Lord and Lady Coswain
Eye of Beholder
Royal waiting
Persephone woke slowly and glanced out the window and could tell the weather would be cold, nothing new to the Lunarian woman whom rolled onto her back and grabbed some cold water near to her. The past time had not been too eventful, apart from the splitting migraine of her visions… a golden wolf still was a haunting memory, it walked on water and headed out into the mountains…
That could not be a good omen, those mountains lead to places even deeper than dawn haven. Or Gloom Haven as some called it for a joke, Dawn had not risen I'm far too long. Persephone sipped as she looked about, saddle bags, armour, various effects lay about the room off to the side, the main bedroom was largest in the place and they had a luxury second only to the owner who they came to know lived on the entire top floor, her apartment would be one of larger homes in Dawn Haven if she really thought about it.
“Same as always Adon” She said, using her partner to keep warm and being unwilling to leave the bed, it was warm and the covers thick. Sure it was not the best quality or design but the Eye of the Beholder did best to keep them warm even despite the winter's chill that bore down on the large building.
“Daphne ever get back?" He Asked with a notice to his wife's smile at the topic, she seemed to be quite distracted by the priestess and honestly if they wanted to, they were adults. The priestess had to serve Seluna, but she did not have to be alone.
“Not that I Saw, let her be, be good and I'm sure i recognise her, she seemed familiar. But they had a hard day, let them have theit comfort.” Persephone said as she tried and failed to make “dawn” go away as she used her partner like a human cuddle pillow. In her private comments she still was a human being however much they both did difficult jobs.
“Come on seph, I know how you sleep, but i'll probably have to answer to the Sun Prince no doubt… Damaged armour will have to do.” He said as he threw a log onto the embers and stoked the small fire in their room to generate some heat.
Persephone woke up like a cat, Aka slowly… and without much desire to rise, she had slept badly tonight but was plain too tired to not sleep after the forced sight of the golden wolf. She blinked awake and they dressed and headed down to eat a hot meal, even if Sya was away she allowed guests to warm whatever they wanted in the small kitchen, it was easier and Persephone wondered if she could borrow the baking oven some time today perhaps, what way to break the ice than food?
That was decided as a potential idea for the day she joined her husband's arm as they headed down for breakfast, maybe some hot porridge and warm bread would be available.
They could deal with Royal stuff later, breakfast was more important as they moved to the bar area of the Inn with its fire that never stopped burning.