Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Petal Bakery - Denver, CO
Skills: Bunny

Headlights pass and a rabbit can be seen diving into a bush, the glow of the vehicle highlighting the speckled pattern of its fur. The car doesn’t stop and drives on ahead and the bunny lets loose a sigh of relief. It seems like luck is on the rabbit’s side for it appears neither the Beowulf or the Conan clans have followed her this far. Her tummy grumbles as she peeks out of the bush to see a bakery nearby.

That should have something to eat, Willow thinks to herself as she bounds over to the Petal Bakery. She circles around it until she finds a small crack in a window to squeeze through and plops down onto the floor with a small thwump. Standing on her hind legs, she looks around to see what might be available for a runaway rabbit to snack on.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Petal Bakery, Denver CO

Currently: Baking

There's soft clanging in the back of the bakery. It doesn't even look like it's open yet, likely due to how early in the morning it was. Footsteps came out of the back, a large man coming into view and going behind the counter. He knelt down, sliding a pan into a spot and then sliding another.

His gaze pauses, eyes looking towards the bunny that he can see through the glass. He stands, and moves around the counter, lifting the separator and starting to the bunny.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
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Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Petal Bakery  - Denver, CO
Currently: Bunny

Willow’s heartbeat quickens as she hears footsteps and noises from the back. She looks around desperately for a place to hide when her eyes meet another pair of eyes through the display glass. She slinks low to the floor as he stands and makes his way towards her.

He’s tall… Is all Willow can think as she looks up at him before she forces herself to jump. She tries to run between his legs, hoping she can back it to an exit or a place where the man can’t get to her.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Petal Bakery, Denver CO

Currently: Baking

Large hands caught the bunny mid-jump. After catching her though, they became more gentle. He turned them so she was cradled in his palm and his fingers rubbed between her ears gently. He'd have to wash his hands again, but that's alright. A softer deeper voice mumbled above her. "How'd you get in here, little one..?"

He turned and went into the back, looking around as he held her against his chest gently and rummaged around for something. Once he found it, he set the bunny inside the basket, a cloth at the bottom. "There you go, little one. I'll help you in a moment. Let me get the rest of the pans out.." He went to go wash his hands then.
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Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
Avatar of Donut Look Now

Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Petal Bakery  - Denver, CO
Currently: Bunny

Willow’s eyes go wide when she’s caught, startled by the man’s quick reaction. However, she starts to calm down as he cradles her and rubs her head. It’s been a stressful twenty—four hours for her and the initial adrenaline rush that had helped her escape is wearing off.

She steals glances up at this man as he gently moves her into a basket, starting to feel relaxed even in this situation. Willow stands on her hind legs again, trying to see what the big man is doing. If he thinks she’s just some random rabbit, maybe he’d keep her safe…

This thought repeats in her brain, thinking to herself that she’ll have to act more like a common rabbit as opposed to a kemonomimi.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Petal Bakery, Denver CO

Currently: Baking

After maybe another hour of back and forth from the large.. now definitely wolf breed if his tail had anything to say about it. Once he was done, he went further into the shop front, opening his shop. He came back and moved into a small break room. The basket lifted from its position on the counter.

He brings the basket to the front and sets a small plate in the basket as well as a small bowl. Water and some vegetables it seems; greens and carrots. "There you are. Hopefully you aren't too hungry.." He pets her head again gently and then washes his hand, turning towards the front of the shop to start the first day cleaning. Looking, he no longer showed his ears and tail, probably because he was out in the public; discrimination maybe?
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
Avatar of Donut Look Now

Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Petal Bakery  - Denver, CO
Currently: Bunny

Willow tries to sneak peeks at her would-be savior each time he walks by, trying to figure out what type of person he is. When he moves her and places food and water in the basket, she can hardly contain herself even as the man pets her again. Once he gets up again, she goes straight for the carrots and quickly devours one before moving to drink the water.

Already feeling quite a bit better, she stands on her hind legs again to watch the man. He has to think I’m some lost pet at this point. The choice of food he gave her nearly confirms it, but she’s still wary.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Petal Bakery, Denver CO

Currently: Baking

The larger man didn't really do much with her after that. Once it hit a certain time, his shop became busy. He was either selling his pastries, or in the back making more. He checked on her occasionally, offering a smile and a pet or giving her more food but it only died down when it looked like the sun had started setting.

He shifted when he closed the door and locked it for the day. He stretched with a groan and moved over to the basket. "Alright, little one.." He picked up the basket after putting his apron away and went out the back door, locking it as he started to walk down a path connected to the back, going further into the woods behind the shop.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
Avatar of Donut Look Now

Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Petal Bakery  - Denver, CO
Currently: Bunny

Time seemed to pass by slowly as the large man worked and Willow watched. From the first impression, she would not have thought this man would work in a bakery, let alone actually bake. He never seems overly obsessive with her and only checked on her occasionally. As the sun starts to set, her opinion of the man is positive and a small glimmer of hope spreads in her chest.

Willow raises her head to peek over the basket’s edge as she’s carried away from the bakery. She sees they’re heading into the forest and starts to involuntarily thump her hind feet. It’s instinctual as she starts to panic a little, stressed that he’s going to release her into a dark wooded area to fend for herself against bears or either large predators.
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Rowan's House, Denver CO

Currently: -

It was only a moment more until a house came into view. It didn't look large, but it might be longer in the back than wider in the front. He gave a small huff and chuckle. "You're okay.. I'll keep you overnight to make sure you aren't hurt.. then I'll take you to a rehab shelter tomorrow.. Can't have a little bunny like you running around.. You're too tiny."

Okay, yes. It definitely seemed like the man thought she was wild bunny. He moved up to the front door, fishing out a different set of keys and moved inside after unlocking the door. Once he went towards the living room. As he set the basket on his coffee table, Willow would be able to see his ears pop up from his air. Seemed he wanted to be more comfortable. "Stay there. I'll get you more food." He turned to go to the kitchen now, leaving her in the basket.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
Avatar of Donut Look Now

Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House - Denver, CO
Currently: Bunny

Willow’s foot stops at his words - they seem to do the trick to calm her down. If he wants to take her to a shelter, that basically seals the deal that he has no idea what she truly is. She lets out her own little huff in relief as they enter the house and peers up at the large man as he sets her basket down. That’s when she sees the ears pop out on his head.

Her relief dissipates and she goes stock still, recognizing that her savior must be wolf born. Thoughts racing, she tries to think of the best escape plan, no longer able to trust the man and fearful that he’s going to return her to either of the clans looking for her. Her foot thumps again as the man leaves from Willow’s view.
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Rowan's House, Denver CO


Before Willow could really go anywhere, he was back. He smiled lightly, and reached in. He picked her up gently, moving and setting her on the couch, where he sat on the floor and set the plate of greens and carrots down. His arm then rested on the couch and his cheek rested against his arm, gaze just looking to her softly.

"You're definitely tiny aren't you.. but that could just be me.. I'm bigger than I should be.." He reached out, a couple fingers brushed down her side gently and then scratching at the top of her head between her ears. "You're safe with me, little one. I won't let anyone hurt you, okay? I'm sure I look scary to you.." He looked sad for a moment, like he'd heard that more often than he should have.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
Avatar of Donut Look Now

Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House  - Denver, CO
Currently: Bunny

Willow can’t help but feel like her heart’s been squeezed as the man gently cares for her. When he mentions that he looks scary, the sad look on his face melts her resolve. She hops towards him and touches her nose to his as if to apologize that she had been fearful of him.

The large man’s words echo inside her mind and her eyes droop as he continues to scratch at her head. When was the last time I slept…? Willow tries to catalogue the events of the last twenty-four hours before she’d stumbled across the bakery.

It’s not long before the bunny flops onto her side and her breathing gets slower as she falls asleep, nestled against his arm on the couch. A brief moment passes before a sleeping human seemingly appears out of nowhere and replaces the rabbit. Her ears and tail match that of the bunny Rowan brought home and even her skin seems to bear the same pattern as the bun’s fur.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Rowan's House, Denver CO

Currently: -

The man had chuckled softly at the boop to his nose. He pet her more, watching her get comfortable and even fall asleep. His eyes widen as his head came off his arm, because.. this wasn't just a bunny.. Ah.. dammit. This wasn't a bunny..

He sighed, hanging his head a little as he gave a silent groan. His hand rubbing at his face. It was a girl from one of the bunny clans, likely tied to one of the larger wolf clans if she was here. Dammit! He lifted his gaze and moved the plate of food from the couch and reached up, grabbing the blanket off the back of the couch and laying it over her nude and sleeping form.

What was he suppose to do now? He had to go back to the city in a couple weeks. This was his vacation, where he got to run his one personal shop for a few weeks before being the CEO of his others. He looked to the younger girl, the back of his fingers brushing her cheek gently. "What am I suppose to do with you now, little one..?"
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
Avatar of Donut Look Now

Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House  - Denver, CO

Willow stirs a little in her sleep, her brow creasing as her dreams contain only nightmares of being caught. With a strangled scream, she sits up and yells, “No!” It takes a moment for her eyes to adjust and she remembers the details of the day before. She claps her hands over her mouth, eyes wide as she peeks around. Maybe the man hadn’t noticed?

She looks down to find she’s in a large shirt. Nope, he definitely noticed… Her body starts to shake as she goes to worst possible scenarios in her head. Would one of the clans be on their way to pick her up? Did she have time to escape?
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Rowan's House, Denver CO


Rowan stirred in his bed, eyes opening slowly. He'd been restless all night, not wanting to leave the girl alone, but not wanting to be seen as creepy by sleeping next to her. He got up, giving a yawn as he grabbed a robe and pulled it on but didn't tie it. He moved out of his room, and down the hall to his guest room.

He gave a soft knock, yawning again. "Little one?" He opened the door slowly, the heel of his hand rubbing at his eye. "You okay?" He didn't really let her say anything as he glanced to her with bleary eyes and then left the room, leaving the door open. There was a faucet a little far away and then he was back and coming into the room, holding a glass of water. "Here.. Prolly thirsty.." He stood next to the bed, hand holding the glass out, but eyes closed.
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
Avatar of Donut Look Now

Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House  - Denver, CO

Willow could have jumped out of her skin when she heard knocking at the door. Instinctively, she backs up against the headboard, pulling the blankets close to her as the door slowly opens. The large man was still calling her ‘little one’ which probably meant she’s safe still, but then he disappears.

Cocking her head, she watches him re-enter with a glass of water. She slowly crawls closer to the edge of the bed and grabs the drink before returning to her previous spot. Willow drinks the water greedily before she looks at the man, taking note of his closed eyes. “Did you call them…?” She asks in a soft voice, glancing down before seeing that he hadn’t tied his robe. She keeps her gaze upwards now, feeling her cheeks warm in embarrassment.
Hidden 3 mos ago 3 mos ago Post by Visyn
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Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Rowan's House, Denver CO


"Mmm? Who would I call?" He pried open an eye, giving a yawn and exposing his large canines before giving a soft huff. "Better get some more sleep.. Have to wake up properly in a few hours to go to the bakery.." He turned, heading to the door before he paused in it and then looked back with cracked open lids.

"If.. you have trouble sleeping. My room is down the hall. I'll hold you if you need it." He offered a wave and then moved out of the room and pulled the door closed with a soft click. He was leaving her alone. Did he not know who she belonged to? He was a wolf, but not one of the typical colors she's likely seen previous, so.. estranged?
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Donut Look Now
Avatar of Donut Look Now

Donut Look Now The Gremlin

Member Seen 5 hrs ago

Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Rowan’s House  - Denver, CO

Willow’s eyes don’t leave his face as the large man speaks, her wide eyes taking in his teeth when he yawns. She doesn’t sense that’s he’s feigning ignorance or trying to deceive her. Besides, he doesn’t even lock her door behind him when he leaves.

Gulping down the rest of the water, she crawls out of the bed slowly and pads to the door, opening it just a crack so she can see him walking down the hall. She takes in his broad shoulders and his reddish wolf ears before she opens the door wider and steps out of the room. Taking a grounding breath, she calls out to him. “Why are you helping me?”
Hidden 3 mos ago Post by Visyn
Avatar of Visyn

Visyn The Azure Dragon

Member Seen 1 day ago

Rowan Kimb

Location: Rowan's House, Denver CO


Rowan paused in the hallway, turning back to look at her. He moved over to her, looking her over before giving a sigh. He leaned over, and picked her up over his shoulder. His arm around her waist as he turned back to go to his room. "I need a reason to help someone?"

He moved into his room, closing the door and then moving to the bed. Unfortunately, this room smelled the most like his floral bread scent, the bed would smell just as bad. He set her down under the covers of the corner pulled away from him getting out. He then tossed his robe and climbed in next to her, scooting her closer to the center. He laid down, arm resting over her waist over the covers. "Sleep more. Bakery in a few hours."
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