Yeah, it had errors, and I don't care. I was tired when I made it and can't really be bothered to change it right now, considering the fact that it was already (somehow) accepted.
News- My school's 24-Hour Film Challenge starts tomorrow and ends Saturday, meaning the total event will run for considerably more than 24 hours for me. So the earliest I can respond is late Saturday.
I'll make up for the loss with Shannon falling down a cliff and fighting a battle or something then catching up somehow. Close-ish encounter alone with the Tyranitar could be fun to put in too.
Ugh... If there a post today, might not be able to respond. Freaken white night, no sleep at all, 4 hours trying to sleep... I want to freaken slap whoever invented stress and all.
I got so fed up with the general amount of teasing and the longest term in school history, I lashed out at a student who smiled at me as my bus left, punching him in the chest. Talk about beating up the person who made stress.
Senior management detention. I could've been prosecuted for assault, had I not confessed my 3-month depression.
I then became more tolerable and sociable. The end.
Don't ask if I made this up, 'cause my fictional(?) story shows Evanist how others (can) have it worse.