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Zeroth Post
This is a Fallout RP that takes place in October 2288, about 7 years after the events of Fallout New Vegas. The Second Battle of Hoover Dam never happened and the Mojave has experienced radical change yet Vegas still remains a prize for many. Players will be able to control a faction as they seek to eek out a living or carve themselves an empire. As GM I will help move conflicts along and will be introducing certain elements the players can react to.

The greatest element of change in the Mojave is The Green:

Timeline: 2281 - 2288

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by tundrafrog1124
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The Long Afternoon of the Mojave

The loss of Camp McCarran weakened the NCR presence in Vegas proper and aside from a fortified embassy on the Strip their influence was limited. The city fell back into the hands of the families of the Strip and gangs of the surrounding suburbs. It wasn’t long however until people spoke of movement and life in the abandoned Camp McCarran. Initially dismissed as rumors these objections were silenced when great vines and creepers began to descend the walls of the camp. Blooming flowers and carpets of moss began to appear in the ruins around the base. Similar developments were seen in Westside where the remnants of the Fiends had retreated. By the time these reports reached Col. Abernathy at Camp Golf the green carpet had begun to cover a quarter of the suburbs around New Vegas.

Five years have passed since the start of the growth of the Green. While the NCR has stabilized since the Hunger, many hundreds of their citizens still flow into the Mojave seeking to take advantage of this fertile growth and find a better life. As if in response to this new migrancy reports drift back across the Colorado of movement in Arizona. Rumors of a Legion army headed by a new Caesar back to wage war once again.

Vegas remains the city of fortunes.

Full History:


Character Sheet:

Faction Sheet:

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by tundrafrog1124
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

I’ll be uploading more detailed Information about the NCR, Legion and what exactly the Green is tomorrow.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Will this RP have a Discord Server?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by tundrafrog1124
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Will this RP have a Discord Server?

I hadn’t planned on it but if the players would like to we can get one started
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Andronicus23
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Andronicus23 Rogue Courser

Member Seen 8 days ago

Hey Tundra - interested in this myself. I personally suggest maybe waiting on a discord until later. I like to use the OOC thread here while the RP is starting up but just my opinion.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Been thinking of an NCR sub-faction. That or a Mojave town that wants to keep its independence.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by tundrafrog1124
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[@Letterbee] I’ve been lacking on getting some more information up but hope to get some more details on the current state of the NCR today.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Andronicus23
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Andronicus23 Rogue Courser

Member Seen 8 days ago

[@Letterbee] I’ve been lacking on getting some more information up but hope to get some more details on the current state of the NCR today.

Also what happened to House? Is he still in power or did the NCR/Three Families oust him?

Interested in maybe playing one of the Three Families, maybe the Omertas, so wondering what I'm dealing with in terms of the strips leadership.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by tundrafrog1124
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@Andronicus23 House has lost significant power over the past five years. Benny disappeared with the platinum chip and with it any chance House had to claim Vegas as his own. He spends most of his time brooding in his tower.

I don't really have any plans for House so if you want to be a Strip family and kill him off, go for it. I'm trying to leave certain regions, especially Vegas kind of open to players deciding which factions are there and in charge. So far you're the first person with an interest in one of those factions so you have almost complete freedom in deciding what New Vegas, especially the Strip looks like.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Andronicus23
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Andronicus23 Rogue Courser

Member Seen 8 days ago

Neat, I kind of like the idea of House being an ivory tower figurehead leader. Secluded away and leaving the Three Families to govern the day to day operations of the strip for the most part. Omertas would obviously be looking to change that status quo though.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Andronicus23
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Andronicus23 Rogue Courser

Member Seen 8 days ago

Double post for my faction sheet for approval/perusal. I might modified this depending on if anyone else joins in as a Vegas faction. @tundrafrog1124

Faction Name: The Omertas Crime Family aka The Slitherkin Tribe

Faction Leader: Dominic “Fat Dom ” Omerta

Description: The Omertas are one of “Three Families” established by Mr. House who control the strip. Originally known as the Slitherkin, the Omertas were taken from their violent tribal roots and ‘civilized’ by House to serve as his employees. Now known as the Omertas, the family was given control of the seedy Gomorrah casino to run as their base of operations.

The Omertas rule Gomorrah as their own little fiefdom and are responsible for much of the unsavory business tainting the strip. Examples of this business include a steady export of narcotics to Vegas and beyond, arms dealing, and sex trafficking.

As of this point, the Omertas have a good relationship with the White Gloves of the Gourmand (largely due to Domics relationship with Marjorie) but on the other hand have a boiling rivalry with the Chairmen at the Tops. While not overtly hostile, encounters between Chairman and Omerta button men outside of the strip have led to gunfights in recent months and there is even talk on the strip of open war looming.

Territory: The Gomorrah Casino on the Strip, as well as a number of other minor establishments in Freeside and Outer Vegas. They also own several warehouse compounds in Outer Vegas, where most of their weapons and chem production takes place.

Sphere of influence: Primarily the Strip and Outer Vegas, but they also have a lesser influence over Freeside.

Force Composition: Approximately 350 direct Omerta “Made men” including Caporegime and their soldiers (approximately 10 soldiers per Capo). However when you include various associates, affiliated gangs, and hired mercenary goons the total force that the Omertas can bring to bear climbs to little over a thousand.

The Omertas themselves are considered to be decently well trained within their own organization: but they are not a military force by any means. They are better equipped than either of the other two families however, and include some real military hardware they’ve “acquired” (and are now starting to produce) stocked away in their armory. Most of the time their soldiers are equipped with 10mm submachine guns and pistols, and some hidden form of light bodyarmor underneath their business suits.

The rest of their associates and affiliates can have varying levels of quality and thus usefulness: ranging anywhere from hardened mercs in advanced combat armor wielding plasma weaponry to street level thugs armed with little more than switchblades that roam the dingy streets of Freeside.

History: Ever since the appearance of the “The Green” and the immediate aftermath of the chaos and confusion its arrival caused, the Omertas have been slowly but steadily regrowing their power base on the Strip. The botched alliance with Caesar’s legion and the huge dip in revenue experienced with the NCR’s withdrawal from the Mojave caused the Omertas to experience a shakeup in leadership. “Big Sal” and Nero were ousted from power and replaced by an ambitious Capo by the name of Dominic aka “Fat Dom”: a man whose appetite for wealth and power is only eclipsed by his love of food. Dom proved a shrewd boss for the crime family, and was able to quickly reverse their fortunes by growing their stakes in the chem and weapons trades, and forgoing any immediate attempts to take over the strip: although he’s never let go of that ambition completely. Dom also had a unique ‘in’ to the White Gloves, as his ongoing casual romantic relationship with Marjorie, their leader, allowed the two previous rival Families to work more closely together, much to the chagrin of the Chairmen.

With Mr. House becoming even more of a recluse than before, the Three Families have largely been left to their own devices, ruling the Strip and Vegas at large via a general agreement between them informally known as the “The Contract”. The Omertas, as key orchestrators of The Contract, ensured that their business interests were protected including those that were previously illegal even under House’s administration.

Now five years after ‘The Green’ the Omertas are poised to take over Vegas completely, but in order to do so they’ll need to eliminate their rivals and work to broker relations with outside powers, such as the NCR: or even The Legion, should they show themselves again.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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- Factions are limited to 300.

Did you mean to say 300 people?
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by tundrafrog1124
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

I dig the sheet, accepted!

Yes 300 people. Or mutants depending on your faction.
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Hmm, maybe I'll make a character first - Is it okay to make a faction later, or must all factions be made before the start of the game?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

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Benny disappeared with the platinum chip

Did the Courier not survive the ambush in this version of events?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by tundrafrog1124
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@Letter Bee
Faction isn’t needed to start. You can always create one over the course of your characters actions.

Its not exactly known if they did or not but they did not end up going after Benny or affecting much of anything in the Mojave.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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@Letter Bee
Faction isn’t needed to start. You can always create one over the course of your characters actions.

Its not exactly known if they did or not but they did not end up going after Benny or affecting much of anything in the Mojave.

I presume that 18 is the minimum age for OCs, right?
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by tundrafrog1124
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@Letter Bee You can RP a character younger than 18. Just use common sense and don’t have them do things that would be creepy.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

@Letter Bee You can RP a character younger than 18. Just use common sense and don’t have them do things that would be creepy.

Don't worry, I won't.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

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Shared Picture; Andrew is on the left, Leonid is on the right

Name: Andrew Rivers

Appearance: See the Shared Picture

Affiliation: NCR

Previous Affiliations: N/A


- NCR Service Rifle.
- 10mm Pistol.
- Hunting Rifle with Scope.
- Trooper Armor.
- Cleaver.
- Combat Knife.
- 2x Stimpak
- 1x Rad-X
- 1x RadAway
- NCR Dogtags.
- NCR Cash equivalent to 1000 caps.

Background: Born in Shady Sands, Andrew was the son of a Follower of the Apocalypse and an NCR Soldier, the latter who died five years ago during the Fiend attack on Camp McCarran; the boy was eleven then. Ever since then, he has sought to educate himself not just in history, military strategy and tactics, and economics, but also in botany so as to prepare himself to encounter the mysterious 'Green'. However, this was not easy, as his mother tried to stop him from joining the military, first by trying to divert his interests, then trying to guilt-trip him, and finally by forbidding him point-blank. But the Great Drought forced their hand and so both had to leave for the Mojave so as to avoid starvation, with Andrew joining the military at last.

Military life was harder than Andrew thought, and both he and his mother feared that he'd be tasked with putting down rioting civilians. That wasn't the case, for his commanding officer, recognizing the boy's knowledge of botany, tasked him with scouting out 'The Green' to find out which areas held edible plants. And so he did, and another boy around his own age, Leonid Tannhauser, was sent to accompany him.

The two did not get along at first, but that changed when they were attacked by a group of Powder Gangers, who thought the two were easy prey. Retreating to an old gas station, the two managed to hold off the enemies until help arrived; after that, things got better between them. Then on a trip to Goodsprings, the two managed to gain the friendship of the local inhabitants by clearing out the Geckos from the water source and sharing the meat and hides with the populace.

Life was good, they had a lot to experience, and it seemed as though their commanding officer was actually a decent person who tried diplomacy first and more ruthless tactics later. Maybe the military life wasn't so bad, after all...


Name: Leonid Tannhauser

Appearance: See the Shared Picture

Affiliation: NCR

Previous Affiliations: N/A


- NCR Service Rifle.
- 10mm Pistol.
- Hunting Rifle with Scope.
- Trooper Armor.
- Brass Knuckles.
- Switchblade.
- 2x Stimpak
- 1x Rad-X
- 1x RadAway
- NCR Dogtags.
- NCR Cash equivalent to 1000 caps.
- 2000 Caps (seperate; given by his mother)

Background: A boy born in The Boneyard, Leonid was well-educated, being the son of an NCR Politician and his thropy wife. Desperate to escape the drought and his strict parents, Leonid joined the military without his parents' consent, forging documents and medical records to do so. This was discovered when he was already in the Mojave, and more importantly, performed with valor against a band of raiders (Jackals) on a mission to smoke out their lairs. Nevertheless, he was sent home, but his parents learned a new respect for him and let him join the military at sixteen (the Great Drought helped by forcing them to send him off).

There, the boy was sent to help Andrew Rivers, a green recruit who nevertheless knew enough about botany to work inside The Green; he considered the other kid naive at first, and also annoying and yet in need of his protection. Then they were attacked by Powder Gangers and he saw that Andrew had every potential to be as good as he was, albeit in different areas. When help finally came, he complimented Andrew on his skills, then asked about his life; apparently, Andrew's father was the brother of their commanding officer but he did not know it.

Leonid decided not to let Andrew know. Either way, the two took advantage of a trip to Goodsprings (they had time off) to get rid of some Golden Geckos, and although they were careful enough to avoid alcohol even at eighteen, Leonid couldn't help but see Andrew in a different light in the nighttime feast the townsfolk held in their honor.

But now, there were rumors of the Legion returning, and the people who controlled The Strip were getting pushy again and acting like they were in control of the Mojave. Maybe it was time for him and Andrew to see New Vegas for themselves; sure, some areas were off-limits to kids, but surely they can see enough to get some useful info about what those subversives are planning, right?

Then again, Andrew might probably decide to gamble away their hard-earned cash...

@tundrafrog1124, I decided to make two characters, if permitted.
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