
Akeno fought to remain standing as her opponent charged into her middle, moving one foot back behind her so that she could brace against their weight.

She was really starting to regret putting off taking up jiu jitsu until after starting college; with how frequently Orcs seemed to resort to grappling during fights, it would have been really useful to know how to squash a takedown attempt or put someone in an armlock. As it was she was just glad her opponent was just as clueless as she was, grabbing her around the waist instead of going for her legs instead. It meant they had to use brute force instead of leverage to try and take her down; little consolation since they were stronger and heavier than her, but it was something.

Once Akeno felt like she had more or less stable footing, she let her other leg slide back the way she had seen people do in the few MMA matches she had seen, so that both of her feet were behind her and her weight was pressing down on her opponent’s shoulders as he tried to lift all of her dead weight off of the ground with nothing but raw strength. Doing so had an immediate effect as she felt what little ground the other Orc had made in lifting her up fall away as she weight settled back down on the dirt.

With that done, she then let go of her sword and wrapped her arm under and around the other Orc’s neck. She tightened her grip as much as she could, but without the proper technique Akeno wouldn’t be able to choke her opponent out from this position. It should be enough to keep them in place however, which gave her time to bring her other arm up before bringing it straight back down to slam the edge of her wooden shield into their exposed back.
