Let me know if that's ok! @BunniesofDoom
@BunniesOfDoom I had this idea that he was around 19? Happy to age it up a bit - he's supposed to come off a bit socially awkward because he spends more time with animals than people lmao
I love Evelynn, she's so honest in her anger and annoyance LMAO. Didn't exactly have a fixed idea for Eldwic as I began this, but I like the idea of him being a bit more reticent, cautious and shy than her. Do you have an image reference of some sort for Evelynn? How tall is she?
I'd say Eldwic is about 5'8". Will dig around Pinterest for a likeness!
Edit: I'd say this is apt: pin.it/6xi3YR1sP (just imagine with more setting-appropriate clothing)
Her eye are a brown color instead of blue. But here is Evalynn