Hidden 12 days ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 34 min ago

An amused smile played across Grandfather Trafalgar's lips when Miloh thought that the merchant's use of 'Sonny Jim' was an attempt at guessing Miloh's name. The old man opened his mouth to set the record straight, but paused when he saw Miloh turn to look at something behind them. When the sight caused Miloh's hackles to raise, Grandfather Trafalgar looked to see what had sparked such a reaction and saw a white haired woman, bedecked in runic plate and holding a formidable war axe, approaching them. "Steady now, Miloh." The storyteller spoke to the boy in a soft, calming tone. "I don't believe she means to look so threatening." The Ćororo elder straightened himself up then and turned his gaze to Caria. "Lasho dyes tuke, friend!" Grandfather Trafalgar called out to the new arrival in friendly greeting. "What brings you so armed to this place of festivity?"
Hidden 12 days ago Post by Raineh Daze
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Raineh Daze Figure of Hourai

Member Seen 1 day ago

"Well," Caria said, scratching her head, "I couldn't see anywhere safe to put my things. There's not really a way to not carry the axe around and be armed, so…"

'Where to store things that you're going to need later' had never really been a thing she'd thought about, growing up. Largely because she didn't really have things, and food could generally be left more or less where it was… or buried to stop animals getting it or the like. Either way, "I'll go back for it when I need it!" wasn't a sentiment that could be applied to weapons.

Probably. She hadn't been in a position to see if she would be allowed to go make it a fair fight.
Hidden 7 days ago 2 days ago Post by rush99999
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rush99999 Professional Oddball

Member Seen 34 min ago

"Ah, the lack of proper weapon storage. The bane of every battle ready reveler." Grandfather Trafalgar said with a tone of commiseration. After a moment, the old man addressed not just Caria, but Ellion and Amalia as well. "Either way, the food should be ready soon enough. Come. Sit." Once everyone had settled in to await the food, Grandfather Trafalgar spoke up again. "I believe introductions are in order." The storyteller declared. "I am Trafalgar, Grandfather of the Pandž Perja Caravan. For the most part though, people just call me Grandfather Trafalgar." The old man gestured to Miloh then. "And this is Miloh of the Weasel Tribe, from the Isle of Shipwrecked Children."
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