Basic Profile:

Name: Stephen V Báthory of the House of Ecsed
Primary Title: Viovode of Transylvania
Secondary Title: Judge of the Royal Court
Other Titles: Hungarian Commander
Coat of Arms: 3 White Fangs, Red Heater Shield
Family Issue: Bathory Ecsed, 1325
Family Crest: Black Wolf
Gender: Male
Date of Birth: 1430
Current Age: 595 years old
Ethnicity: Caucasian, Hungarian
Skin Tone: Light skinned, Pale or Flush
Height: 6'2" or 187.96 cm
Weight: 195 lb or 88.451 kg
Eye Color: Gold, Wolf-like
Hair Color: Black
Hair Style: Slightly Wavy, Shoulder length
Jawline: Diamond teeth, Slender jaw
Facial Hair: Balbo beard or Extended Goatee
Shoe Size: 11 US, 9 UK, 42 EU
Primary Language: English
Secondary Language: Hungarian
Other Languages: French, Latin, German

Birth & Childhood:

Stephen's backstory is long and interesting. He was born in Hungary to a very rich and powerful noble family. He was trained by his father and educated by his mother from the time he was born. He was baptized in Orthodox Christianity and had a very strict upbringing, groomed since adolescence to become a knightly prince of great nobility, honor, influence and power. He learned sword fighting, jousting, the equestrian arts, wrestling and brawling, archery, philosophy, proper manners and etiquette, reading and writing and politics. Born in 1430, he was no stranger to seeing tortured criminals hanging on display, or sickly lepers and dead bodies laying on the side of town roads. Life was harsh in those days, and lifespans were usually much shorter due to poorer hygiene, deadly diets, local superstitions, mass hysteria and the lack of modern technology or medicine. Stephen V Bathory grew up in a darker and truly hellish world of fear and wonder.

Rise to Knighthood:

As a young man, Bathory didn't exactly have the greatest wardrobe. He looked almost like a gothic Robin Hood with his funny mustache and long feathered hat. But as he matured, he developed a better style and taste that made him appear taller, darker and handsomer, if not more intimidating and bolder in appearance. Stephen Bathory tasted his first major defeat in 1467 during the Battle of Baia when King Matthias and his Hungarian knights were either killed in battle or forced to retreat in the cannon smoke. Although Bathory himself fought well and was not injured in the conflict, his horse got disoriented and lost during the retreat and Stephen was thrown from his saddle in the middle of the forest, only to be attacked by a wolf as he was limping to safety. The wolf bit his arm, but he managed to kill the beast and wore its pelt as a shoulder mantle. By the time Stephen returned to Hungary, he had already developed a form of lycanthropy. Bathory was no longer just a mortal human being. He was a werewolf, and from then on, the black wolf would become a symbol of his clan.

Fame & Influence:

Stephen V Bathory would redeem himself in 1476 when he made an allegiance with Vladislav III Dracula and joined his campaign to reclaim the Wallachian throne. Together, they became the two most feared and respected nobles in all the land. Bathory helped Dracula become the prince of Wallachia, and in return, Dracula helped Bathory become the prince of Transylvania, an alliance that seemed unbreakable. They made a blood pact with one another that acted like a magic ritual, sharing their powers and supernatural gifts with each other. Both rulers were gaining popularity as myths and legends surrounded them with rumors of great crimes against humanity, cruel injustices and bloody sacrilegious acts of extreme torture and violence. As the rumors spread, eventually it reached the ears of the priests and so the Church launched an investigation. But whereas it was easy to build a case against Dracula, it was more difficult to dig up any witnesses or evidence against Stephen V Bathory.

Trial & Execution:

Although Dracula was allegedly killed in 1476, it took much longer to dispose of Bathory, who killed over 50,000 Turks and continued to rule with an iron fist until 1493 when he was finally excommunicated for using excessive cruelty against the Székely people in Transylvania and was arrested. As a royal prince, he could not be executed immediately and so Bathory was instead entombed in a prison and virtually buried alive in a nameless fashion, only to be forgotten and left to starve to death behind solid brick walls that were left unmarked to prevent anyone from finding his grave. Stephen was 63 years old when he died, although many people said he didn't look a day over 30, and this led to further suspicions of witchcraft and blood magic that inevitably helped the church build their case against him. Vladislaus II became the new King of Hungary for the next 30 years and within only a few generations, Stephen V Bathory was all but forgotten to the realms of myths and legends, never to be heard from again.

Stranger in America:

Many centuries later in 1931, many graves were excavated in Rumania including the gravesite of Vlad Dracula, however his remains were never found. To the grave digger's amaze, all they found were animal bones, leading many people to believe that Dracula had never died but somehow escaped. Likewise they tried to find Stephen Bathory's final resting place, but they never found it, persuading many authorities to chalk the medieval chronicles up to nothing more than superstitious fairy tales. But in 1784, a nobleman in New York City by the name of Count Stefanos appeared on one of the early registries. Little did anyone know at the time, but Stephen V Bathory Ecsed was still alive, masquerading in the New World as a foreign banker and accountant invested in real estate. He spoke American English with a French and German accent, claiming to be a wealthy immigrant who inherited his grandfather's estates. And so it was, for 300 years, the dark knight lived in secrecy and solitude, known only by his family's generous contributions to America's economy, and every 60 years another Count Stefanos emerged from the shadows to continue his father's secret business dealings. He was no longer Stephen V Bathory of Transylvania, but now he was Stephen XVIII Browning of Pennsylvania, a retired billionaire.

Strengths & Weaknesses:

Stephen Bathory is currently 595 years old in 2024, but he still looks like he's in his 30's most of the time. Because of his blood pact with Dracula, he is somewhat of a hybrid although he is definitely more werewolf than vampire, or even more accurately could be described as a witch. Stephen is old, wise and cunning with the ability to change his appearance and shapeshift. He is immune to fire and all holy weapons, and is unaffected by the sun or moon, able to transform at any time. His only weakness is silver blades and bullets although he can still regenerate unless he is decapitated by a silver sword. Impalement does nothing for he is heartless. He does not suffer the need to drink blood. He is immune to poison and can not be effected by curses, spells or magic, seeing as he already possesses those abilities himself. He can hypnotize his prey with a stare, placing a trance on his enemies, with the ability to perform telepathy and telekinetic actions, even reading people's minds and memories with a touch of his finger. He can communicate with all animals, and even trees. He is swift as the wind and as strong as a rhinoceros, making him a very difficult foe for any witch hunter to track down and exterminate.

The 21st Century:

Stephen V Bathory is a force to be reckoned with. He has a fake pulse, a real shadow and a reflection, and so it's difficult to tell him apart from other humans. He can run and jump and dodge bullets and do parkour, but he can not fly or shapeshift into an owl or bat. He can however become a werewolf, or take the form of any number of his human victims, male or female, making him a master of disguises. He can create illusions and false memories. It takes a very skilled witch hunter to defeat him. But now in 2024 it becomes more difficult as the secrecy of the dark arts must be concealed from the public and social media, and with cameras everywhere, this presents a challenge for both Stephen Bathory and for those who would hunt him. His retainers are everywhere, and they're easy targets, but Bathory remains elusive. Human beings and witch hunters aren't the only ones who have adopted modern weapons and technology. The prodigal billionaire has money invested in every aspect of the American machine, to the point where even bankers, judges, doctors, cops and detectives are paid to turn a blind eye and erase all records of his existence. Catching him is like finding a needle in a stack of needles.

Miscellaneous Information:

Obviously, no regular mortal human being will be able to capture him or kill him. It will require a superhuman of sorts like a dhampir, a Daywalker or witch hunter, another witch, a fellow werewolf or vampire to match his speed, strength and abilities. Because he lacks a soul, it's said that even the gods, angels and demons themselves have no effect on him, and so he must be dealt with the old way through combat using swords and guns, through superhuman speed and brute strength. He may be wanted for any number of crimes against humanity, including some explicit actions too sensitive to mention. Stephen Bathory has no boundaries or limitations which makes him a threat to the world order and national security. He preys on children and elderly people alike, and views all human beings as a food source. But he doesn't just drink their blood. It's said that he is cannibalistic and devours his prey entirely, bones and all, making it difficult to collect evidence or form a case against him. In the modern world where information is everywhere and drones or robots are fighting wars alongside hackers and astronauts, Stephen V Bathory might as well be the most dangerous person on the planet, as he threatens not only mortal human beings, but also the secrecy of other vampires and witches and werewolves that live in the shadows, many of whom viewing him either as a god or a myth.