked into.
You can pilot ships relatively well with little issue. If you encounter a spacewalker or ship you want to get working you'll understand what you'll need to do to get it up. Your training generally spills over, to a lesser degree into trams and mobile transport unit on the Cloud.
FERAL (Econoid only): When in combat you got into a feral like state. If you take the first attack from an enemy head on, it dosen't deal any bleed on damage. You also gain for the post after twice the average human strength and jumping speed in your savage rage.
SUPER METABOLISM: (econoid only) The body of the econoid is never consistent exactly. Some exhibit strange mutations and growths. A econoid with super metabolism can eat virtually anything, including hard metals without suffering any damage or discomfort, even their own kin. Remarkably, this somehow grants them certain regenerative qualities when eat large amounts of meat.
effect: grants 1 health back when you eat a human sized amount of meat in any form.
TOTAL NEURON REMAPPING (Slave only): Your advance brain to hardware system allows long term healing of the mind that others could only dream of. When you take psychic damage you actively heal from that damage each post, regenerating any health lost from psychic attacks or errors. Also stabilizes you from neurotoxins and nerve based attacks.
SYSTEM BACK UP( slave only): You were built with a life time guarantee long before you got onto the Cloud. When you would die, you instead go into a limp state and hit the floor. A emergency power and failsafe system kicks in and you regain 3 health next turn. Bringing you back to life. Dosen't replace missing limbs or body parts.
BENEFACTOR (Ghost only): You have gained the ancestral appreciation of the dead for reason unknown to you. As a result you will regularly get warnings or an odd chill when how that ancestor died is close or poses a threat to you.
gives you a CHILL Alert whena specific threat is near you in some way. You don't get told what that alert is. You got to figure it out as you go.
MAINTAINED SUIT (Ghost only): You were given one of the prime suits worn by the crew back before the apocalypses and looked after it as a treasured family hairloom. As such, it retains functioning features now rare among the local populace.
choose 2 from below for your suit:
1: You have an inbuilt air filter that last for 5 posts. Protecting you from air toxins.
2: Oxygen tank: you have an air tank that functions for 4 posts. It needs to be refilled at a still functioning oxygen provider or replaced each use but grants you blocking against lack of air and toxins. Can be turned on instantly.
3: reinforced: your suit has basic armor plating. Granting you a block and numbing of 1 point. Dosen't stack with other armor.
4: Multi-scan: your suit offers night vision or thermal vision.
5: Thrusters: You have thrusters in your back allowing slow flight up/ down in a general direction. Has enough fuel for 5 posts worth of flight.
You start off with 20 Points unless a trait or racial benefit states otherwise
CROSSBOW [5 points]
A sturdy crossbow that fires arrows. Very powerful but slow between shots.
Damage: 3 Reflex: Fast Reload: got to reload each post to use it again.
Starts off with 5 bolts. You got to pay a point for each additional 5.
JIGGER [5 points]
The jigger is a jury rigged hand automatic hand gun with a poor shelf life that dispenses 9mm bullets. It's handling is awful, it's moody and it jams a lot but it is the most common gun found in the Cloud, especially among the discarded enclaves and nests.
Damage:1 but can hit up to 3 times in one go. Reflex: fast
Holds and starts off with one clip of 20 bullets. Each new clip costs a point. Hits based on a roll by DM, as well as does it potentially jam.
A bit of old tech before the apocalypse that is still found around. The theory is that the amplifier served as some sort of construction tool. It's a ring that causes force going in to be accelerated dramatically in a single direction. Throw a rock in it and that rock will reach up to 30 miles an hour of speed in acceleration. It looks like a magnify glass. The repurposed nature of it as a weapon is that it's been attached to a handle and a sling has been attached to the back. Making it techno-enhance sling shot.
Can't be attached to guns or widen. It does produce a amplified recoil and loses it effect when made larger.
Dosen't cost any ammo for new ammo since it uses anything that can fit through its hole.
REFLEX: moderate DAMAGE: 2
HAND GUN - full circle - [ 6 points ]
A generic hand gun found in the depths. The make and name are unknown but a logo of a bulky, white circle with a small sphere in the middle lays on the side of near all of them. The guns have a cubic, compact quality with two little barrel noses at prodding out. Fires 10mm rounds
Holds 10 bullets.
Cost 1 point per mag.
REFLEX: fast Damage: 1
The most common type of reliable hand gun about. Finding ammo for any gun is not easy but clips for this one are the most encountered when scavenging out in the unknowns.
PULSATOR [9 points]
A two handed rectangle that retracts to reveal a fork like appendage at the end when set in ready mode. When fired the fork spins quickly and lets out criss cross of electrical waves that become a whole through the random spin. Essentially it's a beam weapon although what it shoots exactly is not known as the force is not a laser. The force itself is a transparent vibration in the air that looks like a wobbly distortion in its beam state.
Cause some sort of neuron damage and wiring damage in targets caught in the beam too long. How it achieves this is unknown. Loved by criminals and pirates because it dosen't damage loot or gear.
Reflex: takes a turn to enter spin which counts as your declaration turn. After it spins it constant/ fast.
AMMO: Uses a type of power core that is rare. Each post spent spinning uses up 5% of its power.
DAMAGE: 1 damage but can achieve up to 4 hits with a 1d4 roll by the DM.
A sturdy crossbow that fires arrows. Very powerful but slow between shots.
Damage: 3 Reflex: Fast Reload: got to reload each post to use it again.
Starts off with 5 bolts. You got to pay a point for each additional 5.
JIGGER [5 points]
The jigger is a jury rigged hand automatic hand gun with a poor shelf life that dispenses 9mm bullets. It's handling is awful, it's moody and it jams a lot but it is the most common gun found in the Cloud, especially among the discarded enclaves and nests.
Damage:1 but can hit up to 3 times in one go. Reflex: fast
Holds and starts off with one clip of 20 bullets. Each new clip costs a point. Hits based on a roll by DM, as well as does it potentially jam.
A bit of old tech before the apocalypse that is still found around. The theory is that the amplifier served as some sort of construction tool. It's a ring that causes force going in to be accelerated dramatically in a single direction. Throw a rock in it and that rock will reach up to 30 miles an hour of speed in acceleration. It looks like a magnify glass. The repurposed nature of it as a weapon is that it's been attached to a handle and a sling has been attached to the back. Making it techno-enhance sling shot.
Can't be attached to guns or widen. It does produce a amplified recoil and loses it effect when made larger.
Dosen't cost any ammo for new ammo since it uses anything that can fit through its hole.
REFLEX: moderate DAMAGE: 2
HAND GUN - full circle - [ 6 points ]
A generic hand gun found in the depths. The make and name are unknown but a logo of a bulky, white circle with a small sphere in the middle lays on the side of near all of them. The guns have a cubic, compact quality with two little barrel noses at prodding out. Fires 10mm rounds
Holds 10 bullets.
Cost 1 point per mag.
REFLEX: fast Damage: 1
The most common type of reliable hand gun about. Finding ammo for any gun is not easy but clips for this one are the most encountered when scavenging out in the unknowns.
PULSATOR [9 points]
A two handed rectangle that retracts to reveal a fork like appendage at the end when set in ready mode. When fired the fork spins quickly and lets out criss cross of electrical waves that become a whole through the random spin. Essentially it's a beam weapon although what it shoots exactly is not known as the force is not a laser. The force itself is a transparent vibration in the air that looks like a wobbly distortion in its beam state.
Cause some sort of neuron damage and wiring damage in targets caught in the beam too long. How it achieves this is unknown. Loved by criminals and pirates because it dosen't damage loot or gear.
Reflex: takes a turn to enter spin which counts as your declaration turn. After it spins it constant/ fast.
AMMO: Uses a type of power core that is rare. Each post spent spinning uses up 5% of its power.
DAMAGE: 1 damage but can achieve up to 4 hits with a 1d4 roll by the DM.
055 SKULL BRINGER [10 points]
A rifle developed for hunting on alien planets. A lot of these were ransacked from hobbyiest and the rich in the old buildings of the inner city and outrim. The rifle was made be silent but powerful and so dosen't use an explosion but a sort of amplification technology seen in the Repurposed amplifier. When the gun fires a long stripe on its top glows and hum silently before releasing a bullet out at mad velocity. Loved by pirates, mercenary's, bandits and rag tag PMC.
REFLEX: 2 if the target is far away - more than 20 feet - 3 if the target is within 10 feet.
Holds 3 shots mags.
cost 1 point per 3 shots mag.
A weapon used in the bulk in the large factions standard troopers. The super repeater is three barrel assault machine gun that fires each barrel inbetween the other. It eats through bullets swiftly and can hold a constant beam of fire. The gun keeps its recoil under reasonable control via a automatic feedback system that helps adjust the aim and handling the longer it is used by the owner but it is by no means an aim bot. Just an aid.
Fires: 1d4 bullets a post. Reflex: fast
Damage: 2
AMMO: automatically shoots 5 rounds a post. Holds 25 rounds in its mag. The roll only dictate what hits in the panic of combat. If you have FIREARM expert. You get a +1 to your rolls.
Ammo costs 5 points per mag. SUPER REPEATER ammo is scarce outside of the major cities.
The most common type of laser rifle out there and was found in massive bulk in the inner city security storage from the apocalypse, mostly untouched. The laser rifle is a bulky, large rifle that apes the look of a standard assault rifle but cubic with a large jutting battery mag on the side and a shell mag at the bottom. Both are needed for the gun to be functional. It's temperamental in nature and needs to be reprimed and checked every now and then to make sure it dosen't overload or shot weaker beams.
Reflex: lightning DAMAGE: 1
AMMO: 50 rounds. Each shot dispense 1 round. Costs 1 point per mag.
BATTERY MAG: the energy in the battery combines with the specialized ammo inside to help produce a stronger beam. Each shot costs 1% of the battery but if you are out of rounds you can reconfigure the gun to shoot beams still at 5% of the battery each shot.
CRYSTALINE [5 points]
A laser hand gun that is a frame work around a small crystal shard. The crystal is being bombarded with small thruster like attachments inside that make it glow. When the gun is fired the crystal become bombarded with more intense rays of this energy. The crystal when agitated is hit with intense force by the trigger mechanism and launches a shard forward. The crystal slowly enters a calm state again when not shot. In its agitated state it's insanely hot and the shards become even more so after shot. Dealing a large amount of damage in its target.
DAMAGE: 3 small roll chance to explode and do additional 1 damage. REFLEX: MODERATE - requires a turn to heat up which is your declare turn -
AMMO: unknown crystal. A unknown crystal found in some old tech and guns. The crystal hold 6 shots.
costs 2 points for another crystal.
BOOMSTICK [5 points]
A conventional firearm found in many of the historical, recreational armourys and occasional mansion. It's powerful, strong and usually used as a status signal among the rich and the well to do gangster. Econoids especially fear this weapon as it's used by sadistic tourist to hunt them down by bored rich hunters or simple racist looking for some solid game. Normally escorted by some PMC.
DAMAGE: 3 REFLEX: Moderate
AMMO: holds 2 buck shells.
You start off with a box of 10 buck shells but got to pay 2 points each new box. Not very easy to find ammo but no impossible.
A rifle developed for hunting on alien planets. A lot of these were ransacked from hobbyiest and the rich in the old buildings of the inner city and outrim. The rifle was made be silent but powerful and so dosen't use an explosion but a sort of amplification technology seen in the Repurposed amplifier. When the gun fires a long stripe on its top glows and hum silently before releasing a bullet out at mad velocity. Loved by pirates, mercenary's, bandits and rag tag PMC.
REFLEX: 2 if the target is far away - more than 20 feet - 3 if the target is within 10 feet.
Holds 3 shots mags.
cost 1 point per 3 shots mag.
A weapon used in the bulk in the large factions standard troopers. The super repeater is three barrel assault machine gun that fires each barrel inbetween the other. It eats through bullets swiftly and can hold a constant beam of fire. The gun keeps its recoil under reasonable control via a automatic feedback system that helps adjust the aim and handling the longer it is used by the owner but it is by no means an aim bot. Just an aid.
Fires: 1d4 bullets a post. Reflex: fast
Damage: 2
AMMO: automatically shoots 5 rounds a post. Holds 25 rounds in its mag. The roll only dictate what hits in the panic of combat. If you have FIREARM expert. You get a +1 to your rolls.
Ammo costs 5 points per mag. SUPER REPEATER ammo is scarce outside of the major cities.
The most common type of laser rifle out there and was found in massive bulk in the inner city security storage from the apocalypse, mostly untouched. The laser rifle is a bulky, large rifle that apes the look of a standard assault rifle but cubic with a large jutting battery mag on the side and a shell mag at the bottom. Both are needed for the gun to be functional. It's temperamental in nature and needs to be reprimed and checked every now and then to make sure it dosen't overload or shot weaker beams.
Reflex: lightning DAMAGE: 1
AMMO: 50 rounds. Each shot dispense 1 round. Costs 1 point per mag.
BATTERY MAG: the energy in the battery combines with the specialized ammo inside to help produce a stronger beam. Each shot costs 1% of the battery but if you are out of rounds you can reconfigure the gun to shoot beams still at 5% of the battery each shot.
CRYSTALINE [5 points]
A laser hand gun that is a frame work around a small crystal shard. The crystal is being bombarded with small thruster like attachments inside that make it glow. When the gun is fired the crystal become bombarded with more intense rays of this energy. The crystal when agitated is hit with intense force by the trigger mechanism and launches a shard forward. The crystal slowly enters a calm state again when not shot. In its agitated state it's insanely hot and the shards become even more so after shot. Dealing a large amount of damage in its target.
DAMAGE: 3 small roll chance to explode and do additional 1 damage. REFLEX: MODERATE - requires a turn to heat up which is your declare turn -
AMMO: unknown crystal. A unknown crystal found in some old tech and guns. The crystal hold 6 shots.
costs 2 points for another crystal.
BOOMSTICK [5 points]
A conventional firearm found in many of the historical, recreational armourys and occasional mansion. It's powerful, strong and usually used as a status signal among the rich and the well to do gangster. Econoids especially fear this weapon as it's used by sadistic tourist to hunt them down by bored rich hunters or simple racist looking for some solid game. Normally escorted by some PMC.
DAMAGE: 3 REFLEX: Moderate
AMMO: holds 2 buck shells.
You start off with a box of 10 buck shells but got to pay 2 points each new box. Not very easy to find ammo but no impossible.
[GHOST cannot wear most armor except stated in the armor itself]
A dime a dozen, thin, silvery vest guard that shimmers in the light. The front and back of it is made up of a hexagonal metal with black, dotted fabric holding it all together. Was found by the truck load in security storerooms across the city, both inner and rim. Regularly used by security of all stripes.
The worker drone exo suit is used among many of the scavenger and factories communities. It's a cheap bit of kit but offers virtually no protection. A thin set of frame work connects to the arms, legs and spine and reinforce the user strength. The exosuit comes with a cage system around the chest, as a minor precaution against the heavy things they might be lifting falling on their chest/ back.
Status: grants increased strength. Allowing the moving and lifting of things 60 kilograms with ease.
block: 0 Numbing: grants 1 numb against physical melee attacks.
RECLAIMED FULL SUIT [12 points] Ghost wearable.
A full space suit with reinforced plates around the chest, back, hands and legs. Primarily used by the prison workers in the MINING UNION and was one of the few large stocks of suits found about, normally taken off corpses or found in the more unsavory parts of the unknown.
EFFECT: grants oxygen for 6 posts.
BLOCKING: 1 against melee attacks and space debris. NUMBING: 1
MEDDALION [16 points]
A hardened combat suit favored among the local petty gangster and PMC's alike. Sporting a full body series of segmented plates made up of a unknown, artificial material that at the moment cannot be replicated even by the industrial sector it's only possible source is in scavenging. The suit has an inbuilt cooling fan and a heater hidden away in small bits of the suit. Making it more comfortable than others and was designed long term combat. Remarkably seems to be one of the best suits against energy based attacks, especially lasers but unremarkable against bullets.
BLOCKING: 3 against lasers 1 against everything else NUMBING: 2
A 7 foot tall standing mecha suit and one of the only few mechasuits that can be worn by anyone. It offers staggering high protection against most things simply because it's effectively a big oval ball of metal with arms and legs attached. The user sits in a chair and is connected to the arms and legs via straps and handles. It offers high levels of strength for what it is but pales in comparison to actual hardened suits. It's protection is minimal for its class.
STATUS: provides the ability to move and lift up to 1 ton of strength.
UNARMED MECHA COMBAT: your melee attacks are MODERATE instead of fast while in the suit.
BLOCKING: 1 to all sources. 2 to melee and non-firearm attacks. NUMBING: 3 to everything
Your mechasuit cannot use normal firearms due to the hands being too big.
TRIBAL MASH UP [2 points]
The tribes of the discarded made use of anything they could get their hands on, rarely did they rely on technology simply because a lot of the enclaves only had tiny tidbits of it disconnected from their full fields. As such, scavenged and ramshackle gear was common among them, especially their warriors until they properly ventured forth and started meeting the other races. The suit normally consists of straps, metal, repurposed cloth or just reinforced pads and frames ontop of jumpsuits. Still seen today in a lot of discarded communities.
blocking: none NUMBING: provides 1 against melee attacks.
A dime a dozen, thin, silvery vest guard that shimmers in the light. The front and back of it is made up of a hexagonal metal with black, dotted fabric holding it all together. Was found by the truck load in security storerooms across the city, both inner and rim. Regularly used by security of all stripes.
The worker drone exo suit is used among many of the scavenger and factories communities. It's a cheap bit of kit but offers virtually no protection. A thin set of frame work connects to the arms, legs and spine and reinforce the user strength. The exosuit comes with a cage system around the chest, as a minor precaution against the heavy things they might be lifting falling on their chest/ back.
Status: grants increased strength. Allowing the moving and lifting of things 60 kilograms with ease.
block: 0 Numbing: grants 1 numb against physical melee attacks.
RECLAIMED FULL SUIT [12 points] Ghost wearable.
A full space suit with reinforced plates around the chest, back, hands and legs. Primarily used by the prison workers in the MINING UNION and was one of the few large stocks of suits found about, normally taken off corpses or found in the more unsavory parts of the unknown.
EFFECT: grants oxygen for 6 posts.
BLOCKING: 1 against melee attacks and space debris. NUMBING: 1
MEDDALION [16 points]
A hardened combat suit favored among the local petty gangster and PMC's alike. Sporting a full body series of segmented plates made up of a unknown, artificial material that at the moment cannot be replicated even by the industrial sector it's only possible source is in scavenging. The suit has an inbuilt cooling fan and a heater hidden away in small bits of the suit. Making it more comfortable than others and was designed long term combat. Remarkably seems to be one of the best suits against energy based attacks, especially lasers but unremarkable against bullets.
BLOCKING: 3 against lasers 1 against everything else NUMBING: 2
A 7 foot tall standing mecha suit and one of the only few mechasuits that can be worn by anyone. It offers staggering high protection against most things simply because it's effectively a big oval ball of metal with arms and legs attached. The user sits in a chair and is connected to the arms and legs via straps and handles. It offers high levels of strength for what it is but pales in comparison to actual hardened suits. It's protection is minimal for its class.
STATUS: provides the ability to move and lift up to 1 ton of strength.
UNARMED MECHA COMBAT: your melee attacks are MODERATE instead of fast while in the suit.
BLOCKING: 1 to all sources. 2 to melee and non-firearm attacks. NUMBING: 3 to everything
Your mechasuit cannot use normal firearms due to the hands being too big.
TRIBAL MASH UP [2 points]
The tribes of the discarded made use of anything they could get their hands on, rarely did they rely on technology simply because a lot of the enclaves only had tiny tidbits of it disconnected from their full fields. As such, scavenged and ramshackle gear was common among them, especially their warriors until they properly ventured forth and started meeting the other races. The suit normally consists of straps, metal, repurposed cloth or just reinforced pads and frames ontop of jumpsuits. Still seen today in a lot of discarded communities.
blocking: none NUMBING: provides 1 against melee attacks.
TRAM CARD [5 points]
The train/ tram system is normally back up in demand for potential transport, using it when you want and how you want is not something the cities would usually permit but with the tram card you can use the train system to go wherever you like. Of course. You probably shouldn't let people know you have this. They are highly valued and not easy to get.
You have two people that follow you around as your NPCs. Each of them have 2 health and will generally do what you say but their items and equipment must be bought separately. Don't expect them to last long in the unknown but they will do their best and have general competency in most things non-technical.
HYPOSPRAY [3 points]
One of the random spray devices found in the medical labs. Not many know what these things contain nor how they work but spraying a targets wounds with it seems to STABALIZE THEM so long as said wounds moderate to minor. Most importantly, they are so easy to use that they require no medical knowledge.
A medical kit that can stabilize fatal wounds in the right hands. It will take time to apply the tools inside but using this actively regenerates the person health by 2 points each time you use it. Time spent is dependent on the damage done and person. Comes with: NANITE GRAFTING TAPE, STASIS BUTTON, DEEP TISSUE BYPASSER LASER SCAPEL and some other minor solutions such as anti-burn cream and a skeletal gel injector.
A box full of tools used for any form of DIY. There are the basics such as the wench, hammer, extr. Then there is the more advanced stuff such as the amplifier module and a micro-plastic neuron igniter. Needed to interact with electronics and devices and especially cybernetics in anyway along with proper training for best results.
You have come across a functioning password for a part of the ship. You should REALLY not let people know you have this, a lot of factions would break your legs for cracking your own passwords but this could be useful. The password will function on a part of the ship granting possible access and even rewards/ or dangers in the unknown. The password gives you a vague hint to where it might work to some added log info.
DATA PAD [3 points]
Juicy data that no one else knows. How you got this is up to you, maybe you found it? bought it? knew a hacker friend. Regardless this data pad contains something useful against someone with power or friends. It could get you in trouble but maybe if you use it right...you can squeeze something useful out of them.
TERMINAL LINK [ 4 points]
Terminals are moody and most of the time non-functional but in the deep sometimes they can be coaxed to function, or, even more rarely...they just work. You need a terminal link to actually access them and bypass any locked or broken controls to dig into their files and function. What a terminal holds is never really known but you might get lucky. It also lets you access the extranet of the inner city at those terminals but those are mostly good for porn and gossiping.
CYBERNETIC UPGRADE [6 points] Not ghost applicable.
You somehow manage to scrape the cash together for a cybernetic bit of equipment without getting scammed. You can go to the DISCARDED racial augment section and pick 1/one augment of your choice. If you are a discard this cost 10/ TEN points instead but it DOSEN'T add to your mixed augmentation syndrome issue.
FRIENDSHIP [3 points]
Who says money can't buy friends? By buying this you get a friend in town that is of moderate influence and loyalty. The person does have to be someone that is influenced by money though. Such as a hired hand, shop assistant or maybe even a paid for escort that you developed an actual relationship with. By buying this the friend will act as a connection that you can rely on and won't leave you to rot in a bad scenario and while in their general area will have a habit of just helping you out in little ways. Giving you an extra bit of info, dropping off an small item you mind find useful. Maybe even know someone that can help you out in a jam.
You never know what they will do but their help is limited.
TOURING PASS [10 points]
The tourist are names for people that want to go through the JUNGLE/ outer waste lands with extra protection. By buying this you and a small group of friends will be escorted by properly equipped PMC across the wasteland until you reach either the unknown or you split off from the group. They will dictate your path and routes for you, but you will be backed up by real warriors and get the occasional car ride over the distance instead of hoofing it.
TRANSPORT [10 points]
Cars of any sort are rare in the Cloud but with this you have a functioning one waiting for you in the city. You can ride this into the city and out through the outer wastelands but once you get into the darker/ more secluded areas it can't fit and becomes useless. It has a limited amount of fuel and generally people will try to steal it off you with intense violence. Cars are big status symbols so expect to get more attention, good and bad.
The train/ tram system is normally back up in demand for potential transport, using it when you want and how you want is not something the cities would usually permit but with the tram card you can use the train system to go wherever you like. Of course. You probably shouldn't let people know you have this. They are highly valued and not easy to get.
You have two people that follow you around as your NPCs. Each of them have 2 health and will generally do what you say but their items and equipment must be bought separately. Don't expect them to last long in the unknown but they will do their best and have general competency in most things non-technical.
HYPOSPRAY [3 points]
One of the random spray devices found in the medical labs. Not many know what these things contain nor how they work but spraying a targets wounds with it seems to STABALIZE THEM so long as said wounds moderate to minor. Most importantly, they are so easy to use that they require no medical knowledge.
A medical kit that can stabilize fatal wounds in the right hands. It will take time to apply the tools inside but using this actively regenerates the person health by 2 points each time you use it. Time spent is dependent on the damage done and person. Comes with: NANITE GRAFTING TAPE, STASIS BUTTON, DEEP TISSUE BYPASSER LASER SCAPEL and some other minor solutions such as anti-burn cream and a skeletal gel injector.
A box full of tools used for any form of DIY. There are the basics such as the wench, hammer, extr. Then there is the more advanced stuff such as the amplifier module and a micro-plastic neuron igniter. Needed to interact with electronics and devices and especially cybernetics in anyway along with proper training for best results.
You have come across a functioning password for a part of the ship. You should REALLY not let people know you have this, a lot of factions would break your legs for cracking your own passwords but this could be useful. The password will function on a part of the ship granting possible access and even rewards/ or dangers in the unknown. The password gives you a vague hint to where it might work to some added log info.
DATA PAD [3 points]
Juicy data that no one else knows. How you got this is up to you, maybe you found it? bought it? knew a hacker friend. Regardless this data pad contains something useful against someone with power or friends. It could get you in trouble but maybe if you use it right...you can squeeze something useful out of them.
TERMINAL LINK [ 4 points]
Terminals are moody and most of the time non-functional but in the deep sometimes they can be coaxed to function, or, even more rarely...they just work. You need a terminal link to actually access them and bypass any locked or broken controls to dig into their files and function. What a terminal holds is never really known but you might get lucky. It also lets you access the extranet of the inner city at those terminals but those are mostly good for porn and gossiping.
CYBERNETIC UPGRADE [6 points] Not ghost applicable.
You somehow manage to scrape the cash together for a cybernetic bit of equipment without getting scammed. You can go to the DISCARDED racial augment section and pick 1/one augment of your choice. If you are a discard this cost 10/ TEN points instead but it DOSEN'T add to your mixed augmentation syndrome issue.
FRIENDSHIP [3 points]
Who says money can't buy friends? By buying this you get a friend in town that is of moderate influence and loyalty. The person does have to be someone that is influenced by money though. Such as a hired hand, shop assistant or maybe even a paid for escort that you developed an actual relationship with. By buying this the friend will act as a connection that you can rely on and won't leave you to rot in a bad scenario and while in their general area will have a habit of just helping you out in little ways. Giving you an extra bit of info, dropping off an small item you mind find useful. Maybe even know someone that can help you out in a jam.
You never know what they will do but their help is limited.
TOURING PASS [10 points]
The tourist are names for people that want to go through the JUNGLE/ outer waste lands with extra protection. By buying this you and a small group of friends will be escorted by properly equipped PMC across the wasteland until you reach either the unknown or you split off from the group. They will dictate your path and routes for you, but you will be backed up by real warriors and get the occasional car ride over the distance instead of hoofing it.
TRANSPORT [10 points]
Cars of any sort are rare in the Cloud but with this you have a functioning one waiting for you in the city. You can ride this into the city and out through the outer wastelands but once you get into the darker/ more secluded areas it can't fit and becomes useless. It has a limited amount of fuel and generally people will try to steal it off you with intense violence. Cars are big status symbols so expect to get more attention, good and bad.
1: You will be expected to post every 3 days.
2: You will be expected to post a min of 2 paragraphs. If you go under this in a rare moon don't worry, I won't go mad dog on you, kindred.
3: The relationship requirement is not optional. Talk to us, we don't bite, fam.
4: You will always be allowed a say when it comes to my GM decisions in combat but when I say it's settled be prepared to accept that. It can be frustrating, I know. But I promise I'll hear you out.
5: Death is a thing. Be ready for that.
6: You are only allowed one character although I will accept you using NPCs in your post when it comes to a character being in your house or mansion or faction base or whatever. NPC may be acquired later as a resource like other goodies.
7: Do NOT discuss your glimpses in ooc nor should you discuss your race commitments. Although I will allow elusions and vague references to them. Just don't exchange them in any real detail.
8: If you are struggling with something, or feel unsure about continuing the game as your character. Talk to me. I'm sure that even if I can't convince you to continue playing we can set up a nice, proper thematic death or departure for your character. It adds to the plot and lets your bow out without just ghosting.