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Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes looked at M, seeing a slight image of Yveltal. She rubs her eyes and shook her head a bit, before moving closer to him, looking at him right in the eye. Must have been a illusion or something. "Look M, water isen't effective against steel, and with how angry you got back there and that you almost killed someone... A little thing like that isen't a big deal compare to what could have happened with how angry you were." she says straight in the eye, serious right now, her pendant on her neck right now. She shook her head calmly, letting out a slight sighed. "And you need to cheer up a bit, take life less seriously all the time and with less anger. The more angry, the more stress you get. The more stress you have, the more angrier you get. And we are a team. Sure maybe it was not a good time to pull a prank there, but think of it slightly as a 'punishment' for almost killing someone. It could have been worst then that. Just try to see the good things instead of just the bad. Seeing only black will ruin your life." she then says, turning around a bit, moving back next to Spruce, shaking her head as she looked to the other side of the room. "Just try to understand that we do not want to go to jail, and neither do you. If we were the type of team to be serious all the time, you would have been kicked off the team probably today. Though we know your better then this. Just try to relax instead of going angry alright?" she then says, turning around. ------------------- Eralion was about to go search for that Flaaffy before suddenly the whole town was in riot. Seriously, seems like someone had the same idea as him as he hears the cries of the people yelling about the missing Flaaffy. As he moves forwards, he saw in the corner of his eye the keckleon who was running, the flaaffy with them. As one of the guys started to approach the house that the keckleon was hiding with the flaffy in, Eralion suddenly grabbed one of the guy as he was hiding, draggin the poor sandile with a big pull and karate chop it, giving a rather distinct sound as the thing gasp at the sudden surprise attack. It attempt to mud slap Eralion, before missing and then getting hit again, knocking it unconscious. He then drag the thing to a corner and then silently move towards the safehouse, hiding. This needed to be stealthy instead of all brute force like his mom would do. Deceive the opponent into thinking he is safe and then strike. This is what he needed to do. As he moved closer to the warehouse, he saw more and more pokemons attempting to move towards the place. As another one moved forwards, a drilbur, he suddenly used bullet punch, striking the thing so hard that it was pushed a couple of feets. It then used rapid speed on him, striking him back abit. The noise was going to attract more pokemons. He quickly karate chop the thing, and lucky for him, it was enough to bring the thing down. Then some pokemons saw him. He started to running like heck, now a good group of them chasing him. He ran until he saw another pokemon that was moving towards the group. Eralion suddenly jumped, bullet punched the guy right in the face before continuing to run, turning corner after corner, before having lost the group. He then head towards the safehouse again, ready to help if those guys were to try to break into the safehouse right there.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

-William- I looked at the approaching fleet of enemies, and I began to panic. It was way too many for us to handle. I slam the door shut and lock it, and I hear them banging on the door. I look at everyone, and at my badge. Red. I swore, and they bust down the wooden door. I freaked out, and used Transform, but oddly enough, I didn't just become a scrafty or a sandshrew. I became a legendary! Latios, to be exact. Three weak enemies drew near, and I looked at who I was fighting with. Bonnie was knocked out, and Flaafy couldn't stop crying. I used Dark Pulse on a Sandshrew. One of them used Scratch, another used Defense Curl, and another used Sand Attack. I wasn't affected, thanks to being Latios. Samuel used Absorb on a sandshrew, and hurt it quite badly.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 3 days ago

Josh tried to aim a Water Gun at one of the Swablu, but with all of the fog around them he couldn't hit anything. Anthony tried to hit one as well, to no avail. Daniel did succeed in hitting one of them, after which they retreated. Xeno didn't even try to attack, and it seemed like he had no idea what was going on. "Were you even paying attention to anything we were saying back there, Xeno?" Josh said. "We're going after a criminal. Those Swablu are probably working for him."
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

The way the world seemed to work had actually begun to disturb Xeno, much of his new vocabulary having been learned only recently and 'criminal' was one he'd been concerned about. There were reasons other than survival that pokemon did things as it seemed, and it didn't make a whole lot of sense to the sableye so for now he'd just need to keep up. "I was paying attention. I just didn't understand," Xeno explained, the bitterness in his voice mostly directed towards himself. Stay with the group. Try and use nightshade, were the two thoughts that Xeno pushed to the front of his mind, eyes and ears alert for anything that might come through the fog.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 3 days ago

Tini Through his through watching of Bonnie, Tini had come to the conclusion that she was sick. Touching her forehead provided further data that showed that she in fact had a fever. Tini being who he was, had only one logical response "I need to almost drown her!" Wrapping the tip of his tail around one of her ears, Tini began to slowly drag the Bunneary out a small hole in the safe house that they were barely able to fit though. "Where is it? Where is it? Aha!" he cried out in triumph. "The local well. No desert village is complete without one." He then made his way past a horde of crazed Pokemon who seemed far to busy doing something else to bother with him. Once he got to the well though, he had a new problem; it was dry "Noooooooooo! How am I supposed to cure Bonnie now!?" His answer came in the form of a large urn of water close by. "Oh...that. Wonder how I missed that before." Towing Bonnie over to the urn, he lifted her up using his mouth and dropped her in
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I swore to Arceus I saw something creepy while talking to the others. Well, shock is better than anger. "It's not the damn water, it's the fact I was forced onto the ground - and you should know why Ground-type attacks are so effective against Electric Pokemon such as myself." I reminded them, still somewhat tense and flicking the last drops of water onto the wooden walls and floor. I took some time to fade out from the conversation, thinking about the last hour - properly. Sure enough, continuing that probably wouldn't well. And Kamina was supposedly right. "Aye... I think I may have gone over the top there, then." I confessed, sweating the anger out of myself as I allowed some reasonable explanation to get inside my head. "Let's just not speak of it again. Agreed? I prefer getting on with our break... or mission... what were we doing again?" I felt normal after being less tense. And feeling normal was glorious.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

[Spruce] M, thankfully, seems to have calmed down, at least he did a little bit, and he asked us about the mission. I pull the mission statement from my bag, and show it to him. It was supposedly about helping a jolteon by the name of John find a wonder gummi that was rumored to be in a secret area in Sludgy Swamp... of course, John might not have all his marbles, but I knew that if there was anything that looked edible in a place called 'Sludgy Swamp', I wouldn't pick it up, let alone eat it. "So, we're supposed to help this guy find this gummi... apparently, the poor fool's been obsessing over it for his entire life, and finally found out where he can find one. Dunno why he'd need us, though," I then explain to M before heading off. Kamina was uncharacteristically quiet, and was just standing there... odd. Why is Kamina so quiet? By now he'd have made some speech about how we should help this guy even if he's a little crazy, or something like that. I think as I continue towards the place, making sure to walk slowly enough so that the rest of my team doesn't lose me, and so they can easily catch up. Of course, while the back of the mission statement told me where to go... I was still horrible at directions, so, there was a good chance I was heading the wrong way. That being said, my team was still likely to know where to go, and would quickly point me in the right direction. --- [Bonnie] The second it took my father to attack me seemed to go on for an eternity. Why? Why didn't my friends help me? I can't just stand up to him myself... can I? I think as I start to work up some sort of courage, something that was alien to me not even four minutes ago. He's still just an ordinary pokemon, and just like me, he can be beaten... he has weaknesses... if I can just take this one attack, I can fight back. Earlier, I had closed my eyes so I wouldn't be able to see the supposedly inevitable attack, however, after working up that courage, I manage to open them again, and shout in my dream, anyways "No! This isn't my fault! You're not going to kill me here! I will win this! I will... defeat you," my father, apparently stunned by my sudden burst of bravery, steps back, and out of nowhere, everything goes dark again. I feel wet, and, well, not dying from heat, thankfully. I notice that I'm in some sort of urn, and poke my head out to see a bunch of the villagers attacking some sort of house. I assumed that William was going to be there, and I pass by Tini saying "Thanks!" before I run off towards the building. It seemed like the enemies were crowding the entrance, however, near it, I saw a hole just large enough for me to fit through, so, I used that as a sort of secondary entrance. On the other side of the wall, I see a crying flaafy, a few sandshrew, and a latios. Said latios had a badge, one from Wally's guild, as well. Either way, I decided to utilize my newfound courage, and say "Come on, there aren't even that many enemies, we can take 'em!" It was weird, but after that, well, that and some sort of strange red aura that apparently surrounded me somehow filled my badge, which made it send a signal to anyone else who was on my team, I felt stronger, and heck, somehow even faster. I tried a frustration on one of the sandshrew, and managed to knock it out in one hit, causing his friend to look at me with a shocked expression. --- [Anthony] "Well, either way, we lost him," I say to my team, somewhat annoyed that I couldn't follow the swablu any further than I did. I then hear Xeno say something about how he didn't understand any of this, and, I suppose, to a wild pokemon, all of this at once could be confusing, so, I decided to focus on the 'criminal' part, saying "You see, Xeno, there are some pokemon out there that make their living by taking stuff from others... stuff such as money, food, or other trinkets. They also typically attack those who they are trying to steal from. I... well... I had no idea what I was doing, but, I kinda... used to do that, myself..." I hesitate on that last part, but I guess it's better to have told him now than have him find out about it from Martin himself. Continuing through the fog, I eventually make out an outline of another pokemon. I try to attack, but the thing was too quick, and ran right at me, stealing some of the money from my bag, and then running off... what it didn't know was the fact that it was running off towards the rest of my team. "Josh, Xeno, Matt! Try to catch that thief!" I shout back to the rest of my team, who, if I was correct, were still a little bit behind me. I then fire off a bubble towards the thief in question, some sort of catlike pokemon, and I noticed a purple color, as well, but I couldn't quite tell what it was yet. That being said, the thing dodged my attack, and started laughing at me while still trying to run away.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes looked at the mission a bit more, staring at it as she reads it. A wonder gummy.... seriously, that jolteon sending people to that place for a gummy. Out of his mind, that what he is. He was actually shaming the eevee family slightly by putting so much priority on a piece of food. No mather... a job was a job. And if that guy even tries after the mission to flirt with her or something, well... it will end badly for him. She breath deeply as she relaxes, seeing that Kamina was rather quiet now. It was so strange at the moment. The normal ongoing full of energy magikarp seemed to have become more of a wise silent gyrados, which was simply astonishing. That or he was just tired and didn't really listen to what was going on, or he was thinking of other things at the moment. She breath deeply and then thing of something. She frowns. "Wait... Sludgy swamp? Swamp... Oh boy... poison types... This... will not be really fun for me. I guess I will need to be really careful there... being.... fairy type and all." she then says. She understood more what she was now at least. ------------------------ Eralion looked as more and more villagers rushed to the house, wanting to go and beat down the group of people that were refuged there. He looked carefully before seeing the guild badge on the bunnery that was running in the building. And seeing how confident they were... even with all those other pokemons going and attacking. He suddenly saw one of the sandshrew going going to attack the group with a rollout. He rushed and jumped in front, before using counter, taking the hit for the bunnery and then striking the sandshrew with a strike of his own. Just then a sandile though it would be a good idea to use bite on him. Eralion took the hit and then used karate chop on the sandile. "Hope you guys are alright and ready to fight this. Saw you having trouble and wanted to help out." he then says, before seeing one sandile actually jumping to attempt to bite him. He suddenly striked the sandile after dodging right at the neck, finishing it off with a critical strike. "Dang theres lots of them..." he says. He knew that if he showed courage here, he might not have to walk back all towards Allure town. Even that he might get accepted into this group maybe... Well it was a chance to take at the moment, and he sure hoped that it would be worth it. He already took some damage from that rollout and bite, but he could still keep attacking.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

I noticed being less of a grump and actually listening made me feel rather good. I wasn't smiling, but I did feel a spark inside of me. Even that weird image seemed to dissipate from my mind. "Alright then. We have to go to some dangerous swamp to find a supposedly rare blob of gelatin (and God knows whether a horse pony Rarity (she's a marshmallow by meme standards) Rapidash or slime-based Pokemon was involved in the creation of it), to satisfy one 'mon's fetish? And his name is 'John' out of every pseudonym he could pick?" I looked around for any reactions, but it was clear this matter was actually quite serious. "Well, we've dealt with worse, and the name's just out of paranoia. We should be going after Desia and other Void Orbs, but we've got no leads for anything else." Meanwhile, Kamina was creepily quiet. I think walking out on him wasn't a good idea. I probably should've let him talk to me rather than storm out of the room. To be fair though, he did do that without my consent. Spruce was kinda waiting for us before deciding he would leave early, while Celes was noting her current weaknesses. Cruelly (and rather boringly), I just HAD to be immune to Poison. I mean, everything we've done so far just involved me being a wall to some Ice-type, or Normal-type, or... it was pretty unfair for my teammates. "Celes, as long as you have me, you're probably better off worrying if Spruce is even gonna get there." I did wait for the others to join us, but I had to leave quickly to make sure Spruce brought a map with himself, zooming over some various Pokemon apparently eager to join the Guild.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 3 days ago

Kamina Even after having been woken up my his team, Kamina still felt...subdued. He wasn't taking his failure to get through to M very well, leaving him far more quite then he had any right to be...he didn't like feeling like that. However if people could control their emotions so easily, well then there would be a lot less problems in the world. Still, he found himself without his normal enthusiasm as they journeyed through the swamp, something that really bugged him. 'This is so frustrating! I should be hyped as hell...but my excitement engine is running on empty. I suppose this is my punishment for failing a friend' he thought to himself --- Tini Bonnie had just lept out of the urn and rushed back into the building where the others were, leaving a very confused Tini behind. Despite what others may think; Tini wasn't oblivious. He noticed what was going on around him...he just often didn't know what any of it meant. So when he saw Bonnie rushing to battle with an enthusiasm that he had never seen in her before, while he did notice the change...he had no idea what to make of it. 'I feel like I missed something very important...I hate it when that happens.' Spending a few seconds to mope over his lack of information, he soon got board of that and returned to where the others where. "Can I fix the crazy people now?" He asked
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 3 days ago

While they were wandering through the fog, trying to find Martin again, someone came along and stole something from Anthony. It was obviously unaware that he had an entire group with him, because he ran right towards Matt, Josh, and Xeno. Josh used Water Gun on the thief, while Matt put up a Reflect, just in case they tried to attack. "Try to surround him." Matt said. Matt tried to position himself in a way that the thief wouldn't be able to get away. Hopefully, with the help of the others, he would be able to block the thief's escape route.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

After a few more fights, the numbers of the insane cultist villagers screaming "BLUE BLUE! GIVE OUR SACRIFICE BACK!" dwindled, and only 5 or so were left. I used Luster Purge, knocking a sandslash it's back, and I then used Dark Pulse on it, making it wince in pain. I then get hit in the side by a High Jump Kick from a scrafty, and another one misses, smashing its leg into the wall, then a Heliolisk used Wild Charge, hitting Samuel and barely effecting him at all. I looked at it, and then a helioptile came running, using Pound on me, but it was so weak that it hardly did anything. I used Luster Purge on the Sandslash, knocking it out, and I dodged a Thunder from the helioptile.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by bobert778
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bobert778 Ancient Powers, / and Magic Flowers

Member Seen 4 yrs ago

Though his initial reaction was to leap out of the way, Xeno realized what he was doing and took up a defensive stance to try and prepare for whatever was trying to rush past them. Nightshade, he reminded himself, reaching out towards the rushing pokemon and making a grasping motion. Xeno felt his claws hook on the pokemon's psychi and he yanked back, the only visible effect being a few shreds of shadow being pulled off the pokemon as it ran by. The sudden jolt of mental pain caused it to stumble, making it an easier target for the jet of water heading it's way. Should it try to dodge towards Xeno the sableye began preparing a Zen headbutt, it's skull veering as he tried to focus on his target.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Lugia
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Lugia Legendary Bird

Member Seen 2 yrs ago


We finally make it to the swamp, and meet up with John, a jolteon who seemed really excited that someone finally decided to help him out on this. "Okay, okay, so, this gummi is apparently being guarded by, er... the guardian of this place! Yeah... so, let's go!" He quickly explains to us as he runs off on his own, with me running just so I could catch up. "WAIT! SLOW DOWN!" I shout at John to try to keep him from running too far away from the group, and thankfully, he seems to listen. "Sorry... it's just, well... I mean, I spent my entire life researching the location of this mythical gummi," he then explains to me as I look back just to make sure that I didn't lose my team. He then whispers to me "Hey... what's with ugly over there?" He points at Celes with his paw, and I try to forget that he said anything, not giving him an answer. A ditto and a grimer then appear, and the grimer uses sludge bomb on John almost instantly. I try to attack the ditto, but it decides to transform into me before I could do anything. It then uses void whip on me, though, I barely even felt it. I then think about what I should do, or what I could do to actually hurt, well, me, but unfortunately none of my moves, apparently, would do much. I then just use void whip on the grimer, who takes some damage, but is obviously still conscious. John then uses quick attack on my duplicate who, after taking damage, tries to hide behind me, apparently trying to make it impossible to tell who's who. That... didn't work as far as I could tell, 'cause it would still be pretty obvious.

The cat pokemon, now surrounded looks around at my team, scared, that is, until it tries to use sucker punch on Matt. Thankfully, the move seemed to miss, and he wasn't any closer to escaping. I then make my way over there and say "Give my money back, and lead us to Martin and we'll let you free," he shakes his head, and says "I'd rather die than flee as a traitor!" He then adds "Besides, what can you possibly even do to me, jelly?" He laughs, and uses quick attack on me, however, I used counter just after that, and sent him back towards Matt. "Look, you're not going to escape. There's too many of us, and only one of you. Just show us how to get there, and return my money, and I will let you go," he then tries to sucker punch me, but Daniel gets in the way and uses shadow rush on him, knocking him back again. "Where did HE come from!?" The catlike pokemon shouts back at me, his tone suggesting that he thinks I've cheated at some game. "So... will you cooperate?" I ask again. He tries to attack Josh with another quick attack, telling me that no, he wasn't going to cooperate, unfortunately. Why won't he listen? Doesn't he know what Martin's doing? I remember when I first figured it all out... I was furious... and yet, this guy would rather stay with him. Why, though? I think as I try, and obviously fail to get in the way of the purrloin's quick attack.

"Go for it, Tini!" I say with that same, almost alien enthusiasm that I had ever since waking up from that horrible nightmare. Is it still a nightmare if it had this kind of effect on me? I ask myself as I finish off a helioptile with frustration. A sandslash then used slash on me, dealing much less damage than I thought it would somehow. I then notice a pancham actually helping us... at least someone from the village was on our side. I walk up to him, and ask "So... who are you, and why are you helping us?" He seemed like he could be a potential new recruit, and it was always good to have more friends, right? I then use jump kick on an unsuspecting scraggy who was trying to use bite on the latios who I assumed was William after some sort of odd transformation. The scrafty, given that he didn't even see my attack coming took the attack right in the face, leaving the sandslash, a heliolisk, and a scrafty, all of which were more focused on William than they were on me for... obvious reasons. "You know... I have a feeling that a fairy wind might just end this... Tini, mind ending this for us?" I then ask Tini who seemed confused for some reason. I then see the heliolisk and the scrafty try to use crunch and facade respectively, however, I get in the way, remembering that he's a psychic type, and would take more damage from a crunch than I would. I manage to stop William from getting hit by the attacks, and notice that for some odd reason, the facade hurt much more than the crunch. What in the would could make crunch hurt that much less than facade?
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Evanist
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Evanist The Mewing Mew

Member Seen 3 yrs ago

Celes, who had fallowed the group, gave a hateful look at the Jolteon when he called her ugly. Suddenly she lets a light chain out and actually, without too much force, whip the back of the jolteon.
"Talking to a lady like that.... sheesh!" she says annoyed at him. She then continued until they arrived to fight with a ditto and grimer, with the ditto attempting to attack Spruce but not doing much and then hiding behind Spruce. She then got 2 chains out and aiming carefully, used it to strike the ditto right at his side by making the chain turn around from Spruce, wanting to strike the thing down before he would have the chance to possibly confuse people on who was who. Seriously, she didn't like ditto's... they copy all your looks and moves, and then can make a mock out of you. Lucky they didn't copy the memories, cause that would make things even harder to see who was who. If they were to be loss on who was who, they could always go and seperate the 2 and ask a personal question to one person that only the real one would know the answer to. Simple enough.


When Eralion heard what the bunne buneary said, he turns to it quickly.
"Names Eralion, I was heading towards Allure or Treasure town to join a guild, but I heard the problems that was happening and wanted to check it out." he says confident, before going to be slashed by the sandslash, only for him to use counter and then striking the thing away with a strong strike, finishing the thing off right where it stood.
"Dang thing...." he says before looking towards the buneary and seeing her take the strikes for a ... latios???? What the heck? A latios here? A legendairy actually helping others? That was confusing to say the least. Why would he help? Was he in that girl's team? And a pink dratini with a treecko that looked to have a lightning on his back? Well, to say the least that group was different, but with how his skin was giving off a slight silvery look under his fur, he guessed he would also be considered strange.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Card Captor
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Card Captor The passing through Kamen Rider

Member Seen 3 days ago


When the Ditto copied Spruce, it gave Kamina a really big opening. He lunged at the now Grass Type with fire engulfing his body "Flame Charge!" As he impacted against the Transformed Ditto, something...snapped, inside of him. The dull feeling in the back of his head was quickly replaced by a surge of emotions. 'I can feel it...charging through my veins like lighting adrenaline. This feeling...I really missed it!" Manly tears of joy began to flow from his eyes very briefly. "MY FIERY SOUL HAS BEEN REKINDLED!!!" He cried out to the world. Then turning his head slightly, he addressed M "M my friend, words can not express the depths of my regret. I failed you. You should have been able to rely on me...but I failed you. Had I been stronger, you wouldn't still be suffering like this. Well never again! Next time, I will get through! I will never fail a friend in the same way that I failed you!!!"


Tini gave a cute little salute with the tip of his tail (SQUEEEE! So huggable!) before getting to work "Fairy Wind!" he blew his wonderfully minty attack at the insane Pokemon. With them as weakened as they were, his attack was the final nail in the coffin that sent them all to the ground. "Alright! Now that that's finished-" he readied his trusty frying pan "-let the healing begin!" Tini suddenly screamed like a mad man before leaping at the pile of downed Pokemon and smacking them all on the head with his tool of minty justice "HEALLLLLLLL! Be healed darn you!!!!" He cried out as he gave them all cun-I mean, 'healed' them...yeah, that's what I meant.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by Riddles
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Riddles Cold as Ice

Member Seen 3 days ago

Despite the thief's desperate attempts to escape, the group was able to surround him. Still he wasn't willing to tell them anything about Martin's position. In fact, he said he would rather die than betray him.
"Why did you decide to follow Martin in the first place?" Josh asked. "What did he tell you?"
Since he didn't seem intent on telling them where Martin was hiding, this seemed like a good place to start. Martin was most likely deceiving him, like he'd done to Anthony back in Beach Cave.
Hidden 10 yrs ago Post by KaBling
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KaBling Perpetual Watcher

Member Seen 3 mos ago

After an uneventful trip, we entered the swamp and found our client. It was there I had noticed the scar on my face had stopped glowing, becoming a mere purple slash. I was slightly uneasy about this place, considering how it was a swamp and that almost anything in here could kill you. i.e, a Ditto disguised as a tree. It WAS plausible considering tree Pokemon exist in this world. The place smelled like mud and some weird non-Pokemon creatures kept buzzing around us. "So, we're here. What do you want us to do? Find a doomsday device disguised as a yellow blob of horse bones?"

Sure enough, he wasn't kidding. He zoomed off even faster than Spruce usually did, apparently THAT determined to get that gummi. "Why'd he even bother hiring us?" Originally a thought, it kinda leaped out of my mouth. Thank Arceus he stopped on Spruce's command and came to his senses. I followed Spruce and Celes, jumping (or rather springing upwards) at the sight of a flame. It was just a will-'o-the-wisp, a natural phenomenon. I used to watch a few of those pop out of nowhere in a swamp near our community. I miss those days. More alarmingly as I returned to reality, I realised I had grown quite paranoid of my surroundings. God knows if I'll end up harming my teammates over some ridiculous tree looming in the wind.

John had apparently stopped to explain how empowered this supposed gummi was. If anything, that sounded like... 'magic.' I never really believed in magic - every attack that sprouted out a laser beam or caused an explosion was surely the result of some ridiculous, admittedly arbitrary science. Nevertheless, still science. Thousands of years of nuclear bombs couldn't change the laws of the universe, let alone Arceus' mighty powers. I swatted a few of those flying black dots, wondering how these pests still survived to this day.

I didn't really pay attention to anything else while narrating. I did glance over to John when he called someone ugly, supposedly me. Though, he was pointing at the figure behind me - Celes. Somehow, John wasn't affected by Celes' witchcraft. "What are you, gay?" I blurted out, my face a mix between a smile and contempt.

I was to laugh, but suddenly Celes - who was the one who warned me about being overly excessive in force (excluding Kamina) - had threatened our client, whipping his back as if it was appropriate. "Oi! Stop harming our client! Keep yourself in check!" With that, I span back to face a Ditto... or rather, Spruce. Well, one of them was a doppelganger. I was somewhat confused, though I didn't have time to pick between the two. I let Kamina and his odd war-cry take care of Spruce/Ditto, while rushed to protect our client. Sure enough, a Sludge Bomb (which no one else picked up on) was pelted towards John. I essentially killed two birds; first off, I shielded John from the attack, preventing an instant contract failure as my back faced the force of the bomb. Second, because I was steel, the attack was a joke. Bit like last time. And the time before that. In fact, pretty much every fight we've been has included at least one type I was resistant/immune to. Quickly I confronted the Grimer, holding out both of my magnets as I zapped two lightning bolts to it. Unusually, the attack was much brighter. And bigger. And damaged me!

"Oh, Arceusdammit- METHANE!" I forgot we were in a swamp. I created an explosion which instantly forced the Grimer back into a swamp. John had cowered behind a large rock, and was unaware of such explosion. I coughed a few times, trying to focus on the fight.
Hidden 10 yrs ago 10 yrs ago Post by Sumable
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Sumable Wel to Moon Come Side. Come Moon to Wel Side, Ness

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I stare at Tini as she literally bludgeons the fainted pokemon so hard with the frying pan that some were bleeding, and I fly over very quickly to stop him. "Tini! Stop! That's enough!" I say. I convert back to my regular form, and calmly try to take the frying away. I noticed our badges turned a green, and I smile. "Everyone ready? Wait, who's this?" I ask as I see a Pancham approach. Not a normal Pancham, either. He announces that he was named 'Eralion'. Quite an unusual name for an unusual pokemon. He also declared that he wanted to be part of the Guild, and I say "Well, come with us, then! Uh... grab the Flaafy or someone else and we'll teleport back to the guild... nevermind, don't grab Flaafy," I say as I see him hunched over on the floor. I lightly put a hand on his back, and teleport him with myself to the guild, seeing a helioptile waiting urgently. I saw everyone that was there look right at the flaafy, and the Helioptile walks up, and cheers with joy. I waited for the others to get back before I took the reward, though.
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