Hidden 7 mos ago 6 mos ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

This thread is going to be closed permanently, because while I was unable to find a 1x1 RP, it did serve to start a group RP which is better than any 1x1 RP to have ever existed. Yes, even that one. Yes, even that one. But I'll leave it up so that future 1x1 rpers can know what real RPs and real interest checks are suppose to look like. Have a nice day.

Do you like fast posting speeds?

Do you like raunchy S M U T?

…Then get the hell outa here.

What’s up everyone? If you don’t know who I am, just look at my Bio. Anything I feel like sharing with random internet people can be found there. So-called novella/low-advanced/high-casual writers can also use it to scrutinize my writing and see if I pass muster. Same for those “new to the forum, not new to RPing” types.

Myself? I’m not really that picky when it comes to who I write with. Gender, age, occupation, creed, culture, base of operations, device for posting, favorite waifu and/or husbando, status as a “stay at home wife/single mom”, it shouldn’t be an issue while we pretend to be characters on the internet.

Oh what? You want something more dramatic? Fine…

Valentine's day was a month or two ago. While most of you were moaning about how single you are or worrying about how you’re going to impress your SO, I was thinking about cringe RP ideas. Normally my ideas are pretty based, and I can run them for years and years provided my players tolerate me that long. But part of running based RPs is knowing which of your ideas are cringe and keeping them in the confines of your mind. Some stories aren’t good enough to get told. But just because these ideas are cringe doesn’t mean I don’t want to play them. It took me a moment to realize cringe is a spectrum. These ideas may seem cringe when compared to my group RPs — or any group RP — they may be more based to the uninitiated denizens of the 1x1 section. I’m sorry if you regularly RP here, but you have to admit there isn’t much innovation. Every other RP is a hot hookup, part of the unholy Vampire/Werewolf/Mafia trinity, a sub looking for a dommy mommy/daddy, or some mix of those. Maybe that’s the point? I don’t know.

With that ramble out of the way, I have some expectations for any RP we do together. Yes, I have standards.

-- Long term RPs are great, but that’s not what I’m looking for. Anything we do will last a few months tops as opposed to the multi-year stories I typically run, as you're probably not worth it.

– I post once a week. Sometimes more, but don’t expect me to. I’ll hold you to the same standard. I’d also prefer if you could let me know if you’ll be absent for posting or want to drop. OOC chatter isn’t necessary, but I do have a discord. That said, I do not hand it out freely, and I tend to not chat for long stretches of time. Again, you're probably not worth it.

– Post length doesn’t matter to me too much, so long as it’s at least a paragraph or two. I can usually work with that. Provided what you produce can be read without much issue.

– I’m not too picky when it comes to artwork for your character’s face claim, if that’s something you even want to do. I’m also not serious enough about these ideas to warrant a character sheet. If you care, let me know. I might not care, but I'll listen to you.

– I’d prefer to RP on the forum proper, but we can do so in PMs if you insist on it. That said, don’t expect PM RPs to get lewd. I ain’t a prude but I won’t be writing anything especially saucy. I would also like to put the plot before any sex scenes we write. It would be kind of weird if we just kept fading to black all the time. I don’t think it would make for a good RP.

If you read this far, you must be thinking something like: “Wow, I can’t believe we, the 1x1 subforum RPers, finally have a gigachad like Broken Promise to RP with! I’m sure even your most cringe ideas are to die for!” And to your hypothetical thoughts, my response is. “Have a look.”

Idea #1: Suki’s Revenge

While I GM most of my RPs to completion, every once in a while I make the mistake of joining someone else’s, and the often don’t finish. It’s just a matter of time before the GM throws in the towel or decides I’m too toxic for their sheltered RP group. In the case of the latter, the RP usually dies without my continued support. I’ve got big shoulders.

Why is this important? Because sometimes I genuinely enjoy these RPs and make characters that I’d like to explore more. It’s not always possible to just slot them into other projects. For a dark magical girl RP I made a (this will shock you) dark magical girl that I thought was a load of fun to play. It’s not required reading, but here’s her character sheet. Basic idea is “Awkward delinquent can turn into a confident and cute blood witch while still retaining the baggage that makes her undesirable.”

The setting was just your generic magical girl fanfare and wasn’t all that interesting. The characters made it interesting. I’m more interested in seeing how a romance between our characters would play out than partaking in magical fights against monsters. Is it possible for someone to endure Suki’s shenanigans? Can she change before they lose interest?

Because Suki is “lonely sexual” you can play just about anyone and she’ll obsess over them. A fellow dark/light magical girl/boy, a normal straight “A” student, new kid in town, etc. I’d like to avoid taboo relationships such as one with a faculty member. Otherwise, I’m fine putting Suki in almost any country and we can go for a highschool or college setting. Could also be talked into basing the RP around a part time/entry level job like a fast food franchise.

Idea #2: Love for Kaiju

I don’t think this idea needs a huge write up. When you’re fifty-stories tall and everyone regards you as a monster, is it possible to find love? We’d play as two Kaiju that are ready to fight each other but then something magical happens. Maybe their initial fight is an attempt to impress each other? Maybe it only looks like a fight to the civilians who can do nothing but run for their lives. I’d be fine playing whatever for this, and I’m not too picky as to what you want to play. Just nothing lame like a giant human. I mean okay, I guess “Attack of the 50 ft woman” was a classic, but I’d prefer we go more on the weird side. I wanna see lizards and robots holding hands as they walk into the ocean together, you know? Alternatively, we could do a King Kong; One of us is a human and the other one is a Kaiju that takes them for a joy ride. It could be fun to get in the head of characters that can’t verbally communicate with one another.

If anything here interests you, which something should if your tastes don't suck, I would prefer you show interest here first. Unlike those pretentious players that beg you to GM their games, I don't mind if you bump my thread with your interest. People should know what a proper interest check looks like, and embrace it.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

Just thought you'd like to know, your image links are all busted.

And you call yourself a giggachad...

How pathetic.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

The links were broken when the IC went up, yes. Suki is from a dead RP and it only makes sense to leave the links dead as well. Only a severely deranged person would try to make sure that their links work at all times. I can just picture such a person periodically backtracking and repairing broken links to ensure their work is "good for future readers." I cringe.

But now that the links are broken, we are free to visualize the character however we wish. Maybe my prospective partner does not like anime? To be fair, such people have no taste, and I likely wouldn't enjoy RPing with them anyway. But there are benefits to leaving how a character looks up to the imagination.

Though the real reason why you're here is to ask to RP with me, and given your focus on Suki's sheet, you want the first idea. Unfortunately, that's not going to be possible. I'm already running that idea with six other people and only half of them are alt accounts.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Lonewolf685
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Lonewolf685 Inquisitive and Immortal

Member Seen 7 hrs ago


I think I'd only be interested if we Wrangled Ponn in. I would like to see where Suki, Roche, and and Norika go if it's just the three of them.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by The World
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The World A Thoroughly Unlikable Person

Member Seen 2 hrs ago

It'd be hilarious if the cast got together for a new run of that one, yes. I'm guessing this means Majora won't be GMing though, lol.

As for the kaiju, a game like that apparently exists. "Kaichu - A Kaiju Dating Simulator" is definitely a game on steam.

Anyway, yeah, if this comes out as a group game about the old dark girls, I'd be down for rejoining.
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

What the...

Well, whatever. I'm sure I can make this work. If I'm going to play with the three of you, I can just dump three other people to make room.

@Hornet @Bunny Ears @AyumiYume

Sorry ladies, maybe we'll catch up next time when I'm not so busy.


It seems my hand has been forced. If I restored the links, would you play with us?
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by Ponn
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Member Seen 16 hrs ago

I suppose...
Hidden 7 mos ago Post by BrokenPromise
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BrokenPromise With Rightious Hands

Member Seen 6 hrs ago

Very well. I'll get something up later. Stay tuned everyone.
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