Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by tundrafrog1124
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Colonel Denver Abernathy - Fort Golf

Denver looked up from his garden, dusted his hands on his pants, removed his old straw hat and wiped the sweat from his temples with a handkerchief. The sun was just rising over lake mead and the cold blue of dawn pushed out by the brilliant red. Before him stood a private at attention their arm raised in salute. He recognized her, she was a new transfer from the Hub, and had only been in the Mojave for a year or so.

“At ease, private.”

“Captain Diaz sent me sir. He requests a word.”

Denver nodded slowly, put the hat back on his head and bent down, nestling his hands into the cool soil. He pulled out a parsnip and held it out for the private. She stood hesitant at first and then took it.

“Should I tell him you’re coming, sir.?”

“Can it wait till I’ve had my breakfast?”

“He said it was urgent, sir.”

Denver frowned, Diaz was a capable and prideful officer. If he requested the Colonel, then it was important news, and probably bad news at that.

“Tell him I’ll be right in.”

With a final salute the private turned and headed back to the resort building that served as the headquarters for the 3rd Infantry Battalion. Denver immediately resumed his work, exhuming a handful of parsnips, carrots and two heads of collard greens. His baskets full, he rose and walked to the mess hall. There he washed his hands and handed off the produce. He took a freshly baked corn biscuit and a cup of gravy with him and headed to headquarters. While the rest of the fort had been waking up, the headquarters was abuzz with activity. He took the stairs and walked the hallway to Captain Diaz’s office, Denver knocked once then entered. Diaz saluted as did the young communications officer in the room. The captain dismissed the young man and then offered Denver a seat. He refused and dunked his biscuit into the gravy, took a bite then asked.

“What’s so urgent captain?”

“News from the capitol sir.”

He handed Denver a letter which Denver opened with his free hand leaving his biscuit in his mouth. The heading was formal and he knew the seal of the president whenever he saw it. Denver bit into the biscuit letting the rest of it fall into his cup of gravy.

“A new ambassador, with corporate security bodyguards to boot.”

“Yes sir. He should be arriving at the checkpoint this evening.”

“And we’re just now receiving word of this?”

“Yes sir.”

“Why couldn't the regimental command get it here any faster?.”

“It was sent via the Mojave Express.”

Denver frowned and finally took a seat. That was a calculated move on the part of the president. Brianna purposefully circumvented the established line of communication knowing the information would arrive late. No doubt hoping Denver would be unable to assemble the adequate escort in time. It was a simple yet effective tactic to ensure he lost face. His critics in Shady Sands had only grown since her election last year and this wasn’t the first action she had taken to further weaken his support in congress. He didn’t have time to deploy any of his rangers, he’d have to assemble an escort out of D company.

“Call up Major Addams. Tell him to get a squad together. No less than 10 troopers. Have them rally at the Mojave Checkpoint no later than 1400 hours. I want them clean, I want them well equipped and I want them young. I want Benny reminded we got sons and daughters of the Republic out here. Not just jaded veterans.”

Captain Diaz nodded and Denver took his leave. He was making his way back to his personal quarters when he was stopped by a veteran ranger. The ranger gave a quick salute and then started walking with Denver.

“We picked up some high quality steel last night. It's secured downstairs for when you’d like to inspect it.”

Without waiting for a response the ranger gave a final half-salute then turned away. Denver kept on to his quarters, finishing his breakfast as he walked. He stripped, cleaned his body with a washcloth and dressed in his fatigues. Placing his beret upon his head he stepped back out and made his way to the basement. The building had been a private resort before the Great War and its basement was vast and sprawling. Most of the cells retained their original use as store rooms; housing grain, root vegetables, uniforms, old requisition forms and even a morgue. The doors to each cell were locked, sometimes with simple door latches, others with chains and padlocks. Situated near the center of the basement was a small chamber, once used for storing maintenance equipment. Denver made his way to the room, took a key out from his pocket and unlocked the door. Inside sat a ranger cross armed in a folding chair, he stood and greeted the colonel. Behind him were two individuals, bound at the ankles, arms behind their back and chained to the wall. They had bags over their heads and had been stripped of all their clothing.

“Morning Colonel.”

“Good morning. How are our guests?”

“Quiet. Not as chatty as when we found them last night.”

“Well they’re probably hungry, I’ve already had my breakfast. Why don’t you go ahead and fetch them something to eat.”

The ranger nodded and made his way out of the room, locking the door behind him. Denver removed the bags from the prisoners heads, it was a man and a woman, they had been gagged and both had bruises and cuts on their face. The man had a large gouge above his right eye that had only just stopped bleeding, a scab beginning to form. Neither of them looked at Denver, they held their gaze on the floor.

“Welcome to Fort Golf.”

Denver had interrogated members of the Brotherhood of Steel before. It had never been easy, not like interrogating raiders or tribals like the Khans. For the latter it was easy, most wastelanders could endure violence and pain and any raider worth their salt could endure torture, some even seemed to enjoy it. But they cracked when it came to candor and revelation. Life in the wastes was difficult, here in the badlands of the Mojave doubly so. Stupid people didn’t live long and the insane didn’t let themselves be taken. Denver knew that only two types of people were left to be interrogated: cowards and leaders. The only two people who recognized their lives were infinitely more valuable than their deaths no matter the situation. Leaders lived for their people, cowards for themselves but the difference only changed one's approach. To interrogate a leader you didn’t threaten their people, or themselves you simply let them be. They couldn’t help but try to do anything to continue their mission. The information they gave was in their body language, how they refused questions and how they spent every moment in captivity. Leaders were great liars but their actions always revealed the truth. Cowards always sought to better their position, they were most untrustworthy and any information they gave had to be well judged as nothing given easily is without cost. Denver had only the need to determine if the Brotherhood of Steel members in front of him were cowards or leaders.

Corporal Yazan Mohammad ------ Goodsprings

Yazan hitched the two horses outside the Prospector Saloon and stepped inside out of the midday sun. He removed his helmet and placed it in the crook of his arm and let his goggles hang around his neck. Thirsty and hot from the fast ride into town he called Trudy over for a quick drink. The glass was slick with condensation and the water was refreshing. He downed the glass in a single pull and motioned for another. This one he sipped more casually.

“You seen Andrew and Leonid? I need to wrangle them up and quick.”

“I thought them boys were on leave. I saw them yesterday, said something about seeing Andrew’s mother.”

“I should’ve figured as much. I ain’t got caps right now to pay for the drinks.”

Trudy gave him a dismissive wave and told him not to worry about it.

“I trust I’ll see you again soon, just pay up then.”

Yazan nodded his appreciation, finished the glass of water then headed out back into the bright day. An old timer sat, half smoking, half sleeping in a chair on the front porch. Yazan looked around at the small town, it had grown the past year, even in the last few months. A handful of tents and trailers now hugged the edge of town. The old schoolhouse had been cleaned out and he had heard that some Followers now taught there. Yazan spied the pale white-washed rambler that belonged to Andrew’s mother just a short distance from the schoolhouse and made his way there. He knocked once then entered, calling them by name. They were in the kitchen with Andrew’s mother, dressed casually. Though Yazan was only a few years older, seeing the two boys in civilian dress milling about talking to the matronly woman in such a domestic setting reinforced just how young they were, practically children. They were clearly surprised at his abrupt arrival and entry.

“Grab your gear and get dressed, double time we need to be back at base before evening.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Andrew and Leonid

Andrew, Leonid, and the former's mother had already exchanged information about what was going on in the Wasteland and how Col. Abernathy was causing a further rift with the local inhabitants. Such cruelty was, even after a year of service in the Mojave, only barely comprehensible to Andrew, but he supposed that the cycle of hatred can only be broken at great cost.

Either way, now was not the time to sit on rumors of the Brotherhood; now was the time to arm themselves, change to their military fatigues - In a section cordoned off by a divider, of course - And then go off with Corporal Yazan towards the Mojave Checkpoint, though not after taking a few rolls of cornbread, gecko jerky, and a hardboiled gecko egg as a gift from Andrew's mother.

If they were taking a truck, Andrew would offer his superior officer the egg, saying, "Wanna have something to eat on the way? I and Len already have enough."

Corporal Yazan was a friend, one whom he and Leonid liked, although Andrew was cynical enough (surprisingly) to cultivate his goodwill. And Andrew needed goodwill; while his Uncle and his Mother had their own spheres of influence and Leonid loved him and had political connections to the new administration, he needed more friends and more influence... Especially if he was to end all this.

What form would 'ending all this take'? The NCR cannot lose the Mojave; allowing NCR civilians to be harmed is anathema, but at the same time, we cannot just allow innocents and those we genuinely sinned against to come to harm if we can help it.

He remembered the veterans he had encountered; inured to war crimes and abuses of local civilians, laboring under the belief they did what must be done, that there was no guilt to be felt against people who despised them anyway. Would he become like that one day? Should he?

Another snatch of memory played itself in his head, them all saying that Col. Abernathy was a loyal son of the Republic deep inside, but believed himself to be doing what he needed to do and the only one with the willpower needed to be done. Despite his own compassion, his own 'bleeding heart', Andrew couldn't help but admire the sentiment while thinking, What needs to be done changes with the times. I look forward to the day when you realize I am using your exact same logic when I empty a bullet into your head, Colonel Abernathy.


Leonid, meanwhile, was thinking in the long term. The current situation in the Mojave was unsustainable as well as unconcosiable, and his father taught him that no matter how profitable short-term open atrocities were, creating a residue of resentment and grudges only harmed future generations on both sides, hampering productivity and creating fault lines that can be exploited by outside foes. Like the Brotherhood. Like the Legion.

Leonid hated the Brotherhood for trying to take away technology from Wastelanders under the reasoning that there was tech too dangerous for people to use... While themselves using said tech in dangerous ways. The Brotherhood were mass-murdering hypocrites for that reason and peace was only possible after they moderate their ideals. As for the Legion... They were people who despised genuinely better ways of living and organizing society because of a rosy view of the past and a jaded view of present 'decadence', not understanding the flaws in their glorification of a 'warrior society' who did not know how to create, much less protect, and were driven by anything but love of what is behind them.

They even abolished family structures, fuck them, the boy thought. He disagreed with his family, but loved them in the end, although his father had to shape up before the love became more than just an obligation. Either way, Leonid waited for them to get to the Mojave Checkpoint; he couldn't wait to see what that dog Abernathy had for them...

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Andronicus23
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Andronicus23 Rogue Courser

Member Seen 8 days ago

Dominic Omerta - Gomorrah - Zoara Club VIP Lounge

The sounds of boisterous laughter along with the clinking of fine silverware against plates filled the VIP lounge of the Zoara Club. Seated along a long rectangular black table situated at the center of the room were several dozen men in pressed suits sporting a variety of colors. The men laughed and carried on with one another while they finished the remnants of an extravagant meal, all while being waited on by scantily clad women wearing one-piece corsets and high heels. As the server women whisked away scattered remnants of food on dirty plates, the men began to light up cigars or sip on continuously refilled glasses of red wine. Smoke from a half a dozen San Francisco sunlight cigars wafted up towards the high ceiling and covered the room in a light gray haze.

One of the men, a balding middle-aged gentleman in a dark blue suit and red striped tie, stood up and raised his recently filled glass. As he started talking, the rest of the room quieted down and all looked to him, with a carefully practiced smile he began his speech,

“Okay now listen up everyone, I know nobody here is ever impressed with my ortain’ skills, so I’ll make this fast...”

“Hey, that's the best thing about your speeches Johnny. They’re short!” Another man quipped from his seat, eliciting a round of guffaws from the diners.

“All right, all right shut up youse guys,” Johnny continued, “I just wanted everyone to grab their glass and raise a toast. I think this one is well-deserved...”

All present raised their glasses, and turned towards the far end of the table where a rotund giant of a man in a black pinstripe suit sat nursing a smoldering cigar. Next to him sat an elegant middle-aged woman with deep black hair, who wore an extravagant red sweetheart-style evening dress which eclipsed the fashion of anyone in the room. On her ring finger, sat an incredibly large diamond that glistened in the light.

“To our Boss, Dominic,” Johnny cheered, lifting his glass towards the couple, “And his blushing bride-to-be. May their future union be a happy and fruitful one. Salute.”

“Salute!” echoed the seated Capos.

With a wide smile, Fat Dom raised his own glass and softly clinked it against Marjorie’s. He then stood up, shaking the table as he scooted his chair back,

“Well Johnny, you were right….nobody was impressed with your speech! HA!”

Johnny gave a chuckle and raised his hands in a mock defensive gesture, then took his seat again.

“Thank you all for coming here to celebrate my engagement to the most ravishing beauty in all Vegas,” He gestured towards Marjorie.

“Oh Dom, you’re such a charmer,” Marjoie replied with a playful wave of her gloved hand.

Dominic grinned and raised his glass once more, “To Marjorie, my future wife, the Angel of the Mojave!”

The Capos let out another boisterous round of applause, along with a few cat-call whistles.

“And of course, let us not forget,” Dominic continued, “To our friends at the Ultra Luxe, The White Gloves, and to a bright future between our two great Families. Salute.”

The Capos raised their glasses, and directed their attention to a pair of White Glove attendants in their characteristic black tuxedos and obscuring masks, who were standing off to the side near Marjorie. The attendants, acknowledging the gesture, bowed deeply in response to Dom’s toast.

“Now my friends…stay to smoke and drink as much as you like. Everything is on the house tonight, as usual, so please enjoy. You all know I will...” Dominic smirked as he patted his stomach, earning another round of laughter from his men.

‘Fat Dom’ sat down once more, and turned to Marjorie,

“I hope you enjoyed everything my love and the food was to your liking. This isn’t the Gourmand, of course, but our chef is still quite skilled.”

“It was wonderful Dominic and the food was excellent,” Marjorie chuckled, “Though I must say, your friends are a bit…rough around the edges when it comes to dining etiquette.”

“Ah, you’ll have to forgive them, and me, my love,” Dominic said as he raised her gloved hand and gave it a gentle kiss, “We Omertas are not as sophisticated as your White Gloves, but we do our best.”

“Indeed, think nothing of it,” Marjorie said with a reassuring smile.

Right at that moment, a man in a charcoal gray suit and matching fedora slipped into the Zoara club and made his way over to Fat Dom. He leaned over and whispered something quickly into the Boss’s ear, and Dominic gave him a nod in return.

“I sincerely apologize my love,” Dominic said as he turned back to Marjorie, “But could I ask you to leave the room? I’m afraid my friend here has brought me some business I need to discuss with my men. I daresay it’s all rather boring Omerta politics, nothing of interest to you.”

“Say no more,” Marjorie said with a smile and wave of her hand as she stood up from her seat. One of her White Glove attendants quickly moved to help her push the chair back, “I would not wish to intrude on Omerta affairs of a delicate nature. I trust that you will still be able to make our rendezvous tonight at the Ultra Luxe?”

“Of course my love, I wouldn’t dream of missing it,” Dominic smiled, “I will see you promptly at 8 pm, and not a minute later.”

“Until then darling,” Marjorie replied, blowing him a kiss. She then gracefully sauntered out of the Zoara club room with her attendants in tow.

Once she was gone, and certain to be out of earshot, Dominic turned his head to the man. The Capos had all stopped drinking, and strained their ears to listen to their Boss’s next words,

“Bring the fuckin’ rat in,” He snarled.


“Please Boss I ain’t told them nothin’, you hear? I’ve been feedin’ them bullshit…piccadilly shit. Swank hasn’t got anything I swear!”

The black table had been completely cleared off, and the server girls had been sent scurrying away. ‘Fat Dom’ was now holding court with his Captains, and the tone of the room had immediately shifted to that of icey tension. Kneeling down facing the long side of the table was a man stripped down to his boxers with his hands tied behind his back. Two black-suited Omerta soldiers stood behind him, with silenced .22 pistols raised and aimed at his head.

“You were like a brother to me Tony,” Dominic hissed as he glared down at the traitor, “How long have you been talking out of school to the Chairmen, huh?”

“Not long! Only a couple months I swear!”

“Cut that crap, give me a date!” Dominic roared.

The prisoner cowered, and replied in a stuttering tone, “Last December.”

Groans and murmurs of dissent rang out through the ranks of the Capos, until Dominic raised a hand to silence them,

“You piece of shit. You’re telling me you’ve been squealing to that bastard Swank for a FULL YEAR?” Dominic stood up from his seat and strode over to the kneeling man, giving him a full slap across his face before spitting on him, “You disgust me.”

“Please Dom, please, don’t do this. I ain’t done nothin. I had no choice! My wife…she’s got a gambling problem and a big debt at the Ultra Luxe. I ain’t got the money to pay it…so the Chairmen said they’d help me out. Full debt paid if just did a few favors for them. That’s all!”

Dominic slapped Tony again, nearly sending him to the floor, “Now why you gotta insult me personally like that, huh? Why!” He demanded, “You should have come to me, maybe we could've worked something out. What, you didn’t think that since your Boss is bangin' the leader of the White Gloves that maybe, just maybe, he could cut you a deal? ”

"Please Dom," Tony sobbed, "I didn't want to get youse involved. That's all. I wanted to handle this myself."

"WELL I'M INVOLVED NOW!" Dominic boomed, and he let loose of string of kicks and punches, which caused Tony to collapse in pain.

Finally Dominic stopped and with labored breath he sat back down at the table, "Don't give me that shit either. I know why you didn't come to me. You wanted out. I know the Chairmen promised you an all expense paid one-way trip to California when you were done. You broke your oath Tony. You fucked up big…you never leave this thing of ours."

Like a flock of excited hens, murmurs of agreement fluttered from the Capos at Dom's statement.

"Maurice..Paulie," Dominic looked to the two men standing behind the balled Tony, "Get this sack of shit out of here. Take him to The Green, tie him up at a tree and leave him as food for the freaks out there. Make sure you see what gets him."

"Sure thing boss," one of the men nodded.

"Oh and Tony?" Dominic gave a sinister smirk as he puffed on his cigar, "I want you to know that pretty wife of yours will be working here starting tonight at The Gomorrah. I'll make sure she pays every-goddamn cap of her debt to the White Gloves….after she pays off all the money you owe the Omertas for years of room and board that is. She's going be very popular...I guarantee it."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by tundrafrog1124
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Veteran Ranger Richard Holmes - Fort Golf

Richard evenly spread the dried tobacco in the cigarette paper before rolling it with one fluid motion. He placed it in his mouth, brought up his lighter, lit it and took a drag. He exhaled then offered the cigarette to the prisoner in front of him. The man had been dressed in an old janitor’s jumpsuit. His arms still bound behind his back and his legs tied to the chair he was in. He had refused breakfast when Richard brought him food and so the old ranger hoped the young man might at least take the cigarette. He refused that as well. Richard shrugged then returned the cigarette to his lips. It was admittedly stale tasting but Richard had been awake all night and aside from a breakfast of gravy, biscuits and greens he hadn’t had much of a respite upon his return to the camp. He had wanted to take a shower and change his clothes but there weren’t many among the platoon of rangers stationed at headquarters that had experience with the Brotherhood of Steel. The war between them and the NCR had been over for years, the dogmatic believers had been exterminated, integrated or pushed underground; often in a very literal sense. Even a veteran of the war such as Richard hadn’t laid his eyes on a member of the Brotherhood in a decade or more. They had become ghosts, there were always stories of sightings but the evidence was never there.

Now that had changed and sitting in front of him was living, breathing proof that the Brotherhood survived. Richard wasn’t too surprised, while his comrades gave up on ever crossing paths with them again, he knew they were still out there. Denver had known it as well, even when he was mocked by his subordinates for ‘chasing ghosts’ the colonel pursued any claims they came across no matter how dubious. The old dog had even sent Richard to investigate a sighting out by NoVac. Richard had spent the better part of the day trying to talk to an insane old man who claimed to have seen everything from ‘communist ghosts’ to something called a chupacabra. It wasn’t a fruitful lead and that had been seven years ago, since then nothing.

“How’s your eye?”

The bleeding had stopped and a scab was starting to form, bruises had begun to shade the right eye of the prisoner. The result of a pistol whipping during the arrest. The man merely looked at Richard in response, his lip pulled in a sneer. He hadn’t said a word since they arrested him. The young man had fought like a rabid dog when Richard and the other rangers ambushed them the night before. He was a good fighter, they all were, the teachings of the Brotherhood required all their members to be competent fighters, even the scribes. That was something Richard respected, even when pushed to the brink of extinction they never played the victim, never capitulated and never surrendered. The Brotherhood had earned their reputation and Richard knew that only a fool would underestimate them. That was why he and other rangers had waited until night time to ambush them. Why Richard had ordered them to be stripped of their clothing out in the desert and why they had been taken to the cells below the resort. They would use anything and anyone they could to escape and return to their people. Both of them were young, perhaps mid-twenties, young enough for Denver and Richard to be their fathers. They hadn’t been there at Operation Sunburst, but no doubt they had lost a loved one. Perhaps their parents, an older sibling or both.

“You know you kind of look like my son.”

The man’s face softened for a movement, his sneer dropped and he raised his head up a bit more. Richard could tell he hadn’t expected to hear that.

“Yeah, he’d be about your age now. He was quiet as a baby, didn’t cry, not even once. I had planned on finishing out my contract. Head back home, buy a couple acres off my brother and really settle down. Don’t get me wrong I loved my work, I loved the people I was with, you know how it is. Being a ranger ain’t too different from your Brotherhood, people you can rely on, people you can trust. We both know that's hard to find these days. I’m not sure I ever really loved his mother but I loved him, I knew that for certain. He had these big brown eyes and they just seemed to grow bigger every time he saw him. A wide toothy grin when I would roll up to our shack. You ever have a child smile when you come back and cry when you leave? That's…that's a good feeling.”

Richard finished his cigarette, extinguished it and then absent mindedly rolled another. The man in the chair continued to stare at him, his hard demeanor had returned but he kept his attention on the ranger. The door behind Richard unlocked and he turned to see Denver enter the small room. The colonel was holding two hot cups of coffee, he handed one to Richard and held the other out to the prisoner.


The man shook his head and the colonel smiled.

“Well that’s progress. He say anything to you Rich?”

Richard shook his head, “No sir. How about his friend?”

“Well she ain’t exactly singing but she ain’t silent either. She smirked when I mentioned old Elder Elijah, so I guess he is out of the game.” Denver let out a sigh and crouched down to look the prisoner in the eye. “Serves him right though huh? Considering how many of ya’ll he got killed back at Helios. You know that we killed more of your people in those five days of fighting than I had seen in the five years before.”

The prisoner spit directly into Denver’s face. He merely smiled and stood up, taking out his handkerchief and wiping the saliva from his face.

“You know boy, you might wanna save that spit if you’re not gonna eat or drink anything. It's a long way to prison and the Mojave sun is awfully unkind. Your friend is much more considerate of our hospitality. I just watched her finish a full breakfast with coffee. Believe me Major Addams doesn’t serve a full breakfast. Hell you’ll be lucky if you get two meals a week. But your friend you see, she’s gonna keep eating right cause she’ll stay here with us.”

The prisoner held his sneer but his eyes widened ever so slightly and they darted between the colonel and the ranger. Richard could tell he was looking for if Denver bluffed. The young Brotherhood member had done well on anticipating his captivity thus far. He had kept silent and remained calm when separated from his partner. But now when confronted with the fact he was to be moved to the prison while she was to stay.

"You think you're protecting your people with this silence and this resistance but you're not. You're doing it for you because you're a coward. Your friend, see she's taking our food and drinking our drink because she knows she has to stay strong. Every minute longer that she is alive is more time she has to get back to her people. She has enough faith in herself to be willing to accept what we offer and not give in. You? You know the second you take anything we offer that you will crumble. Go ahead and shave him, Richard, we’ll send him out tomorrow.”

Richard nodded and got up, taking a pair of electric shears from the maintenance shelf. He walked around to the rear of the prisoner and placed his hand on his shoulder, then head and began shaving him. Richard had learned it was not uncommon for those Brotherhood members on extended missions to hide wires among their hair. Thus if they were ever deprived of their gear or taken prisoner they could do anything from pick locks to start fires and strangle someone. The shears caught on a small copper wire, Richard yanked it from the man’s head. He groaned and blood flowed freely from the small wound. Richard continued to shave his head till it was smooth and fuzzy. He then gave it a small pat and dusted it off with a rag. The colonel had merely watched the man to ensure he didn’t try anything. When the cutting was done he stood and said his goodbyes to the prisoner and Richard. The young man’s gaze had been locked on the colonel and when the man left the room his eyes drifted back towards the floor. Richard resumed his seat and started drinking his coffee, he again offered the other one to the prisoner. He refused.

“Suit yourself. But the colonel is right, this may be your last time to drink or eat for a while.”

The man didn’t lift his gaze from the floor, but after a moment he shrugged. Richard smiled, and finished his coffee. He stayed there for another hour but then he rose, said goodbye to the young man and left.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Cymbeline90


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Chez Nathan –Freeside, New Vegas

It was a cool October night in Freeside. Chez had been called out late to help some new Followers deal with an addict in crisis. The patient had somehow gotten his hands on a Nuka Cola bottle, smashed it, and used its jagged edge to almost gouge out a junior Follower’s eye. The Followers guards had sent a runner to get Chez from the clinic - they hadn’t forgotten the last time Chez had screamed at them for fatally shooting a junkie in the chest.

Thank God that new kid was quick on her feet, Chez thought. She’ll only have a scar on her face for the rest of her life. She could’ve died. I can’t wait for Lettie to find out about this. I know what she’ll say - and the others will agree with her. If we have to choose between a Follower’s life or a junkie’s, we choose ours! We can’t replace our numbers, meanwhile the addicts are multiplying like radroaches! Or do you think we haven’t bled enough for the Mojave? Do you think we haven’t traded enough of our lives for other people’s?

The invocation of the Old Mormon Fort's loss would silence any further discussion. The tragedy lay heavy over everything - a reminder of their near-annihilation, a promise of their coming destruction.

The streets were washed in pale moonlight, dyed with neon patches from the Strip lights. Night was beautiful in Freeside, especially after a couple of glasses of whiskey. Vague memories of coming to Vegas with his father stirred in the shadows of Chez’s mind. He remembered a different city, not this warren of filthy concrete and human degradation, but a fairytale castle filled with rainbow lights, velvet-smooth music, and revellers dressed in fashions from an Old World dream… had that Vegas existed? Or was it the childhood fantasy of some kid from a mining town, getting his first glimpse of a city out of Pre-War legend?

So what if it was a dream, thought Chez stubbornly, his mind sluggish from the drink. Mr House was allowed to have a dream, and people respect him for it. So why can’t I? I just need a hundred killer robots and a billion caps, and I could do something real neat. I could’ve built this city too. And with fewer chem-pushers and more public health initiatives besides.

He and Ronnie, a bodyguard from the Kings, made their way down the street outside Mick and Ralph’s - or rather, Ronnie led the way and Chez followed close behind, slightly unsteady on his feet.

Chez half hummed, half sang as he walked: “Stars shinin’ bright above you… night breezes seem to whisper I love you… ”

Ronnie joined in with enthusiasm. He couldn’t carry a tune, bless him, but then again he could hit a man with a submachine gun at fifty paces with his eyes shut, and swing a bat hard enough to stop a Super Mutant in its tracks, and the Good Lord in his wisdom had given each man different talents for a reason.

They were almost at the gates to the outskirts of the city when they heard it: a sudden babble of raised voices, the crack of gunfire.

Chez had his pistol in hand and was off in the direction of the commotion, his unsteadiness gone. For a long time he had been reluctant to draw his weapon unless his life was in danger, but the days when he could rely on a Followers coat to protect him in Freeside were long since past.

Chez heard loud swearing from somewhere behind him, and then a moment later, soft footsteps told him Ronnie was on his tail, moving with unnerving quietness for such a large man.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Cymbeline90


Member Seen 1 yr ago

Chez Nathan -- Freeside, New Vegas

Chez and Ronnie charged into the alley. In the gloom, they barely made out several dim figures, standing around a man who lay prone on the ground. The acrid taste of gunsmoke was thick in the air, overpowering even the stench of the Freeside gutters.

“I’m with the Followers!” Chez shouted. The name carried less power than it once had. But it still had some protective effect, when most other words in Freeside had lost their meaning: republic, freedom, rule of law.

The attackers hesitated. When Ronnie swung his submachine gun into view, with his unmistakeable quiff and Kings jacket silhouetted against the alley walls, the men turned and ran.

Ronnie started after them, then stopped.

“Go,” said Chez. “We need to know who they are!”

As Ronnie disappeared after the gunmen, Chez rushed to the side of the victim and swung his satchel to the ground. He got his portable lamp out and flicked it on.

The young man lay on his back, his blood pooling redly in the harsh orange lamplight. A cowboy hat had slipped from his head. Judging by his clothes, he was a Freesider, but one who was proud of his rancher origins.

The victim stirred, his eyes fluttering, his face locked into a grimace.

"Can you hear me?" Chez said. "My name is Chez. I'm with the Followers. I'm here to help."

There was a dark stain on the man's right side. Chez carefully unbuttoned the man's shirt and pushed the fabric aside. Blood seeped slowly from the wound, too slowly to have come from a perforation in a major vessel. That was good. Chez unwrapped some of his precious sterile bandages and wiped the site clean. He saw a round hole about the size of a bottle cap, located between ribs number six and seven.

"Looks to me like you've taken a single shot," Chez said. "Oughtta thank the man who gave it to you. Nice and clean, shouldn't be a problem for us to extract the slug back at the clinic. I don't think it's gone too deep. I'm gonna patch you up now. But I need you tell me if you've been hit anywhere else."

"Chez Nathan?" said the man, through gritted teeth. "You son of a bitch. 'Course it'd be you."

Chez did a double take, examining the man's face more closely in the lamplight. "Jace?"

"Yep. Long time no see."

"Howdy. Fancy seeing you here." Chez strapped a sterile dressing onto the bullet’s entry site. "I need you to apply pressure on this for me. I'm gonna wrap you up a little. Can you sit up?"

"Can a Texan give his sister a seein'-to?"

Together they managed to get Jace sitting upright. Chez unrolled more bandages and began strapping the wound.

Jace watched Chez's face, his eyes glittering. "You sure you should be helpin' me?"

"What kind of question is that?"

"You know I'm an NCR man, through and through."

"We all bleed just the same. Your blood don't look any different to me."

"Speakin’ of blood, I hear your folks have been sheddin’ a fair bit thanks to the NCR. Ain't that mean nothin' to you?"

"The day the Followers let a man bleed out 'cos they don't like his politics is the day the NCR will have finally destroyed what we are, Jace."

"That's a very high-minded attitude."

"Did you see who did this to you?"

"Didn't have to. Some thugs workin' for the Omertas."

"What did you do to offend them?"

"What didn't I do? They came by my Ma's place a few weeks ago, askin’ for protection money. I told ‘em to stick their fedoras where the sun don’t shine. They objected to that some. Damn wops have their greasy paws on everythin’ in Freeside these days.”

“Maybe if your pal Denver had left a few more of the Kings and Followers alive, we could’ve kept the Omertas outta Freeside. Power abhors a vacuum.”

Jace’s face darkened. “I ain’t agree with all of Denver’s actions, but the Mojave is a hard place. It takes a hard man to keep it in line.”

“You sound like you’re trying to convince yourself as much as me. I commend your loyalty, Jace, but there’s a point where it becomes suicidal.”

“Speakin’ of suicidal, how many of the NCR boys that you patched up done got right back up and put more bullets in your comrades? I don’t know nothin’ about politics, but I know that a man’s gotta stand for somethin’. My folks were NCR, I was born NCR and I’ll die NCR. You reckon you Followers are the only ones who can die for a lost cause?”

“Hell no, Jace. The Old World was built by men fighting for lost causes. Lord, look at the Wasteland now. The world ended in fire and we’re still scrabbling in the ashes like radroaches. I guess we don’t have the sense we were born with. Well, I got you bandaged up good as I can. Stand up for me now. I’ll help you.”

Jace clambered slowly to his feet, leaning on Chez’s shoulder for support.

“It’s not far to the clinic,” Chez said. “Dr Usanagi’s on night shift, she’s the best we have. I thank God every day we didn’t lose her to the Green.”

As they made their way slowly down the street, Jace said, “You’re a good’un, Chez. It’s too bad things went down the way they did. I wish it could be different somehow… ”

Chez forced a smile. “Hey, this is Vegas, baby! Your luck can change in an instant. We haven't come to the final round, not by a long shot.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 4 days ago

Sentinel Derek Irving- Hidden Valley Bunker

Irving stood at the McNamara's side, watching as the door to the elder's office opened and Head Paladin Hardin entered. The Head Paladin stood at attention next to Senior Knight Lorenzo and Head Scribe Taggart, dwarfing the two in his T-51b power armor. The Elder pressed a button on his desk, causing the door to close behind Hardin. This was not to be a conversation to be shared with the lower echelons of the Brotherhood, not yet.

"Not that we are all here," the Elder begun, "We can get down to business. There has been an incident that threatens our mission in the Mojave Wasteland. Sentinel?" he asked, gesturing at Irving. The Sentinel stepped forward, the servos in his power armor making a muffled whirring. It was clear from the Elder's voice that his health was declining. Whether it was from years of breathing bunker air, the stress of the position, or simply the ravages of age, McNamara clearly did not have quite the energy that he used to.

"Last night, two of our procurement specialists were arrested by the NCR," he began to explain. "While Abernathy's forces have earned a reputation for making arrests on flimsy pretenses, this was not one of their NCRCF workforce recruitment drives. Shortly after our specialists missed a rendezvous, a recon team operating out of the northeastern safehouse spotted NCR Rangers escorting two prisoners to Fort Golf. We must assume that the NCR has arrested them on suspicion of being Brotherhood of Steel, and intends to interrogate them as to our whereabouts."

The Sentinel paused to give the assembled subordinates an opportunity to process this information.

"While the NCR has laws regarding treatment of prisoners of war, they do not always follow these laws even when with the shadow of Shady Sands hanging over them. Colonel Abernathy, being largely free of NCR oversight, will almost certainly not heed these laws. They will try to break our brother and sister."

"It won't matter," Hardin spoke up. "Even if our brother and sister prove unbreakable, the NCR still has proof of our presence in the Mojave. Now that they know we are here, they will scour the Mojave until they find us. We must go on the offensive and strike while we still have the element of surprise."

"There is another problem that this presents," Lorenzo added. "We needed the food and supplies that they procured. It was difficult enough for Veronica keep this chapter fed when it was at under half strength. With our current numbers, our stockpile of provisions will not last if we remain hidden in the bunker."

"...I'm afraid you are both correct, we cannot remain hidden," Irving conceded. While the Brotherhood was no longer under a lockdown, they had made great efforts to avoid drawing the attention of the NCR. They only sent small patrols out at night, avoided roads and towns, and kept to the largely depopulated western regions of the Mojave. With the arrest of their agents, the façade was crumbling. They could no longer fly under the radar.

"There is no better time to strike than now," Hardin asserted. "Abernathy's forces are stretched thin, unsupported, and much of their strength is bogged down maintaining their occupation. Give me a few targets, and I will blind and cripple the NCR before they can make a move against us."

"Or you'll bring another ruinous battle to us," Taggart interjected. "Our reports state that even with most of their men tied up maintaining their grip, they will still outnumber our own forces at least ten to one, and many of them are hardened veterans. The VR scenarios based on these parameters paint a grim picture of our chances..."

"Your simulations tell us nothing, Taggart," Hardin shouted, angered. "The last time we took tactical advice from a scribe, we lost over half the chapter."

"Enough!" Irving rebuked them both. "While the NCR is a considerable obstacle that will assuredly need to be dealt with, defeating them is not the primary objective of our mission. If there is a way to sidestep them without weakening our ability to oppose The Green, I will take it. However, Hardin is right that we must act quickly and decisively, and all of us must do our part."

The Sentinel walked up to the three Brotherhood members. "Head Paladin, you will get our Knights and Paladins combat-ready. Send a few Eyebot teams out to give us eyes on the surface. Senior Knight, your orders are to ensure our warriors have the equipment that they need. Lastly," he paused, standing over Taggart, "Boot up Black Mountain's radio transmitter, and tell Scribe Santangelo to fetch two eyebots and meet me in the war room in an hour. You are all dismissed. Ad Victoriam!"

The three subordinates immediately headed out to carry out their tasks. After the last of them left, Irving turned around to face McNamara. The Sentinel's mask of stoic professionalism faded, making way for an expression of weariness.

"I knew this would happen eventually. Tell me, Elder, do you think that the NCR could be persuaded to a ceasefire for the sake of stopping the growing threat of The Green?"

"Not with Abernathy," the Elder answered. "Our ambitions and mission are not at a cross purpose to theirs, and there are some in the NCR that would agree to a truce, but the Colonel is not one of them."

"No, I guess not," Irving replied. "Perhaps, however, his subordinates and subjects will think differently..."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by tundrafrog1124
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Corporal Yazan Mohammad - Mojave Checkpoint

Yazan rubbed his face and checked his watch; it was almost midnight. The ambassador and his entourage were supposed to have arrived more than six hours ago but aside from a skinny boy chasing a gaggle of goats no one had crested the hill into the Mojave Checkpoint. The rest of his squad sat on the benches beside Yazan, most of them half-asleep while a few played cards. Staff Sergeant Keyes and Sergeant McKinny were chatting between themselves sipping hot coffee. The sergeants had originally ordered the squad to keep formation in expectation for the ambassador’s arrival but after an hour they had let them break for dinner. Then another hour of standing in formation until the sergeants dismissed them again, allowing them to catch a break while they could. That had been nearly four hours ago and though he had been in the army for two years Yazan had yet to become accustomed to the boredom and monotony of waiting that his service so often entailed.

“Aye Yazan, come around and join our game.” It was Emily, a boisterous recruit who had taken on the role of the squad's joker. A perpetual gambler, she was playing caravan with Andrew and Leonid. The cards were laid out over an old shipping container that they were lounged around. Under the colonel’s orders gambling was expressely forbidden when not on leave;but in D Company, those orders were rarely enforced.

“I don’t know how to play caravan.”

“Well we sure as shit got time to teach you. Come on.” Emily smiled and patted the dirt next to her. Her helmet was off and Yazan could faintly see her spider tattoo through her close cropped hair. He had been intimidated by Emily at first but over the past year of deployment that had turned to infatuation. Yazan welcomed the opportunity to sit beside her and joined his comrades in the game.

Emily had just begun to explain the rules of the game when the shriek of the gate whistle was sounded announcing the arrival of the ambassador’s entourage. Yazan and his squad grabbed their helmets and rifles and got into formation. He buttoned his fatigues and adjusted his dust scarf. The gate opened and the squad presented a standing salute to the entourage as they entered. There were thirteen of them, twelve of them sported identical suits of black painted combat armor. Their helmet’s were visored and they held plasma-based energy weapons at the ready. Yazan felt a flash of fear when he saw the casual manner in which they strode up to his squad. The man leading them wore a large brimmed black felt hat and a matching suede jacket. He smiled at Yazan’s squad as he smoked a cigarette and approached Staff Sergeant Keyes. The two men shook hands and the at ease order was given.

“Welcome to the Mojave Ambassador.”

“Thank you sergeant and please, call me Benny.” The ambassador flashed another smile and promptly threw his cigarette to the ground, extinguishing it with his heel. “I appreciate your patience, we ran into a little, uh…trouble further back.” Benny waved his right hand around “You know how the road can be, always a little hiccup or three, it makes for an eventful time.”

“Well, I cannot ensure that you won’t run into any more trouble once you get to Vegas, but D Company can take you there safe and sound.”

“Hooah!” Came the resounding call from Yazan and his squadmates. The ambassador nodded as he looked over the unit.

“That I can believe, but I assure you my bodyguards.” he motioned to the corporate security forces around him. “Will be adequate enough.

“Well sir, Colonel Abernathy wanted to ensure your safety.”

“Very well.” Benny smiled. “Tell me sergeant, are there enough accommodations here for my men and I? We had hoped to get some rest before getting on the road.”

“Certainly, I’ll show you to your rooms.” Keyes and the ambassador moved past Yazan’s unit, the corporate security bodyguards tailing them. Once they were out of sight sergeant McKinny informed the squad they could break for sleep and rest, but should be ready to go no later than four hours from now. Yazan caught up to Emily as they made their way to the bunkhouse.

“Still up to teach me the rules?” He smiled, she shrugged.

“As long as you have some caps to lose.”


Ambassador Benjamin “Benny” Watts

Benny rinsed off his razor in soapy water before dunking it in a container of vinegar. He stooped low over the wash basin and cleaned the remaining shaving cream from his face. He checked himself in his hand held mirror, smiled and then spit on the floor.

“How do I look?” He turned as he asked the head of his security detail. The man was reclining on a bed, his eyes closed.

“You look fantastic sir.”

“Oh horseshit Peter, you cannot even get up and look at me when you lie?” Benny dipped his hands in pomade and started to style his hair. “I gotta make a good impression today.”

“It’s four o’clock sir. I’m sure you’re the best looking one here. There is no one to impress today sir. We got a two-day march before we even reach New Vegas.”

“Oh horseshit, I wanna get there by tonight.”

“You plan on running?”

“In these shoes?” Benny motioned to his feet, fine leather boots that he had spent twenty minutes shining this morning. “We’ll need to take a couple horses.”

Peter sat up on his elbows. “That’ll sure send Abernathy a message after he pulled this escort together.”

They dressed themselves and met the other CSF agents in the hall. Together they headed out to the small stable attached to the Western side of the checkpoint. A young recruit and two skinny civilian boys were feeding and caring for the animals in the pre-dawn light. Benny pulled them from their tasks and requisitioned three of the five horses. The boys were confused but compliant when encouraged by looks from the CSF agents. Benny chose for himself a large gray spotted mare. The molting of her coat matched his suede jacket and he thought it the perfect choice for setting a good impression on the people he met on the way to Vegas.

Saddled and ready, Benny and his entourage met staff sergeant Keyes and his squad under the unification monument. Benny had seen the ridiculous monument partially illuminated the night before. But now cast in the cool light of the morning the colossi towered over the Mojave behind them and seemed far more threatening than what Benny had imagined from the stories he’d heard. Keyes stepped from the formation assembled at the feet of the giants. Benny noticed a tinge of disappointment on the sergeant’s face but the officer stilled saluted him.

“Are you and your men ready ambassador?”

“We are indeed sergeant, please.” Benny motioned to the desert beyond them. “Lead on.”
Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Andronicus23
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Andronicus23 Rogue Courser

Member Seen 8 days ago

Dominic Omerta - Ultra Luxe Casino, Marjorie’s Penthouse Suite

With extremely labored breath, Dominic's heavy bulk rolled off of the naked prone form of Marjorie and onto the purple silken sheets of her bed. He was covered head to toe in sweat, and seemed ready to pass out from his all-too-enthusiastic exertions. He grabbed a tuft of the bedspread and used it to wipe his face, then turned over to look at his lover. Marjorie gave a contented sigh, then snuggled herself deeper into the embrace of the soft mattress. Dominic grinned,

“Still got it,” He mumbled smugly to himself. He turned to the side of the bed and dropped his feet to the floor as he massaged his balding head with one hand. He then looked up and stared out from where the bed sat on the penthouse mezzanine at the unmatched opulence that unfolded before him.

Marjorie’s suite was at the very top floor of the Ultra Luxe Casino and it certainly fit the character of the White Glove’s leader. It was huge, gaudy, and richly adorned with black, silver, and deep purples framing the theme of the curtains, walls, and various furniture. Silver and Gold decorative pieces sat upon the dining table and upon pedestals that stood nestled within recessed alcoves. Fine paintings and unusual sculptures were hung on the walls and placed throughout the space, not for the love of art mind you, but simply to serve as expensive talking pieces. All of these things had been procured with the White Gloves considerable wealth, either by purchasing it second-hand or hiring scavengers to pilfer it from a number of abandoned pre-war museums and galleries throughout the West Coast.

Far from being impressed, Dominic grimaced at the sight, he never liked the White Glove’s holier-than-thou attitude or their aggressive attempts to make themselves seem superior to everyone else. They were ultimately no different than his Omerta’s despite their grand facade, and one could argue at their core: very much worse. At least his people hadn’t once eaten the travelers they killed like fucking animals.

Dominic turned once more and looked over at Marjorie, and took a brief moment to admire her slender naked form. Her body would be considered envious for any woman her age, and Dominic sometimes wondered to himself if maybe, just maybe, the White Gloves “unusual” diet had anything to do with that. While "Love” would probably be a strong word to use for the feelings Dominic had towards Marjorie, he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy these "rendezvous" sessions as she so eloquently termed them, and her being easy on the eyes certainly made things much easier. Still, their relationship was mostly one-sided, but Dominic certainly loved one thing about his soon-to-be wife: her Family's money. All he had to do was keep Marjorie happy and the White Gloves, and their coffers, were practically his.

Luckily, he knew exactly how to do just that.

Dominic leaned over and gave Marjorie a playful slap to her rear, and then stood up from the bed.

“Oh my….Dom, stop it!” Marjorie giggled as she rolled over and looked up at him.

“Come on sweet cheeks, outta bed,” He said with a wide mischievous grin, “Why don’t I make us a couple of nightcaps and we go sit downstairs to chat?”

“Sounds wonderful!” Marjorie replied as she stretched herself out, “Just give me a few minutes to clean and freshen up.”

“Of course my love, take your time….”

By the time Marjorie made her way down the mezzanine stairs in a pink bathrobe, Dominic had made them both a couple of White Russians after covering himself with his own black bathrobe. He’d also lit himself a cigarette and was puffing on it steadily.

“I need a little help my love, wondering if you could spot me a small loan,” Dominic said off-hand, sending their conversation straight to business.

“Oh my, of course, how much do you need Dommy Dear?,” Marjorie replied as she sat down at the table then gently wrapped her delicate fingers around the drink in front of her.

“Eh not much…just forty-thousand caps or so. I’d like to hire some extra muscle to protect the Strip as we get closer to our wedding. I have my eye on a Midwestern merc outfit that blew into town recently - heavily armed and a lot of guns between them with plenty of combat experience. They aren’t cheap, as you can probably imagine.”

“Oh well of course, I would expect nothing less!” Marjorie said with an understanding nod, “Nothing but the best security, as expected. I’d be glad to front the payment.”

“Perfect, thank you my dear,” Dominic replied as he lifted her hand to give it a kiss, “I knew I could count on your help my love.”

“Do you expect there'll be much trouble? I would hate for us to have to postpone the wedding because of any unsightly unrest,” Marjorie asked as she took a dainty slip of her White Russian.

“No but one can never be too careful my love. There’s always trouble brewing in the Mojave and Freeside is well….Freeside, there will always be trouble in that cesspit. The North Gate could certainly use more security. House’s little toy soldiers are enough for the regular troublemakers, but since the Old Man is MIA, they haven’t exactly been reliable for much of anything else. Plus...” Dominic continued, taking a long drag on his cigarette, “Rumor has it that the new NCR ambassador will be arriving soon. I’d like to show him that the NCR may claim that they have fully annexed the Mojave - but WE still hold Vegas.”

“Well I leave all that business to you Dommy Dear…” Marjorie replied with a wave of her hand, “I don’t care much for politics. All I care about is keeping the ne-er do wells off the Strip and away from my wedding”

“And that I guarantee you,” Dominic said, raising his glass, “If only the same could be said about the Chairmen…”

“Swank or his cronies shant be of much concern. I can’t believe they’d try to pull anything. They may be tasteless, but they aren’t fools.”

“Oh I wouldn’t put it past him,” Dominic replied with a thoughtful swish of his glass, “He knows that our union puts his family on the backfoot. He might try anything to stop it.”

Marjorie gasped, putting her hand to her chest in an act of pearl clutching astonishment, “You can’t possibly mean…”

Dominic took a final puff on his cigarette, before smashing the still burning butt into a nearby ashtray, “Yes…I do…..the bastard might very well try to kill one of us.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Andrew and Leonid

Leonid saw this as an opportunity to make vital political connections; old habits died hard. As Ambassador Ben and his security detail met up with their squad on horseback, he made an assessment about the dignitary, that the man was a maverick who was prone to surprising people and making the most out of the surprise he caused. Perfect; and he, Andrew, and their squad would have the Ambassador and his folk all to themselves for at least a few good hours.

Assuming they were all not tired out by then. Either way, he could see that Andrew was impressed by the ambassador's moxy; good, Andrew deserved to know that not all of his superiors were assholes like Denver - A hard man making hard decisions? Even if an argument can be made for that, that man would not recognize that a really hard decision would be to lay down his life now that things were different. Preferably after a court-martial for war crimes.

Either way, the Ambassador seemed to be hardier than his entourage, many of whom were tiring of the saddle and the heat. All the while, he thought of something his boyfriend had said to him, during their eighteenth birthday; it had been in a... vulnerable moment, but he remembered it as clear as day.

Leonid, someone needs to bring together the NCR and the people of the Mojave, or we all fall to the Green or other crises. Denver was right about one thing, hard decisions and a strong will are needed to keep this Wasteland together. Which is why I've made a hard decision of my own.

The damning words had been whispered, I already told my mom this, but I plan to shoot Col. Abernathy - Denver - for the good of the NCR and the Mojave, to bind the two together and provide a foundation for reconciliation, to weave a story where he is to blame for everything bad the NCR did. How would that be the result of my actions? Because you will shoot me once I kill Denver, and take the credit for my death. That will give you the influence and power needed to shape the narrative our way, with me as the hero of the Mojave and you as the hero of the NCR. Don't worry, I already told Mom, told her it was my plan and not to blame you or I'll be sad.

Leonid had cried, then, embracing his boyfriend skin to skin, but unable to budge him from his plan... Unless he found a better way.

History progresses when people find a third option to a binary choice, he told himself. When people decide that they can't just have one thing or the other - They need both. Or all. Call it greed, call it pride, but if we don't stop seeking moral solutions to our problems and the maximum possible gain for as many groups as possible, then we cannot advance.

The young man, barely out of boyhood, thought, Mrs. Rivers does not want a dead son, killed by someone she loves as much as a son. I must find a way and Ambassador Ben... He might prove of use in finding that way. Patience, Leonid. If you want to save Andrew, you must have it. Your boyfriend is already hardening himself to make the decision to kill Denver. You must make your own hard decisions sometimes, albeit ones that demand only from yourself, not other people.

This line of thinking continued until the group reached the town of Sloan, where the tired-out squad finally stopped, prompted by the Ambassador's staff, but not the Ambassador himself. Good; as Andrew waited for the order to disperse and finally have a bath, Leonid would wait for an opportunity to approach the Ambassador in private, to introduce himself as "Leonid Tannhauser, son of the Secretary of Energy."

Having political connections that already existed and being a frequent letter-writer to his father, one of said connections, had its advantages.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by tundrafrog1124
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Ambassador Benjamin “Benny” Watts

It was early evening when the escort had to stop at the small mining settlement of Sloan. Benny had wanted to press on but he could see the exhaustion in the faces of the ten CSF agents who had to walk. Even with the cool October breeze the men were sweating hard from the heavy combat armor. It had been a largely quiet hike from the Checkpoint. Benny soon understood the NCR squad escorting them had been given strict orders to not engage in conversation with himself or his entourage. At midday they had all stopped for lunch in the town of Primm and Benny was able to get a better look at the squad escorting them. They were young, obviously very inexperienced but heavily armed regardless. All the privates carried semi-automatic rifles with their corporal toting a light machine gun. Staff sergeant Keyes and sergeant McKinny were armed with carbines, and pistols. Each trooper carried at least a single fragmentation grenade and light body armor. For reservists in a battalion that hadn’t been resupplied in years they were remarkably well equipped. Col. Abernathy had clearly done a fine job ensuring his soldiers remained battle ready.

Benny hadn’t met the infamous colonel yet and was trying his best to delay their meeting as long as possible. Despite Abernathy’s failing support in congress he still held public support. Benny had to give the aged veteran credit, the man had held the Mojave territory together even while the NCR fell apart. Benny had heard that four years ago congress had cut off funding for the 3rd Infantry. Col. Abernathy had been informed that his soldiers would not be paid so long as famine ravaged the NCR. Despite this, Benny heard that the colonel continued to pay every one of his soldiers. Where exactly the money came from was a source of controversy in the politics back west. The Articles of Incorporation had been the legal basis to which Abernathy enforced his taxation. But the validity of this document was contested, to say the least. Benny could harbor a guess as to why. When passing through Primm Benny had made an effort to speak to the local mayor, an old woman by the name of Cynthia Meyers. Mayor Meyers had provided Benny a copy of Primm’s AOI. The terms were generous for the 3rd Infantry, allocating them ten percent of all profit accrued within the township. Meyers was critical of the taxation but had admitted to Benny that since signing they hadn’t suffered a single violent attack on the town. Even while settlements in the core regions were raided, the threat of retaliation by the 3rd Infantry had kept the Vipers and the Khans away from small towns in the Mojave like Primm.

Regardless, the colonel was an obstacle and Benny knew he had to be careful around the man until they could remove him. A staunch republican, Abernathy would resist the corporatization of the NCR under the Van-Graffs. Benny had no love for the Van-Graffs but their extraordinary wealth provided him privileges he would not have otherwise, especially given his relationship with the Bishops.

Benny had ordered the CSF agents with him to find a proper dwelling to spend the night. They had forced out an old quarry worker from his cottage and secured the place for the ambassador. He had undressed in privacy, cleaned himself in a small basin of water and then prepared himself for sleep. Aside from two CSF agents guarding the door to the cottage, the rest were eating dinner with the NCR troopers and workers at the common house. They would have another early day tomorrow and Benny wanted to ensure he was well rested so as not to appear fatigued to the people of New Vegas upon his arrival. He checked himself slowly in the cracked mirror of the cottage. He had gotten some sun while hiking, his nose and cheeks were a bit red. He swore and washed his face again before he looked for his skin cream he had brought with him.

After he applied the white cream the door to the cottage opened and in stepped a CSF agent and one of the young soldiers from the escort.

“Private Tannhauser here would like a word.” The CSF agent closed the door behind them and stood staring at the young soldier.

“Tannhauser huh? You must be the son of Emmanual, correct? I met your father briefly before I was appointed ambassador to the Mojave.” Benny began to search through the cupboards of the kitchen looking for any booze stored away by the old man who lived there. Finding some whiskey he pulled it out and poured two glasses and offered one to the private.

“Here you go.” Benny looked at the CSF agent who was still in the room. “Can a man get some privacy when he speaks to a citizen of the Republic ?” The agent nodded, slightly embarrassed and stepped out, closing the door behind him. “Now how can I help you son?”
Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Andrew and Leonid

Before going to the Ambassador, Leonid had gone to find the quarry worker who had been evicted from his cottage and gave him a full 500 caps - Not NCR scrip, caps - from 2000 that his mother had given him as compensation for his loss. And that was what he first mentioned to the Ambassador when he said, "I gave the former occupant of this house half a thousand caps for his loss, in order to keep tales of... malfeasance from spreading. But that's not what I wanted to talk about."

He then jumped to the topic, "Colonel Denver Abernathy is a war criminal. I and my... boyfriend have been collecting information on him for the duration of our joint service in the NCR military and in the east of the Mojave, where oversight is even slighter than it is here he has been killing civilians, exacting disproportionate punishments for defiance, among which is the arbitrary arrest of anyone who speaks up and their illegal enslavement in the NCRCF, which has been turned into a de facto labor camp."

Leonid then took out, from his pocket, his private diary, which contained reports, dates, and numbers, as well as what personal details he could wrangle from Andrew's mother, her Follower contacts, and what he could charm out from visiting members of the other Companies. A weakness of his testimony is that he was merely relaying information given by others and had not seen the grand majority of the atrocities he spoke about himself. Nevertheless, the overwhelming amount of reports and stories - True stories - he provided should be enough to make Ambassador Ben take notice.

The young man continued, "It has gotten to the point where even the Followers are disenchanted with the NCR, and some of them are refusing to treat NCR soldiers, and still others are forming terrorist cells due to Denver - Colonel Abernathy's - alienating actions. If this continues, we are likely to get a legacy of discontent in the Mojave that will last for generations, and poison cooperation between us even after statehood, if it does come for this place. It may even come to the point where any slip in NCR control will lead to... discontent, prompting the NCR to spend more cash trying to keep the Mojave under control even after hypothetical statehood that it would make from it."

He looked at the Ambassador, not telling him about Andrew's plan despite the temptation to do so, and said, "I and Col. Abernathy have different ideas of what would be best for the NCR in the Mojave. Even if I could be brought around to the idea that his oppression was needed to keep the region together, his punishment would seal whatever positive benefits that oppression had for us. So please, Ambassador, help us."

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by tundrafrog1124
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Ambassador Benjamin “Benny” Watts - Sloan - Evening, October 15th

Benny finished his glass of whiskey in one sip. The private’s actions were surprising to say the least. He had expected the boy to have questions about his father or advice on entering the political sphere. Instead Leonid stood before him holding evidence of espionage and spoke none too subtly about starting a mutiny against Col. Abernathy. Benny knew he had to be careful in his response to the young man. He gingerly took the notebook from Leonid’s hands and flipped through the pages. He couldn’t attest to the accuracy of the information but if even half the information was true it was a damning piece of evidence.

“Listen son, do you understand the severity of the situation you are in?” Benny placed the notebook on a table behind him out of reach of the young private. “Colonel Abernathy is lacking political support, that much is true but the man has kept the lights on in the Republic even while people went hungry. Now I have never met the colonel so I cannot attest to his personal character but I will admit that the reports I’ve read are concerning, to say the least. But what is it you would have me do? I am newly assigned to my position of Ambassador to New Vegas and have merely a dozen corporate security agents under my command. Colonel Abernathy has an army of thousands of loyal soldiers. Soldiers he has kept fed and paid through the worst famine we have ever seen.” Benny poured himself another glass of whiskey and sipped this one a bit slower. He lit up a cigarette and sat down on an old chair.

“If your father was not a member of the President’s cabinet I would have had my agents outside turn you over to your sergeants with the evidence of your malfeasance.” Benny motioned to the notebook. “Who is your boyfriend and does he know that you are here speaking to me? Whose else lended a hand in compiling this information for you?” Benny tried to reel himself back, he didn’t want to scare Leonid but he had been blindsided by this conversation. He had hoped to make it safely to the Strip before the intrigues of Mojave caught up with him, but this godforsaken place seemed determined to offer no respite.

“I need you to tell me who else is involved with this, who else knows about this and I need to know now. You have done fine work thus far but by coming forward now you have put things in motion that I cannot stop.” Benny leveled with the young man, looking him square in the eyes. “You do realize there is no turning back now, right? You will not be able to return to your post with the rest of your squad and live as you once were.” Benny cleared his throat and gave a slight whistle, the door to the cottage opened quickly and the two agents outside entered.

“Go and retrieve Peter for me, will you.” He commanded one of them, the other he motioned to stay in the room but close the door behind him. The agent locked it as well. Benny turned his attention back to Leonid. “Now I want to help you son, but I need to know who else is involved and how much they know. Or else I cannot protect them once this information comes to light.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


Leonid realized that what he had done was probably the right thing, but it was too soon, too quickly. Nevertheless, he said, "My boyfriend is Andrew Rivers, my squadmate. He's currently at the bathhouse; he does not know I am talking to you about the information he and I have been collecting from his mother - A Follower - and which I've supplemented with everything I can talk or charm out from visiting members of other companies. Yes, I will admit to paying for the alcohol needed to loosen their tounges. As for our list of contacts... I need to know for sure if you'd really protect them - If you just wouldn't hand them over yourself. As some of the Colonel's men keep saying, 'They're not Citizens and they hate us anyway'."

That sentiment was understandable, but short-sighted and hypocritical. They weren't Mojave natives either, after all.

He then looked at Ambassador Ben, tempted to trust yet at the same time wary. Then Leonid continued, "Sorry; sorry about that earlier accusation, just... I should have been more careful. We've tried to be careful for a year or more now but I just..."

I just gave way, because I was tired of hiding it, tired of secrecy. I thought I was safe. Now everything is screwed up and screwed over and - Leonid stopped himself, and instead tried to assess Ambassador Ben, trying to find out if there was reason to trust the man. He then said, "I suppose I messed up anything you've been planning or at least pondering, I suppose. And put you at risk, not just myself?"

He already knew the answer, he just needed to confirm.

Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Andronicus23
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Andronicus23 Rogue Courser

Member Seen 8 days ago

The Strip, Iron Foresters Mercenary Company (Omerta Family Affiliate)

“Shit……that’s alotta caps….”

The slack jawed face of First Sergeant Billy Crow of the Iron Foresters stared down in astonishment at the sack of caps that his Commander had just thrown down on the table in front of him. He’d never seen a simple guard job pay so well before, and it hardly seemed real to him. He had to reach out and touch the caps just to be sure - he needed to feel that metallic clink as they ran through his fingers.

As he reached out his hand was slapped away by his Captain, Ronald Bauer, who looked down at him sternly,

“Don’t touch what ain’t yours, this belongs to the whole company. So you don’t get to rub your dirty mitts all over it.”

“Sorry boss,” Crow replied sheepishly, “Just…caught me off guard is all. Is this really what we’re getting paid to stand guard on the Strip?”

“No….it isn’t….” The Captain replied with a smug grin, “It’s half...”

“Get out…be serious.”

“I am, I told you coming to Vegas was going to be worth it. These people are more loaded with caps than they know what to do with. With this kind of money, we’ll be set for a good long while..maybe even be able to settle ourselves down properly with a steady pay if we play our cards right.”

“There’s got to be some kind of catch though, right? Like they want us to clear out a den of Deathclaws or something holding up a trade road?” Crow asked only half-joking.

“No catch,” The Captain shook his head, “We guard the Strip, occasionally take care of the local yokels that wander too close, and otherwise just look tough in that shiny Mk2 combat armor of ours. Speaking of which...I tell ya, hitting that Brotherhood cache outside Springfield was the best decision we’ve ever made for drawing in business.”

“Riskiest you mean, nearly cost us all our heads. I still have nightmares about those Behemoth robots chasing me down, ” Crow retorted.

“We’re alive, ain’t we? Most of us anyway….and besides - that gear has hooked us up with a few great contracts. This one included. People see the armor and they go googly-eyed over it - doesn’t matter if it's actually ours or not.”

“Well I’ll be the first to admit it…when you’re right you’re right, “ Crow replied as he shook his head with surprise, “Was a hell of a gamble to come out here too….but this sure as hell beats dodging rad-twisters and Brotherhood Patrols for mesley caps back home.”

“Trust me,” Captain Bauer said with a grin, “You’ll thank me once you’re set up in a nice suite at Gomorrah for life. Besides, what’s the worst that a place like Vegas can offer, huh?”

Maurice and Paulie - Omerta Thugs - Taking Care of a Rat

Collab with @tundrafrog1124 who wrote description of the Green.

“Quite your squirming Tony or I swear to Christ I’ll thump you another one,” Paulie shouted as he struggled with their condemned prisoner.

“This shit was easier back in my day,” Maurice quipped as he looked to Paulie and the two stoic mercenary lackies that served as their escorts, “If a guy was a rat you’d whack him then and there and be done. None of this complicated execution bullshit. Hardest part was the cleanup, not the wackin’!.”

“Yeah well, you know Fat Dom’s style,” Paulie shrugged, “He’s gotta make his point, right? Let’s just make this fast and get back to the strip. So quit complaining’ will ya?”

Maurice and Paulie were escorted to the remains of Westside There, at the edge of the Green they left the mercenaries and headed in, dragging Tony with them. He was gagged and bagged to stop his whimpering and pleading. They looked ahead at the vast hazy darkness under the canopy of overgrown streetlights and ruined walls. Together the Omerta thugs waded into the thick vegetation, stepping over creeping vines and plodding through grass and weeds that reached chest height. Maurice held Tony at gunpoint while Paulie cut the way forward with wide sweeping arcs of his machete. They had only walked a few meters but the Green pushed against them slowing their progress and fell in behind them as if they had never been there. Before long the three men were lost in the mist and thick growth. The humid night air was punctuated with the hum of insects and croaking calls of creatures unseen.

“Shit this place gives me the heebie-jeebies,” Paulie said as he looked around at the almost entirely alien landscape that stretched out before them, “What the hell is all this? I knew this place was bad, but I didn’t know it was like this….”

“I don’t want to think about it too hard Paulie,” Maurice replied through gritted teeth, “I ain’t no botanist, and I don’t get paid enough to ask questions about mysterious vegetation that grows faster than my Old Man’s nose hairs, capeesh?”

“What the fuck are we looking for again?” Paulie asked as he kept slicing forward with wild machete swipes.

“A tree numbnuts,” Maurice retorted, “But honestly anyplace we can tie this sack of crap to is good in my books.”

“Well….what about right there?”

Maurice looked to where Paulie pointed: a tree growing out the wall of a ruined shop. The rubble around it was covered with a soft bed of moss and stippled with fungi. Gnarled and twisted with spotted gray bark the tree appeared far more ancient than should be possible. Deciding this was as good a place as any, the two Omertas tied their prisoner to the trunk. So wide across was the tree that they could have bound five men to it and still had room for more. They pulled the bag from Tony’s face and the man blubbered some kind of pleading through the gag in his mouth.

“Was that? Sorry I couldn't hear you,” Paulie joked.

“See ya Tony, ya goddamn rat,” Maurice said as he spat at the ground beneath the condemned man’s feet, “Have fun being lunch.”

“What else did Boss want us to do….didn’t he say something about seeing what gets him?”

“Fuck that. Let’s get the hell out of here. We’ll just make something up,” Maurice said, throwing his hands in the air, “I ain’t staying in here any longer.”

Maurice and Paulie walked away, trying to find the path they had made. In desperation they hacked wildly at the Green in order to cut a way out. In between sweeps of their machetes they heard a rustling of the vegetation as if a great wind blew through the understory.

At once a terrible quiet descended upon them. The men froze and though every molecule of their being screamed at them to run, they turned slowly back to where they had tied Tony. The man was staring at something in the canopy. The Omertas followed his gaze but saw nothing. They looked back at Tony and he looked at them and then in a shuddering of leaves and branches he was gone. With preternatural speed a creature larger than what should be possible grabbed the man and lifted him into the dark canopy with the ease that one might pick a small piece of fruit.

“HOLY MOTHER OF……WHAT IN THE HELL WAS THAT?!” Paulie shouted in pure fear.

“MOVE YOU IDIOT!” Maurice yelled back, “RUN FOR IT!”

The gangsters ran wildly, tripping and crawling and sprinting out of the Green. They ran past the mercenaries waiting for them and didn’t stop until they felt the glow of the Strip lights upon them.

Together they looked back and though they saw nothing, they still thought they could feel themselves being watched.

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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Crimson Paladin
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Crimson Paladin "Progressive" Techpriest

Member Seen 4 days ago

Sentinel Derek Irving- Hidden Valley Bunker

The Sentinel walked at a rapid pace through the halls of the bunker, attired in a hastily put-on Brotherhood uniform. Ordinarily he would be sleeping and regaining his strength for the day to come, but a matter had come up, one important enough had come up that he had been called from his quarters to attend to.

It wasn't anything new to him- any member of the Brotherhood needed to be ready to rise from their slumber to carry out their duties at any time of the day. If anything, Irving was relieved that this interruption did not stem from being under attack. From what the initiate that awoke him had conveyed, the scribes had picked up some very crucial NCR radio chatter.

Despite the disaster that The Green represented, it was fortunate for the Brotherhood that the verdant menace had driven the Super Mutants from Black Mountain- and coupled with the radiation levels, kept anyone else from nosing around up there. The Super Mutants had used it as nothing more than a radio station, but the Brotherhood knew of the facility's far greater potential to intercept radio transmissions in the region. And as long as nobody braved the radiation and Green to examine the machinery too closely, the Brotherhood should be able to make use of it under the radar, so to speak. They didn't even need to be up there- the override device let them run it from the safety of their bunker. They would send a team up a few times a year to occasionally check how the equipment was holding up against the flora and humidity of The Green and make repairs if necessary, but other than that, they were able to mostly leave it unattended.

Presently, the Brotherhood had been paying close attention to two radio sources- the NCR and Robert House. While House had become more insular and withdrawn in the last few years, they had kept close tabs on any radio signals coming from the Lucky 38. Even if the scribes had no expectation of success in decrypting the pre-war genius' transmissions, merely keeping track of the signals could warn them if House was issuing new orders to his Securitrons. The NCR, by contrast, was a more serious and immediate threat, especially with the capture of the two undercover Brotherhood members. Monitoring their radio chatter could give them forewarning of an attack, or make them privy to a vulnerability that could be exploited.

Whatever they had discovered, it was important enough to warrant summoning him.

"I'm here," Irving spoke bluntly as he entered the communications room that the scribes had set up. Hardin was already present. "What is the situation?"

"There's a spike in NCR radio chatter in the southwest near the Mojave outpost," the scribe at the table answered. "We believe that a VIP of some nature has just arrived at the Mojave Outpost from the Long 15."

"Do you know who this VIP is?" Irving asked.

"Negative, their comms are protected by code words and phrases" the scribe replied. "We don't know who it is or how large his escort will be, all we know for sure is that he's someone important and that Delta Company has been tasked with escorting them to Vegas."

"With the northwest of Vegas overrun by the Green, the VIP will likely be escorted through Nipton and up Highway 95," Head Paladin Hardin weighed in. "Whatever the size of his security detail is, Rangers will likely be focused on keeping watch on that entire stretch. With Delta Company diverting manpower to escort the VIP to Vegas safely, this would be an excellent opportunity to strike at NCRCF and blow Abernathy's prison wide open."

"Yes, I can see the tactical merit in that," the Sentinel replied. "It'd make the Colonel look bad to the VIP, and free his political opponents in the process, consequently weakening his hold on Vegas and forcing him to divert troops to sweep up the prisoners and maintain order. However, Maxson did not task us with defeating the NCR. He tasked us with stopping The Green, and if we reopen hostilities with the NCR, there will be no going back."

"We're already beyond the point of no return," Hardin spoke, clearly displeased. "The Mojave will sooner have another nuclear winter before Abernathy agrees to anything short of our destruction, even with the threat of the Green looming over him."

"True," Irving conceded, "But can the same be said about the VIP? We need to know just who arrived in the Mojave, and how they may affect the Colonel's status quo. If it's a government representative come to rein in the Colonel's martial rule, we might be able to parlay with them for an armistice to focus on the common threat of The Green. If it's an officer come to relieve the Colonel's command, the changing over of command will make a perfect opportunity to strike at the NCR. Is that understood, Head Paladin?"

"Yes, Sentinel," Hardin begrudgingly replied, clearly holding some contempt at his mention at Irving's rank.

"Good," Sentinel Irving said. "My orders remain as they are. Keep our warriors prepared for combat. I promise you this, against one foe or the other, we will see battle soon."
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by tundrafrog1124
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Member Seen 6 mos ago

Ambassador Benjamin “ Benny” Watts - Sloan - Evening, October 15th

Benny was surprised with Leonid’s honesty. A lifetime of gambling and politicking had made him suspicious of others. The naked passion with which the private had asked for help and offered up information was jarring to Benny and he had to remind himself the boy gained nothing personally from these actions. Rather he put himself and those he cared about in critical danger by coming forward. Benny would happily provide this information to the president and take credit for its collection as well but he couldn’t shake the feeling that he should honor his word. It had been a long time since he felt a duty to be honest.

“Look Leonid, I’ll do my best to watch out for you and Andrew and his mother.” he motioned back to the notebook “and everyone else who had a hand in compiling this. But I want to be clear that I cannot be openly seen providing security to any of you. It’ll raise suspicion about why I’m going outside the parameters of my assignment. The less I interact with any of you, the better. All eyes will be on me when I step foot on the Strip and when that happens you and those you care about need to be far away from the spotlight.”

Benny rubbed his face and took a long drag on his cigarette before extinguishing it on the table top. He knew this assignment would be difficult but he had hoped to spend the majority of his time gambling, trafficking and racketeering. The past three ambassadors had worked this position hard to increase their own wealth and he had hoped to follow in their footsteps. At least until he had enough to pay off the Bishops himself and get out from under the thumb of Brianna Van-Graff and her whole fucking family. Now he had to deal with Denver Abernathy, a man who never shrank from his duty, a man who never took half measures. If the colonel so much as thought that Benny was a threat to him and his soldiers, well Benny had read enough about Bitter Springs and the Freeside riots to guess what would happen.

“I don’t want your apology Leonid. What I want is for you to go back to your unit and keep your mouth shut. Don’t tell anyone, not even your boyfriend. If word gets around about what we discussed in here, then I cannot protect you. Hell, I won't even be able to protect myself. Understood?”

There was a knock at the door and in stepped Peter, head of the ambassador’s security detail and three other CSF agents. The man wore a perpetual scowl but his brow was even more furrowed than usual. “Ah Peter, this is Leonid Tannhauser. We were discussing his interest in politics. I would like you to escort him back to his unit and-” Benny was cut off as Peter scoffed.

“Fuck that. Let the little twerp find his way back himself. One of our sentries spotted Khans on the outskirts of the Quarry. Less than a dozen but we figure they’ve been tailing us since Primm. You needa cut this big brother shit out right now. My aunt didn’t send you here to play with the fucking troops. Now where is your gun?” Benny sheepishly pointed to his bag that lay unpacked on the bed. Peter rolled his eyes “Fucking pick it up and keep it close. You’re not leaving this cottage till sun up.” Peter looked at Leonid “Well? What the fuck are you waiting for? Get the fuck out!” He grabbed Leonid by the collar, dragged him to the door and threw him out of the cottage.

Benny grabbed his pistol and chambered a round. He pulled another cigarette and lit it. Peter was moving with the other agents. Shuttering the windows and pulling furniture near them to use as cover. “You know Peter, that boy’s father works with Brianna.”

“Whooptiy fucking do Benny.”

“You should have shown him a little more respect. Hell you should’ve shown me a little more respect. You think he’s gonna keep quiet about how the ambassador’s men treat him?” Peter stomped towards Benny and punched him hard in the gut. The air was knocked from Benny’s lungs and he collapsed onto the floor of the cottage.

“How’s that for treatment? You’re lucky I don’t start stomping on that pretty face of yours. You think just because you got my aunt fooled that you can flout about and act however you want?” Peter stooped low and grabbed Benny by the neck “We fucking own you Benny and the second, the second I am convinced that you are no longer acting in our favor I will sell you back to the Bishops so fast you’ll be dizzy. Now get the fuck up.”

Benny complied and kept his mouth shut no matter how much it pained him. He had never liked Peter and had heard enough about the man to support those feelings but this was the first time the man had been so violent with him. If he hadn’t been the president’s nephew Benny figured Peter wouldn't have risen so high in the ranks of his family’s company. They utilized his savagery like one might use a wild dog, to enforce discipline and fear in those they distrusted.

Morning came without incident and Benny dressed himself, put on his felt hat and stepped out of the cottage. Most of the CSF agents had already gathered with SSG Keyes and the NCR troops escorting him. Benny nodded to the sergeant and mounted his horse, doing his best to avoid eye contact with Leonid. The party moved out as a group, Peter had informed the sergeants about the Khans and so the whole of them remained vigilant on their way north to Vegas. As they passed Black Mountain Benny was afforded his first glimpse of the Green. Growing upon the sides of the mountain like a malignant tumor the vegetation was dense but low in stature. There were no hardwood trees, only tall weeds, grasses and towering saguaro cacti. Benny smoked nervously as he couldn’t help but shake the feeling of eyes upon them as they skirted the base of the mountain. There had been stories of mutants living there but the NCR had reported their disappearance upon the arrival of the Green. Still rumors persisted of humanoid forms moving quickly on the mountaintop under the cover of darkness.

The ambassador’s party stopped for lunch and a break at the new Headquarters for the Mojave branch of the Van-Graff Company, centered at the old Repconn Headquarters. The CSF agents aside from Peter were relieved and swapped out for those who had been working under Gloria Van-Graff the last few years. Peter spent an hour speaking privately with his cousin and Benny ate alone, keeping his distance from the NCR troops and the CSF agents alike. In the distance he saw dark clouds gathered over the shadow of the Green that stretched from Vegas to Mt. Charleston and beyond. Benny had never seen that much vegetation in one area before, not even when he had gone north to Cascadia. Despite being miles from the dense growth he could see pockets of weeds and grasses creeping their way out into the Mojave.

They arrived at the gates of Freeside just before sunset. The dim lights of the Strip barely visible through the haze of smoke and shade of ruined buildings. Beggars and orphans lined the street. SSG Keyes orderd his soldiers to keep a tight formation and stay on their guard. Several wretched looking individuals hurled insults and bottles at the party before scampering into darkened hovels made from rubble and scrap wood. Benny’s horse paused as it came upon a corpse, stripped naked and lying in the middle of the road. Signs of decay and teeth marks upon it revealed it has been there for at least a few days. Benny had seen more than a few dead bodies before and during the Hunger had seen some truly awful sights in the NCR core region. But he still felt some pity for this poor individual who lay naked and unburied, seemingly unseen by those around. Several mercenaries sporting makeshift armor but wielding fearsome looking weapons stepped towards them from a gatehouse. The CSF agents formed upon Benny’s flanks and Peter put down the visor on his combat helmet and tightened the grip on his rifle. The mercenaries spat on the ground and grinned.

“Welcome to New Vegas Mr. Ambassador.” said the lead one, the man was missing most of his teeth and his forearms were covered in track marks. “We’ve been expecting you.”

“I am glad to hear that my arrival is anticipated in this…fine city.” The lead mercenary laughed at Benny’s last words.

“Finest city in the Mojave Mr. Ambassador. We’ll take you to the Strip.”

“I believe I have enough of an escort as is. Thank you though.”

“I wasn’t asking.” The man’s smile dropped from his face. Peter kicked his horse forward until he stood over the man, the mercenary seemed unimpressed.

“Seems you have more teeth in your mouth than sense in your skull.” The mercenaries tightened their posture at Peter’s words and Benny began to sweat heavily. Several more armed individuals began to gather near the gate. He wanted to move his hand towards his holster but couldn’t do it subtly. Behind him Benny could sense tension in the squad of NCR troopers.

“I had hoped to enter New Vegas peacefully.” Benny managed to utter but neither the mercenary nor Peter paid him any mind. SSG Keyes moved forward, his finger above the trigger of his carbine.

“Peace? With those dogs?” The lead mercenary laughed again as he directed his attention to the soldiers behind the CSF agents. “Tell them to run back to their kennels. We don’t need Denver’s lapdogs stinking this place up.”

“Seems to reek already,” said Peter. “Now why don’t you listen to the ambassador and clear the way for your betters.”

“My betters? I don’t know who the fuck you think you are to talk to me-” The lead mercenary’s head exploded into sickening plume of gore and plasma as Peter leveled his rifle and fired a shot point blank into the man’s face. The other mercenaries were startled and Benny turned his eyes away from the violent mess. Behind him Keyes shouted at his squad to hold their fire.

“Enough!” Yelled SSG Keyes “By the order of President Van-Graff and Colonel Abernathy of the NCR step aside!” The remaining mercenaries shared a stupefied look with each other before slinking away into the guard house and the streets around them. Only one remained, a skinny old man with one eye and a scraggly beard. He spit on the corpse of the dead mercenary.

“Never liked him anyway.” said the old man and Peter laughed coldly.

“Get a move on then unless you’d like to join him.” The old man nodded nervously, stepped forward to grab the dead man’s weapon and then skipped off down the street. Peter turned to Benny. “Shall we continue Mr. Ambassador.”

“That wasn’t necessary.” said Benny when he rode close to Peter. “I’d rather my arrival not be besmirched by wanton bloodshed.”

“They’re lucky I didn’t kill them all.”

Benny rolled his eyes and shakily took out another cigarette as they maneuvered the streets of Freeside heading towards the glow of the Strip. “Aren’t we all.” he said under his breath.
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Hidden 2 yrs ago 2 yrs ago Post by Andronicus23
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Andronicus23 Rogue Courser

Member Seen 8 days ago

Gomorrah - Zoara Club Mezzanine

“So it's like this Captain, we tied Tony to the tree and then we posted up like ten feet away from him, we knew the Boss wanted to see what would get him…”

“Yeah that’s right we weren't about to leave without doing everything Don Dominic wanted us to do to the letter. So we found a good spot and got real sneaky and quiet-like.”

“Right, then we were watching Tony and then all of a sudden the tree grabs him or something and pulls him up into the freaking top!”

“Paulie you idiot it wasn’t the tree…it was this huge black claw or somethin’..... Anyway, so then we pulled out our pistols and shouted up at the tree that whatever it was better stay up there or we’d come back and fill it with lead. Then we walked away and came right here.”

“No Maurice I’m telling you, it was the freaking tree!”

“How could a tree grab someone moron?”

“How could a giant claw come down from a tree idiot??”

Maurice and Paulie bickered over their recounting of the events to their very unamused Capo, Johnny, who looked at them with something approaching disgust.

“Alright quiet youse idiots,” Johnny said as he raised a hand to silence them, no longer wanting to entertain their bullshit, “I’ve heard enough. Whatever happened, at least you took care of Tony. Now get down to the Casino floor and do your rounds, then have a drink on me at the bar after you’re done, you earned that much at least going into the Green and coming back.”

The pair of bumbling Omerta Thugs nodded gratefully and then bowed themselves out of the room. Once they were gone, Johnny rubbed his forehead in frustration and sat up from the poker table he’d been seated at, then walked over towards an office door situated on the far wall of the Mezzanine. The office had at one time been Nero’s, the former Omerta underboss.

“Consigliere?” He asked after knocking softly on the door twice.

“Come in.”

Johnny took a deep breath to ready himself then opened the door. The Omerta Consiglere’s office was nearly as lavish as Fat Dom's, with a large oak desk, a bookcase, and various paintings and decorative pieces. The office chair behind the desk was turned around facing a window on the far wall that looked out over the Mojave landscape. Johnny therefore couldn’t see the Consigliere, but instinctively could tell that they weren’t in a great mood.

“I’m assuming you heard those loudmouths Maurice and Paulie outside,” Johnny began sheepishly.

“Do you trust them?” The Consilegere asked.

“No….but I don’t think they’re lying,” Johnny replied honestly, “They’re idiots…but not too many of my guys would be willing to go into The Green in the first place. Those two don’t scare easily, believe it or not, and something had them spooked…”

“I’ll inform Dominic of the details. We don’t need this to spread around anymore than it already will, can Paulie and Maurice keep their mouths shut?”

“No,” Johnny chuckled, “But nobody will believe them regardless.”

“Good enough. We have bigger things to worry about in any case. I’m told that the NCR Ambassador is soon to arrive in Vegas. I’m going down to meet them. I’ll be taking a full crew along with a squad of the new mercs we hired to the gate.”

“Here’s hoping this Ambassador is as slimy as the last,” Johnny quipped with a grin.

“We’ll see…we’ll offer him the same deal as all the others, and see if he’s willing to play ball.”

Later - Strip Eastside Gate

The magnificence of the strip shone out in all its neon glory, marking a stark contrast to the slum that was Freeside. Atop the gangplanks and fortified walkways that led to the Strip’s main entrance were silhouetted shapes both familiar and new. As always, the stalwart MK I Securitrons rolled around on the endless unchanged vigil, but now they were joined by Iron Forester Mercenaries decked out in MK II Combat armor and sporting a variety of heavy weapons and energy rifles. Freeside locals and squatters were cleared away, sometimes forcefully, allowing for a direct path for the NCR personnel to approach the gate without being mobbed by the press of people trying to enter.

Once the gates were opened and the Ambassador and his entourage were allowed inside, they were immediately greeted by a substantial welcoming party. Ten Omerta made-men in full suits standing alongside five of their affiliate Iron Foresters mercs.

At the center of this welcoming group stood the Omerta Consigliere, a figure in the family of significant power and prestige second only to the Boss himself in overall power.

The NCR delegation might be forgiven for assuming that any one of the tall, muscular Omerta soldiers standing behind the Consigliere were indeed the individual in question, but they would be very wrong indeed.

The Consigliere walks forward to greet them with a confident stride, her high-heeled boots loudly clapping against the smooth asphalt with each step. She is smartly dressed, no less so than her male Omerta counterparts in form-fitting suit pants and a black pinstripe vest overlaid atop a white long-sleeved shirt the sleeves of which she has rolled up to her elbows. The silver chain of a pocket watch partially dangles from one of her pants pockets and she has a black and gold .357 revolver holstered at her side. Her striking, silver-blonde hair is done up in a ponytail and she wears a wide-brim fedora.

“Lucrezia,” She says simply, offering a wry smile to the Ambassador and his escorts, “Or Lucy for short.”. She stretches out her hand in greeting to the Ambassador, “Consilegere to the Omerta Family and a personal representative of Don Dominic Omerta. Welcome to the Strip. Our boss offers his sincere greetings, and hopes you will join him for a chat at the Zoara Club at Gomorrah at your earliest convenience.”

She then turned to the rest of the escorting soldiers and offered them a wink, “And for your brave escorts…Don Dominic offers each of you a complimentary guest voucher of 100 caps to be spent at either the Gomorrah or Ultra Luxe on whatever services or games you choose Please…enjoy.”
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Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by Letter Bee
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Letter Bee Filipino RPer

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Andrew and Leonid

Andrew blinked as he and Leonid took the vouchers, then spoke bluntly to Lucy, "Thank you; I and my boyfriend will be going to the Ultra-Luxe, then - We're not risking even the slightest rumor that we're unfaithful to each other just because we can't reproduce."

A snub towards Gommorah, an establishment Andrew disliked by reputation alone, and one which his mother would not want him going to even at eighteen.

Leonid. meanwhile, looked at Lucy, then Andrew, before clearing his throat and saying, "We shouldn't be away from our our VIP, Andrew. Besides, Gommorah is for all sorts of enjoyment - Including between just the two of us."

Andrew caught the flicker in his boyfriend's eyes and said, "Change of plans; my boyfriend has decided that we should be as close to our VIP as possible. So we'll be going to Gommorah, then."

Despite his show of defiance at how sinful and exploitative Gommorah was, Andrew was curious about the place for reasons most eighteen-year olds should know. And Leonid seemed to want to be as close to Ambassaor Ben as possible - Had the two reached an agreement without his knowledge? Either way, Andrew Rivers wanted to enjoy life as much as possible and enjoy Leonid's presence before his inevitable death at the latter's hands, as they both had arranged.

As they wanted for the signal to disperse and enjoy the delights of New Vegas, Andrew looked at his boyfriend and knew that the latter would probably have tried to avert their fates by meeting with the Ambassador. He also knew enough to know that Leonid did not entirely fail or succeed; therefore his plan was still on...


Once they had a hotel room in Gommorah, paid for by the voucher, Andrew and Leonid had been quick to strip off their clothes, not just for purient purposes but also to distract any eavesdroppers who were probably sraight and thus would not enjoy the sight of naked men. Then Andrew whispered to Leonid, "All right; what did you and the ambassador talk about?"

He saw his sliver-haired boyfriend lean close and embrace him, before saying, "He agreed to help. But he's weaker than I expected, though a decent person inside. However... His bodyguard is a Van Graff through and through; booted me out but not before he said something about Khans tailing us. Ambassador covered for me, though."

Andrew sighed and said, "Guess there's no hope, then - Denver will have to die and you will have to kill me so you can get the power needed to fix things."

Leonid grit his teeth, bridling, and almost snapped back, "Andrew, you know how I feel about that plan. And have you no shame? Even though we're naked and whispering, the walls still have ears. I don't think it's wise to count on any eavesdropper to be as benevolent as the Ambassador."

His boyfriend grinned, and Leonid couldn't help but feel that he looked hotter than ever all naked and smug. Then Andrew leaned even closer and said, "Why don't we give them a good show? Then they'll be too disgusted to remember what we talked about..."

Okay, you know what? That gambit had a snowball's chance in hell of working. Either the Omertas were eavesdropping and they were about to be blackmailed or killed, or they weren't and they were actually safe, or the Omertas were eavesdropping but developed a benevolent interest in their plans; those were the three main options.

Leonid realized that right now, he didn't care. He and his boyfriend were undressed and between silk sheets courtesy of that voucher. He could not pass up this opportunity.

And so he and Andrew, unless they were suddenly interrupted, would prepare themselves for a night of 'exertions' and a few short hours of sleep after that...

Hidden 2 yrs ago Post by QJT
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QJT The Charmless Romantic

Member Seen 18 days ago

Danny "Nines" Floyd: Northwest Passage, "Meld" Outward Base: Middle Afternoon, October 15th

Daniel knelt and sampled the soil beneath him. Wet yet coarse, it gave him the desire to wash immediately. It smelt burnt, but it wasn't radioactive. He rose. Dirt that was safe to touch was fit for plants. Past a mop of blonde strands, Floyd gazed up at a house a few minutes' walk from where he planted his feet. In the future, that structure would be completely blocked from view by the uncountable stalks of the settlement's first harvest. Whether he survived to see the dream come true, his imagination painted a vivid landscape around him. He felt at peace, at home, even if his birthplace was a week's travel away.

Settled with his survey, he picked up a backpack from the ground and slung it over his shoulder. He approached the entrance and knocked a pattern upon it, reminiscent of morse code. In seconds, the door opened, and a dark-haired woman filled the doorway. "Nines. You've returned earlier than expected."

"Trade was easy; salvage was easier." Danny passed her towards a kitchen space and unslung his pack onto a table. "To be fair, Charlotte, your requests weren't too cumbersome to obtain."

Charlotte followed him and unpacked his sack, sine asking permission. "Finally; a trowel!" she exclaimed. She held up the handheld metal tool. "I'm surprised how infrequently I find them. Weeding will become much simpler. The creeping Green had almost gotten the better of me." She stowed it in a drawer. "You could have accomplished more downtown."

"Then take the spare time now and reserve it for when I arrive late," Dan replied. "You're never this strict about my schedules. Something wrong?"
"Charlotte, I'm ready for-" A prematurely balding man turned the corner, pausing mid-sentence. "Nines! Why are you-"
"Bradley, just... save it for a later day," Charlotte sighed.
Bradley left the scene, muttering a lack of acceptance. "But we were going to-"
"Stow it," Charlotte resolved, reevaluating the precious loot from the bag. "These are candles. I'll put them aside for Amber. Do you remember her reason?"
"Happy Trails had a demand," Daniel explained. "They wouldn't part with their oil lamps otherwise."
"And what's our purpose for lanterns?"
"Gee, so our bedtime isn't sundown? So we can read and hobby with the civilized folk?"

Another rapping sounded. Floyd knew the sequence; he apparently wasn't the only adventurer who finished early. A slender female redhead walked in, and Floyd sauntered forth to greet her. "Amber! Welcome back!"

Amber threw her arms out wide and enveloped Danny in a warm embrace. "It's good to be where I belong again!"
Bradley reentered, musing at the couple. "We used to be like that, Charlotte."
Charlotte smiled at the memory. "Alright, since we're all present, I suppose we ought to report on our happenings."
Daniel began. "The whole town's riled up. The NCR's assembling a hasty squad and assigning them to the Mojave Checkpoint."
Everyone remained silent for a moment. Bradley piped up. "And you didn't consider that important enough to investigate? If it's not a border skirmish, it's likely a bigwig figure, I reckon."

Daniel guided the assembly to be seated. "I suspect it regards internal Republic business."
"Forgive me for speaking matters of state out of turn," Charlotte apologized, "but Henry Hinshaw, the Ace of Clubs, explicitly stated that our mission was-"
"To establish a network of contacts and cement our sovereignty in the region. I am well aware, Queen of Spades," Daniel interrupted. "I simply thought that a sloppy troop exercise wasn't worth my paranoia." He emptied the rest of his bag's contents. "Nonetheless, if you three would appreciate our representation at this Californian event, I have nothing else to do with my night. I'll stock up for a journey." He stood up. "I will be taking Bradley's hunting rifle, though. It has a nicer scope than my lever action."
Bradley nodded. "My service for Vault 48."

Amber rose to meet him. "Be careful out there, okay? For me."
Daniel ran a hand through her bobbed hair. "I don't care if you're the Nine of Hearts; you'll always be my queen."
"And you're my king, honey!" Amber assured.
"Break it up, lovebirds," Bradley announced, fetching his firearm and tossing it to Floyd. "Be certain to inform us in the morning."

New Vegas Strip: Evening, October 15th

Danny rerouted to ensure that he received whatever VIP the west decided to throw at him. He still considered this duty pointless, but he at least appreciated a proper neighborhood stroll.

Of course, the gunshot forced him to recalculate.

Danny readied his gun and breathed deeply. Regardless of the magnitude of this encounter, there lay some opportunity... and potential death. He jogged forward down the streets to the source of the noise: a caravan on horseback, escorted by a miniature army. This was far above his pay grade. He pointed his hands and rifle skyward, announcing his presence to the convoy.

"Don't shoot; I bear tidings of goodwill!" If they continued without him, he'd attempt to match their pace, futile as his efforts might be. If not, he'd relax and approach them diplomatically. He silently wished he'd brought backup, heck, the whole gang. "Daniel Floyd, regional commander and envoy of the Pinochle Expedition. Pleased to make your acquaintance. With whom do I speak?"
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