Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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My character will be the Angel, being of light, and yours will be the Demon, being of darkness, what happens when these two clash and fall into a forbidden romance, join and find out! I usually stick to small paragraphs and oneliners, I don't mind what size posts my rp partner does, I don't mind any ^^
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Another bump
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PeculiarSasha


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Hey, I'm considering joining you, but I've got a couple of questions first:

1) Do you have some more set-up and/or a status quo? I'm talking about things like what's the setting, is it modern, medieval fantasy, something else? How high or low magic is the world? Are angels & demons known entities, or are they meant to stay undercover while among humans? etc.
If not, would that be something you'd want to establish with your rp partner?

2) What, if any, are your expectations towards the demon? Do you have a gender preference for the demon, seeing as this is meant to become a romance?

3) How light/dark is this meant to be? Is this more of a feelgood Good Omens type of vibe, a grimdark world where these two creatures are corrupting and destroying each other, or something in-between?

4) You say the Angel's age is yet to be determined, do the characters appear to be a certain age in their human forms, if so, what's the general range?

5) Is there an end goal, or is this an open-ended sandbox?

6) How regular do you hope to post? Would very distant timezones or busy schedules bother you?

Sorry for the job interview level of questioning ^^°
Take it as a sign that I might be willing to get invested xD
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Questions are fine!
1. I was hoping to discuss the plot and lore more with my rp partner, I didn't just want to make it all and leave no room to breath
2. I am hoping the Demon could be male, but female is fine to
3. Well, I never really thought about that, I guess that would it into the number 1
4.Its yet to be determined because I didn't know how far if age my too partner would like to go, ex: Teens, or Adults at college
5. Open ending pit
6. And I try to be on at least a hour a day, on weekends I'm usually on much more though
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PeculiarSasha


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Sounds good so far!
Only the 1h rp time per dax might be tricky for me on a regular basis, I'd probably rather be able to post a couple times per day with some time inbetween..

If you want more of an overview about me, you could check my post here, and then decide whether I sound like a good fit or not ^^
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hmm, I think u will be a good person to play the demon, if your willing, and also, I'm now able to be on for at least 4 hours around this time
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PeculiarSasha


Member Seen 7 mos ago

So we're definitely having a bit of a timezone issue, bc I was asleep when you made your last post xD
Beyond that, I'd love to give that demon a try, and see where the worldbuilding will take us :)

First thing to probably figure out: Are we doing a more medieval setting, or a modern day one?
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I would say medival, if your ok with that, I was thinking that the humans would hate the demons and angels, hating demons because, well they are demons and hating angels because angels left the humans many many years ago
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PeculiarSasha


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Yeah, that's perfect with me!
So both the angel & demon need to hide their nature in order to stay safe, and maybe have to stick together bc on their own it's too dangerous
As a starting point, they could both be captured somewhere & need to make their escape, or may have just recently escaped from capture and are now hiding somewhere
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

I think they should get captured, that sounds fun lol, so now what ages should out demon and angel be
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PeculiarSasha


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Well, I generally don't play underage characters, but that's my only limitation. I'd imagine they'd both be somewhat young for what they are, maybe the equivalent to young adults in humans, so they'd still be inexperienced in how to handle things
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

What about around the 20s? And their angel and demon ages could be 30 years older
Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by PeculiarSasha


Member Seen 7 mos ago

Yeah, that sounds good with me :)

Which leaves us with the question, what will be the tone we're beginning with, is it a dire, horrible situation with genuine danger, or is it more lighthearted, like a TV cartoon where you know everything will be alright in the end?
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by GalaxiesWaiting
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Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hmmm, well, since this is a rp were everything just goes with the flow, then I think it should be dire, but they still escape in the end
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by PeculiarSasha


Member Seen 7 mos ago

That then poses tze question:
We know they've been captured by a group of humans, how are they being held, and how do they get their chance to escape?
My suggestion would be:
Your angel is sensitive to being held in darkness, that's where my demon is strongest, but he can be trapped by a devil's trap (sigil on the ground). If they're held in the same cell or something, he could ask the angel - not knowing her nature yet - to break the sigil on the ground, which would allow him to break free
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