D - D A Y : L O S T W O R L D
D - D A Y : L O S T W O R L D
D - D A Y : L O S T W O R L D
[ β ] W H A T I S D - D A Y ? D-Day: Lost World is an apocalyptic modern day roleplay centered around a classified military experiment gone wrongβProject JX-04132, an American attempt at weaponizing teleportation. Funded by the Department of Defense, the project was designed for the US military which had been interested in acquiring the power to transport entire armies and fleets within a blink of an eye. Although initial prototype tests proved successful, in the process of doing so they had unknowingly ripped the fabric of time and space. Present day suddenly entangled itself with the past, and multiple timelines merged together into a singular universe branch. The world was lit ablaze with waypoints, acting as makeshift gates to ancient versions of Earth, which in turn allowed dinosaurs and other extinct, prehistoric fauna to funnel out from these portals in droves. The creatures that emerged from these portals would run amok across the globe and devastate population centers no matter the country or continent. For all intents and purposes, D-Day had fallen upon humanity. As of that day, despite all the technological advances they had made, humanity was no longer on the top of the food chain. [ β ] W H A T A B O U T O U R C H A R A C T E R S ? Good news! You don't have to worry about the pseudo-military science at all; it's just there to give background fluff to the setting. Instead, we will be focusing on the survival aspect of it. After all, who doesn't enjoy a good dinosaur chase scene? Your character is a current denizen of the fictional town of Orrick, Indiana, which is painfully midwestern as it gets. In the interest of supporting Orrick's local high school, you have decided to go to a fundraiser being held at the nearby drive-in movie theater to watch the original Jurassic Park. Yet as the movie progresses, something feels off. The ground seems to shake. Nearby trees sway in the distance. Something big is coming, and it's hungry. But you're just imagining that, right? Got too into the movie, that's all... right? [ β ] C H A R A C T E R S H E E T T E M P L A T E |