Hidden 9 days ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Shopping – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia's eyes remained locked on Nic's until she knew he understood her. She smiled softly, leaning into his hand. The kiss was brief, but it held enough passion in it to soothe her worried mind. Still, it left her wanting to pull Nic back into the SUV.

”I'm glad. I just wanted to make sure you knew I wouldn't take over like that,” she said. She captured Nic's hand and pulled him down the sidewalk and into the first store.


Location: Caden&Nero's House – Chicago, IL

”One more day,” he reminded them. Caden kissed the top of Nero's hand before leading them onto the grass. He kissed their hand again before he released it and knelt on the ground. ”You may stay close, but just in case, don't touch me,” he reminded them gently before he tapped into his power and the wards on his property.

Lines glowed around them, woven into the very land itself and into Caden. He breathed heavily, searching his whole property from where he was. He turned his head to the side when he noticed a weakness further out along the creek that ran through his property.

Caden released the power, his eyes glowing faintly purple as the residue magic from using his power held on.

”There's a weakness in the warding,” Caden stood and looked at Nero. ”Want to come with me to fix it?”
Hidden 9 days ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Shopping - Chicago, IL

Nic kisses her back and even though it’s brief, it leaves him wanting more. However, he doesn’t want their first time to be in the back of Caden’s SUV. He grins lopsidedly at Cassi when she pulls back, ears a little red as some people passing by gave them sidelong glances for their public display of affection. He grins because he’s glad that they both have that understanding now and because he’s a little proud he guessed her worries right on the first try.

That pride quickly dissolves when they walk into the first store and he remembers how much he hates shopping. “Is it too late to go to a thrift store?” He asks Cassi softly, trying to keep a polite smile on his face.


Location: Caden & Nero’s Home - Chicago, IL

Nero nods, eyes wide with curiosity even still as they watch Caden. All around them lines seem to appear and glow, flowing from Caden or into him, Nero can’t quite tell. They raise an eyebrow at the news that there’s a weak spot, but are unable to hide their delight at the purple hue in his eyes.

“Only if I can hold your hand on the way.” Nero says in a bratty tone. If they still can’t touch him, they’re fine with it. It’s fun teasing him anyway. And I can’t tease them more about space… His poor face when I told him about the knocking!
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Hidden 9 days ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Shopping – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia glanced around the store, taking in everything they had to offer quickly. She turned to look at Nic after he whispered in her ear. She patted his chest and looked back at the store.

”Don't worry. I'll be gentle. And maybe I'll thank you for letting me dress you up later,” she said, whispering the last part in his ear before leading him over to the shirts.

Cassiopeia started grabbing and mixing items. She gathered quite a collection of clothes, more of a semi formal casual wear for Nic to start with. She would bombard him with suits in the next store.


Location: Caden&Nero's House – Chicago, IL

Caden laughed and took Nero's free hand. He took the dessert from Nero's other hand and set it on the ground before taking their other hand.

”How about I carry you on my back instead?” He kissed Nero's hands, eyes watching them for their reaction.

Caden didn't mind Nero's bratty or teasing tones. He found them endearing, although he was certain others would find it annoying. However, Caden knew Nero.
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Hidden 8 days ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Shopping - Chicago, IL

Nic watches as Cassi starts grabbing items too fast for him to check the price tags. “Am I trying all of these on… today?” He asks with an eyebrow raised as the items in her arms start piling up. “‘Cause I feel like this might take up a whole week.”


Location: Caden & Nero’s Home - Chicago, IL

“Now hold on, what if ants get to my cake?” Nero teases as Caden puts it down on the ground before chuckling at his offer. “Like a… what’s it called, a piggyback ride?” They hop from one foot to the other as they shift their weight back and forth.
Hidden 8 days ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Shopping – Chicago, IL

Cassi gave Nic a bit of a look before she sent him to a change room. Cassiopeia organized the outfits as she envisioned Nic wearing them and set them on the hooks.

”I need a baseline to see what I'm working with. It won't take you that long,” she assured him. ”But it will take longer if I have to be in here to help you change,” she threatened. Cassi stepped out of the change room and gestured for Nic to take her place.

”Just give it a try. If you absolutely hate everything and don't want to keep going, we'll head home,” she assured Nic, her words taking on a softer tone.


Location: Caden&Nero's House – Chicago, IL

”Should that happen, I will return to town and buy you the entire cake,” he said.

Caden watched Nero hop from foot to foot, wondering if they were going to take a running leap. Caden smiled with amusement, and picked Nero up.

”Wrap your arms and legs around me,” he instructed Nero. Once they had done so, Caden rotated them so they were on his back rather than his front. Caden then wrapped his arms around Nero's legs and adjusted them a bit more.

”There, how is that?”
Hidden 5 days ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Shopping - Chicago, IL

Nic makes a sheepish expression, feeling a bit childish but it is a large amount of clothing. He heads into the changing room and quickly chucks off his clothes before pulling on the first outfit on the hangers. When he glances at the mirror, he admits he looks good - which is no surprise given that his only ‘abnormality’ in his appearance is his height. The clothes fit him well and the colors and patterns are appeasing to the eye.

He steps out of the changing room and flashes Cassi a smile. “Now I know this is hard, but try to resist your desire to find me incredibly attractive right now.” He teases with his lopsided grin.


Location: Caden & Nero’s Home - Chicago, IL

“This pleases me.” Nero chirps with a catlike smile before they’re picked up. They follow Caden’s instructions and laughs a little. “Well, I think it’s marvelous but I’ll probably wear some shorts or pants next time.” They rest their chin on his shoulder and hum in satisfaction.

“It grants me some easy access to attack your neck and ears though.” They quickly nip at his earlobe to prove their point.
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Hidden 5 days ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Shopping – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia was browsing through some of the racks closer to the change room when Nic came out. She heard the change room door unlock before he spoke, so her eyes were already scanning him from toe to head. Her eyes roamed up his legs, checking the fit of his pants to ensure they were long enough, then they took in his torso and arms. She saw his smile, then the child-like gleam in his eyes. Cassi laughed and walked over to him. She fixed his collar and smoothed out the lines.

"You clean up very well, Nurse Wu." She pressed a swift kiss to his lips before she stepped back. "Now go on, more clothes to try."


Location: Caden&Nero's House – Chicago, IL
Skills: Shapeshifting

"Well, if you must," Caden brazenly said. He started to walk through the field, his long stride eating up the distance. His eyes shifted while he walked, using the superior vision of a hawk to give himself a greater seeing distance. He could see the shifting in the grass of mice moving, and the leaves in the trees sway with the breeze.

A pinch on his ear pulled Caden from his surveillance. The sensation Nero created shivered through Caden's body, and a low rumble sounded in the back of his throat.

"Careful, mein kleiner Kobold. If you distract me too much we won't make it the creek." He squeezed his hands on Nero's bare legs in emphasis.

Caden walked past the tree line and followed an unknown path through the woods. His shoulders seemed to relax, and his gait turned confident despite the dense tree cover hiding the forest floor. His eyes continued to allow him to see well despite the conditions, which allowed him to feel more in his element.

The open air and endless fields or the hills of the Highlands would always be Caden's preference, but the forests were a close second for him. Over the years, Caden had adapted well to living in close quarters with people, even enjoying the city life and the homes he had within them, but if Caden had to chose one location, it would always be somewhere in the middle of nowhere with an endless supply of open land and air. His dragon rumbled in agreement with his thoughts, sharing an image with Caden of the last time they were able to spread their wings and fly.
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Hidden 3 days ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Shopping - Chicago, IL

Nic beams brightly, both from Cassi’s compliment and from her calling him by his profession. It falters when she orders him to go back and keep trying more items on. “Do I have to show you every outfit?” He asks, a tiny bit of a childish pout to his tone.

“The shirts and pants can’t be that different from one another, right?” He chuckles sheepishly as he rubs the back of his neck. “Or do I get a kiss for every outfit, ‘cause then I don’t have a problem.”


Location: Caden & Nero’s Home - Chicago, IL

Nero chuckles, always amused by Caden’s obsession with their legs. They make a small mental note to wear more shorts, skirts, and dresses more now that they aren’t expecting to deal with more demons anytime soon. With Caden and Avery’s help, Nero’s house now stood empty. The only missing items that Nero owns are in Hell.

His response to Nero’s nipping of his ear causes them to smirk lazily to themself. They aren’t opposed to spending an afternoon and night with Caden under the stars. “I should explore all your land at some point,” Nero observes as the two traverse into the woods. “Perhaps I’ll find a ‘Secret Garden’.” It’s a book they had read recently while Caden has slept. They won’t admit it to anyone, but the found the book to be endearing.
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Hidden 3 days ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Shopping – Chicago, IL

Cassiopeia narrowed her eyes playfully at Nic's tone. She shook her head, falling a little more in love with him even though he was pouting. She ran her hands over his collar and shirt again, an excuse to keep her hands busy but also to touch him.

"I'd try the pants at least. Each style will fit a little differently. When we go for suits, I'll definitely have to see each one. But yes, you'll get a kiss every time." She looked up at Nic, her smile soft. "Thank you for shopping with me." It may not be his idea of a good time, but Cassi was enjoying the bonding as well as the excuse of seeing him dressed up.


Location: Caden&Nero's House – Chicago, IL
Skills: Shapeshifting

"Our land," Caden gently corrected. "And you are free to roam it whenever you desire. With the wolves gone, there should be no supernatural creature crossing in. Once I figure out how the wardening weakened, I will reinforce it, so you will be safe to roam."

Caden chuckled as they neared the creek. "I am unaware of any secret gardens, but I do believe Cassi said there were pixies on the land, so perhaps they've found a place to make their own." Caden relaxed his hold on Nero and knelt down to make it easier for Nero to slid off their back. Caden remained kneeling and once Nero had let go, he tapped into his power right away.

The purple lines showed along the ground once more, but there was one that was slightly darker. It was dim and cloudy, clearly looking sickly. Caden reached out to touch it and hissed unhappily.

"Something tried to forcibly break it," he said out loud, keeping Nero informed. His voice had taken on that ancient tone once more. Caden's face shifted slightly, taking on more of a reptilian look as the dragon came forth, wanting to do their own inspection. Red scales shimmered across Caden's face, reflecting the light and the green grass underneath. His dragon took a deep breath in, holding the scents in before releasing its breath through their widened nostrils.

The scent was foreign, unknown, but it was ancient and had a distinct smell. Caden would know this smell again if he came across it. With the preliminary investigation done, Caden dove into the wellspring of power he contained and reinforced the wards once more. Slowly, the darkened lines brightened as the decay was driven out. The air seemed to shimmer and vibrate while Caden worked. The hair on the back of his neck stood on end from the power expelled, but just as quickly as it came it faded.

Caden stood, examining the lines that still showed before he released them. His features shifted back to his usual dark complexion, with sharp lines and brooding eyes. His eyes still glowed a brilliant purple, slices of blue and green intersecting here and there as it settled.

"Whatever it was, it was old. Older than I, and something the dragon has never come across." Caden looked over at Nero. He stepped closer to them, slipping his hand into theirs. "Once we are bonded, I'll share the scent and the images with you. Perhaps you have come across it."
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Hidden 2 days ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 20 hrs ago

Nicholas “Nic” Wu

Location: Shopping - Chicago, IL

Nic dramatically sighs but smirks still. “As you wish - I am but a meager Ken doll in your hands.” He teases with a pat to her head before he ruffles her hair. “As much as I will gripe and groan during this, I know you’ll help me look like an actual adult after today.”


Location: Caden & Nero’s Home - Chicago, IL

“Right, our land. Sorry.” Nero giggles before letting Caden continue. “Honestly, I’d probably be just fine taking on whoever crosses my path so wherever I roam, I should be safe.” They pause at the information regarding pixies, giving it a moment of thought at the aspect of it all, before they climb off of Caden’s back and give him some room.

At Caden’s reaction, Nero’s eyes widen and they wish they could see what he’s sensing. The red dragon starts to appear more clearly, worrying the imp that their mate might be losing their control again. They reach out to touch him before stopping themselves as they remember Caden’s warning concerning surprising his dragon. They watch as he finishes his work and stands, the reptilian appearance fading away to show Caden’s perfect face.

They smile, but their eyes still show concern until he talks. Even as he takes their hands, their brow remains furrowed. Something older than Caden and something his dragon has never encountered? The thought made Nero’s heart feel like it’s dropped to their stomach. “Perhaps…” They mumble, looking past Caden at nothing in particular.

“What could do that…?” They finally shift their gaze to look up at Caden.
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Hidden 2 days ago Post by KazAlkemi
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KazAlkemi Everdark

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Cassiopeia Claire Alistair

Location: Shopping – Chicago, IL

Cassi giggled, breaking eye contact with Nic to stare at her hands on his chest. She knew they were just standing in the middle of the store, other customers coming and going from the changerooms, but she couldn’t help her mind when it wandered.

”We used to make these little dolls when I was growing up. I made one once, but I didn’t get to keep it for long. Instead, I was taught to work and play with plants, medicinal and poisonous. I loved it, trust me, but when I was working with the plants, I would watch the children play with dolls and wish I had my own. I didn’t think I would have a real-life doll,” she said, looking up at him again. ”Okay, okay. Go on. No more distractions.” Cassiopeia released Nic and took a few steps back before she turned around to distract herself with other things.

She roamed the store, letting Nic try his clothes on in private, and only came around when he tried on a new style of pants. There were a couple that didn’t work for him, but she was pleased that the majority of the clothes were winners. Cassiopeia stood at the counter with him while the clothes were scanned and folded. She tapped her fingers along the counter’s edge, and once the total was drawn up, Cassi hipchecked Nic out of the way and paid for the items quickly. She slipped her card away and turned to face his wrath.

”You spoil me, I spoil you.”


Location: Caden&Nero's House – Chicago, IL

Caden looked into Nero’s eyes, seeing all the things they weren’t saying reflected there. He brushed his fingers delicately across their cheek, his other arm wrapping around Nero’s waist and pulled them in close.

”If I had to guess, I would say something celestial. Dragons aren’t the oldest thing on this earth but we are up there. It could be a very powerful witch as well, someone who knows how to disguise their scent, but I’m not sure. The only way I’ll be sure is if I come across them, or if this happens again.”

Caden slid his hand from Nero’s cheek to the back of their neck. ”You’re mine. I’m not letting you go so easily. No matter what or who tries to come for you.” The same fears Nero was feeling circled in Caden’s eyes, but there was a fire there that burned. A fire that refused to be dampened.
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