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Hidden 14 days ago 13 days ago Post by Chronic
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Chronic Your father

Member Online

Name: Ethan.

Last Name: Silver.


Past Job: was part of an elite special forces unit 112.

Expert In: Assault rifles, handguns, H2H.

Weapons: imgur.com/a/F39pOut x8 rounds, AK-47 x2 mags 23 rounds each, small axe.

Physical Appearance: imgur.com/a/a2y7APt , has grayish blue eyes, a lean but muscular physique, has slightly gray beard.

Location: motel in Brooklyn.

Supplies(on person ): Canned food for 1 week , water for 3 weeks, a a couple first aid kits and medical stuff, a lot bit more ammunition, small backpack.
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