In the infinite expanse of space, a solitary planet spun silently, its surface a mosaic of azure and emerald, a vibrant testament to life that had once flourished. Now, however, it lay in eerie stillness, the remnants of a once-great civilization scattered like whispers in the wind. Towering cities, once bustling with activity, now crumbled into dust, their grand spires broken and overrun by dense, emerald overgrowth. Vines and creeping plants wound through the remnants of polished stone, reclaiming what humanity had built, while the echo of laughter and the hum of industry faded into the realm of memory. Rivers of crystalline water meandered through the landscape, their surfaces shimmering under the faint light of a distant sun, casting rippling reflections that danced like ghosts. The waters were clear, revealing the silvery skeletons of long-forgotten aquatic creatures, preserved in a timeless embrace. Along the banks, the air was thick with the scent of wild flora, blossoms of impossible colors bursting forth amid the ruins, a silent testament to nature's resilience.

Above, a fleet of spacecraft drifted aimlessly in orbit, their hulls pockmarked and aged, relics of a long-forgotten exodus. Once, they had carried the hopes and dreams of countless souls escaping the planet’s surface, now they lingered like specters, caught in a perpetual state of waiting. Their systems still hummed softly, a quiet testament to the ingenuity of their creators, yet they were abandoned, left to the indifferent embrace of the cosmos. Each vessel bore scars of interstellar travel—burn marks from atmospheric re-entries, chipped paint from collisions with cosmic debris. They whispered tales of survival and desperation, each hull a chronicle of a journey that had begun with hope but ended in silence. From the depths of the planet’s core, a low hum began to resonate—a signal buried deep within the planet’s memory, a remnant of human technology that pulsed rhythmically, reaching out into the void. It was a heartbeat from the planet itself, an echo of life yearning for recognition. As the signal spread outward, it cut through the silence of space like a beacon, a call to anyone who might be listening.

Across the cosmos, a nearby station, a sentinel designed to respond to signs of life, picked up the echo. Its metallic form, sleek and functional, was equipped with advanced sensors and a sophisticated AI, engineered to unravel the mysteries of the universe. As its systems whirred to life, a symphony of lights flickered across its control panels, illuminating the dark void with a ghostly glow. Data streamed in with relentless precision, revealing a wealth of information—ancient texts, blueprints of human achievements, and, most hauntingly, the final transmission of a people who had once thrived.

(Okay so this story is way distant in the future, the year 3818, Earth has perish, technically its like a Sci Fi Sandbox, do whatever you want but ofcourse obey the rules :D)

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2. Only 1 Character allowed.
3. 18+ is allowed.
4. Dont Godmode ffs.
5. Turn by turn posting.
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