There's many reasons one might be considered an "outcast." Some people chose to not really interact with others and place themselves in such a situation, others are tossed to the side for reasons they cannot help. Others still face it through their own choices and actions.

He is quiet and reserved. A "geeky nerd" to some, he struggles when it comes to social situations. He likes his own company and will often sit on his own in empty classrooms during lunch or other more "social" times. Sometimes he can speak without thinking fully, and can offend someone although he never actually means to do so.

She is loud and outgoing. Popular and beloved by many, she always has people hanging around her. She can sometimes be a bit mean and rude to others, though this could sometimes not be intended! She can speak her mind, and oftentimes doesn't engage it before her mouth through thinking she can do no wrong.

But her life isn't as perfect as it seems. She is pregnant at this point, to her boyfriend who left her for her best friend.

And today has been worse. Her mom and dad kicked her out that morning, she's suffering with aches and pains and an embrassing incident has led to people laughing at her and bullying her in a rather public setting.

M/C sticks up for her, and though he's laughed at too it draws some attention from her.

He's so soft and sweet, offering to let her stay at his as his family are away, despite the teasing she's put him through. And she realises she actually kinds likes him more than other guys!

He is so attentive to her. He'll happily go out at 3am to find the food she's craving, give her back rubs, help her put her shoes on, give her nice hot baths, help her if she can't stand, give her foot tubs, rub her belly, help her into and out of the car, just look after her in general.

And unlike other guys who have been this attentive to her before she fell pregnant, it isn't to get into her pants. He wants her to be comfortable and happy, and the most he seems to desire from her is friendship and forehead kisses! But she knows he has a huge crush on her, and she is already expecting... But maybe she shouldn't offer this.