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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

Kamina While under normal circumstance, Kamina would rush to the aid of any of his friends without thinking...however this wasn't quite a normal circumstance. When that Flareon attacked Spruce, Kamina assumed that he was one of Celes' siblings who was only attacking him out of some sort of test. That was something that made sense to Kamina's strange logic. As such, he felt it improper to get involved. After all, this was Spruce's fight to prove to Celes' family that he was worthy of her. Kamina already knew he was, but her family hadn't been on any adventure with him, so he could understand why they felt the need to test him. As such, Kamina didn't really pay attention to the fight. What did catch his attention was the strange Mudkip who called himself Breen. Splashing over to the Water Type, Kamina stared deeply into his eyes in a totally not homo way. He was piercing through those two windows o his face with his gaze to see the soul inside --- Tini Bonnie's story was a sad one. It was the story of a little girl who's childhood was ruined by an evil dad. Suddenly, many things started to make sense. "I understand..." Tini said somberly "It seems I have little choice" his voice was quiet before he raised his frying pan to the sky "I must channel all of your pain and sorrow into this mighty frying pan...and then hit your father on the head with it until he's sorry!!!" he declared dramatically (not...not really. There was nothing dramatic about that. It was just plain adorable) Later when they reached the Sunswept Plains, he had a sudden idea. A perfect way to easy poor Bonnie's suffering (at least in his mind). Crawling up to her neck, he wrapped himself around it like a sweater "don't worry Bonnie! I know just the thing to make your heart stop hurting; cuddles! Cuddles always made me feel better when I was deathly ill." Suddenly, he realized something "oh yeah...I never told you guys; I was born sick, and no one expected me to live very long. My parents did their best to take care of me...but it wasn't enough. When I was just about to die, lord Xerneas came and saved me...and made me minty, pink, and sparkly for some reason. It was that day that I knew I was destined to be a great hero of justice!"
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[Spruce] I looked around at everyone, M anxious to leave, and Kamina trying to melt this 'Breen's' mind with his own (false) psychic abilities, Celes going back to her house, and probably wanting to stay there for a while... and, of course, Breen, who was, just as I suspected, a salespokemon. Apparently he was selling apples and odd jewels, though there was a lot of mail in there for a salespokemon's bag, making me almost think that he stole it. I just sat there for a while, uncertain as to what to do right now, until I hear something. A set of footsteps, too quick to be almost any eeveelution, yet, too slow to be a jolteon's... and from the sound of it, whatever it was, was apparently bipedal, rather than quadrupedal. I start to ask myself what could be causing that, though my answer came quickly enough as a familiar trio of a sneasel, a zubat, and a koffing came into view. "Helpless family, feel the wrath of TEAM ZAN!" They then take one look at me, and step back a couple of steps. "Uh... boss?" Carl starts to ask, with Sean saying "Yeah, I know, but we still already made our entrance... we can't run now! We'd look like cowards!" Bart then adds "Maybe we could try out, you know, that, on them," Sean looks at him and says "Brilliant idea, let's do it!" Honestly, I only let them talk like this because they were always so weak, I might as well let them go through their spiel. They then do something a little off... first, Carl uses poison gas, however, right after that, Bart drains the entire thing using leech life, and then spews it back out, though, this time, there was twice as much, however, before this cloud could get to us, Sean uses powder snow on it, freezing the poison cloud solid. The trio then uses their combined power to throw the solidified poison at me. It wasn't that I was too slow to avoid it, but the sheer size of it made it near-impossible to evade. Once it hit the ground, as well as myself and maybe even Celes, M, and Kamina, the solidified poison shattered, sending shards everywhere but back at Team Zan. What made this worse? It ACTUALLY HURT. A LOT. "Wh...when the heck did you guys get tough?" I manage to ask, though, the only response I got was laughter, unfortunately. --- [Anthony] Due to the fact that I just came back from having used Absorb a bunch of times, I thought that George was going to attack me with another High Jump Kick, so I prepared to counter that attack, however, he didn't use High Jump Kick, nor did he even attack me. Instead, he went for the move Crunch, and, for some reason, on Josh. I then followed him, waiting for my chance to attack back, saying "Come on, why'd you stop targeting me?" Though, I get no response outside of angered mumbles and grumbles. I try to prepare for another counter, however, this time, instead of his usual High Jump Kick or Crunch, he went for Stone Edge, hitting me in a particularly weak area, and causing me to faint from the sheer pain. "Anthony, NO!" Daniel shouts, though, he knew I couldn't hear him after that attack. He then uses Shadow Rush, though... it only hit once. "Uh... guys? I think we might be a little bit doomed if we don't knock this guy out, ASAP," Daniel then announces to the rest of the team. Sure, his shadow rush seemed to do at least some damage, but it didn't do nearly as much as it would have, had it hit twice or more. George, knowing that he had time for it, decides to use another bulk up, just to ensure KO's on his next few attacks, and to possibly ensure a win for him... --- [Bonnie] William explained to me how he used to have cold blood, and I realized my mistake "Oh, right... sorry 'bout that. I guess I don't know what it feels like to transition from that to this, I mean, I was born like this, so I'm used to it," I comment. I felt pretty decent, until a memory of my father reared its ugly head, and to make matters worse? Some sort of snakelike pokemon was wrapping around me! I overheard something about Tini being technically undead, but revived by Xerneas... I guess making him a fairy type? I shivered at the thought of some snake having me for dinner, completely forgetting the fact that there was a good chance whoever wrapped themselves around me was Tini, and eventually scream, both from the memory, and from the thought of being eaten by a snake. I then look to my left, and notice a familiar pink coloration... whoops. "Uh... sorry about that, Tini, I just... well, I thought you might have been something or someone else," I then comment, somewhat shakily. It seemed as though Samuel has officially rejoined us, having finally realized that this was the one, true William from our team. William then suggests that we all get searching, and I nod politely, and say "Yeah... let's go," I then look for a... wait, what were we looking for again? Oh, right, some backwards barbaric village where they're sacrificing someone's brother. I guess I couldn't blame them for being backwards, given the heat and general unlivability of this place. I walk off towards the north... I think, and encounter a... thing... I couldn't tell what it was, due to the odd effect heat can have on you, but it decided to attack me with scratch, though, he may have been going for Tini who may or may not still be wrapped around me.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

It was far later in the day now, but Xeno had finally made it to the entrance of the dungeon. The mountain stood over him, an impressive spectacle that left the sableye in sheer awe. The pain in his stomach made sure he didn't stay there for long though, and once inside the mountain he began to dig into one of the walls near the entrance. The stone was different than what he was used to but still easy enough to dig through, and though it often didn't help much Xeno tried to see if he could sniff out any coal ore nearby in hopes he got lucky.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

Just as we were going to leave, an old enemy faced us in probably the worst spot possible. Team Zan, within Celes' own front yard. It was pretty awkward as they discussed what to do when almost everyone was around. I floated as still as always, while Spruce looked around trying to figure out what to do himself. Kamina was trying to do some telepathy while Celes apparently paid attention to both her siblings and the idiots we were about to fight. I didn't mind the odd Mudkip, since we had bigger problems. Well, bigger annoyances. "What is this? Petty robbery? You're already cowards, you may as well not be stubborn." I yelled out, warning Team Zan to back off and do whatever they did best. Whatever it was. "Get out of our way." I tried to gesture them to shoo off (and even finish my sentence), clawing at the air with the appendage behind me - though we were suddenly confronted by something Team Zan actually put thought in. Their cheerful squeaking caused them to form some sort of giant blizzard of death, practically demolishing Spruce and leaving mint-tinged snow all over us and the front wall of the house. The others were probably also somehow bowled over by the attack. I on the other hand simply wiped and waved off the snow clinging to my face, smirking before laughing uncontrollably. "You-you- did you guys just tickle me?!" I swatted at the air with my magnet, throwing a lump of snow off my radar dish and into a shrub. "I'd clap, but I don't want my magnets to stick." They must've forgotten I was a steel Pokemon; Ice, Bug, and worst of all Poison. Poisoning Steel? Let alone applying Ice and Bug to me? They practically poked me. "Ok, seriously though - you three better have a fuckin' excuse for your death wish." However, I felt somewhat nervous - ever since the crystal was taken, we had felt... on par with everyone. Despite this, I felt some sort of inner darkness, with lightning roaring in my mind, and even some sort of shadow looming over us. Which felt like a warning to myself more than anything. To kick things off, I took lead of the group and thrust my magnet forward in the air, creating this oddly maroon red and yellow lightning which struck at least one of those idiots. However, to my shock, the Sneasel I had struck was still twitching and even groaned a bit, though he was definitely paralysed. Oh, this isn't going to be easy
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Celes was scolding his brother a bit more before going outside, she turned around to see Team Zan, who announced their arrival and then went off to attack the whole group with some kind of team attack. This attack hit the whole group, actually hurting Spruce like heck. Celes also got hurt like heck cause of the poison that was in the attack. "What in the world..." she says, before looking back, seeing her parents having gotten hit also, but in their side, they weren't as damaged. Just then, Celes father growled loudly. "Attacking my family... you have made the biggest mistake of all!" he says before suddenly letting out a psybeam attack towards the koffin. Her mother then rushed forwards and using faint attack on the zubat. Just then Celes slowly started to get up, only to see her bother rushing forwards and attacking the sneasle with fire fang, and William rushing and using thunder fang on the same sneasle. If only everyone in the family was here. Then that team would suffer their own family team attack. But with the amount of pokemons at the moment at the house, it was very stupid of them to even try to attack. She wanted to attack right now but the poisonous effect hurted her like heck at the moment. She needed to breath a bit at the moment to be able to continue.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

-Samuel- 'Wow! And to think that all this time I had been angry at William for thinking that he was still a smeargle!' I thought, and I walk with Will, Bonnie, and some other pokemon, and I see something attack Bonnie. I run, using Vine Whip on it, and I heard a cry of pain. "Yeah! Take that, whatever you are!" I say, and I use Vine Whip again. William was just sitting there, not attacking. "What's wrong? Forgot how to attack?" I ask after whatever was attacking us stopped. "Well, I only know transform, and if we can't see what pokemon we're fighting, then I can't really transform."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

Kamina For some reason, the Mudkip Breen failed to respond to his staring "is...is he awake?" Kamina wondered. However his musings were cut short when some strange group of Pokemon attack, creating what looked like frozen poison which shattered and shot shards everywhere. Although since Kamina was still inside he was kept safe from them. "You!" He Splashed outside to confront the attackers "I should have known you'd return...whoever you three are!" He declared dramatically. "I will not allow you to interrupt this beautiful family reunion!" And that when Kamina started to glow white. His shape began to change, growing much bigger and serpent-like. To those who listened hard enough, they would be able to hear a heavy rocking song that seemed to be an anthem of escaping oppression and claiming victory...despite being in a completely different language. Those very same people would be later found to have been taking recreational drugs...so make of that what you will. When his transformation was complete, Kamina stood(?) no longer a weak and pathetic Magikarp...but a might Gyarados. His scales a much deeper and richer blue then the rest of his kind, almost looking like sapphires, while the crest on his forehead gleamed like solid gold. "It's happened..." Kamina's voice was filled with awe "I always knew this day would come...but I never imagined it would feel this good..." he started to weep manly tears of joy "witness me and be amazed world!!!" when Kamina was still just a little Magikarp, even his loudest yells weren't really that loud. However now that he was a Gyarados...things started to shake from the force caused by his voice crying out as loud as it could "I have survived the great trial of life that all Magikarp must if they wish to rise up from the pit of weakness, and I did so with my own blood, sweat, and various other fluids! I have now claimed my reward; my new form! With it, I shall rise to even greater heights! Let these fools who would dare to intrude on such a heartwarming event serve as my warm up!" as he said 'warm up' he body caught on fire...literally. He then, somehow (no questions dammit!) rushed at the three intruders while crying out "FLAME! CHAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" --- Tini Bonnie thought his attempt to cuddle the sadness out of her was an attack 'clearly this calls for more cuddle therapy. No living creature should ever have to be afraid of cuddles.' He then adjusted the tightness level around Bonnie to one that could only be called 'extra snuggly.'This is the worst case of the frownies that I've ever seen. I never even thought a case this bad could be possible. Therefor, as her friend and resident cuddleoagist, it is my duty to fix her.' He would have gone right along, diligently cuddling the sad bunny (stop laughing dammit! This is serious) if not for the Pokemon attacking them. "How dare you! We are in the middle of an emergency cuddle session (why do you people keep laughing at me!?), so go away!" he cried out while using Fairy Wind
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 3 days ago

For a split second, it looked like the Scrafty was about to use Crunch on Matt. He ended up aiming for Josh, though, which was odd, since one more Crunch probably would have been enough to finish Matt off. Anthony was following him around, trying to get the Scrafty to hit him so that he could use Counter. The Scrafty used Stone edge on him, but instead of allowing Anthony to counter it, it ended up knocking him out. "That's not good." Josh said. Daniel used Shadow Rush, but it only hit once this time. Matt then used Recover, but once again, only once. "Uh... guys? I think we might be a little bit doomed if we don't knock this guy out, ASAP," Daniel said. Josh used Water Gun yet again, hoping to knock out or at least do decent damage to the Scrafty. They only had three teammates left, one of which couldn't even do any damage. They had to make every hit count if they wanted to win.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

"What is that?" Xeno asked aloud, pressing his ear to the tunnel wall. Soon as he could hear better the answer became obvious, and the sableye began rushing back up the tunnel he'd made. It was deep, too deep apparently, and up above the little bit of light coming from the opening of the tunnel disappeared. Panic filled Xeno's mind as he crawled up onto the roof of the tunnel he'd made, watching as a few loose rocks tumbled past him. "Damn," he sighed, looking towards what had been his exit. Hastily Xeno began crawling around on what short stretch of tunnel he had left, listening for something that might indicate a nearby cavern. Ears twitching, he began to pick up something, and started digging. He had more energy now, having found a small coal deposit, and silently cursed himself for not pursuing a food he didn't need to risk killing himself for. Slowly the noise grew louder, until eventually the rock gave way by itself and Xeno tumbled down into a cavern. Nimbly he managed to recover from the fall and land on his feet, arms out for balance as dust and small chunks of rock fell from the ceiling. There were pokemon in here as Xeno had assumed, and quickly he began looking for an exit other than the one above him which didn't really lead anywhere.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[Spruce] The trio was pretty badly beaten down by everyone else, with Kamina's flame charge, Celes' father's psybeam, and M's odd lightning doing a ton of work, however just when I thought I might get the finishing blow, they all pull out some sort of golden oran berries, and eat them all at the same time. Somehow, the berry's juices seemed to heal whatever pain they were in, and even healed Sean's paralysis. "Ah... that's better. Heh, you punks ready for round two?" I couldn't help but faceleaf at the stupid sentence Sean put together in some attempt at being intimidating. Sean and his group then laughed, and Sean used Feint Attack on Celes' father, disappearing into the shadows for a moment before reappearing behind him while Carl floated over to Celes' mother, and used Poison Gas, possibly poisoning her. Bart then flew over to Celes' brother, and used Supersonic on him, hoping to confuse the flareon, and get him to attack his friends and family instead of them. I then manage to stumble over to Sean, and use Void Whip on him, though, the poison made it hard for me to actually use the attack, let alone hit him with it, I managed to do just that. Kamina seemed oddly faster after both evolving and using Flame Charge on these jerks. I almost forgot to say anything, but I thankfully remembered, saying "Great job, Kamina!... sorry I don't sound very enthusiastic right now, poison will do that to you," Sean then disappeared into the shadows again, and hit Celes' father again with Feint attack, apparently hoping that the super-effective damage will be enough to take down the one who was probably the greatest offensive threat to their team. I try to use Void Whip again on Sean, and thankfully manage that, but afterwards, I almost feel as if I'm about to pass out from the poison. Bart then, rather stupidly flew towards M, and tried to use Supersonic on him, in yet another effort to confuse our team. Carl then floated over to Celes' brother, and used Smokescreen, trying to make sure that he can't hit anything. --- [Daniel] Anthony was down and out, the rest of us were getting exhausted from the fight, and worse, our attacks weren't anywhere near enough to do anything of significance... well, either that, or this scrafty had an amazing poker face that could win him millions. I tried another shadow rush, but despite the supposed effectiveness of the attack, he seemed to just brush it off. "What's the matter? You guys can't fight without your mascot?" He jokingly asked us. I didn't reply, as I was too shy to talk to him. He was about to use another Crunch on Matt, however, some rocks, and a sableye came tumbling onto his head. "Agh... okay, okay... just take the dang thing... why'd you have to have a bunch of traps, too?" I didn't know what he was talking about, nor could I hear him very well under all those rocks, let alone the other pokemon, but I was more than happy to take that as a win. Static jumped out of Anthony's bag, and said "Well? What are you waiting for? Let's grab the orb and get back to the guild!" I've never actually seen the guild, but I assumed that this badge came from there. I then dig around in Anthony's bag, and pull out another badge, handing it to the mysterious sableye, as well as a strange, bluish gem, saying "Here... you probably don't know it, but you saved our tails with your, um... excessive tunneling? Anyways, I'm sure Anthony wouldn't mind having you on the team," I smile at him, and head for the normal orb, picking it up in my talons, and passing it to Static, who put it somewhere in Anthony's bag. I then press the button, and teleport all of us, Static and the sableye included back to... whatever guild these badges went to. --- [Bonnie] The vine whip seemed to be more than enough to finish off the mystery pokemon, who revealed itself as a sandshrew after passing out on the hot desert sands. "Hm... hey, William, are you absolutely sure you can't use Sketch again?" I then ask William as I continue towards this supposed city, the sun and heat actually getting to me pretty badly. Yeesh... I feel like I'm actually cooking in this heat... I think I was thinking about something earlier, but I can't remember anymore. This heat's getting to my head... I think as I start stumbling around in the heat, my head feeling like it was on fire. Another pokemon attacked us, this time using Feint Attack, though, it didn't seem to actually hurt me that much. A closer inspection revealed the attacker to be a scraggy, and one that was ticked off at me... for some reason. I then notice that I was standing on his tail, and step back a little, though, that didn't stop him from attacking William with Low Kick, probably hoping to one-shot him with just the fact that it's a super-effective move, and given William's low weight, probably nothing else. I then use attract on the scraggy, who starts looking at me again, and fails to attack anyone. I manage to use pound, though, thanks to the desert heat, I hit a mirage double of the scraggy, and fall face-first into the sand, causing the scraggy to laugh at me. Dazed from the heat, I try, but fail to attack again, and I notice some strange things in the desert, such as another Wally's guild, a lake, and a cup of cold, refreshing water. I was getting delusional already, unfortunately, and I knew this wasn't going to stop any time soon.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

As Celes family was getting more and more hit, Celes looked up that the group, seeing her family getting attacked. Her father was hit hard, but still standing, breathing deeply before using psybeam. Her brother was confused, but then used dig, aiming towards the sneazle instead. Her mother though resisted the poison and then used faint attack on the koffing. William attacked to let out a thunderfang attack, but missed. Celes then got up, new determination in her eyes. She formed chains near her. "Enough..." she says before running forwards at full speed towards Sean and striking him with her chain, attempting to send him flying with this attack. She then moved right in front of her father after his attack. "Celes?" he says breathing deeply. "Il try to fend the attacks off, you try to send more psybeams on those fools." she then says. Her father then nods, ready to continue to strike. In his corner of his eye he saw a slight part of a black and white costume in her bag, but he didn't ask about it. Right now they had to fend off these guys.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Now excessively confused, Xeno looks down at the two items in his hands, both now having a light layer of coal dust on their undersides where he touched them. "Um. You're- welcome?" he began, being momentarily interrupted by the teleport. The surrounding area had spontaneously become altered, and they were now inside what looked to be one of the dwellings Xeno had seen earlier. Still horribly unsure of what had just happened the sableye's only thought was to consult the map he'd been given earlier, it having been folded up and tucked behind his ear. To do so he needed two hands though and put down both the crystal and badge, his face scrunching up in concentration as if looking at the map hard enough would reveal where he now was. The other pokemon didn't seem to be a threat, the beaked one having given him what he understood as a gift, but still he stayed alert to their actions.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

My worst fears were confirmed. Just looking around and at the sudden carnage and threat of Team Zan... it was quite painful to look at. I just kinda floated, but then of course I realised that wouldn't help our team out; "Fuckin' hell!" I guess, the only way to actually stop them now... was to beat them into submission. Death, if possible. Picking up an unusual frequency from my radar dish, I swiftly ducked and avoided the Supersonic attack, which was notorious for missing - and confusion powers. Unfortunately, that caused some glass to shatter behind us and make it rain everywhere. "That was some prized glass from my friend's house. And you're using the cockiest move cowards use!" With that, my hesitation was gone, replaced by anger and willingness to end this. I did something rather unusual: I didn't use my moves to attack. Noticing a series of flashing lights to the left of my vision, I quickly looked away and avoided being blinded. Noticing the Zubat was dazed and trying to focus on me, I... well, I tore my left magnet and attached to the end of my right magnet. I had some difficulty staying upright, but floating upwards and grabbing the Zubat with my appendage, I didn't care as I swung and hit the damn thing. Once, twice, thrice. Brutally, I kept smacking him with my new weapon, half-expecting to hear a snap as I simply wanted to stop them.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

-William- "Yeah, Bonnie. I'd need a new paper and pencil to use Sketch again," I say, walking with the group north. My vision got blurrier and more distorted from the intense heat, and a scraggy begins attacking. I push him into the sand face-first and I push his face into the sand, piling some sand over him until he was buried and could hardly move. I stand up, and look at Bonnie, and I say "Hey, what are you looking at?" as I look in whatever direction she was looking at. "Oh! The town! We found it!" I say, looking to the left a bit. I run towards the village, and when we get there, I saw a scrafty, eating some sort of meat. I look back at the group, and say "Maybe we should find a different way in, I don't want to get swarmed by everyone immediately. We gotta be sneaky..."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 2 days ago

Kamina "You bastards!!!! How dare you damage the home of Celes' family!? I will break you!!!" Kamina was currently demonstrating his new race's signature rage...in his own way of course. "I will not stand for this! Do you hear me!? I will not stand for this!" This time directly targeting the Sneasel, Kamina unleashed another Flame Charge "taste my burning furry you scum stains!!!!!!!!" --- Tini As he was busy giving Bonnie some emergency cuddle therapy, the fight with the Scraggy passed before he could do anything about it. When Bonnie fell down, he fell with her, and by the time he had gotten back up, the Scraggy had been buried in the sand. With that taken care of, he could turn to more pressing matters "bad Bonnie" he chastised her as he slapped her with his tail...although considering the fact that he really didn't have many muscles in the tip of his tail, it most likely felt like more of a sideways flick then a slap. "No using Attract! That's a bad Bonnie. You're too eager to use that move. What are you going to do when you face someone it doesn't work on; hold them down and slowly peal away the outer layer of their body!? That's what bad guys do Bonnie, you're not a bad guy. Which is why I need to correct you whenever you use that-hey, what's that smell?" Tini was suddenly distracted by a tasty smelling smell. Sniffing around, he found it was coming from him "?" putting the tip of his tail near his head, he bit down on it "...I taste delicious!" He cheered.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 3 days ago

Just when it looked like they were about to lose, a Sableye fell on the Scrafty's head. After that, the Scrafty just gave up. After taking the orb, Daniel teleported all of them, the Sableye included, back to the guild. "Well, that was...interesting." Matt said. He looked over at the Sableye. "I suppose now would be a good time to introduce ourselves. I'm Matt." "I'm Josh." Josh said. "The Goomy's name is Anthony." Josh felt the need to introduce him, since he was unconscious at the moment and couldn't do it himself.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[Spruce] The poison was really starting to get to me, well, either that, or M was actually beating down Bart with his magnets. "M... no... they might be evil, but that's a little harsh, don't you think?" I try to say to him, considering the fact that he might be going a little... insane. I then use void whip on Carl, who seemed pretty badly hurt from Celes' father's psybeam attack. He then turned his attention towards me, and laughs before using smog, filling the air, and unfortunately, my lungs with even more poison... enough so that I passed out right then and there. "Ugh... they're just too much now..." I say as I pass out, well, that is, if you could hear me past the gurgling noises, and the thud of me hitting the floor. The last thing I heard before I lost consciousness was a horrifying screech from Bart. Sean seemed almost done for after the array of attacks that were launched at him, and obviously Bart wasn't going anywhere anymore. Sean, horrified at what M was doing, shouts "BART! Come on, man, get up! Do something! Get out of there! Carl, you gotta help me help him!" at the unconscious Bart, as well as Carl who responds "B...boss? Are you sure he's still... alive?" Sean then obviously panics, but doesn't do anything until he uses powder snow to fill the room with icy, frozen water, apparently, to hit everyone, though, something seemed to tell him that it wouldn't do much, especially to the nearly-invincible M. --- [Bonnie] "Town? Bad? What's going on?" I ask the group as William and Samuel start heading off towards the oasis that I 'saw', and Tini for some reason attacked me, and then started eating himself. He starts going off on some sort of tangent about how I shouldn't ever use attract again, and I end up saying "Tini... it's just a move. Besides, that move, at least for a while, was the only thing keeping my mother alive... she taught me that move, and it's the only thing I have left to remember her by. I will use that move with pride, Tini... even if it doesn't work on my father, and about half of the pokemon population," of course, the heat was making me delusional, so, for all I know he could have been talking about spaghetti, or something. Things weren't looking all too great for me... somehow, I started to feel like I was poisoned, and about to throw up. That accompanied with the headache I had wasn't very pleasant. I simply followed, nodding my head whenever someone finished saying something "Yeah... okay... sneaky... got it," I quietly say, as I hold my head from the pain. Ugh, holding my head from a headache? What am I, a psyduck?... nah, if I was a psyduck, I wouldn't be this dry. I think as I await further instructions, though, I start to feel a little dizzy for some reason... that's probably normal, right? --- [Anthony] I wake up, and notice that I'm back at the guild, and my bag feels a little heavier. I notice an odd Sableye, who Daniel seems to be greeting with "And I'm Daniel... I'm actually kinda new to this team, too... hm... there was one more, though," I then chime in with "Right! He's Static. Er, Static, you can come out now," Static, the rather young, yet otherwise average-looking pichu then jumps out of my bag, and walks up to the unknown Sableye, and asks "So, what's your name?" Static seemed to be holding onto the orb, which must have meant that we won, and, given that we seem to have gained a new teammate, I had to assume that this sableye was responsible for our victory. I then make my way over, though, I quickly realize that I don't have hands to shake with, so I just whisper to Static "Mind shaking his hand for me?" He looks at me, surprised, and whispers back "What!? His hands look filthy! I won't touch them! Nope, you can't make me!" I fail to shrug, and whisper the same thing to Matt... who I assumed wouldn't be as much of a clean freak as Static, which reminded me... if he was that much of a germophobe, why the heck did he hang out in my bag? I was probably the dirtiest member on our team...
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

His attention apparently expected, Xeno stopped looking at his map for the time being and observed as the other foreign pokemon began introducing themselves. Putting two and two together, Xeno came to realize these were like the others he had found in what the Quagsire from early had called 'Allure Town'. The inside of the dwelling seemed to fit even if he still didn't know how he got there, and Xeno became a little more trusting. "My uh- name is Xeno," the sableye answered to the pichu, folding up his map as he watched a slimy looking pokemon approached where the two of them were. Filthy? the sableye thought briefly, looking down at his free hand then glancing at the hand that held his map. Where he'd touched it he'd left a few faint black smudges but not enough to really be 'filthy'. "They aren't as dirty as they look," Xeno commented a little absentmindedly, holding up his free hand to show what he meant. "Most of it doesn't come off at this point; it's more stain than filth," he continued to explain, his interest shifting to the two objects he'd lain on the floor. Putting down his Map Xeno grabbed the badge and gem, holding them up and asking, "Are these of importance?" It was odd having a proper conversation twice in one day, and Xeno couldn't help but feel a slight warmth like he'd used to back in his infancy. His presence didn't seem to agitate anyone like he'd been so used to and it was pleasant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes, who saw Spruce fall on the ground cause of all the poison he took, rushed to him, before standing in front of the Carl, and then striking once with her chain, before turning to Spruce. "Spruce.... please be ok." shes says, before turning and looking at M, who was about to kill Bart with all this. "M, enough! We do not want to end up with murder in our hands! Just stop now! We will tie them up and bring them to justice, just stop!" she then yells at him, moving quickly. Seriously, if M were to act like this, then he might get serious trouble, like possibly a good while in the prison of Allure town. They really didn't need that at the moment. Sure they needed to faint those guys, but not kill them. God... that would be just barbaric and cruel. "Think about it! You are better then those fools! Just don't go and do something that you will regret all your life!" she then yells.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 3 days ago

"There's no need to be like that, Static." Matt said, offering Xeno a handshake. "Welcome to the team, Xeno." Josh looked at the orb. He expected it to take a lot longer to find one of them, but the only reason they found this one in the first place was because Darkrai told them where it was. The others would probably be much harder to find. "So, Static, do you happen to know where the other three orbs are? Or at least have a general idea of where they might be hidden?" Josh asked. He knew this was unlikely, but Static was the only one there who really knew anything about them. Xeno held up the badge and gem Daniel gave him earlier, asking if they were important. "That's your guild badge. It lets you teleport back here if you ever get into trouble, or if you just need to get back here quickly." Josh said. "And the gem...I'm not sure what it does. You'll have to ask Anthony."
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