Avatar of SammyMcW


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Current Oh its F1 time. No more sleep schedule
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someone asked me if I'd ever taken an online test for ADHD and I couldn't work out why they were laughing when i said I got distracted halfway through
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I got hit by a car last night. I'm okay though, I have an Autoimmune disease
1 mo ago
Of course he's unlikeable, he's from Twatooine


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Okay, a simple premise but here we go! I'm looking for someone to play as <A> please.

All characters and writers must be at least 18 or over.

<A> seems to have the perfect life. Rich, beautiful, sporty and intelligent, she is surrounded by friends and family. She's dating the star QB, and as far as anybody knows they are perfectly happy together.

But this is far from the truth. He is abusive physically and emotionally behind closed doors. Coercive, cruel and belittling, he treats her like utter dirt and forces her to maintain a positive and happy facade in public. The physical abuse is usually done in such a way it is hidden beneath clothing, and any bruises, swelling or cuts could be passed off as injuries she received in practice.

<B> is her opposite. He is extremely shy and quiet, with no friends apart from <A>. He's usually seen alone, drawing in his favourite sketchbook or with his nose in a library book so that he can escape his horrid home life.

At home, he is abused, neglected and bullied by his parents. Both being drug addicts and alcoholics, he had to learn to find for himself at a young age. He could have used the pain and fear as an excuse to be an angry person, but he keeps the pain deep inside and expresses himself through beautiful poems and drawings.

So,each could either be aware of what the other is going through from the start, or discover it through the story.

If anything summed up how William “Will” Carter felt right now, it was shame. Holding his sketchbook close to his chest, he walked through the halls towards his locker. He kept his head down, averting his gaze to avoid looking at anyone. Or indeed, having them look at him.

He breathed a sigh of relief when he did reach his locker, glad <name> didn’t seem to be around at the moment. He couldn’t abide facing her with this black eye, or the split lip that stung like hell whilst it was slowly healing. He didn’t want to worry her after all, she had more important things to think about than him. At least, in his mind she did. She was his friend in his eyes, but he didn’t have a clue how she felt about him.

Swallowing hard, he reached into his locker with trembling hands once he had unlocked it to pull out a few items. Painkillers, a bottle of water and the usual slightly dented pencil tin he always carried with him. His eyes flickered around the hall, taking in all the Christmas decorations that hung all around. He didn't feel festive for such a joyous time of year, one that should have been full of warmth, laughter and love.


Simple premise! I am looking for someone able to play as "her". Her personality, how she looks, acts, etc are all up to you! We can discuss this, but I love the idea that they're classmates partnered together in various classes who happen to have lockers next to eachother!

WIll is battered and thrown around at home, and needs a safe place though he never knows if he should ask and hasn't revealed the abuse he faces.

Untill he breaks down and admits it all to her.
"Can you change your character from a soft boy to a tough guy and make him 6 foot plus and muscular instead of 5'7" and skinny. Oh and can you change his name, his family, where he comes from oh and can you change this, this and this about the plot."

Someone messaged me asking to roleplay with them. Okay, cool.

But like they want me to change everything about my character. They want me to make him taller, and stronger, remove his disabilities, change him from a soft, artistic boy into a famous athletic bad boy, make him a different ethnicity etc.

I declined as I didn't feel like we could work together as writing partners and stated that I didn't feel like I could meet what she was asking, as it was nothing like the original concept/prompt I had in mind for James. I post prompt ideas looking for certain types to possibly play my boys against, but I am always willing to work with someone if they wanna play as someone else. I always specify that in my requests, and even state I am happy to come up with something together but I am *not* changing my character.

But to want me to change everything makes me feel like they'd be better suited to finding other partners, no? I just don't understand why you'd message people claiming to be interested when your "changes" make it something different alltogether.

And on that;

Why do people have an issue with a disabled person *playing* a disabled character? I always make people aware I have disabilites and how they can impact me in terms of reply times, needing reminding to respond, etc.

I get "yeah but playing as an autistic/deaf character is still wrong you're making the disabilities seem like fiction and making me feel uncomfortable playing against a disabled character/writer" as if I am doing it to be an arsehole.
I am currently looking to explore a cute, fluffy, roleplay with a splash of comedy, a dash of romance and a hell of a lot of LGBTQ+ representation. Please note that this will focus on college students, so I am only really looking for 19+ characters and writers of course. I will be playing as my soft, shy girl Quinn.

I do have a biography written up for her, which I can provide in DMs or an OOC thread if required! Quinn is a young shy, frecklefaced woman, transitioning from male. This is a fact that makes her a target of bullying, despite the fact she means no, and has never caused, harm to anyone. She knew that it was risky, but she still decided to come out on social media. This quiet, barely noticed figure is now the talk of the class!

A few days after Quinn comes out, she finds a note in her locker. It has a time and a classroom number on it. There, she finds Y/C.

Now, I am totally open to you playing her as you wish! But, one concept I had focused on her being a popular and fashionable girl (A) who Quinn admires from afar though is scared to talk to. She's always kinda crushed on her, as have many other students.

(A) wants to help Quinn out, for reasons only known to her and Quinn. She is the one who teaches/buys her makeup, helps her pick out clothes, etc.

And whilst she does have feelings for Quinn, these confuse her a little and she is deeply unsure. Until a shared kiss...
Alright, this is a basic concept I wanted to explore please!

I am looking for someone to play as *her*. She was the queen bee, a little mean to people and rather vain. Her mother and father are always busy with work, so she craved friendship and attention from others deeply, even if these friendships were shallow and built on her money and looks.

She is left paralyzed from the waist down after a car accident, and when she returns to school, she is treated differently. Her "friends" don't seem to want anything to do with her, and she feels alone.

Until M/C talks to her. A shy young man who is seen as "odd" due to never making eye contact and not having any friends, he is the first to talk to her that day... And offers her something she's needed all day. A hug.

From that point, they become friends. Neither of them have ever had real friends, and both deeply enjoy the other's company. He looks after her and supports her, and she becomes protective and stands up for him against anyone who dares to be mean to her new friend!

It's up to you, but I thought it would be interesting if she wanted him to be the one who took care of any physical help/support she needs. Her mom and dad want to hire a carer as they don't have the time to deal with her, and she doesn't want a total stranger being her support.


"How are you feeling?”

Julian (He preferred Jules) smiled kindly at his classmate, though he didn’t quite meet her eyes as ever. He always held his sketchbook to his chest, never seeming to be without it in the halls or walking home from school. It was as though he treated it like a comfort blanket, often sketching or doodling in it when he was alone.

He thought for a moment, then spoke a soft few words. Something he barely ever said, considering how adverse he seemed to people even being in his personal space. “Would you like a hug?” He smiled shyly and warmly at her, keeping at her level. Others had spoken to her that day, but avoided looking at her or seemed like they just wanted to run away and hide from her. Like she wasn’t the same person she’d been before the accident before she had ended up in this wheelchair.

If she accepted, he leant in and hugged her for a moment, holding her for as long as she wanted or needed. If she didn’t, he’d just give her that shy, sweet smile he was always known for before heading off to his locker to get ready for the next class after lunch.
It is officially December 1st, which means FESTIVE ROLEPLAYS!

In a stark contrast to my normal habit of writing out a starter to go with my prompt/idea, I am just going to write a couple of shorter prompts and see where things go from there!

1) FxF. Quinn is a shy young woman, who has recently started to transition and to fully live life the way she knows she always wanted to. She takes part in a Secret Santa held on a Discord server she is in and is gifted a beautiful dress from someone! Of course, this someone just so happens to be <Y/C>, a fashion/make-up influencer...

2) MxF. Jude and <Y/C> are the best of friends, and have been for many years. 18 months ago Y/C moved away with her family, and they've been missing each other deeply this entire time. It has had clear impacts on them both, even if they don't seem to want to discuss it with friends and/or family. But of course, they do know, and plans are put into action to let them meet once more...

3) Winter has always been a tough time for William. Quiet, reserved and timid, he has lived a life of neglect, abuse and fear for as long as he can recall. Winter, and Christmas, are always the worst. Though he never wishes that people would be unhappy, and won't let those feelings and thoughts get to him, he does wish deep down that he could celebrate Christmas with someone. But this year might be his chance, thanks to a certain someone.
Okay. So, this is going to be a pretty simple idea/prompt but here we go anyway!

Please note, I only deal with characters and writers of 18 or over.

She is a rich, popular girl. Considered deeply attractive to many who meet her, her natural charm and winning smile have gained her many a friend. She tends to like everyone, though her social status is so important to her that she'll hide certain feelings and friendships to avoid judgement from those she's known a long time. I thought it could be interesting if she hides the fact she is deaf, keeping her long hair over her ears to hide her hearing aids.

He is her opposite. Poorer then her and rather unpopular (though this is down to him not really liking to socialise at times), he falls more under the "cute" banner than what might be considered "typically handsome". He is rather clumsy, naive and deeply awkward, which can prove to be problematic at times when he doesn't stand up for himself. He is hard of hearing, though doesn't hide this fact as he's never really thought about it. He wears hearing aids, but he does tend to sign in more noisy places.

They first meet when she goes to the coffee shop he works at regularly over the summer, at first with her friends and then more often on her own. They get chatting, drawn to one another for reasons neither really understand or can explain. Not that they should need to, of course.

Things get a little complicated, however, when *he* turns up at her class of the year. She wants to talk to him, of course, she does, but she fears her friends will pick on her for hanging out with the "weird barista" that they know him as being.

So, the notes in the locker start and the subtle waves when her friends aren't looking. The hidden smiles, the quick texts. They're deeply attracted to and desire each other in their lives, but can she overcome her fear of social rejection and can he be brave enough to make the first step?
Will you play the female or the male because this is highly interesting to me

I only play males.
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