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Hidden 1 mo ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


It is our pleasure to inform you that you have been formally accepted into The Academy program. Over 15 years ago REDACTED contacted your family and the agreement to have you join the ranks was made. They then began to train you into what you are today. Confirmed REDACTED, REDACTED, and REDACTED, your skills are impressive, and we hope you look forward to putting them to practical use.

Always Watching,


The Verità is an intelligence organization that can trace its history back to the start of the Cold War when, after decades of bloodshed members of the intelligence community from all over the world realized the rapidly changing world and power structures could mean disaster if proper intelligence wasn’t used to guide national decisions. Secretly members of Soviet, Allied, and independent countries began to meet and created a shadow group know The Verità.

First cooked up as an idea following the creation of the Five Eyes Agreement, Verita began as an idea, but quickly gaining momentum. It was first heavily aligned with Western Powers and was soon obvious that if it wasn't a global intelligence network it would be part of the problem. Friends and foes alike quickly drew new battlegrounds with intelligence and espionage being the modern spoils of war. As the cold war began to slow the new threat to peace quickly turned to the rapidly changing trials of terrorism and unchecked powers. Needing to adapt to these new methods a secondary program was established called The Academy in 1972.

This program has the sons and daughters of current intelligence members recruited through their parents at a young age for a mentorship of sorts. If the family agrees the child is required to be intensively trained by their parents until they graduate college at which time they are confirmed as graduate students at the University of Oxford. While studying as a full-time student each member of the program will be putting their families training to the test with live missions. The expectations of this are to cultivate the next generation of intelligence assets for The Verita to deploy against known and unknown threats.

With the backstory of the organization getting some more meat on its bones I am looking forward to opening this role play up for applications. I am unsure how many people I am going to accept in this role play. I have thoughts, if there is enough interest, in compartmentalizing two role plays if there is enough interest so, please do not fear an overly populated interest / application pool as there might be a plan for that. (Fingers Crossed!)

One thing I wanted to go into more detail on is my goal for this role play. A fun spy thriller is the theme I am going for; however, please think more of the current Bond sort of theme where it is all that, but the cost is very much real. Your characters have yet to kill anyone, but this role play will put them indirectly or sometimes directly on that path. Please feel free to explore this.

Each of those wishing to join this role play will be playing as a new member of the 2025 class. There will be a few guidelines that I will lay out as far as character history and whatnot. Below is the character sheet you will need to fill out to apply to join. Please review and apply by sending me a completed sheet via a Private Message. Should you have any questions I am free to answer them!

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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by World Traveler
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World Traveler Word Walker

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Addition Information About The Academy Program

Leadership / Teaching Staff

REDACTED - William Stephenson - Verita Leadership

REDACTED - Elizabeth Lew - Logistics and Travel Training

REDACTED - Nathan Hale - Information & Communications Training

REDACTED - Alexander Koral - Tactical & Support Training

REDACTED - Rose Greenhow - Diplomacy and Negotiation Training

REDACTED - Fritz Duquesne - Weapons and Firearms Training

REDACTED - Sherry Chen - Close Quarters Combat Training

REDACTED - Rabinder Singh - Resident Administrator

Facilities / Living Quarters

The Academy Classroom - At this location all pre and post mission briefs are held. Specific lectures also happen here as well as some communication with Verita.

Student Apartment Complex - All Academy students are housed in a single London Flat code named 'Black Box' but more often referred to as the 'shoe box'. The location has several safe rooms along with a full operations and support room, personal bedrooms and bathrooms for every occupant along with an indoor pool and gym facilities.

Oxford, UK - Hide in plain sight is a common phrase in the spy world. What better place to hide a secret spy program then at a city with over 40,000 students in it. Located an hour away from London by train the city is vibrant, young, and green. With several organizations that unknowingly partner with Verita.

The Academy 'Syllabus'

Training - Everything your sponsor to The Academy made you do led up to surviving The Academy training. Surprise exercise on and off campus are a regular occurrence. The only options besides keeping up is to fail and to do so is not an option. There is more than one way to succeed.

Exams - Exams are delivered in a myriad of ways that seem to only be limited by the training officers imagination. The only consistency is that Exams actually mean live mission exercise. Simply take a tour of a countries embassy all the way to assist with the extraction of an asset are a few examples of previous exams.

REDACTED Test - Very little is known about a students REDACTED test. What is known is that it is the most dangerous task assigned in The Academy with numinous students being labeled MIA or worse.

Final Report - Before a student is confirmed to have graduated they must undergo a Final Report debrief of their REDACTED test and entire time at The Academy. This is set to be the most comprehensive meeting of an agents life even outdoing a retirement debrief. Reviewing everything from the students background and actions to that of their contacts and family members.

Graduation - Upon graduation a student from the Academy is granted full membership into the ranks of Verita and assigned to a director of a specific region or program. During the graduation ceremony a student is given their formal code name.
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Hidden 28 days ago Post by Timuir
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Timuir The Broken Hound

Member Seen 7 days ago

Timuir REDACTED Rosenwell







Intelligence Connection


For the IFOS, secrecy means everything and death is not without its issues.

College/Field of Study

Combat Specialist


Loyal, Untrusting, Commanding


Found by the IFOS at a young age after finding an illegal experimentation lab, he was brought in, the lab had succeeded in what they wanted with Timuir, the only reason he knew his name still was it was the thing he held to for sanity. They had codenamed him "Hound." IFOS saw the combat awareness he naturally had and trained him in all forms of combat brutally, he became the perfect warrior. He earned the codename "Hound" back from IFOS when they found his loyalty was that of a hounds, his senses the same, an incoherent sound he could make out miles away, they used this to their advantage. A special communication system was set up using dog whistling and certain pitches to relay information. He became their most valued asset and sent him at 21 to be trained by Verita. All the rest of his past is secrets kept by the IFOS and Timuir himself, hardly disclosed even to the highest in IFOS.


A Katana, collapsible but is stronger than diamond in blade. A cane. Wrist gauntlets under his suit and tie. His trademark suit, tie, and fedora. His boots, comortable work boots. A series of pouches attached to his belt. His sunglasses.

Weapons Equipment

Firearms and melee weapons training made him formidable with all weapons but his favorite is the Katana, the versatility and dexterity of the blade makes him far more dangerous with it than any other weapon.


His hair is similar to fur and covers his arms, legs, head (80% of head), and chest in a fashion similar to a hound's that is found in the wild. This hair moves seemingly on its own, but beware, for any movement of it could spell a drastic change in how Timuir acts with someone or something.

I hope you like this character!
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