Caty woke up Saturday morning walking on air. She went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and her hair before heading downstairs. When she entered the kitchen she saw her dad was already there reading the newspaper and eating breakfast. She glided into the kitchen and kissed her father on the forehead.
”Good morning, daddy!” She said before walking over to the kitchen closet and getting a box of cereal.
“You're in a great mood this morning, sweetie. I'm glad, I actually wanted to talk to you and your brother this morning.”
“It's Saturday. No school.” She pulled the Cheerios down and got a carton of milk from the fridge and a bowl from the cabinet and sat down at the table across from him. She turned on the TV and a Breaking News Broadcast appeared on the screen.
The reporter on the screen began talking. “Breaking News this Morning. Infamous Jewel Thief only known as the Black Fox was caught last night by a woman dressed as a spider. Witnesses at the scene reported seeing her swing away on a web. New York seems to have a new hero.”
Right on cue, Danny came down. Things were falling perfectly into place. His web shooters were coming along, and now he just had to finish his costume. He knew he was going to crush that wrestler tonight, and make a lot of money doing it. New York would soon find they had two Spider heroes to contend with.
Danny hummed a tune to himself as he piled on a lot of food for breakfast. It seemed like the spider powers had also given him an increased appetite. He sat at the table next to Caty.
“Mornin’ guys!” He said as he started chomping down on his breakfast.
“Good morning, Danny! You look like you've bulked up a bit with an appetite to match. I'm proud of how much you two have grown. I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. Almost sixteen years later both you and the world have changed a lot. You're brilliant with bright futures and competing in a world with Black Foxes and Spider-Women. But I know even in all of this craziness that you two are going to change this world for the better. But speaking of your futures I wanted to take you two to ESU today for a college tour. You're starting your Junior year soon so I figured now was the right time.”
”Dad, I'd love to spend the day with you and Danny, but I already promised Liz I'd hang with her.” Caty replied. She was torn though. Part of her really did want to go to ESU. She heard they had this crazy young professor there.
“You see Liz every day. How often do you get to go with your dad to one of the greatest universities in the country?” He replied with enthusiasm, but there was a hint of sadness behind it. He wanted to spend the day with both of his kids. It's been a while.
Danny giggled.
“I had plans with Harry and Gwen today, but something tells me we won’t be getting out of this one.” He really wanted to spend the day putting his Spider-Man gear together, but he also knew his dad well.
“They’re doing a lot at ESU.”Caty lifted her hands in defeat.
“I surrender. ESU it is.” She then finished her breakfast and got ready.
The trio arrived at Empire State University and joined a tour group. Two tours in three days. That had to be some kind of record.
Caty was barely listening to the tour guide. She was distracted trying to find the department where the famous young professor was. Her dad noticed she was looking around and whispered, “No sneaking off. This is bonding time, remember?”
“But can we bond in Dr. Octavius's lecture?”Their dad chuckled, but shook his head with a smile. “Nice try. How about we stick with the tour for now. We can always come back to attend one of his lectures on a different day.”
Meanwhile, Danny was half-listening to the tour guide, his mind wandering to thoughts of his upcoming wrestling match. He couldn’t wait to put his skills to the test and show off his newfound powers in front of an audience. But he also felt a twinge of guilt for leaving his dad out of the loop about his plans.
As the tour came to an end, their father turned to them with a smile. “Well, what did you two think? Pretty impressive, huh?”
Danny nodded. “Yeah, it was cool. Thanks for bringing us.”
“Yeah, dad. It was great.”, Caty agreed.
“I'm definitely coming here. They have a lot to offer and it's close to home. There's nowhere better than New York.”Their dad nodded, but had something else to add. “Don't just stay constricted to New York. There's a whole world and universe out there. If you have the power to help anyone, anywhere you have the responsibility to do so. No matter the cost. Don't forget that.”
Caty was surprisingly shocked. She knew her dad was smart and caring, but didn't know he was this profound. She wondered if this was something he learned as an EMT. The timing of his words honestly were perfect. Her and Danny did have great power. They had their minds before, but now they have these powers. This gift from a spider, but no. It seemed like more than that. A gift from God who knew they need these powers right here and right now. For what? She wasn't sure yet, but she was both nervous and excited to find out.
“Thank you, daddy. I needed today. I needed to hear that.”Danny reached out and gave his dad a hug.
“Yeah, Dad. Thanks for everything. You’re the best.” He still felt guilty about keeping secrets from him, but he was sure his father would be proud of him when everything was said and done.
And then Danny’s stomach started growling. He laughed sheepishly.
“Um… can we get lunch now? I’m hungry again…”
Lunch was great. They spent it laughing and catching up with their dad. They couldn't tell him everything of course, but Caty finally told him that she and Liz were more than just friends to which he promptly replied that he and their mom both knew, probably before she did, and they loved them together.
Caty honestly couldn't believe how perfect their weekend was. She couldn't wait to get back out there tonight, but she wanted Danny with her. After she was done getting ready she knocked on Danny’s door.
“Danny, you decent?” She asked, not wanting to walk in on her brother flexing his new body.
Danny was wearing his pink and purple costume, without the mask. Now he was just tinkering with his web shooters. “Yeah, come in!”

Caty turned the doorknob to open the door and stepped inside to see her brother in his new costume. She whistled to show that she really liked how it looked.
“I'm glad to see you're already dressed. I was wondering if you'd want to patrol with me tonight and test these powers of ours out a little more?” She was unaware that he already had plans to do that in his own way.
Danny grinned. “Thanks, I’m glad you like it. And I’d love to go on patrol with you. But not tonight. Spider-Man has to make his solo debut first.” He handed Caty the flyer for the wrestling competition. “It’s a great way to put my powers to the test, and there’s a cash prize.”
Caty grabbed the flyer and looked it over and then looked up at Danny with an expression of concern on her face.
“Are you sure, Danny? You heard what dad said. We have to be responsible with our powers and last night I found out we're a lot stronger than we look. What if you accidentally kill this guy or expose that Danny Davis is Spider-Man?” She didn't want to sound like she was crushing Danny's dreams, especially since if she hadn't thought to just push the thief last night she'd have been a murderer. She just wanted to make sure he really thought this through.
Danny shrugged. “Hey, I managed to send Skyler flying, and he got up to swear vengeance. I think I can handle a professional wrestler.”
Caty's eyes widened in shock and confusion. She still hadn't heard at all about what happened the day before.
“You did what?” Her question was more rhetorical as he had just answered the question. She was less concerned with what he did and more upset with the fact that Skyler tried things with Danny again knowing she wasn't at school. She was glad that he was able to defend himself and not kill his bully in the process, but he shouldn't have had to.
Caty resigned in defeat.
“Okay, just be careful and don't take your mask off, okay?”Danny nodded.
“I’ll be careful. I’m not going to go in there swinging punches like a maniac. I’ll use my powers wisely, and if things start to go badly, I’ll bail. I just want to see what I can do, and earn some extra money in the process.” He then put his mask on.
“And don’t worry, the world doesn’t need to know that loser Danny Davis is Spider-Man.”Caty sighed and placed her hand on the cheek of her brother's mask.
“Danny Davis is not a loser. Even when mom was pregnant with us I've been behind you.” She decided not to bring up the part of her coming out of hiding and choosing to be born first since it'd ruin the core of her message.
“You're so much greater than you realize, Danny, and I hope you finally start to realize it.”Danny wasn’t so sure about that. Caty was the one that got all the attention. He had always blended into the background in school. People only started noticing when he beat up Skyler. Now wasn’t the time to argue though.
“Uh-huh, right. Anyway, wish me luck!” He opened the window, fired a pink web, and attempted to web swing. Attempted being the key word, because the web didn’t stick to anything, and he just fell face first.
“Ugh, I’ll be ok. I’ll get the hang of this eventually!”Caty ran to the window after Danny fell from it. She was glad to see he was okay and was comfortable laughing at the accident. She looked at the web still attached to his wrist and thought webs that matched his costume was pretty neat.
“Good luck!”She then went back to her room to get ready for her own night out.