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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 20 min ago

What is Fate? What is Destiny? That's just what two twin sophomores were about to begin a journey to discover. Their lives once planned out by them will take an unexpected turn to a greater destiny. Future scientists turned superheroes. How does this happen, you wonder? Well, it starts with a simple field trip. One that would change their lives forever. Sit down, relax, and enjoy the story of the Amazing Spider-Twins!

A young girl stared up at the large building in front of her while her classmates exited off the bus and gathered around. She was so focused and fascinated by the building in front of her that she hadn't noticed that her mouth was open or that her best friend was desperately trying to get her attention. "Earth to Caty. Catherine Davis, this Houston, do you copy?"

"Huh?" Caty asked just now hearing her friend's voice.

"You've been staring... with your mouth open. I love you, but it was kind of freaky."

"Sorry, Liz. I just can't believe that we're at THE Oscorp! You know I used to want to work here."

Liz noticed some saliva on Caty's chin and walked closer to her to wipe it off with the hem of her sleeve causing Caty's cheeks to turn a bright red. "Yes, but you gave up on that because it was also your brother's dream and I quote, 'Oscorp doesn't deserve both of our brilliant minds, so I'll create my own company instead'. But you're not at all narcissistic, you just didn't want Danny to feel like he was always in your shadow."

"I told you that?" Caty asked genuinely not remembering.

"No, but I know you and your brother. I'm very observant. Just like I know Gwen's with him and Harry right now because she wants to impress the latter at his dad's company today."

"You're kind of scary, you know that?" Caty asked with a smile.

Liz shrugged with a smile. "I know. Anyway, let's go. I can't wait to see you flex that brilliant brain of yours today." Liz interlocked her arm with Caty's and led them inside with the rest of the class. Caty couldn't help but blush again and think about how perfect today was already starting to be.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Meanwhile, Danny and his friends stepped off the bus. “Gwen, Harry, you guys ready for this?” Danny asked, flashing a grin at his friends.

Gwen, her eyes filled with enthusiasm, nodded eagerly. “Absolutely! I’ve been looking forward to this all week. Can’t wait to see what kind of groundbreaking research they’re working on.”

“Yeah, it’s gonna be… interesting.” Harry wasn’t as impressed as Gwen and Danny were. Norman Osborn was his father. He sees this place every day, but he was happy that his friends were excited.

Danny noticed something off with Harry’s demeanor. “You seem a little tense, Harry. Everything okay?” Danny asked with concern.

Harry forced a smile. “Yeah, just not my favorite place to hang out, you know?”

Gwen glanced between them, her brow furrowing with curiosity. “Is everything alright, Harry? You seem… different today.”

Harry sighed, running a hand through his hair in frustration. “It’s just… my dad. You know how he is. Always so focused on his work, barely even notices when I’m around.”

Danny nodded understandingly. “Hey, if you ever need to talk about it, we’re here for you, man. Always.” He gave Harry a pat on the back.

Harry managed a small smile. “Thanks, guys. I really appreciate it.”

As they entered the interior of the building, Gwen and Danny marveled at all the scientific advancements and cutting edge technology on display. While Harry, having first hand knowledge, explained what some of the things were.

However, their fun was interrupted when a familiar figure stepped out from the crowd. It was Skyler, Danny’s least favorite person and bully. He violently shoved Danny aside to get to Gwen, causing Danny to fall backwards. “Move it f*****!” He then turned his attention to Gwen. “Well, well, well, if it isn’t Gwen Stacy,” Skyler said with a cheesy grin on his face. “You’re looking even prettier than usual today.”

Gwen’s eyes could not have rolled harder if she tried. “Save it, Skyler. I don’t date bullies.”

This did not deter the bully one bit. “Oh come on baby, don’t be like that.” He tried to put his arm around Gwen’s shoulder, but she stepped aside and put a stop to that. “You’re too good to hang out with these losers.”

“First of all, I am not your baby. Second, you know my dad is a cop right? One phone call, and I can probably have you arrested.”

Harry helped Danny up. Danny felt a surge of anger rising within him as he watched Skyler. Before he could intervene, Harry stepped forward.

“Come on, Skyler, we’re here to learn, not cause trouble,”

Skyler just huffed, and walked away. Danny clenched his fists, seething with frustration at Skyler’s behavior.

Gwen turned to Danny. “Are you okay, Danny?”

Danny forced a smile, nodding curtly. “Yeah, I’m fine. Let’s just keep moving.”

Just then, Norman Osborn entered the room. “Welcome, everyone, to Oscorp,” Norman greeted the group. “I’m pleased to have you all here today to witness the groundbreaking work we’re doing in the field of genetic research and biotechnology.”

While Danny and Gwen were eager to learn from Norman’s expertise, Harry couldn’t help but feel uneasy. Harry’s demeanor shifted slightly. Despite his friends’ excitement, he couldn’t shake the complicated feelings that came with being the son of the man leading the tour.

As the tour progressed, Norman spoke passionately about Oscorp’s mission and the innovative projects underway within the company.

Gwen, nodded along enthusiastically to Norman’s words. She had all kinds of questions she wanted to ask. Danny, too, listened intently, eager to absorb as much knowledge as possible from the experience. Harry was just happy to see his friends happy.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by King Kindred
Avatar of King Kindred

King Kindred

Member Seen 20 min ago

Catherine's eyes were widened with a gleaming shine as she and Liz entered the building to see everything on display in front of them. She couldn't believe her eyes. She was almost regretting not deciding to work here, almost. She wanted to be like Norman and build her company from the ground up. Davis Industries had quite a nice ring to it. Liz on the other hand didn't really care much at all about any of this stuff. She only cared about it because it made her friends happy. But unfortunately it seemed that someone was hellbent on ruining any semblance of happiness for them. Skyler, the school bully. If you saw a bully on TV odds are they were modeled off of Skyler.

Caty had murder on her mind and if Liz wasn't here holding her in place she would've leapt across the room like a Spider-Monkey to bring that stereotypical jerk down. "Caty, Caty! You can't always fight your brother's battles for him. Remember the last time you did that? It made things a lot worse for him. Don't forget he's supposed to work here one day. He can't have his sister beating someone up in the middle of a tour."

Caty hated to admit it, but Liz was right. However it did seem that both she and Skyler needed to be reminded of how she gave him a taste of his own medicine. Caty calmed down once Harry handled things and Skyler walked away. "You're right. You can let me go now. I want to talk to him for a second. Just talk." She said the latter with emphasis hoping that Liz would actually believe her. She wasn't sure if she did, but after one look into Caty's eyes she was too weak to hold on and released Caty's arm from hers. "Okay, but hurry back? I might have questions."

Caty smiled and nodded towards her before sneaking through the crowd and appearing behind Skyler. She reached her right arm around his shoulder as if she were an old friend trying to get his attention. But instead of her arm fully wrapping around she clasped her hand over his mouth to prevent him from talking or screaming. She then grabbed little Skyler with a vice grip. She smiled towards anyone looking to convince them that nothing was wrong despite Skyler trying to scream through her hand.

"Shhh. I didn't think I'd have to remind you just how much I love my brother and how much I hate how you bully him." She squeezed a little harder. "If you ruin this field trip for us or if you bother Danny again or if I even think that word is coming out of your mouth I'll make sure this thing is replaced with a catheter. Am I clear?"

Skyler nodded with tears in his eyes.

Caty smiled and removed her left hand. "Good. Now, get out of my sight." She removed her other hand from his mouth and slapped the back of his head as he jogged forwards.

Caty looked up to see Norman enter the room and beamed with excitement as if she didn't just threaten a kid. It was finally time. She couldn't wait to learn about the kind of genetic research they were doing. She made her way back over to Liz and followed the tour answering any questions Liz had along the way. Without anymore bullying interferences the tour went rather smoothly. They were coming upon the part of the tour Caty was looking forward to the most. Norman brought them into a room where he kept a zoology of genetically engineered creatures.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crimson Flame
Avatar of Crimson Flame

Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As the tour continued, Norman led them to a room filled with a menagerie of gentically modified creatures. He pointed out the spiders. He talked passionately about their unique characteristics and the possibilities of genetic manipulation.

Gwen was fascinated, and leaned in to get a better look. Norman, noticing Gwen’s keen interest, smiled warmly. “Impressive, aren’t they? These spiders are just one example of the groundbreaking research we’re conducting here at Oscorp. Through genetic modification, we’re able to enhance their abilities and unlock new avenues of exploration.”

Gwen nodded eagerly, hanging on Norman’s every word as he explained the various applications of genetic engineering.

Danny shuddered. “Why Spiders?” He whispered to his friends. “I mean, I understand their importance to the ecosystem, but… they’re creepy crawly and gross. Why genetically modify them?”

Norman overheard Danny’s comment. He smiled at Danny’s question, clearly accustomed to addressing similar concerns from visitors. “I understand your hesitation, Danny.

Danny’s eyes went wide, and his face turned beet red. He knows my name?! Well duh, I hang out with his son everyday, but still. I didn’t even think he knew I existed… Great, he probably hates me for questioning his research or something. There goes my future…

“Spiders may seem creepy to some, but they possess remarkable qualities that make them ideal candidates for genetic modification.”

He gestured towards the spiders in the room. “Spiders are incredibly resilient creatures with unique biological characteristics. By studying and genetically modifying them, we can unlock a wealth of knowledge and potential applications in various fields.”

Norman continued, his tone enthusiastic. “For example, spider silk is one of the strongest and most versatile materials found in nature. By genetically engineering spiders to produce silk with specific properties, we can create advanced materials for use in industries such as medicine, construction, and even aerospace.”

He paused, allowing his words to sink in before concluding, “So, while spiders may not be everyone’s favorite creatures, they hold immense value in scientific research and innovation. Through genetic modification, we can harness their potential to benefit society in countless ways.”
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by King Kindred
Avatar of King Kindred

King Kindred

Member Seen 20 min ago

Caty and Liz moved forward with the others although the latter wasn't hesitant. She was of the same opinion of Danny and how they were creepy and gross, but this was what Caty was looking for so she'd brave getting close to some genetically modified super-spiders for her.

Caty stifled a laugh when Norman heard Danny's whispered question and called him out by name, but she had some questions of her own that she'd wait to ask after their conversation or lesson. She was interested in what he had to say and she had honestly found silk rather fascinating after she learned more about the capabilities from an episode of the Sherlock Holmes series, Elementary.

"And it has military applications as well, correct?" Caty said abruptly as Norman finished causing the class to turn to her. Most weren't used to her showing much of an interest in anything other than her friends and brother. It wasn't their fault. She spent her high school career trying to hide just how smart and inquisitive she was. She aced all of her classes, but didn't raise her hand in class or join any of the science clubs. Part of her just wanted to feel like a kid and not stress about anything or appear as if she was trying too hard. The other part wanted her brother to be known for more than just being her brother and getting bullied. So she decided to step back and let him excel Academically. She didn't let this take away from who she was or her ambitions. All of this only mattered in High School. University was going to be a lot different. She continued "I mean, silk's strong and there have been attempts to use it in the development of bulletproof vests. The main issue with that has been the amount in which the spiders or even silkworms produce. But I'm guessing that won't be a problem with your genetically-modified spiders. A hefty military contract and you could mass produce vests and even begin selling silk-fashion giving civilians access to that kind of protection in a country where there's always some kind of gun violence."

Norman laughed, but not at her. Laughed at the fact that someone in this group was thinking as he was. Her response felt a bit more accusatory at first, but she made him sound like a humanitarian at the end caring about people more than profit. He appreciated that. "You are quite correct, Miss Davis. I see you and your brother share more than just your looks."

Caty blushed not sure what to say in response. Fortunately she didn't have to, because Liz did instead.

Liz had been focused entirely on the display of spiders making sure she didn't lose sight of any of them. Except she had a hard time finding one in particular and at this point she was certain it wasn't in its terrarium. "Ummm. Unless one of your modifications were super camouflage I think one of your spiders is missing."

Norman turned his attention to the array of terrariums and immediately recognized that one was missing. "You're right. I'm sorry, class. We're going to have to cut this part of the tour short for your safety. Please follow me."

The class started running after Norman, Danny discovering he had more angi-spider allies than he thought. Liz was forced in the middle of the group, but couldn't find Caty anywhere. "Caty! Caty!?" They filed out of the room leaving it closed behind them.

Caty exited her hiding place once she heard the door close and gleamed with excitement. That was until she saw her brother, Gwen, and Harry still in the room with her. Her expression sunk before she asked, "What are you three still doing here? I stayed behind to find the spider."
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Crimson Flame
Avatar of Crimson Flame

Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Danny, Gwen, and Harry exchanged worried glances when they realized Caty wasn’t with the others, and stayed behind to look for her. That didn’t take very long…

Danny spoke up first. “We couldn’t just leave you alone with enhanced spiders running around.”

Gwen put her hand on Danny’s shoulder. “And we’re a team. We couldn’t leave our boy Danny to do this alone either.”

Harry nodded in agreement. “Yeah, my father’s experiments can be dangerous. We should find that spider, and get out before someone gets hurt.”

Caty looked at the trio like a proud mother. She was glad that Danny had friends like them. She already knew personally how great of a friend Gwen was, but she never was really close with Harry like Danny was, but she always trusted his judgment in his friends. She was also glad that they didn't plan on rushing her out of there.

“So… what exactly does this spider look like and how dangerous is dangerous?” Caty asked, not exactly thinking this through before.

As if on cue an almost glowing spider landed on the back of her neck. It was red and purple with slight shades of pink throughout. It bit down on her causing Caty to scream the loudest scream she could manage and swatted the modified spider off of her neck. Unfortunately she ended up flinging it towards her brother Danny.

The spider landed on Danny’s neck. The spider took the opportunity to bite down on him too. Danny let out a high pitched scream, and flung it off. The spider gracefully landed on its eight legs, and scurried away like nothing had happened.

“I guess we found the spider… Don’t tell anyone about this…” Danny said sheepishly.

Caty felt a little lightheaded but she was more concerned for Danny. If it wasn't for her he wouldn't have gotten bit as well. She walked over to him and stumbled for a bit like she was getting used to her legs again. “Are you okay?” She asked grabbing his face and seeing if it was different or if he had a fever. “Harry was right. I think we should keep looking for it.”

“We need to get you two home”, Gwen chimed in. “I'm sure Oscorp has people better suited for this, but we need to make sure you two are okay before we get bit too. Then it'll be the blind leading the blind.” She meant the last bit figuratively. She hoped her friends wouldn't lose their eyesight.

“Just a little dizzy… But I think I’ll be fine… Once the room stops spinning…”

Right on cue, the doors opened, and Norman Osborn stepped through. “There you are. We’ve been looking everywhere for you. Let’s get you kids out of here before something serious happens…” He said escorting the group out of the room.

Just like Danny had suggested the group kept their mouths quiet about what had already happened in here. They followed him out of the room to join the others, Caty doing her best to walk as if she were perfectly fine.

When they arrived Liz ran up to the group and hugged Caty. “I was worried sick about you… guys. What were you thinking?”

“Would you believe that I wasn't?” Caty said with a smile hoping Liz would forgive her recklessness.

“For once… yes. I'm just glad you all seem okay.” It was then that she noticed the bite on Caty's neck. She whispered, “You got bit!?”

Caty covered the bite with her hair trying to hide it. “Yes, but it's not a big deal. Danny and I are fine. Just a little dizzy.”

“Danny too!? No, that's it. We're getting you two home. Now.”

“That's what I said,” Gwen interjected.

“How are we gonna do that? The field trip isn't over.” Caty was conflicted. Part of her wanted to go home and sleep for a week. The other part of her didn't want to miss out on completing the trip of a lifetime.

“Oh no, I’m calling you guys a car.” Harry said as he whipped out his cellphone. “Neither of you are in a good state right now, and who knows what that bite could be doing to you.”

Meanwhile, Norman was watching the CCTV and saw where the spider ended up…

Caty signed in defeat. “Walk with us to the car?”

“I'm going with you.” Liz said not taking no for an answer.

“I wish, but no you're not. You have to stay and take notes for me.”

Liz sighed in acceptance. “Fine, but if you don't call me when you get home I'm gonna think you're dead and show up, okay?”

“Deal.” Caty said with a smile before the group snuck away from the tour for the exit.

When they got to the exit, they found a limo waiting for them. “Wow, Harry. All this for us?”

Harry smirked. “Yeah, being the heir of Oscorp has its perks I guess… Anyway, they’ll take you guys home. Get well soon ok?”

The limo took them home. Upon returning, Danny didn’t say much to their parents. Other than a slurred “Good…” When his mother asked how the field trip was. He went to his room, and passed out.

Today had been the best and strangest day of her life. Went to Oscorp, got bit by a super spider, and now she was just taken home in a limo. She was too tired to fully process all of it so she went to her room without eating or saying anything to her parents. She even forgot to call Liz. All she could focus on was getting to sleep.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by King Kindred
Avatar of King Kindred

King Kindred

Member Seen 20 min ago

Caty slept like a baby. She didn't even feel tired, but the way she immediately went to sleep and stayed asleep until the morning suggested otherwise. Not only was she physically rested, but she had strange dreams of her and her brother swinging through the city and fighting a bunch of random villains. She only knew it was her brother because she'd recognize his sense of style anywhere. But the strangest part of it all? It didn't feel like a dream. It all felt so real like she was actually living the experience. The dream ended with them joining some kind of team. She couldn't really see the people clearly or catch the name before she woke up.

Caty groggily opened her eyes and saw four giant ass eyes staring curiously right back at her. She focused more on the rest of the creature and saw that it was a metallic blue jumping spider. Normally she wouldn't have been afraid of spiders, but after getting bit yesterday and waking up to another spider right in front of her face? Oh you bet she freaked.

Caty let out a shriek and jumped from her bed planning just to land on the floor but instead she came hurtling towards her right wall. Oh crap. She stuck out her arms hoping to push off the wall, but instead she clung to it? "What the hell is going on?" She was able to free one hand and used it to turn herself around to search for the spider. That still being her priority and not the fact that she was clinging to a wall. She spotted the spider directly across from her on the left wall of her room. It was dangling half its body just like she was. Was it mimicking her? Could spiders even do that?

Caty decided to do a little experiment of spider see spider do to test her theory. She swayed her head as if she were a snake charmer grooving to their own music. The spider in perfect sync moved its head right along with her. It wasn't mimicking her. Somehow they were linked? Was that how she was able to jump so far and cling to the wall? What else could she do? Anything a spider could?

"Danny!! Get in here please!!" Danny had to see this. Was this a result of the spider bite? Just what was Oscorp doing over there? And if so did he have powers as well?

Danny hadn’t planned to sleep the day away, but that’s what happened. He had dreams that he and his sister were superheroes, fighting a bunch of villians. His costume was fabulous, and people were actually cheering for him. It was definitely a dream, but it was definitely real.

He awoke the next morning, groggily reached for his glasses, and put them on. Only for his vision to be blurry. “That’s weird…” He took his glasses off, and his vision was perfectly clear. “Hm, interesting…” His vision had improved overnight. Danny was too tired to actually address that. Instead, he set his glasses on the nightstand, and jumped out of bed. He took off his sweaty shirt to change into something dry. Then, he got a look at himself in the mirror, he was shocked by what he saw. “No way!” Apparently, in addition to his vision improving, he had gained muscle mass overnight. He had abs now! And he had defined arms too! Danny spent a few minutes flexing in front of the mirror. Until he heard his twin sister calling.

Danny immediately ran over to her room to see what the fuss was about, but also show off what happened to him. “Caty! What happened?! Did something weird happen to you too? I apparently got hot overnight…”

Wall-crawling Caty turned to see her twin as he entered her room. The first thing she noticed was that he wasn't wearing his glasses and she wasn't exactly sure but he also seemed taller. And were those muscles? It seemed Danny had blossomed overnight.

"Uh… hello." She said waving her free hanging arm out and about so that he could see that something weird did indeed happen to her and stopped once she got his attention. "I'm sticking to a wall. But that's not the freakiest part. Look." She pointed her finger to the wall across from her at her new spider friend. If Danny looked he'd be able to see the spider pointing back at her. "Now wave to my brother, Danny." She repeated the motion for a wave and pointed to her brother watching as the spider waved one of its forelegs right at Danny.

Danny’s eyes went wide as Caty demonstrated her newfound abilities. “Fascinating! You seemed to have gotten superpowers, and I got abs.” Then he rubbed his chin for a second. “Hm, I wonder…” Then he pressed both his hands to the wall, and tried to climb up. Much to his surprise, his hands stuck, and it worked. He made his way to the ceiling. Then, he waved an arm to see if the spider would respond to him as well, but there was no response. “So, I can climb up walls too, but the spider seems connected to you specifically… This… couldn’t possibly have anything with… um… well… you know…”

When Danny discovered he too had the ability to climb walls, but not the ability to control spiders she realized that was more unique to her. She didn't understand why and wondered if he had an extra power that they hadn't discovered yet.

Caty smiled at what both she and Danny were thinking. These powers came from the spider bite after all. She was interested in figuring out exactly what all they could do. Caty sighed and climbed back down the wall to the floor. Her new spider friend followed suit and crawled over to her before going up her body until it reached her hand. She didn't tell it to do that but it seemed as if the spider was attached to her in a way. "Norman Osborn is a freaking genius. Imagine all that we could do with these powers. We could be superheroes! The Amazing Spider-Twins have a nice ring to it, don't you think?”

Danny lingered on the ceiling for a little while. “What reason could Norman have to modify spiders to give people powers?” He paused for a moment and shook his head. “Well, that’s a thought for another day. You know what this means don’t you? We’re scientists. We have to experiment. What we can do, the limits of our abilities, etcetera…” Danny was excited at the prospect of having superpowers, like the characters he read about in comic books.

At which point, Danny’s stomach growled loudly, and only then did Danny come down from the ceiling. “After breakfast though. I’m suddenly really hungry. Oh, but uh… maybe we shouldn’t tell mom and dad about this? Not yet. Not until we have a better handle on this.”

Danny had a good question. She wondered if it had something to do with the old super soldier serum that they gave to Captain America in WWII. But he was right. That was something they could worry about later. The thought of experimenting with their powers got her really excited.

"You're right. The last thing they need to worry about is two super-powered teens putting themselves in danger." She walked over to Danny and wrapped her arm around his shoulders. "Now, let's go get that new body of yours some food."

The two made their ways downstairs to the kitchen. They heard a doorbell and saw their mom heading towards the door just as they made it downstairs.

Caty walked into the kitchen to see what they could whip up when she heard her mother at the door.

“Oh, Liz! It's so nice to see you this morning. Your timing is perfect. The twins just woke up. You can come in if you want.”

“No, that's okay, Mrs. Davis, thank you. Can Caty come to the door?”

“Caty!” Her mother called out to her. “Your friend Liz is here!!”

Liz!? What was she doing here? Oh shoot. Caty remembered that she was supposed to call her when she got back home. She left Danny in the kitchen not sure what she was going to say to Liz about everything. Would she tell her the truth and how would she react if she did? What if learning the truth put her in danger? Could she even hide it? Liz always knew when she was hiding something. All of these thoughts and more ran through her mind as she made her way to the front door. She decided. She had to tell her. She trusted Liz with everything. She was her everything. She couldn't hide this part of herself from her.

“Thanks, mom.” She said as her mom passed and went back to the kitchen. Caty stepped outside on the stoop and closed the door behind her.

Liz was standing there with arms crossed and a very disappointed look on her face.

“What's wrong?”

“You had one job, Missy. Call me when you got home or I'd show up here.”

Caty couldn't help but laugh and smile at her. “What if I didn't call you just so you could come up here?”

Liz rolled her eyes, but couldn't help but smile. “Because as smart as you are you were in no condition to make plans yesterday. You can't imagine how scared I was. Especially when you didn't answer your phone.”

Caty honestly hadn't realized that Liz had called her. She was too busy with finding out that she had powers that she didn't even bother thinking about her phone.

“I'm sorry, I passed out as soon as I got home.”

“Your mom said you just woke up.”

“I did. I slept that entire time. Except… I didn't just sleep. I had the craziest dream of Danny and I being superheroes. Swinging through the city and figh—”

“Hold on. Swinging? Like Tarzan?”

“No, well, sorta. But on webs instead of vines. They came from my wrists.” Caty had realized that she hadn't tried shooting webs yet. She stared at her wrists to see if there were any changes, but didn't see anything.

“Swinging from webs…” She placed the back of her hand on Caty's forehead to make sure she didn't have a fever. “That spider bite gave you crazy dreams. You sure you're okay?”

“Yes, but they weren't just dreams. I woke up this morning…” She looked around and made sure no one was around. “With powers. Spider powers.”

“Uh-huh.” Liz said dryly not at all believing her. “So you can shoot webs from your wrist like the dream?”

“I… I actually haven't checked.” She aimed her hand towards the roof of her brownstone and pressed down on her wrist, but nothing… She tried again and again. And again, there was nothing. She could tell that Liz wasn't believing her at all. “Okay, maybe not webs. Buttttt, I can jump high and cling to walls and I'm psychically linked to spiders. Well, so far only one spider.”

“Okay. Prove it.”

Caty sighed and jumped on top of the lamppost in front of them before crawling down it. She then pointed to Liz's right shoulder.

When Liz turned her head she saw a metallic blue jumping spider crawling on her. She let out a scream and before she could swing at the spider it jumped off of her and made its way over to Caty as she landed on the ground.

“Now, do you believe me?”

“I do, but don't ever do that again. Danny has powers too?”

Caty nodded and walked back over to Liz. “Yep. Though he doesn't seem to be connected to spiders like I am, but maybe he's the one with webs.”

“Caty… This is a lot. A good a lot, but a scary a lot too. I know you. You're going to want to live out that dream and be a hero and as much as I'd love to be dating a superhero, I'd be scared. What if you get seriously hurt or worse?”

“I'll be fine, Liz. I promise. Plus I'll have Danny backing me up. The Unstoppable Duo back together. It's like this was meant to happen. Meant for us to go out and save people. I've always wanted to do great things and help so many people. That's why I loved science. Used the right way and it could change the world for the better. But these powers can do what I can't with just science.”

Liz couldn't help but to get drawn into Caty's fantasy. The way she spun it, it sounded wonderful. Like maybe this was her destiny. “I haven't seen you this passionate about something in so long. I can't stop you. I'll just have to trust you to stay safe.”

“Thank you, Liz. Are you sure you don't want to come in?”

Liz nodded reluctantly. She did want to stay, but she couldn't. Not today. “I can't, but I'll see you later, hero?” She then leaned in closer to Caty and kissed her on the lips before pulling back. “Don't worry. I'll keep your secret.”

Caty smiled and watched Liz walk down the steps to the street. She watched her walk until she couldn't see her anymore. Caty was right the day before. Ever since yesterday everything was just so perfect.

And while Caty was talking to Liz, Danny was getting as much food as the Davis kitchen had to offer. Cereal, Waffles, eggs, bacon, toast. Danny piled on as much food in front of him.

Their mother was surprised by how much Danny was eating. “Wow, you have quite an appetite today.”

“Yeah…” Danny answered between mouthfuls of food. “I’m really hungry today.”

“I’m not surprised. You both slept through dinner last night… I’m glad you're feeling better.”

Just then, the phone rang. Their mother answered it while Danny was still chowing down. Then she called for Danny. “Danny, Harry’s on the phone!”

She passed the phone to Danny, and Harry started speaking. “Danny, are you ok? You haven’t answered your phone at all.”

“Yeah, never better. It’s a bit of a long story. I’ll tell you and Gwen about it later.”
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Later that day, they went to school, and Danny met up with Gwen and Harry by his locker. Harry was the first to speak up. “Well, what happened? Are you feeling ok?”

“Yeah, spill!” Gwen chimed in. “And where’s your glasses?”

Danny sighed. He was ready to reveal everything that happened to his friends. But before he could get a word in, Skyler came barging in, and slammed Danny’s locker shut in front of his face. Skyler was seething with rage. “There you are you little twink!”

“Hey Skyler… Um… D-d-do we have to do this now?”

“Your sister made a fool of me. But guess what, your sis isn’t here to protect you this time. So I’m going to give you the pounding you deserve!”

“Leave him alone Skyler. He didn’t do anything to you.”

Skyler glared at Harry. “Stay out of this Potter! What are you gonna do? Cast a spell on me?”

Harry crossed his arms, and rolled his eyes. “Oh, a Harry Potter joke. I haven’t heard that one before…” His tone dripping with sarcasm.

“I don’t want to fight you Skyler.” a crowd was starting to form.

“I don’t want to fight me either!” and just like that, Skyler threw the first punch.

Danny felt a tingling sensation in his head, and suddenly, the world slowed down. Skyler punched in slow motion, and Danny tilted his head and dodged it before the world returned to normal speed.

This didn’t deter Skyler one bit, and he tried to punch Danny again, but only to get the same result. Danny was just as surprised as Skyler was.

Skyler continued punching and Danny kept dodging. He moved with almost supernatural precision.

Gwen tugged on Harry’s shoulder. The concern for the situation in front of her clear on her face. “Harry! Help him!”

Just then, Danny did a flip, and dodged Skyler’s punch. Causing Skyler to punch the locker instead.

Harry blinked. “Which one?”

Skyler was growing frustrated. “Damn it, HOLD STILL!” He roared.

Skyler threw another punch, but this time Danny caught his arm mid punch, and squeezed it tightly, causing Skyler a lot of pain. Then he let go and sent Skyler flying across the hallway.

As Skyler crashed into a bunch of lockers, the gathering students gasped in astonishment, before bursting into applause and cheers. “Woo, way to go!”

Danny stood there, his expression a mix of shock and confusion, as he realized what he had just done. Then he quickly walked away.

Gwen and Harry rushed to Danny’s side, their expressions a mixture of concern and awe. Gwen’s voice was barely above a whisper as she spoke. “Danny, what just happened?”

Danny shook his head, still trying to process the surreal experience. “I… I don’t know. It was like everything slowed down, and I could see his punches coming before they even happened.”

“Yo, Dan! That was amazing!” Said a random student.

Danny gave him a quiet wave.

Harry glanced at Danny’s hands, noticing the way they were trembling slightly. “Do you think… do you think it has something to do with the spider bite?”

“Nice one dude!” Another random student gave Danny a thumbs up.

“Um… thanks?”

Before he could respond, Skyler groaned from where he lay sprawled on the floor, his face contorted in pain. Slowly, he pushed himself upright, his eyes blazing with fury. “You… you freak!” Skyler spat, his voice trembling with rage. “You think you’re so special. Well, guess what? This isn’t over. Not by a long shot. You hear me?!” He shouted across the hall, but Danny ignored it.

Gwen turned to Danny, her eyes wide with wonder. “Danny… you have powers.”

Danny looked at his friends, a sense of excitement building within him despite the lingering uncertainty. “Yeah… yeah, I do.”

The bell rang signaling the start of class, Danny and his friends exchanged a knowing glance. Throughout the day, Danny would get cheers and congratulations from other students, and for a while, Danny would be the popular twin.

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 20 min ago

Caty went to school a little earlier than normal because she had to do something. She told Liz to meet her in the robotics lab and to bring her some empty CO2 cans from the wood shop garage. Liz did so and entered the lab to see Caty gathering some materials.

"What exactly are you doing and what's all of this for?" Liz asked, concerned that her girlfriend was becoming a thief.

"Remember how I said I was swinging from webs in my dream?" Caty asked in response not looking up from what she was doing.


"Well, since they aren't biological I must have made them. So I'm borrowing from and skipping school today to make them."

She was right. She was becoming a thief. "Borrowing implies you're giving all of this back."

"I am. Sorta. I figure saving their lives with it is like giving it back to them. I really asked you here because I wanted you to join me. I need your divine skills to help me make my costume." Caty finally looked up giving Liz a flattering smile.

"Flattery will get you absolutely everywhere. I'll help. It'd be like I'm with you out there." She wasn't concerned about them skipping school. One missed day wasn't going to break Caty's grades and hers weren't bad either. Plus not much really happened on Fridays and if they got homework they could always get it from someone.

Caty finished collecting what she needed. "Come on, let's go. Everything else I need is already at home."

Caty and Liz were in her room working on their projects. Doing this with Liz was the most fun Caty had in a long time. It was like every part of her was being fed and nurtured. That she no longer had to split herself into multiple versions of herself. As this spider themed hero underneath it all she'd just be Caty. That's why she didn't want her costume to be anything too special. She wanted to still feel like herself underneath the mask. Liz came up with the idea to use a hoodie for the costume. When Liz needed inspiration for the rest of the costume she searched through the house and came across a box deep in the Davis parents' closet. She opened it and saw an old catsuit. Her eyes widened not thinking Mrs. Davis had this side in her, but it was perfect. She would not tell Caty where she found this.

Liz left Caty in her room to work on the catsuit in another part of the house. If she imagined Caty wearing this there was no way she'd be able to concentrate. She created a mask out of a different breathable material that surprisingly had the same color as the suit. She sewed the mask and suit together to make it something she could pull up and down, but still keep attached to the rest of the suit. That way she didn't have to take it off completely if she ever needed to for some strange reason.

Time passed and it took the entire school day for both projects to be finished. Caty's web-shooters were still a prototype, but she figured they'd work for a while until she could upgrade them later.

Caty came out of her room wearing the completed suit with her web-shooters hidden underneath the suit with a small hole for the webs to shoot from.

"You ready to test these out?"

Caty and Liz were soon soaring through the city. Liz was screaming with both fear and excitement and Caty felt truly at home in the air. If she didn't know better she could've sworn she had wings. Swinging through the skies seemed to be second nature for her. Her mind alerted to her any danger and her time as a gymnast and cheerleader really helped with her aerial movements. She had a wide smile underneath her mask and from time to time she'd yell out happily as if she were having the time of her life on a rollercoaster.

The two landed on the side of a nearby skyscraper where Caty placed Liz on her back and climbed to the top of the skyscraper to sit on the roof. She took off her mask and turned to Liz. "Thank you. For everything. As excited as I am about all of this I feel this heavy weight pushing down on me, but with you here I feel like I could even lift the sky. I love you, Elizabeth Allan."

"I love you, Catherine Davis, and I'll always be by your side." The two leaned forward to kiss with the sun starting to set in front of them.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Word of the Skyler incident spread quickly at school, and for the entire day Danny would be getting all sorts of positive attention. He would get fist bumps and high fives from students passing by in the halls. Some even asked for his autograph or wanted to take selfies with him.

“Hey, Danny! That was awesome what you did to Skyler earlier!”

“You totally owned that fight, man! You’re like a real-life superhero!”

“Dude, can I hang out with you at lunch? I want to hear all about what happened!”

Danny couldn’t help grinning ear to ear. He reveled in the newfound sense of confidence that came with being the center of attention for a good reason for a change. At lunchtime, Danny was surrounded by a group of enthusiastic classmates, eager to hear more about his encounter with Skyler. He embellished some details for dramatic effect, and because they did not need to know about the fact he had superpowers right now.

Gwen and Harry were feeling a lot of feelings about this whole situation. As soon as they got a break from all the attention Danny was getting, they decided to bring up their concerns to him.

“Danny, we need to talk,” Gwen began, her tone serious. “We’re thrilled for you, really, but we’re also worried. This whole situation with your powers… it’s incredible, but it’s also a lot to process. And we still don’t know exactly what caused them or what else they might entail.”

Harry nodded in agreement. “Yeah, mate. I mean, what if there are side effects or risks we haven’t even considered? And what about Skyler? He’s not going to let this go, especially after what happened today.”

Gwen added. “We just don’t want you to let all this popularity go to your head.”

But Danny wasn’t listening. A flyer pinned to the school bulletin board caught his eye. It was for a wrestling event that offered a cash prize if you can last in the ring with a professional wrestler. It was probably posted as a joke, but Danny saw an opportunity.

“Guys, check this out,” Danny said, pointing to the flyer. “What if I entered this wrestling competition? I mean, with my powers, I could totally take on a professional wrestler, right? This would be the perfect opportunity to see what I can really do!”

Gwen and Harry exchanged concerned glances. “Danny, are you sure that’s a good idea?” Gwen asked, her brow furrowed with worry. “I mean, we still don’t know the full extent of your powers, and wrestling can be dangerous, even for someone with super abilities.”

Harry nodded in agreement. “Yeah, mate. I’m all for embracing your powers and everything, but we need to be smart about it. We don’t want you getting hurt, or worse, exposing yourself in front of everyone.”

Danny brushed off their concerns, his excitement overriding any sense of caution. “Come on, guys, it’ll be fine. I’ve got this. And think about the prize money! We can split it between the three of us.”

Gwen and Harry exchanged resigned looks, realizing that Danny was determined to go through with his plan despite their reservations. “Fine, Danny,” Gwen said, sighing. “But promise us you’ll be careful. And if things start to get out of hand, you’ll stop and walk away, okay?”

Danny flashed them a confident grin. “Don’t worry, guys. I’ve got this under control. You’ll see. It’s gonna be legendary! Now, I’m gonna need some help from you guys. Harry, I’m going to need some Oscorp Tech. Gwen, you can help me make a costume. I’m imagining something pink.”

Danny talked about his plans, while Gwen and Harry were apprehensive.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 20 min ago

Caty dropped Liz off at home before returning to the city to experiment with her abilities. She knew there were safer ways to experiment, but she also knew real life experimentation provided the best results if she didn't die in the process. But that was science and life. They were about risks. She found herself back atop the skyscraper she sat on with Liz earlier. She stood overlooking the city and looked to her shoulder to see the Metallic Blue Jumping Spider from this morning. He had been following her all day and she honestly thought it was cute. She just hoped this wouldn't be the case with every spider in the city. She was not interested in being their Spider-Queen and turning her house into a giant nest. The thought caused her to shiver which she noticed that the spider took note of.

"I guess I should name you. Can't just go around calling you Metallic Blue Jumping Spider or Spider. What about Jumper? You like that?" Caty couldn't believe herself. She facepalmed and sighed. "What has my life become? I'm talking to a spider like it's a dog or baby. It's not like it understands names. It can't even talk."

Jumper seemed to disprove at least one of those by nodding his head towards her showing her that he liked the name Jumper.

"Huh. Jumper it is then. I don't assume you know how to be a superhero, do you?"

Jumper shook his head no.

"Figured. No biggie. I can patrol or I can listen to this police scanner I downloaded on my phone." She pulled her phone out to turn on the police scanner app and started to listen. "I wonder if I'll see Gwen's dad."

For a while there was nothing on the scanner. Things that the cops could handle easy or were too far away for her to get to in time. Then she heard them talking about a silent alarm being triggered at a nearby jewelry store. This was perfect. Her first time out and she was going to get to face a real life criminal. She knew she shouldn't be excited, but if she were to be honest, she was. Before she left she wanted to try something. She thought something towards Jumper and as soon as she did he crawled into the hood of her hoodie. She didn't even have to speak to communicate with her little buddy. This was perfect.

She jumped down from the roof and felt the wind pressing against her hoodie. She could actually feel every bit of the wind throughout her body. It was a weird yet pleasant and welcoming sensation. Like all of her senses were boosted. Before she got too close to the street she stretched her arm out towards the building next to the one she just jumped from and used it to swing herself forward. People looked in wonder and amazement, but she didn't have time to stop or interact with them. She'd have plenty of time for that later, but for now she had a thief to stop.

She swung through the city until she reached the jewelry store and landed right in front. The window was shattered. No wonder the silent alarm was triggered. She sighed at the naivety of the crook, but it made her job easier. She stepped inside quietly making sure to avoid the glass before launching a web at the ceiling and using it to pull herself up. The sound of the thwip caught the robber's attention, but she was already out of sight by the time he turned around. He went back to what he was doing and she crawled along the ceiling until she was a few feet behind him. She attached another web to the ceiling and crawled down it like a spider.

"Wedding ring, birthday gift, anniversary present, or an 'I messed up really bad' gift?"

The robber turned around and aimed his gun at her. "Huh?"

"I mean, it's gotta be a reason you'd break into the jewelry store. I'm hoping you're a romantic."

"The Hell are you?" He asked while firing three shots at her.

Caty felt a ringing in her head before new friend even reached for the trigger. Her body moved on instinct to avoid the bullets before she dropped to the ground while launching a web at the gun and pulling it to her. She shook her head and the index finger of her free hand. "No guns. How can I answer if you shoot me? But I haven't thought of a name. Spider-Queen? Spider-Woman? I don't know. Whatever the press decides I guess."

The robber was tired of hearing her voice and decided to shut it up for good. He didn't care that she currently had a gun or those weird webs. He threw a series of punches that Caty easily avoided. Every punch felt so slow to her and as if she had all the time in the world to react. Her perception, speed, and reflexes were all enhanced. She wondered... Caty tossed the gun to the ceiling and webbed it for safety. Feeling that they were back on even ground the thief continued his flurry of attacks. She continued to avoid them and after the fifth punch in his combo she placed her finger in front of his head and flicked him. To her surprise she sent him flying back into the jewelry showcase. Caty walked closer and noticed he was unconscious, but still alive. She was glad she didn't punch him. She'd have to get used to her strength so she wouldn't accidentally kill anyone. She tapped him to see if he'd awake, but nope. He'd be out for a while and the police would be here soon. It'd be fine if she left him here for a while.

"Not bad for my first night on the job, aye Jumper?" She asked as she walked over to the dropped bag of jewels so she could place them back inside the showcase. She stayed a bit longer than she should have because as soon as she walked outside she was met with armed police officers.

"I'd like to stay and chat, but I gotta go!"

"Wait!" The leading officer said. Caty didn't want to and shot a rope of web to get out of there, but once she did she noticed it was Gwen's dad, Captain Stacy. She launched herself into the air.

"Maybe next time! Your guy's inside! Woooohooooo!!!"
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

After school that day, Gwen went home, but Harry and Danny made a stop at Oscorp. Harry was apprehensive. “Why do we need to steal tech from my father’s company?”

“I told you, I need tech to make webshooters. Apparently I didn’t get webs when the spider bit me… Go figure… and what kind of spider would I be without webs?”

“But isn’t there another way?”

“There’s no time. The competition is this Saturday… And if anyone is going to have the tech I need, it’s Oscorp.”

“Alright, let’s just make it quick,” Harry said, resigned to the plan. “And maybe try not to draw too much attention to ourselves.”

Once inside, they made their way to the research and development section, where Danny hoped to find the necessary components for his webshooters. Harry kept a lookout, nervous about the potential consequences if they were caught.

After a bit of searching, they managed to find what they needed and quickly made their exit, relieved to have avoided any run-ins with Oscorp security.

As they left the building, Harry couldn’t help but feel a sense of guilt weighing on him. “I just hope we don’t regret this,” he muttered, glancing back at the Oscorp building.

Danny, on the other hand, was already buzzing with excitement, eager to start working on his new gadgets. “Don’t worry, Harry,” he said, clapping his friend on the back. “It’s gonna be worth it. You’ll see.”


As Harry and Danny left Oscorp with the stolen tech, unbeknownst to them, Norman Osborn was indeed watching their every move through the CCTV cameras. He had been monitoring Harry, and his friend Danny closely ever since Danny and Caty had been bitten by the genetically modified spider in his laboratory.

Norman deliberated for a moment, contemplating whether to intervene and stop them from taking the stolen tech. However, a part of him was intrigued by their motivations and capabilities. He decided to let them go through with it, but resolved to keep a close eye on them. He reasoned that monitoring their activities from a distance would provide valuable insights into the extent of their newfound abilities, as well as any potential risks they might pose.


Meanwhile Captain Stacy got home some time after Gwen did. “Oh, Gwen you wouldn’t believe the day I had… I just saw some woman dressed up as a spider. She tied up a jewel thief we’ve been on the lookout for in actual spider web!”

Gwen nearly spit out her drink. Is dad talking about Caty?! She moves fast.“Well dad, you know there’s all kinds of weirdoes in New York.” She laughed nervously.

“Yeah, but I don’t know if I like these costumed vigilantes… They just bring out the crazier ones…”
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by King Kindred
Avatar of King Kindred

King Kindred

Member Seen 20 min ago

Caty woke up Saturday morning walking on air. She went into the bathroom to brush her teeth and her hair before heading downstairs. When she entered the kitchen she saw her dad was already there reading the newspaper and eating breakfast. She glided into the kitchen and kissed her father on the forehead. ”Good morning, daddy!” She said before walking over to the kitchen closet and getting a box of cereal.

“You're in a great mood this morning, sweetie. I'm glad, I actually wanted to talk to you and your brother this morning.”

“It's Saturday. No school.” She pulled the Cheerios down and got a carton of milk from the fridge and a bowl from the cabinet and sat down at the table across from him. She turned on the TV and a Breaking News Broadcast appeared on the screen.

The reporter on the screen began talking. “Breaking News this Morning. Infamous Jewel Thief only known as the Black Fox was caught last night by a woman dressed as a spider. Witnesses at the scene reported seeing her swing away on a web. New York seems to have a new hero.”

Right on cue, Danny came down. Things were falling perfectly into place. His web shooters were coming along, and now he just had to finish his costume. He knew he was going to crush that wrestler tonight, and make a lot of money doing it. New York would soon find they had two Spider heroes to contend with.

Danny hummed a tune to himself as he piled on a lot of food for breakfast. It seemed like the spider powers had also given him an increased appetite. He sat at the table next to Caty. “Mornin’ guys!” He said as he started chomping down on his breakfast.

“Good morning, Danny! You look like you've bulked up a bit with an appetite to match. I'm proud of how much you two have grown. I remember the day you were born like it was yesterday. Almost sixteen years later both you and the world have changed a lot. You're brilliant with bright futures and competing in a world with Black Foxes and Spider-Women. But I know even in all of this craziness that you two are going to change this world for the better. But speaking of your futures I wanted to take you two to ESU today for a college tour. You're starting your Junior year soon so I figured now was the right time.”

”Dad, I'd love to spend the day with you and Danny, but I already promised Liz I'd hang with her.” Caty replied. She was torn though. Part of her really did want to go to ESU. She heard they had this crazy young professor there.

“You see Liz every day. How often do you get to go with your dad to one of the greatest universities in the country?” He replied with enthusiasm, but there was a hint of sadness behind it. He wanted to spend the day with both of his kids. It's been a while.

Danny giggled. “I had plans with Harry and Gwen today, but something tells me we won’t be getting out of this one.” He really wanted to spend the day putting his Spider-Man gear together, but he also knew his dad well. “They’re doing a lot at ESU.”

Caty lifted her hands in defeat. “I surrender. ESU it is.” She then finished her breakfast and got ready.

The trio arrived at Empire State University and joined a tour group. Two tours in three days. That had to be some kind of record.

Caty was barely listening to the tour guide. She was distracted trying to find the department where the famous young professor was. Her dad noticed she was looking around and whispered, “No sneaking off. This is bonding time, remember?”

“But can we bond in Dr. Octavius's lecture?”

Their dad chuckled, but shook his head with a smile. “Nice try. How about we stick with the tour for now. We can always come back to attend one of his lectures on a different day.”

Meanwhile, Danny was half-listening to the tour guide, his mind wandering to thoughts of his upcoming wrestling match. He couldn’t wait to put his skills to the test and show off his newfound powers in front of an audience. But he also felt a twinge of guilt for leaving his dad out of the loop about his plans.

As the tour came to an end, their father turned to them with a smile. “Well, what did you two think? Pretty impressive, huh?”

Danny nodded. “Yeah, it was cool. Thanks for bringing us.”

“Yeah, dad. It was great.”, Caty agreed. “I'm definitely coming here. They have a lot to offer and it's close to home. There's nowhere better than New York.”

Their dad nodded, but had something else to add. “Don't just stay constricted to New York. There's a whole world and universe out there. If you have the power to help anyone, anywhere you have the responsibility to do so. No matter the cost. Don't forget that.”

Caty was surprisingly shocked. She knew her dad was smart and caring, but didn't know he was this profound. She wondered if this was something he learned as an EMT. The timing of his words honestly were perfect. Her and Danny did have great power. They had their minds before, but now they have these powers. This gift from a spider, but no. It seemed like more than that. A gift from God who knew they need these powers right here and right now. For what? She wasn't sure yet, but she was both nervous and excited to find out.

“Thank you, daddy. I needed today. I needed to hear that.”

Danny reached out and gave his dad a hug. “Yeah, Dad. Thanks for everything. You’re the best.” He still felt guilty about keeping secrets from him, but he was sure his father would be proud of him when everything was said and done.

And then Danny’s stomach started growling. He laughed sheepishly. “Um… can we get lunch now? I’m hungry again…”

Lunch was great. They spent it laughing and catching up with their dad. They couldn't tell him everything of course, but Caty finally told him that she and Liz were more than just friends to which he promptly replied that he and their mom both knew, probably before she did, and they loved them together.

Caty honestly couldn't believe how perfect their weekend was. She couldn't wait to get back out there tonight, but she wanted Danny with her. After she was done getting ready she knocked on Danny’s door.

“Danny, you decent?” She asked, not wanting to walk in on her brother flexing his new body.

Danny was wearing his pink and purple costume, without the mask. Now he was just tinkering with his web shooters. “Yeah, come in!”

Caty turned the doorknob to open the door and stepped inside to see her brother in his new costume. She whistled to show that she really liked how it looked. “I'm glad to see you're already dressed. I was wondering if you'd want to patrol with me tonight and test these powers of ours out a little more?” She was unaware that he already had plans to do that in his own way.

Danny grinned. “Thanks, I’m glad you like it. And I’d love to go on patrol with you. But not tonight. Spider-Man has to make his solo debut first.” He handed Caty the flyer for the wrestling competition. “It’s a great way to put my powers to the test, and there’s a cash prize.”

Caty grabbed the flyer and looked it over and then looked up at Danny with an expression of concern on her face. “Are you sure, Danny? You heard what dad said. We have to be responsible with our powers and last night I found out we're a lot stronger than we look. What if you accidentally kill this guy or expose that Danny Davis is Spider-Man?” She didn't want to sound like she was crushing Danny's dreams, especially since if she hadn't thought to just push the thief last night she'd have been a murderer. She just wanted to make sure he really thought this through.

Danny shrugged. “Hey, I managed to send Skyler flying, and he got up to swear vengeance. I think I can handle a professional wrestler.”

Caty's eyes widened in shock and confusion. She still hadn't heard at all about what happened the day before. “You did what?” Her question was more rhetorical as he had just answered the question. She was less concerned with what he did and more upset with the fact that Skyler tried things with Danny again knowing she wasn't at school. She was glad that he was able to defend himself and not kill his bully in the process, but he shouldn't have had to.

Caty resigned in defeat. “Okay, just be careful and don't take your mask off, okay?”

Danny nodded. “I’ll be careful. I’m not going to go in there swinging punches like a maniac. I’ll use my powers wisely, and if things start to go badly, I’ll bail. I just want to see what I can do, and earn some extra money in the process.” He then put his mask on. “And don’t worry, the world doesn’t need to know that loser Danny Davis is Spider-Man.”

Caty sighed and placed her hand on the cheek of her brother's mask. “Danny Davis is not a loser. Even when mom was pregnant with us I've been behind you.” She decided not to bring up the part of her coming out of hiding and choosing to be born first since it'd ruin the core of her message. “You're so much greater than you realize, Danny, and I hope you finally start to realize it.”

Danny wasn’t so sure about that. Caty was the one that got all the attention. He had always blended into the background in school. People only started noticing when he beat up Skyler. Now wasn’t the time to argue though. “Uh-huh, right. Anyway, wish me luck!” He opened the window, fired a pink web, and attempted to web swing. Attempted being the key word, because the web didn’t stick to anything, and he just fell face first. “Ugh, I’ll be ok. I’ll get the hang of this eventually!”

Caty ran to the window after Danny fell from it. She was glad to see he was okay and was comfortable laughing at the accident. She looked at the web still attached to his wrist and thought webs that matched his costume was pretty neat. “Good luck!”

She then went back to her room to get ready for her own night out.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Danny arrived at the wrestling competition venue feeling a mix of nerves and excitement. He adjusted his mask one last time, ensuring it was securely in place. The venue was packed with enthusiastic spectators, all eager to witness the spectacle of the wrestling matches. Danny made his way to the backstage area. He spotted the organizer of the event and approached him confidently.

“Hey, I’m here for the competition,” Danny said, trying to sound as confident as possible despite the butterflies in his stomach.

The organizer looked him up and down skeptically. “You sure you’re in the right place, kid? You don’t exactly look like a wrestler.”

Danny chuckled nervously. “I may not look the part, but I assure you, I’ve got what it takes.”

The organizer shrugged. “Alright, suit yourself. You’re up next. Just remember, no funny business. This is a professional event.”

Danny nodded, his heart pounding in his chest. There was no backing out now. He stepped into the ring. Then, the cage lowered around the ring. Danny grinned underneath his mask. The cage will actually make this easier. Something to stick to.

And now, in this corner! everybody’s favorite wrestler! You know him, you love him Bone Crusher!”

The spotlight shone on a hulking man with bulging muscles dressed in all black with a skull mask came roaring out and the audience cheered. Danny rolled his eyes. To him, this guy was a blob of toxic masculinity that reminded him of Skyler. He couldn’t wait to take this wrestler down.

And in this corner! The Pink Spider himself, Spiderman!” The audience just murmured skeptically.

The spotlight shone on Danny, who was less than amused. “You said that too fast! It’s Spider-Man. There’s a hyphen there. How would you like it if I called him Bonecrusher?”

There were a few chuckles from the audience, but the announcer ignored it, and rang the bell to start the match.

Bone Crusher charged at Danny, throwing a wild punch. Danny ducked underneath it with ease, then sprang back up, delivering a swift kick to Bone Crusher’s side. The audience gasped in surprise as Bone Crusher staggered back.

The hulking wrestler recovered quickly, charging at Danny once again. This time, Danny leaped into the air, clinging to the bars of the cage. Then, he somersaulted over Bone Crusher’s head, landing gracefully behind him.

As Bone Crusher turned around, Danny shot a strand of pink webbing from his wrist, binding the wrestler’s arms together. Bone Crusher struggled against the webbing, but it held tightly.

With his opponent immobilized, Danny seized the opportunity to deliver a series of quick punches and kicks. The crowd erupted into cheers as Bone Crusher stumbled and fell to the mat.

The referee counted the pin, and Danny’s victory was declared. The audience cheered even louder, impressed by the display of skill and agility from the Pink Spider. The audience started cheering, “Spider-Man! Spider-Man!”

Danny was grinning from ear to ear under his mask. Hw approached the organizer to collect his prize money, he held out his hand expectantly. However, as the organizer handed him the cash, Danny’s smile faltered slightly.

“This doesn’t seem like the full amount…” Danny said, furrowing his brow as he counted the bills.

The organizer shrugged nonchalantly. “Sorry, kid. That’s all we can offer you. Take it or leave it.”

Danny’s heart sank as he realized he had been shorted. He knew he had earned every penny of the prize money, and he wasn’t about to let the organizer cheat him out of what was rightfully his.

“Hey, this isn’t right,” Danny protested. “I won fair and square. You can’t just stiff me like this.”

The organizer just shrugged again. “Look, kid, take it or leave it. It’s not like you have much of a choice.”

Danny clenched his fists, feeling a surge of anger coursing through him. He knew he could easily overpower the organizer with his superhuman strength, but he also knew that wouldn’t solve anything.

Taking a deep breath, Danny forced himself to calm down. “Fine.” Danny said through gritted teeth, reluctantly accepting the partial payment.

Just then, a burglar came in, and robbed the organizer at gunpoint. Danny considered stopping him, but elected not to. That man had it coming after shorting him the money he was rightfully owed. The burglar even thanked Danny as he got away.

“Hey, you could have stopped him!” The organizer protested.

But Danny said nothing. He just flipped off the organizer as he walked off in a huff. He would eventually come to regret that choice.
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 20 min ago

Caty found herself once again swinging through the beautiful scenery of what was nighttime New York. The lights, the people, the hustle and bustle down below. The city truly never slept and that meant crime didn't either. Was that why she immediately took to crime-fighting? Because she wanted to get around the city? No, that wasn't it. That dream of hers. Her future. She could feel how she felt in that moment. She was excited, sure. But she truly did feel a sense of duty and responsibility. Like she had to do this. That there were people out there depending on her and Danny to keep them safe. She hoped Danny realized why they were doing this and didn't let his new powers get to his head. Despite how talented and smart he was Danny found himself at the bottom of the social totem pole and it really hit his self-confidence. But if he really embarrassed Skyler like that at school after years worth of bullying there was a definite shift. Caty started to wonder if she should've gone with him to the wrestling match. If not to keep an eye on him at least be there as support. No wonder he felt the way he did. His own sister rather swing through the city looking for crime than support her brother in his big moment. Was she really that selfish or self-righteous? She shook the doubt from her mind as something caught her attention mid-swing.

Caty glanced down to see two large men breaking into a bank. It looked like she did need to be out here tonight. "These guys just make it too easy." She adjusted her trajectory and landed on the side of the building. She climbed to the roof and found another entry to sneak in and surprise the duo.

"Thanks again for telling me about this score, Aleksei. I don't have insurance and my daughter's treatment is really expensive." One man said as he and his friend Aleksei were stuffing money from the vault into some duffel bags.

"Not a problem, my friend! You're like a brother to me, plus even I can't carry all of this money by myself, yeah?" A large man said with a thick Russian accent.

The two continued to stuff money into the bags sure that their plan was going off without a hitch. In the shadows of the dark a pair of glowing blue eyes appeared descending from the ceiling. "Is that true?"

The two turned around and yelled. Aleksei pulled out a gun, but before he could do anything with it a web appeared out of the dark and attached to the gun pulling it out of his hand and towards the pair of eyes. "No guns. Is that true?"

"Is what true?" The unnamed man asked.

Caty dropped to the floor and stepped into the light revealing her full Spider-Woman costume and the gun in her hand. The two stepped back in fear and she noticed why. "Oh. Sorry." She made sure the safety was on and tossed it towards the vault door and shot a web at it to stick it to the door. "Your daughter. You're doing this for your daughter?"

"Y-yes. Please don't do us like you did Black Fox. She's got leukemia and they won't treat her if my wife and I can't pay."

Caty looked at him and thought for a moment. It was true that healthcare in this country was the real criminal, but bank robbery was a serious crime. Then again the money was still going back to the government in the end and it wouldn't have to be stolen if healthcare was free. "Okay, you can go and take the money. This is your one get out of jail card. What's you and your daughter's names?"

"I'm Flint." The man said, finally introducing himself. "Her name's Penny. Cause she's my precious coin."

Caty tried not to cry under her mask. "I'll be praying for you and Penny. Please hurry."

"What about me?" Aleksei asked earnestly.

"Are you doing this for any sick loved ones?" Caty asked genuinely.

"No," Aleksei said honestly in defeat. "I just love money. At first it was to get my family here from Russia, but they didn't want to, but I love the rush. I love the game."

Caty nodded satisfied with his answer. "I appreciate your honesty, but you lost this round." She webbed him up to leave him for the police. She didn't need to knock him out this time. Maybe another day if he kept this life of crime up. "You have a good partner, Flint. I have one too, but he's out wrestling right now. Take care of your family. They need you at home, not in prison."

She watched as Flint escaped out the front with two duffels and she escaped where she came. She didn't want anyone seeing her and a criminal coming out at the same time and she didn't catch him. She could say he knocked her out while she was distracted webbing up his partner.

Caty finished up her patrol for the night. It was pretty quiet after meeting Flint and Aleksei. A little too quiet if she were being honest. Like a calm before the storm. Her spider-sense wasn't tingling, but the thought of the other shoe dropping had her in a spell of anxiety that she never experienced before. She tried to calm her nerves as she swung through the city on her way home, but couldn't shake the feeling off her. Once she got home she understood why. She landed behind a gathered crowd in her neighborhood. She couldn't see what was going on, but there was an ambulance and police cars near her home. Her heart dropped as she did. She couldn't stand or breathe. She pulled her mask back and felt the once fresh air that was now filled with dread and fear. She didn't have the time to process it. She pulled her hoodie off and flipped it inside out and put it back on. Focusing on the task helped her regain her bearings. Despite the anxiety and fear piling up in her she had the rationale to not put everything in jeopardy.

Caty finally managed to stand and pushed through the crowd. Once she got to the front she placed her hand over her mouth and screamed internally. Tears started to pour from her eyes as she shook her head in disbelief. She ran towards the crossed off police line. The police tried to stop her, but she pushed them aside as if she were a professional linebacker and they were elementary school kids. She crossed the line and fell to the floor before the man laying there. There was an EMT over him trying to keep him alive.

Caty's hands dropped from her mouth as she let out a bloodcurdling scream. "DADDY!!!!!!"
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As Danny left the venue, he couldn’t shake off the feeling of frustration and disappointment. He had hoped that winning the wrestling competition would not only showcase his abilities but also earn him some much needed cash. However, being shorted on the prize money left a sour taste in his mouth. He grumbled angrily about it to himself the whole way home.

As he approached his house he saw it was surrounded by people. There were also police and ambulance lights and sirens blaring loudly. Danny had a bad feeling about this, but couldn’t exactly let these people see him in his Spider-Man costume, so he had to sneak back in through his bedroom window to change clothes. He got a T-shirt and Pajama bottoms on, before he heard Caty scream.

At which point, Danny bolted out of his room to the source of the scream, and saw a disturbing sight. He saw his mother crying, and his father lying on the floor, his shirt was bloodied, and EMTs were doing what they could to keep him alive. Caty was also by his side.

“Dad!” He cried out, pushing past everyone. Tears streamed down his face as he reached out to touch his father’s hand.

The EMT looked up, his expression grim. “I’m sorry. We did everything we could, but… he’s gone.”

“No no no… He can’t be gone… He can’t be… I-I-I just can’t deal with this right now!” Danny ran off to his room, and started sobbing. Then a realization hit him. He put his Spider-Man costume back on, and swang out his bedroom window. He didn’t know where he was going, but the murderer couldn’t have gotten that far…

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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 20 min ago

Caty couldn't stop crying. What good were these powers if they couldn't save her dad? She should've stayed home tonight. Flint would've gotten plenty of money for his daughter and Aleksei didn't seem that bad. But whoever did this? They were truly evil. They took the life of an innocent man. One that saved and helped others. David Davis was the greatest man she knew. She couldn't help, but think how she almost took a father and daughter away from each other tonight. She would've been just as bad as the one who took her dad. But there was no way the person who did this was a father or had a good one. He couldn't have. He wouldn't have killed hers if he did.

She looked up when Danny yelled that he couldn't take this and left. She knew what he was doing. Spider-Man was going to catch who did this. Not without Spider-Woman, he wasn't. She stood up and walked over to her mom to hug and kiss her on the forehead. “I'm sorry, mom. I'll be back.”

Her mom tried to stop her, but she wouldn't listen. She disappeared into the crowd and swung after Danny once she got to the other side. It didn't take her long to catch up to him. “Don't think for a second that you're doing this without me.”

Danny nodded in acknowledgment. “I figured…” It shouldn’t be too hard to catch. The police had to be all over it now. It didn’t take long to find police cars chasing after a black car. “Is that our guy?”

Caty looked down to see the many cars chasing after one black car. “It's gotta be. Captain Stacy must be putting the whole department on this.” She pulled her mask down furrowing her glowing blue eyes in fury. “I'll go down first. Stay in the shadows until I bring him to…” She looked around and saw what looked like an abandoned warehouse. She pointed to it with her free hand mid-swing. “That warehouse over there. We don't want them feeling like the new Spider-Heroes are undermining the police.”

She swung down closer to the police chase. Fortunately for them she hadn't turned her hoodie back the proper way and there wasn't a helicopter overhead shining down on them yet. She noticed the driver leaning out of the window to fire at the police behind him. They swerved a bit to avoid getting direct hits. She couldn't believe it. Taking one life just wasn't enough for this guy. No more.

She dropped a bit before shooting one web towards her next building and the other into the driver's side window pulling the gunman out of the car making him drop the gun in the process. His legs pushed the wheel before he was fully out of the car, sending it crashing into the side of the road. That should keep the police busy for a bit.

She continued on her way with her attached cargo to the abandoned warehouse launching him through one of the half broken windows and following inside. She expected Danny to already be there.

Meanwhile, Danny remained hidden, and watched Caty apprehend the driver. Then he made his way to the abandoned warehouse, and Caty threw him through the window. It was time to see who his father’s killer was. But if Danny thought he was upset before, it got a whole lot worse when he saw the perpetrator. “You!” His eyes went wide with rage. It was the guy who robbed the competition organizer. The one he let get away. Well, he wasn’t about to be so lucky this time.

All Danny could think to do at that moment was punch the guy, multiple times. Each blow fueled with every ounce of Spider Strength he had. “Robbing a wrestling competition wasn’t enough for you?! You had to go and get your jollies by killing an innocent man too?! Well guess what, you picked the wrong guy. I let you get away last time, but now, you’re gonna pay!”

“Wait.” Caty said putting two and two together. Danny not only knew who their dad's killer was, but he let him rob the wrestling competition and leave. She didn't know exactly what happened, but all she knew was that if Danny had stopped him their dad would be alive.

Caty jumped in front of Danny, her glowing blue eyes glaring down into his. She couldn't believe what she just heard. “You let him get away? Responsibility, remember? He… he killed dad.” Fury, sadness, and pain all flooded her body. She couldn't think straight. She pushed Danny back, but not with much force. “You've done enough.”

Danny's eyes went wide with shock. He hadn't realized the consequences of his actions until now, and the results of his mistake crashed down on him like a ton of bricks. "You're right." Danny said, his voice heavy with remorse. "I messed up. I should've stopped him when I had the chance.”

She turned around to face their dad's killer. She could see the fear in his eyes and she could only imagine that's the same expression their dad had when he… “You. You're not going to hurt anyone ever again.” Caty pulled her arm back and made a clenched fist. She didn't think or hesitate with what she was about to do. She wanted to punch him as hard as she could, consequences be damned, so she did just that. She sent her fist flying forward with as much force and power she could muster to punch him square in the face sending the man flying, and hitting the wall with a thud.

Danny approached the man. His face was bloodied, and it looked like his jaw was broken. He also wasn’t moving… “Well, he definitely won’t be killing anyone else…” Danny said somberly. “I think he’s dead…”

“No…” Caty said with shakiness in her voice. “He can't be.” But the truth of the matter, he was. In her moment of anger all she wanted was the man to hurt like she was hurting. She didn't want to kill him. She didn't want to kill anyone. She looked down at his blood left on her hand. It… it was true.

She walked over to Danny and the man looking at exactly what she had done. Her body was shaking. It took everything in her not to throw up. She wasn't doing it in this mask and she definitely wasn't doing it at this crime scene.

She looked out one of the broken windows of the warehouse and saw they were by the harbor. She couldn't be a wanted fugitive. She didn't mean to do this, but no one would believe her and it's not self-defense when you took their gun and stop them easily with your strength or webs. She then looked at Danny. She was upset with him right now, but if she went down for this he'd never be safe. Everyone would know he was Spider-Man. If he wasn't here she'd be fine taking it on herself, but she wasn't alone.

She picked up his body and jumped out of the warehouse towards the water. She landed just short of actually going into it. “I'm sorry.” She said looking at the corpse in her arms. “You may have killed my dad, but you didn't deserve this.” She tossed him into the water and looked back up at Danny, her glowing eyes saying only one thing. We need to go.
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Hidden 1 yr ago 1 yr ago Post by Crimson Flame
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Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

It had been a few months since the death of David Davis, and things have been difficult at the Davis house. Both siblings have been reeling from the death of their father. Caty and Danny have mostly been avoiding each other this entire time. Only really speaking when they have to.

Danny bought non prescription glasses, because even though he didn’t need them anymore, he just felt naked without glasses. He had been quietly doing hero duty as Spider-Man, to atone for what he felt was his part in his father’s death. With Harry being his man in the chair. It felt good to channel those negative feelings into action. He never stuck around to talk to the police. They would just find criminals tied up with pink webbing. Despite his efforts to act as Spider-Man and make amends, he couldn’t shake the guilt that gnawed at him.

Their mother, Denise, did everything she could to keep the family together, despite grieving the loss of her husband. During the Summer, she planned a family trip to Disneyland, because they all needed it.

After an awkward flight, the family arrived at the hotel.“Kids, I know your father’s passing has been hard on all of us. But I want want us to be a family again, and you two have barely spoken to each other. I want us to have fun on this trip.”
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Hidden 1 yr ago Post by King Kindred
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King Kindred

Member Seen 20 min ago

Things haven't been the best for Caty since the night her father was killed. For a week straight she couldn't bring herself to patrol the streets. She was too racked with guilt. She skipped school that week as well. She just needed to be alone and couldn't even talk to Liz about it either. It was just all too much. She returned to crimefighting after the week was over. Her father was right. She still had a responsibility to protect people no matter how she was feeling or no matter how badly she messed up. She killed someone. A murderer, but she still killed him and that wasn't her decision to make. She decided that she was going to save as many lives as she could to make up for the one that she took. She doubted it'd ever be enough, but she'd feel better knowing that she did all she could to prevent someone from dying or getting hurt.

Things between Liz and her got better after that week of ghosting. She was really the only one she could talk to and know that she wouldn't judge her. She still hung out with Gwen, but not as much as before. She felt so guilty about what she did and she wasn't sure she could ever tell her. She wouldn't want her keeping that secret from her dad even if she might have understood that Caty didn't intentionally do it, no matter how she felt in the moment. Maybe Caty was just trying to convince herself of the story she decided on that night. That whole night ruined her life. She and Danny weren't best friends anymore, their dad was dead, she killed someone and she blamed her brother for all of it. Though it wasn't fair to blame her actions on him. She should have controlled herself, but now she knew not to let her emotions get the best of her while trying to bring about justice. She wouldn't allow herself to lose who she was at her core in pursuit of saving people and fighting crime.

Once they finished the school year their mother announced a family vacation. Maybe that's what she needed, what they all needed, but she still couldn't really be around them. But she'd at least try for her mom.

"I'll try. It's just not the same without dad. He loved Disney."

"Do or do not, there is no try." Denise said with a smile. "Come on, it's your birthday. You're sixteen. Your father wouldn't want you two to be like this. You're his Wonder Twins. Our little miracles. Here's a deal. You can do what you want now, but tonight we're having a birthday dinner and tomorrow when you go to Disneyland please spend time with each other and have fun."

"Alright, deal. I'm going to the pool." Caty grabbed her bathing suit and cover up from her suitcase and headed to the bathroom to put them on. She had gotten used to changing her clothes quickly ever since becoming Spider-Woman. She looked at Jumper, who had been her emotional support spider throughout all of this, and was genuinely surprised he snuck on this trip with her. The little guy just would not leave her side ever since she started feeling like this. She walked out with him on her shoulder and headed to the pool.

Caty was sitting poolside lost in thought, staring at at her reflection in the water.

"You're not getting in?" A young girl around her age asked.

"Huh?" Caty asked finally snapping back to reality.

"You've been staring at the water for like... five minutes. You okay? Can't swim?"

"I can swim, but I'm not really okay. It's my brother and I's sixteenth birthday, but it's also our first one without our dad. Our mom brought us out here to go to Disneyland hoping it'd make us feel better."

"Not working, huh?"

"No... I miss him so much. He really knew me. He was the best and I just feel like I'm failing at making him proud."

"Woah, none of that. First, Happy Birthday! Second, your dad sounds awesome and because he's awesome there's no way you can fail at making him proud. He loves you, no matter what and just wants you to be happy. Grief sucks and you can feel it, but don't let it consume you."

"Thank you..." Caty said with a sniffle. "You're pretty wise random girl in pool."

"Karolina Dean." She reached out her hand to shake Caty's and she accepted before letting go. "My parents and their friends are here for a conference so they brought us kids along to go to Disneyland so maybe we'll see you and your brother there tomorrow."

"Catherine Davis, but everyone calls me Caty. But us and we?" Caty looked around to see that only she and Carolina were there.

"Wow. We're both KD. That's pretty awesome. And oh, the others are kind of antisocial. Except Chase, but he's probably somewhere getting into trouble, which is why they want us at Disneyland instead of the Hotel."

"CD, actually, but close enough." Caty appreciated the conversation. She didn't know why, but it felt so easy talking to Carolina. Almost as easy it was talking to Liz. The two continued to talk and for the first time in a long time Caty even managed to laugh.
Hidden 1 yr ago Post by Crimson Flame
Avatar of Crimson Flame

Crimson Flame *Insert something profound here*

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

As Danny wandered through the arcade, he couldn’t shake off the heavy weight of guilt and grief that had been hanging over him since their father’s death. He had hoped that the distraction of the arcade would help take his mind off things, but it seemed like nothing would help.

Lost in thought, he almost didn’t notice the boy who bumped into him, causing him to drop the tokens he had been holding.

“Hey, watch it!” Danny snapped.

“Sorry, man. Didn’t mean to run into you.” the boy replied. He grinned sheepishly as he bent over to pick up the tokens.

Danny sighed, realizing he had been too quick to snap at the boy. “It’s okay. I’m just… not having the best day.”

The boy nodded sympathetically, handing Danny the tokens he had gathered. “I get it. It’s been a rough day for me too.”

Danny looked up at the boy, taking in his appearance. His clothes looked messy, and he had a mischievous glint in his eye. Danny couldn’t help finding him attractive. “Yeah? What happened?”

The boy shrugged, his mouth forming a smirk. “Let’s just say I got into a little trouble with security. But hey, it’s all part of the fun, right?”

Despite himself, Danny found himself chuckling. “Yeah, I guess so. I’m Danny, by the way.”

The boy grinned, extending a hand. “Chase. Nice to meet you, Danny. So, you up for a game of skee-ball?”

Danny hesitated for a moment, but then nodded, and smiled. Maybe a game of skee-ball with a handsome guy was exactly what he needed to take his mind off things, if only for a little while.

As they played skee-ball together, Danny found himself laughing and enjoying the moment for the first time in a long while. Chase really helped make Danny feel better. It felt good to have a distraction from the weight of his grief and guilt.

As they played, Danny found himself stealing glances at Chase whenever he thought the other boy wasn’t looking. He admired the way Chase’s muscles flexed as he threw the ball, and the way his hair fell messily over his forehead. Danny couldn’t deny the attraction he felt towards Chase, even if it was unexpected.

After several rounds of skee-ball, Chase suggested they try their luck at some other games in the arcade. Danny agreed, feeling grateful for the unexpected companionship and the chance to forget his troubles, even if just for a little while longer.
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