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Current Is she into superstitions? Black cats, and voodoo dolls?
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Gasp! It's almost like people will post things you don't like on a *public* server! Oh, the humanity.
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if life gives you melons, you're dyslexic.
3 mos ago
Day one of reminding you all that you're all beautiful and loved, even whenln you don't think you are.


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Will you play the female or the male because this is highly interesting to me

I only play males.
The Poet’s Lament.

I am 18+ and all participants and characters must be 18 or over.

*He* is a shy, nerdy wall-flower of a boy. Innocent, pure and somewhat wide-eyed, he spends most of his time reading a book or writing fan-fiction. He doesn’t talk much in school, and is perhaps best known for being the “Straight A’s Kid.” He isn’t bullied, but he doesn’t get noticed much either. By girls, or by boys. He wishes he was able to make friends, but he has moved from school to school and state to state so much he never got the chance.

She is his opposite. She’s an outgoing young woman with friends hanging off her arm at any opportunity, and who could win anyone she wanted over with her looks and her smooth-talking. She is highly creative and intelligent too, a straight A student like the nerdy boy who just arrived. She desires some piece and quiet sometimes, a life without having to be this “outgoing, silly” person all the time.

He starts to find these poems in his bags and his locker, wonderfully written but never signed. He assumes they’re a prank.

He doesn't realize she's the one who has been leaving these wonderful poems in his bag. She desires him on an intellectual, emotional and physical level, unlike any of the boys she’s spoken to before. Likewise, he desires her but never knows how to deal with such thoughts and feelings.

During cheerleading before a major game, she takes a tumble and twists her ankle. He ends up being the one to help her to the nurse’s office, who is out for the moment. He’s sat with her, and helps treat her injury whilst waiting for them to return. She has the perfect moment to confess, but will she?
There's many reasons one might be considered an "outcast." Some people chose to not really interact with others and place themselves in such a situation, others are tossed to the side for reasons they cannot help. Others still face it through their own choices and actions.

He is quiet and reserved. A "geeky nerd" to some, he struggles when it comes to social situations. He likes his own company and will often sit on his own in empty classrooms during lunch or other more "social" times. Sometimes he can speak without thinking fully, and can offend someone although he never actually means to do so.

She is loud and outgoing. Popular and beloved by many, she always has people hanging around her. She can sometimes be a bit mean and rude to others, though this could sometimes not be intended! She can speak her mind, and oftentimes doesn't engage it before her mouth through thinking she can do no wrong.

But her life isn't as perfect as it seems. She is pregnant at this point, to her boyfriend who left her for her best friend.

And today has been worse. Her mom and dad kicked her out that morning, she's suffering with aches and pains and an embrassing incident has led to people laughing at her and bullying her in a rather public setting.

M/C sticks up for her, and though he's laughed at too it draws some attention from her.

He's so soft and sweet, offering to let her stay at his as his family are away, despite the teasing she's put him through. And she realises she actually kinds likes him more than other guys!

He is so attentive to her. He'll happily go out at 3am to find the food she's craving, give her back rubs, help her put her shoes on, give her nice hot baths, help her if she can't stand, give her foot tubs, rub her belly, help her into and out of the car, just look after her in general.

And unlike other guys who have been this attentive to her before she fell pregnant, it isn't to get into her pants. He wants her to be comfortable and happy, and the most he seems to desire from her is friendship and forehead kisses! But she knows he has a huge crush on her, and she is already expecting... But maybe she shouldn't offer this.
Okay, I am going for a simple premise here. (He says, as he ends up rambling.)

Please note, I am looking for someone to play as her. You can write her however you want, and I'll either be using William or James. All I really desire from this is that she is a bit taller than him, as I sort of love the shorter male x taller girl dynamic and how we can play with that.

I wanna kind of explore the relationship between two characters who have both just left HS and/or started college, and who have been the best of friends since they were 13/14 years of age. They met when one of them was being picked on, and the other stood up for them/came and comforted them afterwards.

Over 5 years have passed since then, and they're been inseparable over the years. Many rumours float around, and speculation is rife about what sort of relationship/bond they actually have. Truth be told, they've never really sort of... well, thought about it. They're best friends, they know that, and maybe the fact they sleep in the same bed when hanging out, and might have caught glimpses of each other changing is just normal, right?

And the deep thoughts and dreams they have about the other, that's totally cool isn't it?
The Punk and The Soft Boy!

All characters and writers must be over 18. This can be smut and plot.

So, I'm looking for someone capable of playing as a Punk kinda young woman to pair up with my quiet, shy soft boy.

She's new to town, and seen as "mysterious" by many of it's residents and those she works and attends class with in particular. Of course, there's a reason for this. But what exactly is it?
My character is William. A soft, shy and quiet young man of 5 feet in height, he is just 18. He lives in abject terror, pain, discomfort and sheer neglect at home. His life is one of despair and hell, though the shy and frightened young man keeps this hidden from anyone outside his home. Skinny, bruised and constantly cold, the blonde wears baggy, slightly torn clothing and broken spectacles. A slight smell of fear lingers around him, though he tries his best to hide this.

He's never had a friend before, and nor has she really. She's had friends, yes, but not a *best* friend.
Y/C is a classmate of his. She may have picked on how he acts/seems to be, but for whatever reason hasn't ever commented on this.

One particular day, he is struggling. He still turns up to class, but is clearly in pain and discomfort. He is suffering badly with hunger, and he ends up fainting in the hall against her. (Either by accident, or maybe she realises he's going to pass out and grabbed him?)

She ends up taking him home with her, where she insists on getting him food, clean clothing, a nice bath, and so on. Just a night of being treated like a human.

So, my only 100% requirement is that she is taller than him! I love the idea of her being heads and shoulders above him (or even more if you wanted to write her as six foot or so.) Everything else can be discussed of course!
Okay, so I would like to do a Soulmates plot please. I do not want characters or writers under 18 please, as I prefer not to interact with under 18s. I *ONLY* play as males, sorry!

Marks appearing on chest, or maybe on arms like tattoos? Names or maybe a shape that could be shared? Eg; a love heart or a flower.

I want to focus on a new, shy and sorta nerdy boy entering his senior year of HS in a new location due to previous issues at his old school. He’s a little broken and anxious, having been the victim of a rather vicious bullying campaign.

His first day doesn’t go well as he feels terribly overwhelmed and breaks down in the hall. This is when he & her meet, marks appearing on their own skin…

I’ll attach a possible prompt, but we don’t have to do this of course



If one word, just one, described how James was feeling right now it would be “Overwhelmed.” He sat on the floor, his knees drawn to his chest and his head bowed to rest his forehead against them. The halls of Hamilton High School were much more full than usual, thanks to a much-anticipated football game. As a result of this, students, staff and parents from both schools were filling the corridors, classrooms, bleachers and anywhere they could get. The game wasn’t scheduled to start until 3pm, but that seemed to make no difference to those who were excited.

And James didn’t blame them, but the noise, lights and general chaos were rather otherwhelming to the soft spoken young man! Closing his eyes tightly for a moment as if to try and find some peace, his trembling hands slipped into the pockets of his jeans and retrieved a small circular, metal case. Fingers tried to open it to retrieve the earplugs within, but he was starting to feel frustrated and close to tears with the noise! He felt a hand on one of his and looked up to meet eyes with a unfamiliar face. He was surprised one of the students had even spotted him, never mind bothering to stop.

“H…Hi?” He spoke quietly, barely audible above the noise of the other students. His head rested on her shoulder if she allowed it, closing his eyes for a moment. He needed to get out, but was feeling too overwhelmed and tearful to make a move for himself!
Simple idea:

I'm looking for someone capable of playing as a female classmate to my soft boy Will.

18 years old, he's living in an abusive home. Having nowhere to go, he's discovered sleeping on the streets by Y/C. Of course, she offers to take him in, even if for a night or two.

You can write her however you want, but I love the idea of her being a sort of popular bully who picked on them without realising what their home life was like.



Icy cold rain poured down from the deep, dark grey clouds above coating everything in a horrid, damp film. The roads were flooded in places, and anyone unlucky enough to have been caught in this horrendous weather would have been soaked through in mere seconds.

One of these unlucky souls was one William “WIll” Carter. He was sat with his knees drawn to his chest, back against the wall of a store as he attempted to take refuge in an alleyway. He couldn’t bare to go home where he’d be in danger, but he couldn’t go to a homeless shelter or a motel as he didn’t have enough money for a room. He didn’t want to seek help at school either, knowing if his home issues had been undetected for so long that nobody would care now. He was the quiet kid who slipped through the cracks of the social system, and was too scared to advocate for himself.

To classmates, he was just that “weirdo”. The kid with dirty clothing, who smelt of stale sweat and damp clothing. It wasn’t that he didn’t try to keep clean, but only being able to shower after gym or if he could sneak into somewhere for quick stand-up wash in a sink using cheap gels. His blonde hair was dirty, and he hated how he felt. He wanted to get clean somewhere, clean his clothing. Just feel better in general, even if nobody else cared.

Thunder boomed and lightning cracked, and he flinched. He drew into himself more, stomach growling and pain running through his skinny frame. He rested his head on his knees and just started to cry. His clothing was drenched though, and the mud and dirt washed up on the ground by the rain clung to his bare feet and the bottom of his jeans. His shoes had been taken by another homeless guy who’d threatened him for them, and he felt his own safety was more important than his damned socks and shoes.
Hello, hello!

I am currently looking to explore a cute, fluffy, roleplay with a splash of comedy, a dash of romance and a hell of a lot of LGBTQ+ representation. Please note that this will focus on HS seniors, so I am only really looking for 18+ characters and writers of course.

I will be playing as my soft, shy girl Quinn. I do have a biography written up for her, which I can provide in DMs or an OOC thread if required! Quinn is a young shy, frecklefaced woman, transitioning from male. This is a fact that makes her a target of bullying, despite the fact she means no, and has never caused, harm to anyone. She thought she could keep this hidden, and fully present as a woman in this school without her past coming out. Of course, bullies will be bullies...

A few days after Quinn moves to a new school, she finds a note in her locker. It has a time and a classroom number on it.

There, she finds Y/C. Now, I am totally open to you playing her as you wish! But, one concept I had focused on her being a popular and fashionable girl (A) who Quinn admires from afar though is scared to talk to. She's always kinda crushed on her, as have many other students in the school.

(A) has always used her influence to get others to do her homework and the like, allowing her to maintain good grades and hide the fact she is severely dyslexic and struggles to read and to write. This is something she's ashamed of, but Quinn coming out has made her feel like she can approach her.

So, they reach an agreement. (A) will help Quinn with outfits, teach her about makeup, nail polish and the like. In exchange, Quinn will teach her to read and write! And of course, they start to get feelings for each other...
Okay, so a simple premise but here goes nothing.

My character is a shy young man who keeps himself to himself. 18 years of age, he's spent his entire school life as a "loner" or an "outcast". The school in question is mainstream, but he is on the autistic spectrum and sadly not understood by many of his fellow students or his teachers. He is full of artistic talent, his sketches and paintings being wonderful though he is often scared to show them to others.

She is a popular young woman, and desired by many of the male and female students. Somewhat vain and a little cocky, she can get away with these flaws because of her looks and her parents money. She's never paid that much attention to <M/C>, not that he really minded. He had enough of being picked on by jocks, never mind the popular girls starting.

However, there was an... incident a few weeks ago. The details of which are still under investigation, but what is clear is that *he* saved *her* life, though the lives of three others were lost. He got her breathing again, and despite the fear in his eyes and how overwhelmed he felt he got the ambulance to her!

He's her hero, though of course he's unsure how to feel about this. She's starting to get feelings for him, but are these true feelings or merely a result of his actions?


Long ago, but not so very long ago
The world was different, oh yes it was
You settled down and you built a town, and you made it live…
And you watched it grow, it was your town

Glancing up at the grey skies as he leaned his head out of his bedroom window, James couldn’t help but feel it was like God himself was trying to match the bleak mood of the residents. He had never believed in a higher power, and he knew he likely never would, but yet it seemed so damned apt. So fucking cruel, yet the rain was there to hide and wash away the tears that were going to be spilled that day.

Time goes by, time brings changes, you changed too
Nothing comes that you can't handle, so on you go
You never see it coming when the world caves in on you
On your town, nothing you can do

Pulling his head back in, James silently made his way across his bedroom and to his bed, shutting the radio off on the way. Lain out upon the crisp white sheets was a black suit, polished black shoes upon the dark blue carpet. Green eyes flickered between the suit and the mirror propped against the cream walls, and a sigh passed his lips. Picking up the freshly ironed shirt, he pulled it on before buttoning the item up carefully. Smart black pants followed before he slipped on the jacket. Sitting on the edge of the bed, he pulled the shoes on and carefully tied them up.

A crack of thunder sounded out in the skies above, rumbling and deep. James flinched, hating loud noises. His eyes flickered shut as lightning flashed in the now black skies, lighting up the streets as rain began to fall. With a despondent sigh, the blonde-haired man made his way to the window to look out at the streets. Residents were already leaving homes to line streets, and in the distance he could see the three hearses lined up outside the funeral home. Headed downstairs, he bid his parents farewell before stepping out of the house. Umbrella in hand, he opened it up.

Three damned funerals at the same time, all three classmates of his who had their lives cut so terribly short. His eyes averted those of others, though landed on a certain young woman who he’d not seen since the accident. Silently, he made his way over to her. She’d been on her own ever since, blamed for it by others. He didn’t know the full extent of what had happened, bar his own witnessing of the aftermath. He held the umbrella over her head, silently offering her his hand. He hated being touched, but he knew she came first in this situation. His own discomfort and his own sensory overloads would have to be ignored. In the same hand as the umbrella handle was his tie, as he’d been struggling with it and had opted to try and get it on later.
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