Name: "Sora"
Age: 19
Gender: Androgynous, He/Him pronouns
Sexuality: Pansexual
Species: Slime (Lavender Purple)
Hotel Job(s): Housekeeping, Laundry
Physical DescriptionSora appears in the likeness of an anthropomorphic wolf, standing at about 4’11, just made up of semi-translucent purple goo. His viscous body is varied in its shades of color, lavender being the base color, while darker purples accent his ‘fur’. Sora's voice often comes out as gurgling and what have you, however, his voice is still distinct; it is somewhat soft and a little shy sounding, once you get past the initial fluid noise that comes out of Slimes in general. He wears a red bandanna around the neck that is constantly a little stained, nothing else.
PersonalitySora is very friendly to anyone and everyone he gets to know, and is very into hugging and cuddling, even though that usually gets people stuck in his goopy body. He is a very simple creature, just needing a cuddle buddy. He's scared of being alone and doesn't really care what he eats, since he can absorb literally anything, however, he doesn't realize the same does not apply to other people.
The darker purple markings that accent his fluffy gooey body telegraph strong emotions, turning a lighter shade with happier and shyer emotions and darker with sadness and anger. Don't trust what would be an ‘obvious’ tell with the ears or tail, they are unreliable. When he is sleepy, his form starts melting, as he slowly reverts to blob form.
Skills and Abilities- Amorphous Form; Sora can manipulate his body's form, allowing him to condense and mold his body to whatever he needs.
- Sticky; Sora's body can be incredibly sticky, and his slime can also be used as a powerful adhesive.
- Acidity Control; Sora can change the acidity of his slime, from being able to clean an item to breaking things down.
- Dust Trap; Every room Sora cleans, one thing stays consistent, there is never a single speck of dust that lingers.
Magic Properties Whenever Sora uses magic, it manifests in a slow, gelatinous, and adaptive form, leaving behind a soft scent of lavender... His magic is of the more random and unpredictable variety, never really knowing what its going to do, but more often than not it warrants some kind of positive effect...