Willow Estelle Kinsley

Location: Petal Bakery - Denver, CO
Skills: Bunny
Headlights pass and a rabbit can be seen diving into a bush, the glow of the vehicle highlighting the speckled pattern of its fur. The car doesn’t stop and drives on ahead and the bunny lets loose a sigh of relief. It seems like luck is on the rabbit’s side for it appears neither the Beowulf or the Conan clans have followed her this far. Her tummy grumbles as she peeks out of the bush to see a bakery nearby.
That should have something to eat, Willow thinks to herself as she bounds over to the Petal Bakery. She circles around it until she finds a small crack in a window to squeeze through and plops down onto the floor with a small thwump. Standing on her hind legs, she looks around to see what might be available for a runaway rabbit to snack on.