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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Oh, uh.." Hex paused, glancing back at Josh. "This Bellsprout's having some trouble with his team."

Hex turned back toward the Bellsprout. "Well, maybe you could get a couple more pokemon on your team? Like, a water type? Then maybe you could actually be stronger then somebody on your team." Hex suggested, looking over their team. "So, you guys coming back from a mission?" The young combee paused. A mission.. wait, wasn't she on a mission? Oh, right! She had a mission! Hex turned back to the team. She didn't want to go ahead and just abandon them, as she suddenly dropped the conversation with the Bellsprout. Josh and Matt were right there. And over there, still by the mission board, was Anthony. Anthony? Anthony didn't look right. The helmet seemed to be over his entire body, and he seemed chubbier.. and browner. Hex fluttered over to the pseudo-Anthony, ducking through and beside larger and stronger pokemon. She fluttered down beside the helmet. And under it was a Bidoof. "You?" She asked, recognizing the Bidoof who seemed to be the butt-monkey for the entire guild. "Why are you here? Do you know where Anthony is? Why are you wearing his helmet?" Hex glanced around. The gooey, amorphous white blob of slime was no where to be seen. The little Goomy had seemed rambunctious to go on a mission and redeem himself since they had arrived at the guild. "Your Goomy friend is going off on the mission alone, but-" Hex ignored the rest. She didn't want to lose her first new teammate the day after she got him. Hex fluttered back over to her team and the other team. "I think we should probably go." She said. "Pretty sure Anthony is going out there to get himself killed."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 day ago

"We might be able to catch up to him if we hurry." Josh said. "Matt, you know where Crystal Chasm is, right?"
"Of course. I'll take us there." Matt put Anthony's helmet in his bag before heading out. "We should bring this to him."
He lead the way out of the guild. Josh looked at some of the shops as Matt passed by them, hoping Anthony stopped to buy something. Of course, that was unlikely. If he was willing to leave without them, he probably headed straight for Crystal Chasm.
"It's this way." Matt said, heading south of Allure Town. Josh still hadn't spotted Anthony at any of the shops, which meant that he was most likely at Crystal Chasm already.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


"You know, I actually don't have a clue who started calling these things mystery dungeons." I state to M as I follow behind him, hoping that he can find his way through this horribly thick fog. From the fog, another figure approached me and my team. This one seemed to be feline, as if it were a meowth, but, on all fours... as I was trying to figure out what it was, the thing attacks me using sucker punch, forcing me back a few feet. "Ow! Great, the locals can see through the fog... just what we needed, huh?" I say jokingly to my team as I look around for my assailant. Unfortunately, I couldn't find him or her, and I just knew that another attack was heading our way. Thankfully, this time, because I saw it coming, I was able to counter the attempted scratch with vine whip, sending the pokemon that I just identified as a purrloin back into the oppressive fog. Sure, the thing was back in the fog, but at least now I knew what to expect from it. "Okay, um, it seems like we're going to have to somehow attack only while our enemy is attacking." I say to my team, including Gregory, after all, he could prove to be helpful in this at some point. The thing attacked again, trying to use scratch on Celes, and for some reason, I felt compelled to throw myself in the way of that attack, and take the attack, myself. The attack didn't hurt too badly, and the thing was still out in the open where I could see it, ready for Celes to attack it back.

After a somewhat long hike away from Allure Town, I finally come across the cave in question. The place was actually very bright for a cave, and had several different types of glowing crystals covering it. It was a sight to behold as the crystal's light bounced off of the clear, mirror-like floors and seemed to dance around in front of me. Wow... I think I've got a new favorite cave! I think as I hesitate to continue forwards, awe-struck by the sight of this place. Unfortunately, the stunning lights hid something else, enemies. In this case, a roggenrolla, who seemed to take advantage of the fact that I was stunned to attack me with tackle, forcing me back outside of the cave. That knocked me back to my senses, and I ended up using absorb on the rock... who didn't seem to even really notice. Am I really that weak? I thought I was pretty good at using absorb... I thought as I prepared to dodge the next attack, probably another tackle, from the roggenrolla. I wasn't fast enough to dodge, unfortunately, though I did go through the right movements to do so, I just wasn't able to perform those movements quickly enough to dodge the thing's attack. Another absorb, and thankfully, some healing from that and the thing seemed to be in pain. I took yet another tackle, and finished the thing off with a final absorb... though, I wasn't in the best shape to continue on, yet, and was forced to wait near the entrance to the cave to try to rest up before I actually get anywhere. Of course, it wasn't too hard to wait here, with all the lights and crystals, this cave was certainly something else.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Well... Worse has happened. Shannon's steady plod was working easily through the road, though paving had become hard dirt and sporadic cracks of moss were replaced by tufts of grass. The route was clear, but his feet seemed numb to the path, drowned out by his thoughts. A stroke of bad luck. No more.

* * *

"Yes, yes, I was told you were coming," the Archen interrupted. His voice, impatient, overwhelmed Shannon's with its authority. "Come along, now. There's paperwork." The Amaura was carried along by this odd gale of a Pokemon, a perfect blend of business and chaos. "Not the first in recent days, hm? No matter. Our Guild welcomes you." Shannon's mind easily recognized the habit forcing that last statement. Archibald swept it into his speech like dust before a broom. It was a meaningless phrase. "Mm-hm. Yes, you'll need to read this; It's the same garbage that every new recruit needs thrown at them to make sure they understand what they're getting into."

Rustle rustle. Some sheets, efficiently filled with tiny but distinct script, fell at Shannon's feet. The assistant leaned over the desk to hand the recruit some paper, not waiting for him to take it before letting go. "After that, we can get your papers in order and fit you into a team. Well, following your introduction to Arnold-" Shannon forgot to breath for an instant "-and the Guild headquarters, of course. With luck you'll get to complete your first mission today. Have you finished reading that ye-Oh!" The Amaura looked up from the papers, which he had placed back on the desk in preparation for reading. The room's empty size was quickly filled by the silent noise of Archibald's brain calculating furiously. "...Yes, that'll do, but we've not a moment to lose!" The immersion was broken, and the Archen suddenly worked with frantic efficiency. Paper and miscellaneous objects seemed to materialise out of nowhere, but Shannon saw drawers resting suddenly open.

"Just sign here," Archibald's voice fired again, yet another paper appearing before Shannon, whose neck was already strained from propelling his gaze left and right in pursuit. "And take this Treasure Bag, and... This map. And this. And this. There's a new team of presumably about your skill level currently travelling to... This place... Crystal Chasm." Shannon had yet to hear the Archen draw breath until now. The aura of the room had changed from hectic to... Personal. "Take this as a challenge, and an alternative to all these papers and pep talks. You will go to Crystal Chasm, catch up to the Combee, Hex, and her band. You will act as a productive member of Team Scarab... And I will streamline your application. You won't receive any hazing or needless initiation ritual from me, ever." Another breath. "Are we agreed, Monsieur Carrol Shannon?"

* * *

Reenacting the scene in his head, Shannon felt a little more positive about it. His initiation would be practical, and swift, if perhaps more challenging. And besides, this way he would appear more presentable to Arnold, when they finally met. He could wait. As the next hour passed, the Amaura's feet and focus returned to the ground, which was increasingly littered with rough gravel composed of low-grade quartzes. That was encouraging, considering his destination. Shannon had started to hum easily. The map wasn't optimal for navigation, but Shannon was long used to navigating by landmarks and heavens, as Alaois had taught him, so he made his turns with confidence. And the map was pretty. He liked that too.

A low hill with an odd colour had been surfacing the horizon. Shannon produced the map from his bag again with his mouth, compared distances, and began an oddly elephant-like gallop. If Team Scarab was still around, he was determined to catch up to them before he entered the Chasm. A collection of figures near the entrance, some engaged in vigorous activity of some kind, came into view. He sounded an excited cry, slowing down when he approached them. Running was not his forte. "Friends, hail; is this the team of Anthony?" Shannon's bow was small and respectful. "One Archibald from Allure sent me. My name is Carrol Shannon." There was a little more emphasis on 'Shannon' than 'Carrol'. The Amaura stood patiently, awaiting some response. There was a Goomy present, and Shannon watched him... Realised he was bruised. Did I arrive at an unpleasant time?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

"Spruce!" Celes then says, before looking at the purloin and then suddenly using a full force swift attack towards it, hoping to strike it down with this. Seriously, attacking pokemons from the fog? It made it so unfair for everyone else... and knowing it will actually hit cause of how swift worked. She continue the swift assault on the Purrloin and strike it back hard.
"Spruce, you ok?" she says, worried, looking at him.
"You didn't have to take that attack for me..." she says, looking at him a bit sad. She looked back at the purloin that had been hit hard and was trying to move away and hit them again... This time though Celes quickly send another volley of swift attack, wanting to end that thing once and for all and continue on. She knew she would be using swift a lot now. At least for this place, seeing that most other attacks for her might miss, and swift was her best bet for this.
"Just warn me if you see something, I will try to target it, I think I will be able to hit it." she then says.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

What happened was expected, yet it still managed to provoke our emotions.

"My Arceus." I failed my duty as the guardian. Although, to be honest, it was guaranteed something would slip through. I quickly took my eyes off Spruce's light wound and back at the Purrloin waiting to pounce again. Gregory seemed to be contemplating how to attack, hiding behind Celes while I was about a meter away from everyone else. Meanwhile, I was trying to make sure that would be only Pokemon assaulting us at the moment. "Back off, you stray puss!" I commanded, standing my ground and forming an arc between two of my magnets.

It was getting more frightening to stay in the fog. Not only were there more shifting figures, but sometimes they were just waving branches. I had to keep an eye on not just the Purrloin, but anything else around us. A diversion couldn't be ruled out, after all.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

"Hm." Hex said, glancing around as they headed toward the new Mystery Dungeon. "I wonder how Anthony's doing on his own."

Anthony seemed pretty tough. The Goomy didn't have much of a wide move pool, but then again, neither did she. But at least she could fly to get out of trouble. Anthony, on the other hand, moved rather slowly. The only move he seemed to have absorb. Hex quickly scouted ahead, fluttering up. She looked around, scanning the trees. They were looking for a dark cave, filled with luminescent crystals and pokemon who haven't seen the light of day in ages. Hex occasionally caught a fleeting glimpse of a pokemon in the forest, but never more than a glance. She spotted a particular Amaura, galloping to the chasm, but it didn't seem like it wanted to cause trouble. Seemed rather silly, actually. The cave shouldn't have been too hard to find. She just needed to look in the right area. After several minutes of looking, she spotted the chasm. It looked to be an oddly colored hill.

Hex fluttered down. "I saw it. It's just up ahead." Hex announced, fluttering down to the group. "It's just up ahead."

Hex flew ahead, gusting away any wild pokemon that crossed the path. She had found that her gust had seemed to significantly improved over the time that she was using it, which was certainly great. Hex had never used an attack move this much before, usually only to swat away any persistent.. followers. As she arrived at the crag, she noticed two pokemon there. Anthony, thank Arceus he didn't go too deep into the cave. And there was another pokemon, too. The Amaura she had seen from earlier, gallivanting through the forest, needed to go to the Crystal Chasm too. The Amaura greeted her and Anthony. He had an.. interesting way of speaking. Reminded her a lot of her mother. "Oh! Uh, er.." Hex paused, thinking of one way to greet the fellow. "Greetings! Carrol Shannon! We are indeed, Team Scarab of Allure Town." She said, trying to out on a bold voice. Great job blowing it, Hex. She thought to herself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Trying to hide in the fog are you? Well it wont work! My burning soul shall evaporate this fog around us" Kamina declared. While he had no idea where the enemy was, he knew where his teammates (and the person he was escorting) were, and that was more then enough for Kamina. Taking in a deep breath, he fired off a round of Ember. After that, he adjusted his angle with Splash before firing off another round of Ember. He kept doing this again and again, making sure to avoid his teammates (and the person he was escorting). "Ha! How do you like that!? These are but fragments of my burning soul weaponized. If any of you were to feel it's full fury, it would surly consume you in it's massive flames!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 day ago

Josh, Matt, and Hex were all looking around for the dungeon. Hex decided to fly up in order to get a better view, leaving Matt and Josh on the ground.
"When will you tell them?" Matt asked once Hex was too far up to hear them.
Josh was confused. "About what?"
"Zane. The reef. You'll have to tell them eventually."
"He has no idea I'm here, and even if he does, he's confined to the water."
"So are you."
"Yes, but I'm a lot smaller than he is. I doubt there's anyone who would be willing to lug an 80-pound Clawitzer around with them."
"Just keep what I said in mind."
Hex came back down soon after their conversation was done. She seemed to have found the cave entrance. They both followed her, and upon arriving at the cave entrance, they saw Anthony, as well as an Amaura. He spoke in a very formal way when he introduced himself. Hex greeted him with the same formal tone.
There was no way Josh would be able to talk like that. He didn't know enough fancy words. "Hey there." He said. "I'm Josh, and this is Matt."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


Stray... what? I think as I look over at M, who seemed to be looking around for other potential threats. I then notice what Celes said to me, and respond with "I'm fine... and I kinda wanted to take that attack. I didn't want to see you get hurt." I wasn't even thinking, yet, the words just sorta happened. After a bit of thinking, I end up regretting the fact that I said that. Ugh, what was I saying? 'I wanted to take that attack!?' That just sounds dumb and scripted, or something... I then think as I try to locate the purrloin. Unfortunately, I was too late to land the final blow on the cat, as Gregory had, during my whole thought process, jumped over me, and landed a dragonbreath on the thing, knocking it out before I could. "Alright, folks, we're not getting anywhere like this and I want to see some treasure! I'm sure that magikarp of yours is in agreement, let's move it along." Gregory then says to us, evidently feeling more confident after finishing off that purrloin. He then headed to the right of where we were facing, and I, of course, followed, later getting in front of him, just in case. "Hey!" Gregory shouted at me once I got in front. I simply responded with "You asked us for help, remember? You said you weren't strong enough for this place." my voice was strictly emotionless at this point, as I was simply trying to get my point across as to why I had to be in front of him. Gregory seemed to stop arguing, but then started mumbling to himself for some reason.

"Carrol Shannon... hey, seems like we finally have another girl on the team. Welcome to Team Scarab. Oh, and, I'm not the other girl, I'm Anthony. The other girl is Hex, our leader." I said to the odd dinosaur-like pokemon who randomly started talking to me. The pokemon then mentioned something about someone called 'Archibald', and my only response to that was "Well, I have no clue who this Archibald guy is, but maybe Archie knows. We'll have to ask him once we get back." Not too long after that, the rest of the team joins us and I start to feel much better about exploring this place. Going alone was a huge mistake... maybe I should try to be more patient next time. I think as I prepare for a harsh scolding about how I'm too weak to be on my own and how I should wait for the team to finish what they were doing at the guild before heading off into some mystery dungeon, yet, that scolding never came, and everyone else on my team seems to somehow be referring to Carrol as a 'he'... Carrol doesn't look much like a 'he' and the name seems feminine. I even had a great-grandmother named Carrol, so, I was sure that was a girl's name. Heck, even the voice wasn't doing much to convince me that Carrol was male, though, Carrol's voice sounded very soothing, though, somewhat on the higher-pitched side of things. Of course, this could just be because he or she is very young like most of us, and hasn't developed a deep voice yet. Hex seemed mad at herself for some reason, as she introduced us as 'Team Scarab', and Josh even seemed shocked, only managing to say "Hey there." and "I'm Josh, and this is Matt." weird...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Antarctic Termite
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Antarctic Termite Resident of Mortasheen

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Shannon's ballooning anticipation finally burst, not unpleasantly. Relieved chuckling turned back into shallow gasps for a few seconds as he listened to Team Scarab's introduction. At least now he didn't have to worry about catching up. "How nice to make this meeting now," he nodded eagerly, counting up the names. Four, and himself, though the Skrelp and Reuniclus appeared to form a unit of their own. It seemed to him a neat example of teamwork, and when chance allowed he would ask about it. On other first impressions, he felt he could admire Hex Flutter's playing the leader. 'A new team, of presumably about your skill level.' Too soon to judge skills, but Miss Flutter seems to know what she's doing. Where did you learn? Ah, questions. The Goomy, finally, struck him as... Odd. Perhaps a touch too quick to action. He had outpaced his team by a fair bit. "With... Matt and Josh and Anthony, and Hex and Shannon too." Shannon did not stop thinking over his words. Maybe the Goomy was a joker? Another easy chuckle seemed appropriate, and he was certainly in the mood for it. "Alas, I'm not a girl. Our lady Flutter's still alone in that." Shannon winked.

That was, in his view, enough of introductions, though this had seemed a promising meeting. The Amaura's head turned easily around to examine the entrance. Entering the hill would be quite the steep climb down, from this view, anyway. On some day, he reasoned, the hill had simply cracked open at a downwards angle, exposing the caves true. He saw the sunlight from above glittering its way into the depths of the crevasse, the quartz sparkling with reflections even in the darkness. Crystal Chasm was well named. Shannon turned back. "I'll follow where you lead. I'm told your mission will engage with renegades. As Archibald instructs, with that I'm to assist." And then return for examination by Arnold, and assignment to a team. Shannon recalled Anthony welcoming him to Team Scarab. I wonder if I can be assigned to an existing team like this one. I like these Pokemon thusfar.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes listened to what Spruce just said, and then... Started to blush a bit at this. Why was he so nice to her anyway? Was it cause... No... That can't be it. They were in same team, and they needed to help each other. She stares at Spruce before fallowing quickly, still having a lot of thoughs in her head. She... Did find him cute... But to the extend of... No... He was the leader of the team, and it was his job to actually take care of his team. She shook her head and moved forwards. Better not think about ths right now, it would only end up with her having a head ache or something. She sighed slightly. She breath deeply before continuing to fallow.
"Spruce... I just wanted to say... Thanks..." she then says, trying to force herself not to blush, only to fail completely at this. This was really awkward... It felt really weird. She then continued to move behind Gregory and stayed on her guard, ready to defend and attack anything that were to attack their client.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

"Spruce, we have to achieve our objective as quickly as possible and leave, otherwise this will just be a greeting to this place." I reminded Spruce of a best way to deal with this place (whilst also implying (rather obscurely) that we shouldn't be distracted by any 'outside' sources). Which would be the basis of a guideline for every other 'mystery dungeon.' And possibly every other situation we found ourselves in. "Gregory, keep your feet down. Actually, you've just presented a paradox; you're strong, willing to leave us... then, there was no point asking for us." I called out to Gregory, apparently stumbling back into place as the Middle Piece (yes, I like cheese chess) in our box formation.

Deep down, I was worried of further attacks if we didn't get ourselves sorted soon. So, I began floating forwards slowly into the unknown, full of shifting shadows of any kind. Whilst simultaneously checking our tracks to make sure we wouldn't get lost. I moved my eye from left to right, but I wasn't sure if that was the best course of action.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Noire

Noire Exposition Extraordinaire

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

“Ah! Of course! Prithee, Shannon, join our quest?” Hex continued, trying to keep up her formal tone. “We shall travel across a great many lands, to- eh. Whatever. Hope you join our team, Shannon!”

Hex glanced down deep into the chasm. Light reflected off the quartz crystals, giving off the illusion that it was glittering. “Let’s go!” Hex said, beginning to flutter into the chasm. She could hear several pokemon chittering about in the dark. It was a wonderful cave. The crystals gave off an unnatural luminescence that really illuminated the dark ravine. Hex had to duck under and through crystals jutting from the hazardous, rocky walls while trying to stay close to the ceiling. So far, not many pokemon had seemed to have attacked the group. Luckily, they were-

“In my cave, are we, little pokemonses?” A voice rang out in the darkness. Hex could hear the thing licking it’s lips, a disgusting noise. “It’s been a time since we’ve tasted explorers. So sweet, so juicy.” Hex immediately made a U-Turn, returning back toward the group. She stared at the darkness lying ahead. The shadowy corners of the cave that hadn’t been touched by the light. High up, on a ledge in the cavern. Two glowing gems stared at her in the darkness. However, those gems weren’t the beautiful light given off by the crystals. It was an unnatural, eerie kind of glow. It was like catching a deer in headlights.

“Sees me now, does she?” The Sableye crawled into the light. It had a massive grin on it’s mouth. Several glowing crystals jutted out of it’s back. The purple skin of it was a dull, pale shade of purple. His teeth were unnaturally sharp. “Stupid, fat pokemonses. You will-“ Hex stopped his speech by giving off a massive gust, blowing the little Sableye off of his perch and onto the main floor of the cave. She heard a scream, a thump, and something scampering off into the darkness of the cave. “Well.” Hex said, still frozen by the scene she had just witnessed. “I think that’s our warning to be careful in here.”
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 1 day ago

As the Sableye fell from the ledge, Josh aimed a Water Gun at it. Hitting a falling target wasn't as easy as he thought it would be. His attack ended up missing, and the Sableye ran into the darkness of the cave. "So, are we going after him?" Josh said, looking back at the rest of the group.
"I think we should focus our attention on finding Leeroy." Matt said. "I'd like to be out of here as soon as possib - Ah!"

A Mawile managed to sneak up behind Matt, and was currently biting down on his arm. A second one appeared, and knocked the bucket out of his hand. Josh flopped onto the ground, and the second Mawile went for him. He tried to get away, but couldn't get anywhere. He just ended up flopping around in the same spot. "Stay away!" He fired a Water Gun at the Mawile, and although that managed to slow it down, it still got to him. It threw him into the air, catching Josh in its mouth. He began to panic. He tried to fire another Water Gun at it, but before he got a chance, he was being thrown into the air again.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

Kamina splashed himself over to Spruce "oh ho, I see what's going on" he said with a cheeky smile "fear not Spruce! For I, the mighty Kamina, shall aid you in your quest!" Then he did something he had never done before; talk in a quiet whisper "I can see the feelings you have for the dainty Celes, and I wholeheartedly approve. Such a wonderful and passionate flame of love will surly drive you to new heights. While it might not be the same kind of flame that burns in my soul, I still can't help but respect it. So do not worry my friend, for I shall help you win the lovely Celes' heart!" he somehow managed to yell that last part while whispering. How? Because he's fucking Kamina, that's how
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


For a while, I was following Gregory's directions calmly, and thankfully without attack when out of nowhere, Kamina says something along the lines of me being in love with Celes. That made me stop in my tracks for a little bit, not only because it was surprising, but also because... he might actually be right. I then remembered M saying something about continuing on and shake off that feeling of surprise, continuing on my way after that. I ended up behind the group for a little bit, but ran to catch up to them. I just hoped that nobody was getting attacked, but, unfortunately, while I was certain nobody could see it, I could see a figure in the fog heading towards the group. The figure appeared to be in the human-like egg group, and seemed to be trying to tackle Gregory, who was no longer protected from all sides thanks to me. I ran even faster just to catch up, and just before Gregory got attacked, I vine whipped the attacking tyrogue, who turned his attention towards me afterwards. I simply took my spot to help make sure Gregory wouldn't get hurt, after all, he's the client, whether he likes it or not. Unfortunately, because of this, I ended up taking a tackle or two, which meant that we'd probably want to rest for a bit after we finish this fight. "Everyone, there's an enemy on the left side!" I shout, just to make sure that everyone was aware that we were being attacked. The tyrogue didn't try to hide back in the fog, probably because, unlike the purrloin from earlier, this tyrogue doesn't like to use tricks or sneaky tactics.

I spaced out for a second, and things went south, fast. There were two mawile attacking Matt, Josh was out of his bucket, and there was apparently some sort of creepy sableye sulking around the place now. Carrol seemed happy enough, despite the fact that I had mistakenly called him a girl, earlier. "Hey, over-bite, over here!" I shouted at the pair of mawile to get them to attack me. They seemed to be at young enough to only know physical attacking moves, and mawile were really only good at attacking, so I prepared myself to counter their attacks, which seemed to come almost instantly after that comment about their jaws. The one on the left let go of Matt just to take a bite out of me, which I countered afterwards, leaving the mawile with a giant bruise on his stomach. The second one seemed to back off a bit, meaning that I had to use water gun to get to it (that, and counter only works after I've been attacked.). Unfortunately, despite not being an ineffective move, water gun still didn't do too much to the mawile for some weird, unknown reason. Why are my special attacks so weak? Ugh... it's probably just because I'm useless, or something. I think as I recall the fact that my absorb didn't even knock out Martin in two uses. Heck, because of that weakness, we were at a standstill until everyone else pitched in to help me. Well... maybe I'm not useless, I mean, I was at least as good at Martin was at fighting. I then think as the first mawile tries to bite me again. I wasn't prepared to counter, this time, and ended up dodging, causing the mawile to bite into one of the giant crystals on the wall, shattering it, and having the shards rain down on friend and foe alike. Oddly enough, even the shards glowed in whatever color the crystal used to be, in this case yellow, which prompted me to pick up a few just in case we found ourselves in a darker cave than this. The second mawile headed over towards Josh, and I tried to use water gun on him to stop him, but... it didn't work, at all, and he just kept heading over to the now-immobile, possibly helpless Josh.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes looked straight at the tyrouge, and though a bit. She had no moved to hit super effective against that thing, so she did what she could. He used swift towards the tyrouge, hoping to hit it hard. She then saw it move and going to strike Spruce again with a tackle, but she quickly uses confuse ray on it, making it move around and miss his tackle attack. She looked at it move without too much aim, trying to get rid of the confusion attack that she just used.
"You ok Spruce?" she asks, moving near him.
"And what quest was Kamina even talking about?" she asks confused slightly, looking straight at the land fish. He was rather a weird one... She then looked at Spruce and... blushed slightly. Why ... why was she even blushing? God... it was hard for her to even understand. It had no sense completely. She shook her head quickly and looked back at the Tyrouge that was almost out of it's confusion. At least it was not going to hide in the fog like that dang purloin earlier.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Aha! A worthy foe. Let's see how is brawn matches up against by passionate flames of courage and youth!" Kamina declared before firing off a volley of Embers "Those tiny flames are but a taste of the massive, throbbing one inside of me. While it is normally quite large when I get excited like this it grows even larger! Becoming harder and hotter as it does. You're really lucky that I can't quite yet call upon it's massive size. Because if I could, then I would use that overwhelming size to penetrate your every defenses, not even your body you be safe from my relentless assault! The power and size of my flame would leave your body and mind a mere shadow of what it once was!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Great. Spruce let down his guard and just managed to defend Gregory, who was mouthing curses. Or actually saying them, just not loud enough for me to hear. "Oh, hell." I muttered in annoyance, reluctant to leave my position and leave Greg (because shortened names are faster to pronounce) on his own. Already Kamina and Celes were off to deal with one foe, but of course somebody had to stay behind to keep an eye on things. "You Pokemon go off and fight that lone one. I have to guard the three sides of Greg. And as I feared, he began taking steps forward into the unknown. "Greg! Stop wandering off unless you want to meet Arceus." I shouted out, regrettably turning to Greg.

Nothing attacked me while I was floating about 2 meters away from Greg, but the thought of it was getting to me. "Oh... fine." I closed in on him, spinning around to check for any malicious backstabbers, that would pop out of the fog and go 'PIKA-BOO' before slapping your cheeks.

I saw more shadows shifting around, and I hoped those things weren't going to notice us, with them eating berries and strolling around shrubs. Greg on the other hand seemed rather optimistic of our chances, preferring to get everything over and done with. A bit like myself, only I was rather cautious.

"Oh screw this." Since I was growing tired of our delays, I decided to... well, I was going to let off an arc with my magnet lined up with my pupil, which itself was aligned to the position of the Tyrogue. But, in that weather, it would've randomly jumped around between allies before reaching the lone Pokemon. This was also assuming I could get a lightning bolt to stay in a straight line from afar.
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