"Just fuck off, I don’t care what you think."
![]() _______________________________________________ Patricia “Trisha” Malaya Vanburen She/Her | 24 | Filipino/ British American | 5’4” | 107lbs _______________________________________________ Resentment _______________________________________________ Skills & Talents "Nothing I can do is good enough." ___________________________________ Computer Programming ⫻ Trisha first tried coding when her partner at the time, Reyna, encouraged her to. She found it came quite naturally too - more so than anything ever had. But she also thought it was embarrassing thanks to the stereotypes, and has kept it secret for everyone else. Since then she’s done a lot of self learning, getting good enough to pick up contracting jobs in software development. She’s proficient in Java, Typescript, and various web server frameworks. Beekeeping ⫻ Thanks to her abstraction, Trisha had to get good at looking after bees very quickly. At first, it was something she did because she had to, but now she enjoys it. She knows how to care for her bees so they thrive, how to gather and process their honey, and how to maintain the hive itself. While she has an innate understanding of the bees’ natural behaviours thanks to her abstraction, she’s also read up on it as much as possible, making her very knowledgeable on the subject. Studying ⫻ While Trisha struggled with understanding harder concepts and memorising it, she is very good at studying. She spent most of her teen years locked in her room studying as hard as she could. She essentially brute forced her way through exams through studying everything she could. This means she has a good attention span and ability to go through materials. Language Learning ⫻ Not a skill that Trisha entirely realises she has, but she’s good at picking up other languages. She’s fluent in Filipino (Tagalog) thanks to growing up speaking it with her mom. She also speaks conversational Arabic, thanks to it being another language her mom frequently used, and basic Spanish. She’s a bit of a sponge when it comes to languages, picking up bits and pieces just from being around people speaking them. | Appearance ▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔ "The only good thing I got from my parents is my looks." Trisha is attractive, something she knows and flaunts. She isn’t shy about it, and it’s the one thing she truly has confidence in - aided by many compliments from people through the years. She stands at an average height with a slender build. This is maintained with a combination of a naturally high metabolism and exercise. She has a softly curved body, with a slightly on the smaller sized chest (but pretty much average!) and more curves towards her hips. Her skin is a tanned light brown in colour, soft and smooth from very little hard work throughout her life. She has a long, hypertrophic scar just underneath her chest that curves round onto her right side, and a few more obvious ones on her upper thighs and hips from fighting the Stygian Snake. There are pale, less obvious scars elsewhere - arms, stomach, shoulders - but they're small and only visible if someone looks really closely. Trisha has a smooth, diamond shaped face with a well defined jawline. She normally wears makeup, but normally goes for a more natural look with light concealer, eyeshadow and blush. Freckles are splashed across her soft nose and her full lips are normally found with natural coloured lip gloss on them. Her eye colour seems to change constantly depending on the light. They are actually hazel with a vivid brown around the pupil moving towards green at the edge. Under a lot of lighting they look a more plain brown, and dark brown under dim light. Trisha’s dark brown, near black, hair falls to her waist, and is thick and naturally wavy. While she keeps it loose a lot of the time she can also be found with it tied up in a ponytail, a bun or twin braids on a rare occasion. Trisha has four piercings in both of her ears: three lobe piercings and one helix. She normally wears a simple gold hoop in the helix, and a variety of hoops and studs in her lobes (though she doesn’t always have an earring in every piercing). She normally wears delicate necklaces and bracelets, along with at least a couple of rings. Thanks to being born rich, Trisha can afford a variety of clothes. She dresses for her audience, with her style varying massively dependent on who she’s with. With her family, she’ll dress reasonably respectable in shirts tucked into jeans, loose dresses or skirts - that is if she’s decided to give a fuck that day. When going out to clubs, pubs or parties, she’ll dress in form fitting and revealing dresses or skirts that rarely go below mid thigh in shades of black, bright reds or shiny silvers. These are her outfits to impress and attract, and what she’s most confident in wearing. With her university friends, her fashion is a bit more varied between the club wear, to a more casual crop top and trousers combination that she felt more comfortable wearing around them the longer she knew them. When at home (unless people are visiting) she’ll wear sweats and large, oversized hoodies. When Trisha dresses for herself she tends to wear crop tops (especially tank top style) with wide legged trousers or cargo pants, and shorts in summer. She also enjoys wearing casual dresses or skirts on some days, tighter dresses on others, and dungarees over a crop top when she’s feeling cute. Her clothes are in a wide variety of colours, but she tends to wear more neutral tones when dressing for herself. When it’s cold she’ll wear a thick puffer jacket, of which she owns multiple, or a longer wool coat. While Trisha tends to dress for what she wants to show other people, she is comfortable and confident in almost everything she wears. |
"Nobody knows me. They just try to shove me in a box and get pissed off when I don't fit. It's not my fault they don't like me.”
MAIN GOAL ⫻ Trisha wants to find someone that will truly love her and stay with her. She wants to settle down and start a family of her own, to have kids and give them a life better than her own. But she also wants to find purpose - something she can actually do, rather than just aimlessly moving forward dependent on her family. She doesn’t just want to be another Vanburen, she wants to be herself, completely independent. Underneath it all, she wants her mom’s love, even though she’s accepted she’ll never get it.
PHILOSOPHY ⫻ That the only person you can truly depend upon is yourself, because everyone else will eventually abandon you. You have to look after yourself because no one else will bother. Trisha believes that you should never truly open up yourself to another person, because it will only hurt you in the end. Deep, deep down she believes there’s a place for everyone - and she just hasn’t found hers yet.
SECRETS ⫻ To Trisha, anything but the surface level of herself is a secret. All her deep seated issues - fear of abandonment, lack of self confidence, the cause of her resentment, are kept hidden. She hides that she has essentially no contact with her mom - they haven’t talked for almost two years. Trisha keeps a tight lock on how truly broken she feels. Then, there’s her selective secrets - she hides her magic from her mom and presumably blind siblings, how hard working she used to be from her university friends, and the number of people she’s been with (and dropped by) from future partners.
SEXUALITY ⫻ Pansexual, Trisha has been with many people with no care for gender. She’s generally dated more men, but doesn’t actually have a preference.
FEARS ⫻ Trisha is scared that she’ll never be good enough - for her mom, for her future partner, and for herself. She fears that she will continue to fail at everything she does. But more than that, Trisha fears being abandoned and losing anyone she begins to care for. This fear has come true time and time again to the point it feels more like a reality. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy when she pushes away people over the tiniest of issues. As part of this she fears becoming like her mom - falling in love with someone that will abandon her without a second thought. This already manifests in her quick but shallow attachment to anyone who shows her affection, only reinforcing the toxic cycle she’s in. She truly, deeply fears being alone even when she is the one that causes her isolation the most.
REPUTATION IN OLD COVEN ⫻ Mixed, but mostly negative, Trisha wasn’t a well liked figure in the old coven. While she was better with the coven members than she was with her family, Trisha was an incredibly bitter teen in the midst of puberty. She was even quicker to snap, to blame others for any mistakes and to straight up ignore others. While she was part of the rich kid clique, she did socialise outside of it and somehow saw the coven as somewhere she belonged… even if not many people liked her. Along with being viewed as someone irritating at best by most of the coven, Trisha also had a reputation for flirting around. She dated at least six people during the coven days, and spent very little time single… further leading to her poor reputation within it.
ROLE IN THE BATTLE AGAINST THE STYGIAN SNAKE ⫻ Trisha fought the Stygian Snake’s apparitions with her bees, using them to overwhelm larger creatures and easily picking off smaller ones. They also served as surveillance, and she used her alarm pheromones to both bolster allies and warn them. In the final battle she helped subdue the snake.
FLAWS ⫻ For Trisha, there’s always someone else to blame. She grew up being taught that someone else was to blame for what had happened in her life, with her mom poisoning her heavily against her dad and his affair partner. This resulted in a deep bitterness and heavy resentment towards certain family members along with James Vanburen himself. Trisha is quick to snap, being upset by the smallest things. Her anger comes in a cold and scathing manner, with harsh biting words or a cold shoulder rather than properly blowing up. Though outwardly projecting a don’t give a fuck attitude, Trisha has crippling self confidence issues as a result of never being good enough growing up along with a fear of abandonment. She always expects people to leave her and so she never opens up, and lashes out at the first sign of rejection. At the same time she grows easily attached to anyone who’s nice to her - quick to latch on, with all the jealousy and anxieties that come along with it, but refusing to open up. She rarely shares anything beyond the surface level of herself, being completely closed off even to the few close friends she has. Trisha uses relationships as a crutch, something to hold herself up rather than fixing any of the actual problems in her life. This leads to often unhealthy dynamics, on both sides. She’s self sabotaging when it comes to relationships, petty and grudge holding, and above all else can’t admit that she needs to change to truly make things better for herself.
PHILOSOPHY ⫻ That the only person you can truly depend upon is yourself, because everyone else will eventually abandon you. You have to look after yourself because no one else will bother. Trisha believes that you should never truly open up yourself to another person, because it will only hurt you in the end. Deep, deep down she believes there’s a place for everyone - and she just hasn’t found hers yet.
SECRETS ⫻ To Trisha, anything but the surface level of herself is a secret. All her deep seated issues - fear of abandonment, lack of self confidence, the cause of her resentment, are kept hidden. She hides that she has essentially no contact with her mom - they haven’t talked for almost two years. Trisha keeps a tight lock on how truly broken she feels. Then, there’s her selective secrets - she hides her magic from her mom and presumably blind siblings, how hard working she used to be from her university friends, and the number of people she’s been with (and dropped by) from future partners.
SEXUALITY ⫻ Pansexual, Trisha has been with many people with no care for gender. She’s generally dated more men, but doesn’t actually have a preference.
FEARS ⫻ Trisha is scared that she’ll never be good enough - for her mom, for her future partner, and for herself. She fears that she will continue to fail at everything she does. But more than that, Trisha fears being abandoned and losing anyone she begins to care for. This fear has come true time and time again to the point it feels more like a reality. It’s a self fulfilling prophecy when she pushes away people over the tiniest of issues. As part of this she fears becoming like her mom - falling in love with someone that will abandon her without a second thought. This already manifests in her quick but shallow attachment to anyone who shows her affection, only reinforcing the toxic cycle she’s in. She truly, deeply fears being alone even when she is the one that causes her isolation the most.
REPUTATION IN OLD COVEN ⫻ Mixed, but mostly negative, Trisha wasn’t a well liked figure in the old coven. While she was better with the coven members than she was with her family, Trisha was an incredibly bitter teen in the midst of puberty. She was even quicker to snap, to blame others for any mistakes and to straight up ignore others. While she was part of the rich kid clique, she did socialise outside of it and somehow saw the coven as somewhere she belonged… even if not many people liked her. Along with being viewed as someone irritating at best by most of the coven, Trisha also had a reputation for flirting around. She dated at least six people during the coven days, and spent very little time single… further leading to her poor reputation within it.
ROLE IN THE BATTLE AGAINST THE STYGIAN SNAKE ⫻ Trisha fought the Stygian Snake’s apparitions with her bees, using them to overwhelm larger creatures and easily picking off smaller ones. They also served as surveillance, and she used her alarm pheromones to both bolster allies and warn them. In the final battle she helped subdue the snake.
FLAWS ⫻ For Trisha, there’s always someone else to blame. She grew up being taught that someone else was to blame for what had happened in her life, with her mom poisoning her heavily against her dad and his affair partner. This resulted in a deep bitterness and heavy resentment towards certain family members along with James Vanburen himself. Trisha is quick to snap, being upset by the smallest things. Her anger comes in a cold and scathing manner, with harsh biting words or a cold shoulder rather than properly blowing up. Though outwardly projecting a don’t give a fuck attitude, Trisha has crippling self confidence issues as a result of never being good enough growing up along with a fear of abandonment. She always expects people to leave her and so she never opens up, and lashes out at the first sign of rejection. At the same time she grows easily attached to anyone who’s nice to her - quick to latch on, with all the jealousy and anxieties that come along with it, but refusing to open up. She rarely shares anything beyond the surface level of herself, being completely closed off even to the few close friends she has. Trisha uses relationships as a crutch, something to hold herself up rather than fixing any of the actual problems in her life. This leads to often unhealthy dynamics, on both sides. She’s self sabotaging when it comes to relationships, petty and grudge holding, and above all else can’t admit that she needs to change to truly make things better for herself.
"Fuck everyone that made me who I am today."
Trisha was born to James Vanburen and his wife at the time, Maria Mendoza. The two had met while James was on one of his trips outside of St Portwell and “fell in love”. Or, more accurately Maria one sidedly fell head over heels for James. So much so that she put her career as a Professor at MIT (in Mechanical Engineering) on hold to marry him and move to St Portwell. Shortly afterwards, she was pregnant with Trisha and happily gave birth. Sadly this happiness was short-lived as it was only a year later that James had an affair with another woman (that she knew of), resulting in her pregnancy. The events that followed ruined any love Maria had for him and completely destroyed their marriage.
The divorce was messy, and Maria left St Portwell to return to her previous job. Her daughter, barely a year old, was left in the Vanburen Manor in the city. Trisha spent her early years in St Portwell, being attended to by nannies while following around her older siblings. She would visit her mom for a month or two over summer, which involved minimal time together around her mom’s work. But from when Trisha was old enough to understand words, Maria was telling Trisha who was at fault for the situation: her father and his wife after her.
Even in the short period of time they had together, Trisha grew attached to her mom. She took her words as gospel - growing resentful towards her father and making that clear the rare times she saw him, while hoping that one day she could move in with her mom.
There was one thing that Maria wished for when it came to Trisha: that she would excel in school just as she had. So Trisha started learning young from her, and kept this up when she started school. Most of her time was spent locked in her room trying to learn and completely ignoring the family she lived with.
Trisha wasn’t good at school.
No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t wrap her head around the most basic concepts. She was near the bottom of the class for learning to read and write, the only thing she was slightly above average for was mathematics. None of it was good enough to satisfy Maria - who even at a distance kept a constant check on how she was doing. It was obvious that she wasn’t academically inclined. It didn't matter that she went above and beyond when it came to effort.
At only thirteen, with her daughter not improving - if anything she grew more mediocre, Maria began to give up. Trisha’s already short visits at her mom’s got shorter and their relationship quickly grew tenuous. Suddenly she was to blame for everything that went wrong.
Trisha started her teenage years filled with bitterness. She was ridiculed by her mother, basically shoved aside by a father she’d always disliked for her better siblings. She lashed out at her siblings and parents whenever she could. It was in one anger fueled moment that she broke into her father’s large collection of priceless artifacts. Maybe if she broke one, she’d get some proper attention from him - even if it was bad, it was better than nothing.
And she did. She knocked over a strange wooden statue… And a strange, bee-like creature was released. She introduced herself as the Queen and, instead of hurting Trisha or fleeing, adjoined with her. Suddenly Trisha could see a world she didn’t know existed, and was thrust into the world of the paranormal. The Queen taught her how to use her new abstraction: controlling the ten thousand bees remaining along with using her pheromones on other people. At first, Trisha worked on getting more bees through a temporary queen, bolstering their numbers.
Between the Queen, the bees, and the friends she made at school, things seemed a little better for Trisha. Then, her dad was tragically killed, completely closing off the slim chance she had of ever reconciling. Soon afterwards, when she was out with a couple of those friends from school, the mall they were in was overrun with apparitions. Both friends were killed, and Trisha barely made it out alive thanks to the help of a group of people calling themselves the Sycamore Tree Coven.
Trisha ended up joining them. At first, she was better with the coven than she was her family. It was another chance for her, to be herself without being in the shadow of her siblings. She made friends with a couple of people, and was included in the rich clique. She saw them as a second family - a place she belonged, even if it was as dysfunctional as her actual family. But she could never escape the Vanburen name, or her own flaws. She isolated as many people as she befriended. She started using her looks as a way to get validation - flirting with coven members around her age, and dating a fair few in the time they were fighting the snake. None of these relationships lasted long, with most ending within days.
One relationship, with a boy a year older than her called Martin Nilsiam, ended especially brutally. They’d been together almost a month at this point - the longest any of the relationships had lasted. In the last week, while they were fighting apparitions, Trisha temporarily lost control of her bees… and this resulted in Martin sustaining life ending injuries in her defence. She made it out alive, and suppressed the memory in response, but some of the other coven members blamed her.
But she stayed, still there when the Stygian Snake was killed and beyond. Trisha stuck around for as long as she could, but she was one of the many high tempers in the covens. She held grudges and got into arguments, pushing towards it disbanding. She stayed until the very end and it hurt more than she wanted to admit when the coven disbanded. So on the way out, Trisha explosively cut all ties with every member that wasn’t part of the rich clique… Severing any chance of a continued relationship.
Trisha moved on. She went to highschool and continued to live in St Portwell as she had done, just on her brother’s dime rather than her father’s. She spent most of her time locked in her room studying even when her grades continued to be mediocre, her mom continued to withdraw, and she continued to use her looks to have shallow friendships and relationships at school. By the end of highschool she did well enough to go to a middle tier university, doing mathematics.
It was at University that Trisha really started to flourish and move on. She got friendly with a guy on her course, Sal, and through him she met his close friend, Cass, and her friend, Reyna. Four more people joined the group, from Sal’s general friendliness and their dorms, making a group of eight. At first Trisha struggled with being herself around her friends, always putting on a fake persona, but eventually it relaxed a bit (but not enough for her to ever truly let them in). In her second year, Trisha and Reyna dated. This lasted for four months before Reyna ended it because it wasn’t working out. It only lasted so long thanks to Reyna’s magic, as a pink & white adept. Unlike all of her other exes, Trisha was able to stay friends with Reyna - partly due to Reyna’s ability to handle Trisha’s bitterness, and to not lose their shared friend group.
Trisha spent the rest of university dating around, spending time with her friends, and studying a shit ton around it all. Each year her already lacking contact with her mom reduced. She graduated with a passing grade, but not much more. The day of her degree result was the last time her mom phoned her. She refused to turn up to Trisha’s graduation and Trisha didn’t invite any other family, so she spent it with her friends and then alone.
With no idea what to do, Trisha moved back to St Portwell. She was lucky that one of her older half-sisters, Sabrina, let her move into her house. She didn’t have to worry about her bees, which she’d been tending to all these years and treating almost like her children. In the past year and a bit, she’s been making money off of odd coding jobs along with an allowance from Ezra.
When the murders started, Trisha responded to Auri’s message with a very succinct ‘fuck off’.
The divorce was messy, and Maria left St Portwell to return to her previous job. Her daughter, barely a year old, was left in the Vanburen Manor in the city. Trisha spent her early years in St Portwell, being attended to by nannies while following around her older siblings. She would visit her mom for a month or two over summer, which involved minimal time together around her mom’s work. But from when Trisha was old enough to understand words, Maria was telling Trisha who was at fault for the situation: her father and his wife after her.
Even in the short period of time they had together, Trisha grew attached to her mom. She took her words as gospel - growing resentful towards her father and making that clear the rare times she saw him, while hoping that one day she could move in with her mom.
There was one thing that Maria wished for when it came to Trisha: that she would excel in school just as she had. So Trisha started learning young from her, and kept this up when she started school. Most of her time was spent locked in her room trying to learn and completely ignoring the family she lived with.
Trisha wasn’t good at school.
No matter how hard she tried, she just couldn’t wrap her head around the most basic concepts. She was near the bottom of the class for learning to read and write, the only thing she was slightly above average for was mathematics. None of it was good enough to satisfy Maria - who even at a distance kept a constant check on how she was doing. It was obvious that she wasn’t academically inclined. It didn't matter that she went above and beyond when it came to effort.
At only thirteen, with her daughter not improving - if anything she grew more mediocre, Maria began to give up. Trisha’s already short visits at her mom’s got shorter and their relationship quickly grew tenuous. Suddenly she was to blame for everything that went wrong.
Trisha started her teenage years filled with bitterness. She was ridiculed by her mother, basically shoved aside by a father she’d always disliked for her better siblings. She lashed out at her siblings and parents whenever she could. It was in one anger fueled moment that she broke into her father’s large collection of priceless artifacts. Maybe if she broke one, she’d get some proper attention from him - even if it was bad, it was better than nothing.
And she did. She knocked over a strange wooden statue… And a strange, bee-like creature was released. She introduced herself as the Queen and, instead of hurting Trisha or fleeing, adjoined with her. Suddenly Trisha could see a world she didn’t know existed, and was thrust into the world of the paranormal. The Queen taught her how to use her new abstraction: controlling the ten thousand bees remaining along with using her pheromones on other people. At first, Trisha worked on getting more bees through a temporary queen, bolstering their numbers.
Between the Queen, the bees, and the friends she made at school, things seemed a little better for Trisha. Then, her dad was tragically killed, completely closing off the slim chance she had of ever reconciling. Soon afterwards, when she was out with a couple of those friends from school, the mall they were in was overrun with apparitions. Both friends were killed, and Trisha barely made it out alive thanks to the help of a group of people calling themselves the Sycamore Tree Coven.
Trisha ended up joining them. At first, she was better with the coven than she was her family. It was another chance for her, to be herself without being in the shadow of her siblings. She made friends with a couple of people, and was included in the rich clique. She saw them as a second family - a place she belonged, even if it was as dysfunctional as her actual family. But she could never escape the Vanburen name, or her own flaws. She isolated as many people as she befriended. She started using her looks as a way to get validation - flirting with coven members around her age, and dating a fair few in the time they were fighting the snake. None of these relationships lasted long, with most ending within days.
One relationship, with a boy a year older than her called Martin Nilsiam, ended especially brutally. They’d been together almost a month at this point - the longest any of the relationships had lasted. In the last week, while they were fighting apparitions, Trisha temporarily lost control of her bees… and this resulted in Martin sustaining life ending injuries in her defence. She made it out alive, and suppressed the memory in response, but some of the other coven members blamed her.
But she stayed, still there when the Stygian Snake was killed and beyond. Trisha stuck around for as long as she could, but she was one of the many high tempers in the covens. She held grudges and got into arguments, pushing towards it disbanding. She stayed until the very end and it hurt more than she wanted to admit when the coven disbanded. So on the way out, Trisha explosively cut all ties with every member that wasn’t part of the rich clique… Severing any chance of a continued relationship.
Trisha moved on. She went to highschool and continued to live in St Portwell as she had done, just on her brother’s dime rather than her father’s. She spent most of her time locked in her room studying even when her grades continued to be mediocre, her mom continued to withdraw, and she continued to use her looks to have shallow friendships and relationships at school. By the end of highschool she did well enough to go to a middle tier university, doing mathematics.
It was at University that Trisha really started to flourish and move on. She got friendly with a guy on her course, Sal, and through him she met his close friend, Cass, and her friend, Reyna. Four more people joined the group, from Sal’s general friendliness and their dorms, making a group of eight. At first Trisha struggled with being herself around her friends, always putting on a fake persona, but eventually it relaxed a bit (but not enough for her to ever truly let them in). In her second year, Trisha and Reyna dated. This lasted for four months before Reyna ended it because it wasn’t working out. It only lasted so long thanks to Reyna’s magic, as a pink & white adept. Unlike all of her other exes, Trisha was able to stay friends with Reyna - partly due to Reyna’s ability to handle Trisha’s bitterness, and to not lose their shared friend group.
Trisha spent the rest of university dating around, spending time with her friends, and studying a shit ton around it all. Each year her already lacking contact with her mom reduced. She graduated with a passing grade, but not much more. The day of her degree result was the last time her mom phoned her. She refused to turn up to Trisha’s graduation and Trisha didn’t invite any other family, so she spent it with her friends and then alone.
With no idea what to do, Trisha moved back to St Portwell. She was lucky that one of her older half-sisters, Sabrina, let her move into her house. She didn’t have to worry about her bees, which she’d been tending to all these years and treating almost like her children. In the past year and a bit, she’s been making money off of odd coding jobs along with an allowance from Ezra.
When the murders started, Trisha responded to Auri’s message with a very succinct ‘fuck off’.
"My bees love me unconditionally. I can’t say that for anyone else."
TYPE ⫻ Aberration - Adjoined
ABSTRACTION ⫻ The Hive Queen, Trisha is adjoined with an apparition called the Queen Bee that gives her a hive of bees that she can control along with the ability to manipulate her own pheromones and affect humans with them.
ABSTRACTION ⫻ The Hive Queen, Trisha is adjoined with an apparition called the Queen Bee that gives her a hive of bees that she can control along with the ability to manipulate her own pheromones and affect humans with them.
The Swarm ⫻ The primary part of Trisha’s astraction, she has access to a hive of sixty thousand semi-magical honey bees that all view her as their queen. These bees don’t die of ageing, but can be killed easily otherwise (such as being squashed). They also don’t die after stinging, and can heal their stinger back in under a minute. Otherwise, they’re like normal bees. Trisha has to care for and tend to the group of bees to keep them alive.
Trisha can communicate and control her bees just like a queen bee could, through complex pheromonal commands. She can go well beyond what would be possible with mundane bees - giving specific instructions, and can get them to perform complicated tasks as long as she commands them the whole way through it. She can recognise each individual bee's pheromones and can understand what they’re communicating to her, within reason. They don’t speak traditionally and aren’t much more intelligent than a normal bee. It’s possible for Trisha to call them from almost any distance - she can roughly specify how many she wants to come as well. She’s yet to fail to call them. The bees fly to get to her, so it will take their normal travel time to reach her. She needs to be close to them to use other commands. Without specific instructions, they will otherwise go about their normal bee business until called.
Another aspect of the bees is how they increase in numbers. There are two ways of doing this. The first is for a temporary queen to be made, which temporarily reduces Trisha’s control over the hive while they create more worker bees. This was how she grew her hive to its current size. The other way is for the larvae to be implanted into human, or another sentient creature (something that satisfies the apparition’s fussiness), flesh magically. The bees grow and eventually emerge. The human can be alive or dead. Unknown to Trisha, these bees will be much stronger than their normally bred counterparts and have a stronger connection to her. There is also the possibility of creating different types of bees… yet another part of the abstraction she has no idea about.
Pheromone Control ⫻ The secondary part, Trisha can affect humans with certain types of pheromones. Currently she has two types of pheromones she can use on humans: sex pheromones and alarm pheromones. This isn’t an aspect she’s played around with as much, and there is more she could do… eventually.
Trisha can communicate and control her bees just like a queen bee could, through complex pheromonal commands. She can go well beyond what would be possible with mundane bees - giving specific instructions, and can get them to perform complicated tasks as long as she commands them the whole way through it. She can recognise each individual bee's pheromones and can understand what they’re communicating to her, within reason. They don’t speak traditionally and aren’t much more intelligent than a normal bee. It’s possible for Trisha to call them from almost any distance - she can roughly specify how many she wants to come as well. She’s yet to fail to call them. The bees fly to get to her, so it will take their normal travel time to reach her. She needs to be close to them to use other commands. Without specific instructions, they will otherwise go about their normal bee business until called.
Another aspect of the bees is how they increase in numbers. There are two ways of doing this. The first is for a temporary queen to be made, which temporarily reduces Trisha’s control over the hive while they create more worker bees. This was how she grew her hive to its current size. The other way is for the larvae to be implanted into human, or another sentient creature (something that satisfies the apparition’s fussiness), flesh magically. The bees grow and eventually emerge. The human can be alive or dead. Unknown to Trisha, these bees will be much stronger than their normally bred counterparts and have a stronger connection to her. There is also the possibility of creating different types of bees… yet another part of the abstraction she has no idea about.
Pheromone Control ⫻ The secondary part, Trisha can affect humans with certain types of pheromones. Currently she has two types of pheromones she can use on humans: sex pheromones and alarm pheromones. This isn’t an aspect she’s played around with as much, and there is more she could do… eventually.
Sex Pheromones ⫻ A soft, lemony scent, Trisha’s sex pheromones allow her to appear more attractive towards one, specifically targeted person at a stronger level or a few at a much more diluted level. Generally it's most effective when targeted and does very little when not. This makes whoever is being hit by them more likely to want to listen to her, to be with her, to protect her along with being incredibly attracted to her. It makes them easier for her to manipulate if she wishes to, or to get to be with her.
Alarm Pheromones ⫻ A harsher, banana scent, Trisha’s alarm pheromones affecting everyone in a radius around her. This radius is about five metres around her, but the effect weakens the further away someone is from her. These come in two modes: fight or flight. She can choose which one to use when emitting the pheromones. Flight will make anyone smelling them have the overwhelming urge to flee. It will make them want to run out of the area, the effect lingering even when they leave. It can cause complete panic and fear. Fight has the opposite effect, making anyone smelling it much more aggressive or defensive. It increases their adrenaline along with causing them to want to fight, often removing any fear - meaning it can be useful in a fight when used on allies. Trisha can control the intensity of these pheromones within reason, using the flight alarm ones more lightly to alert others to danger without causing panic or going full on against people to cause them to flee.
Alarm Pheromones ⫻ A harsher, banana scent, Trisha’s alarm pheromones affecting everyone in a radius around her. This radius is about five metres around her, but the effect weakens the further away someone is from her. These come in two modes: fight or flight. She can choose which one to use when emitting the pheromones. Flight will make anyone smelling them have the overwhelming urge to flee. It will make them want to run out of the area, the effect lingering even when they leave. It can cause complete panic and fear. Fight has the opposite effect, making anyone smelling it much more aggressive or defensive. It increases their adrenaline along with causing them to want to fight, often removing any fear - meaning it can be useful in a fight when used on allies. Trisha can control the intensity of these pheromones within reason, using the flight alarm ones more lightly to alert others to danger without causing panic or going full on against people to cause them to flee.
The Swarm ⫻ The bees are pretty much normal bees. They gather pollen and create honey, with a few semi frequently checking in on Trisha unless called. Aside from her calling, she’s unable to command them over long distances. They need to be able to sense her pheromones. She can give them commands that require them to go off and do something, which they’ll generally follow. They can easily be killed through magical or mundane means - being squashed, eaten by birds, or hit by any magic. Also the bees don’t always listen to her and the more that she’s trying to command, the more difficult it can be. With smaller numbers it’s possible to give more individual instructions, but the more there are she’ll need to command them in large groups. The bees also need relatively frequent contact with her, and if she doesn’t visit the hive every few days to allow them to sense her queen pheromones they will begin to feel discontent. Gaining more bees take time, and active energy from her.
Pheromone Control ⫻ Emotional fields dampen the effects of these and will eventually be able to tell they’re being used on them. She’s limited by range - someone must be able to smell / sense the pheromones to be affected by them. They affect everyone differently so she can’t always predict what the result will be. Generally she’s protected from the aggression that fight pheromones induce, but not always. The sex pheromones work best when targeted at one specific person, whereas the alarm pheromones can’t be targeted. This means everyone in the radius of around five metres are affected - ally or foe. She has to be within a metre or two of a person for the sex pheromones to be effective. She can only use the pheromones for up to half an hour consistently before needing a break. Sometimes, if her emotions are high or she’s affected by substances, she’ll use these pheromones unconsciously and with very little control of them.
Pheromone Control ⫻ Emotional fields dampen the effects of these and will eventually be able to tell they’re being used on them. She’s limited by range - someone must be able to smell / sense the pheromones to be affected by them. They affect everyone differently so she can’t always predict what the result will be. Generally she’s protected from the aggression that fight pheromones induce, but not always. The sex pheromones work best when targeted at one specific person, whereas the alarm pheromones can’t be targeted. This means everyone in the radius of around five metres are affected - ally or foe. She has to be within a metre or two of a person for the sex pheromones to be effective. She can only use the pheromones for up to half an hour consistently before needing a break. Sometimes, if her emotions are high or she’s affected by substances, she’ll use these pheromones unconsciously and with very little control of them.
Whenever a bee dies, she receives a mental backlash; if one or two die, it would be just a tiny headache. If it were hundreds, then she'd be in debilitating pain, with nose bleeds and everything. Trisha's pheromone-based abilities can backfire if she's in a confined space or if the wind carries the pheromones back toward her. This could cause her to affect herself, leading to confusion. Area of effect and elemental attacks are a very effective counter to her bees, as extreme heat and colds are harmful to the bees. Area of Effect attacks can kill large amounts of bees at once. The more bees she controls at once, the harder it is to give specific instructions.
"Kulang ka siguro sa aruga."
Some of Trisha’s bees got shaken around too much in the fight against the Stygian Snake, and now they’re pessimistic.
The.Queen.Bee | |
![]() A Millennia | The Queen Bee | She/Her "You depend on us to survive, yet you would kill us so easily." | Description: The Queen Bee is an apparition that came into existence a millennia ago. Her existence didn’t come from humans but instead from bees - from the strong bonds between bees within a colony and with their queen, along with their necessity to everything’s survival. She is an apparition that cared most about the bees wellbeing and with it the natural world. She deep within a forest with her own hive of semi-magical bees that she commanded, that also acted as overseers for all mundane bees too - ensuring their safety. She would use her powers to control humans that threatened them or intruded on her domain, forcing them out. But she would also use her potent sex pheromones to lure in select Blind humans, completely bending them to her will and using their bodies to create more bees for her hive. This made her a threat to any civilisation in the surrounding area. Around fifty years ago someone intruded that she couldn’t just control. After a fierce battle, in which she lost the majority of her colony, she was sealed in an amulet. The Queen was used as an artifact for a short while, but she was weakened and the bees difficult to care for. She ended up in James Vanburen’s collection and was found eleven years ago by Trisha Vanburen, who accidentally smashed the amulet and released the Queen. The Queen could have fled, but decided instead to adjoin with her. She sensed in the young girl a need for belonging, and knew that she would look after the remnants of her colony. The Queen was very weak at this point and would need time to recover before she could tend to and grow the hive herself, which had dwindled to only ten thousand bees. But when adjoined with a human she could strengthen herself while passing on the duties. Trisha learned of the magic world from the Queen, and within a year ten thousand bees had become near forty thousand, then sixty thousand by the end of the Stygian Snake, where the population stabilised. At her core, the Queen is an ambivalent to good leaning apparition. Her presence is a boon to the environment and the continuation of the cycle of life, as bees are essential. But she has very little care for humans, with no interest in their life or death. Her bees, and to an extent all bees in the world, are her main concern. She has grown to care for Trisha over the past ten years, as the girl has tended to and loved the bees well. While the Queen is generally silent, she will occasionally talk to or give Trisha advice. Abstraction: Apparition - The Queen’s Hive. The Swarm: At her strongest, the Queen Bee had a hive of almost five hundred thousand bees. Normal bees joined her hive, influenced by her powers and no longer dying to old age. She could communicate with and command all of these bees, to an incredibly specific level. Every bee was connected to her, and interconnected with each other. If she wished, she could control them down to which flower they would pollinate. She did not, because she valued her worker bees as family, but it was possible. She has given Trisha access to this, but a combination of the Queen Bee’s lowered strength and Trisha’s abilities mean it’s more restricted for her. New bees can be born in two ways: through more traditional means, where a temporary real queen bee is created that lays eggs, which then become worker bees. This makes the hive more difficult to control for a short period of time until this queen dies once her duties are done, but they still view the apparition (or her adjoined) as their main queen. This is how Trisha increased the size of her hive. The second is faster, and stronger: luring in people and planting bee larvae in their bodies. This doesn’t require a queen bee, as it's magical. Trisha could technically do this, but chooses not to. Both the Queen Bee and Trisha have agreed for the hive not to grow beyond its current number of sixty thousand. Hive Mind: The secondary part of the Queen Bee’s abstraction, and a much more potent one than her bees themselves. This allowed the Queen Bee to use her pheromones on humans as if they were bees. This could be as simple as using alarm pheromones to induce a fight or flight reaction, forcing people to leave her forest or near complete mind control via pheromones. Blinds were completely susceptible to this, while those with emotional fields could resist. The more complicated the pheromonal command, the easier it is for someone with an emotional field to resist. She is limited by distance - people must be able to sense pheromones. Trisha can only use a fraction of this power, and the Queen is unsure if she will ever be able to use it to its full extent, though she is willing to offer it to her. |