S u z a n n a

Name:Suzanna Mae Poots
*prefers to go by Suzie, dislikes being called Suzanna
Date of Birth: September 7th, 2006
Sexuality:"Fuck off."
Faceclaim:Emilia Jones
Dialogue Color:ED1C24
Personality• Agitated
• Exhausted
• Grumpy
• Sarcastic
• Temperamental
Life Experiences:Suzie hates the story of how she found herself stuck in Moon River.
Twenty-six years ago, her father had went out on a college road trip with his friends. As they crossed into Moon River, they soon found themselves stuck in town after some car trouble. Given that it would take time to fix, the group decided to grab a bite to eat at Rodney's while mechanics worked on the car. Coincidentally, it had been one of the days her mother was scheduled to work, and her father found himself swept off his feet. Though they moved on not long after, he couldn't forget her face, and eventually uprooted his entire future in search of the woman he had fallen in love with that day.
As stupid as it sounds, it worked out for them in the end. The two got married, settled down, and had kids—"Dumb and Dumber" (Jacob and Tucker), her two older brothers, and later Suzie. She wishes it didn't work out as easily as it had did.
Call it teenage woes, but Suzie despises almost every aspect of her life. She hates being stuck in a no-name town. She hates her parents breathing down her neck, even more so because they both work at the local high school as a teacher-counselor combo. She hates her blockhead brothers for always starting things and being a general nuisance. The only thing Suzie ever looked forward to was her yearly school breaks, where she could travel to her grandparents in Oregon and help her grandfather with his fishing hauls. At least there she could feel respected—useful, even—and be able to get away from all the bullshit she had to deal with at home.
Unfortunately, 2023 had other plans for Suzie. Her grandfather had a sudden stroke, which led to his passing. The person she cared the most for had been ripped away, and Suzie has been crushed ever since. She's mad at the world, and isn't afraid to let others know it now that her parents made the choice to keep her home this summer break rather than let her say her goodbyes.
Hobbies + Interests• Fishing in general
• Garbage, low budget movies
Music (Sunami, Hatebreed, etc.)
• Retro arcade games, such as MK
• Rodeo (Frontier Days, Cody Nite, etc.)