
As Saur, Tanraeth, Jenk, Fleur, and Starfinger finish their breakfasts, (coffee, scrambled eggs and roe, fish fillet on craggy hot cakes and the like) Jenk was the only one of their party to heed Alandri's advice and eat the scale with the meal. With breakfast hastily finished, Alandri explains her method of fishing in the Vanji river nearby. Some of the more challenging quarry she hopes to catch swim through the river early in the morning, and she needs the prospective student’s help to acquire them before noon. After going over safety measures and instructions, she leads the group to the river bank to seize her catch for the day. Under her arm, the fisherwoman has brought supplies to make nets or other contraptions, and she lays them out along the bank, should someone choose to utilize the resources.

Fleur, seeing the manual labor ahead of them, reconsiders on her desire to stoop this low for the sake of learning and bids her adeiu to the group, to Alandri's disheartened surprise. With a wave the elf retraces her steps across the foot bridge that lead the group to Alandri's shack, and she disappears into the throng of the city.

Alandri and Jenk, having eaten their bubbling scales, undergo a transformation in the morning beams of sunlight. The goblin's body becomes covered in deeply blue, pearlescent scales, in fact, even the air tastes more pronounced. As the same happens to Alandri, she reminds the group that the scales allow for them to breath longer under water. Alandri draws her hair back into a tight bun as she gets ready to dive into the Vanji river.
End Scene

Storyteller's Aside

Alright everyone, have a think and consider how your character will catch a fish(s). You can choose any skill you'd like to try, and roll it for me in your next post. Alandri will be available for questioning, should anyone need clarification, but she will be busy diving into the river herself before long.

Good luck!