Fleur hid a smile, seeing them all work together for the briefest of moments, as she looked back to the others. Saur had seemingly found something she missed. With a flourish of her dress she made her way back to peer at the papers that Saur found. He was correct in his assumptions. As Fleur got a closer look at the rune on the paper, she delved into her past knowledge of Arcane magics. She closed her eyes and reached out. As images flooded her mind (ironic) she saw a waterfall.
"A good find. Whatever it was meant for it has the power of torrential water behind it. Given that there is a set of watery footprints I think it is safe to say it was not Teacher Ot who was in here wearing the mask or leaving the trail behind him. I cannot say if he caused the crack in his desk or not, though my hopes is that he didn't as whoever did would surely be hurt. I suggest we follow the prints before we lose them also unless someone else has another idea."