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Current Can anyone provide me with a decent challange
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Time to show these rpers who's the boss


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Xeon stepped into the alley, the cacophony of the megacity fading behind him as the neon glow enveloped his figure. The air was thick with the scent of rain and burnt circuitry, mingling with the distant hum of hovercars above. Holographic advertisements flickered overhead, casting a group of colors on the slick pavement, illuminating the shadows where whispers of rebellion lingered.

He pulled his coat tighter around him, the embedded circuitry shimmering faintly as he moved deeper into the alley’s embrace. Each footfall echoed softly, blending into the symphony of distant voices and the mechanical whir of drones patrolling overhead. He could feel the pulse of the city thrumming beneath his skin, a synthetic heartbeat that thrived on chaos.
Dm me for approval
Dw i wont judge, just post your character :D
Do show, i did another rp but this time at Casual :D
Name: Xeon

Age: 28

Occupation: Data Smuggler / Hacktivist


Height: 6'1"
Build: Lean, athletic
Hair: Short, messy black hair with hints of electric blue highlights
Eyes: Piercing electric blue, often enhanced with a subtle glow
Attire: A long, tattered coat embedded with shimmering circuitry, fitted black combat boots, and fingerless gloves that allow for dexterous movement. Underneath, he wears a dark, utilitarian outfit that blends functionality with style.

Resourceful: Quick-thinking and adaptable, Xeon thrives in chaotic environments.
Rebellious: He possesses a deep disdain for corporate authority and a strong belief in individual freedom.
Charismatic: Despite his gruff exterior, he has a magnetic presence that draws others to his cause.
Cynical: Years of living in a dystopian society have made him wary of others’ motives, yet he holds onto a flicker of hope for change.

Early Life: Raised in the lower tiers of the megacity, Xeon witnessed the struggles of the disenfranchised and the corrupt machinations of powerful corporations from a young age.
Education: A self-taught hacker, he honed his skills in the underground, learning to manipulate technology for his own survival.
Turning Point: After a personal tragedy caused by corporate greed, Xeon decided to fight back, using his talents to expose secrets and aid the oppressed.

Hacking: Expert in infiltrating secure systems and extracting sensitive information.
Combat Training: Proficient in hand-to-hand combat and street survival tactics.
Stealth: Highly skilled in evading detection, utilizing shadows and crowds to his advantage.
Negotiation: Able to navigate tense situations and broker deals, often with little more than charm and wit.
Motivation: Xeon is driven by a desire to dismantle the oppressive structures of the megacity and empower the marginalized. He sees his work as a means to awaken the masses and ignite a revolution against corporate tyranny.

From a young age, Xeon displayed an innate talent for technology, quickly becoming adept at hacking and coding. As he navigated the treacherous landscape of the city, he learned to use his skills not just for survival, but as a means of rebellion. The turning point came when a corporate raid led to the death of a loved one, igniting a fierce determination within him to fight back against the system.


Respect Everyone: Always be considerate of your fellow players. Everyone’s here to have fun!
Stay in Character: When it's your turn, immerse yourself in your character’s persona and motivations.
Listen and Engage: Pay attention to others’ actions and dialogue. Engage with their storylines and character arcs.
Avoid Godmodding: Don’t control other players’ characters or make them do things without their consent.
Balance Combat: If engaging in battles, ensure actions are fair. Let players have a chance to react and contribute.
Follow the Setting: Stick to the world’s lore and rules. Familiarize yourself with the setting before jumping in.
Keep It Flexible: Be open to changes and unexpected turns in the story. Adaptability enhances the experience.
Communicate OOC (Out of Character): If conflicts arise or if you need to clarify something, do it respectfully in OOC.

The Alley


Tuesday, 19/04/3140

In the neon-drenched underbelly of the megacity, the alley pulsed with a synthetic heartbeat. Holographic advertisements flickered overhead, casting an eerie glow on rain-slicked surfaces where the glow of electric blue and vivid magenta melded with the remnants of an older world. Skyscrapers loomed above, their jagged silhouettes piercing the night, a labyrinth of steel and glass reaching for a smog-choked sky.

Drones whirred silently above, their lenses scanning the streets for any sign of unrest, while the hum of distant hovercars blended with the distant thrum of automated street vendors hawking their wares. In this concrete maze, the scent of ozone mixed with the tang of burnt circuitry, a reminder of the city’s relentless march toward progress.

The shadows here were more than mere absence of light; they writhed with purpose, concealing whispers of rebellion and ambition. This was a place where the line between humanity and technology blurred, where dreams were forged in the darkness, waiting for the moment to strike. In the silence, a tension crackled, hinting at a confrontation that could reshape the future itself.

Note, my character is Xeon and i have added the first opening for my character
I mostly prefer quality, write your hearts out, but yea i seen some good rp y'all got to offer :) do check mine at Advance Roleplay Echos Of The Void
@BloodySweet, welcome!

In the infinite expanse of space, a solitary planet spun silently, its surface a mosaic of azure and emerald, a vibrant testament to life that had once flourished. Now, however, it lay in eerie stillness, the remnants of a once-great civilization scattered like whispers in the wind. Towering cities, once bustling with activity, now crumbled into dust, their grand spires broken and overrun by dense, emerald overgrowth. Vines and creeping plants wound through the remnants of polished stone, reclaiming what humanity had built, while the echo of laughter and the hum of industry faded into the realm of memory. Rivers of crystalline water meandered through the landscape, their surfaces shimmering under the faint light of a distant sun, casting rippling reflections that danced like ghosts. The waters were clear, revealing the silvery skeletons of long-forgotten aquatic creatures, preserved in a timeless embrace. Along the banks, the air was thick with the scent of wild flora, blossoms of impossible colors bursting forth amid the ruins, a silent testament to nature's resilience.

Above, a fleet of spacecraft drifted aimlessly in orbit, their hulls pockmarked and aged, relics of a long-forgotten exodus. Once, they had carried the hopes and dreams of countless souls escaping the planet’s surface, now they lingered like specters, caught in a perpetual state of waiting. Their systems still hummed softly, a quiet testament to the ingenuity of their creators, yet they were abandoned, left to the indifferent embrace of the cosmos. Each vessel bore scars of interstellar travel—burn marks from atmospheric re-entries, chipped paint from collisions with cosmic debris. They whispered tales of survival and desperation, each hull a chronicle of a journey that had begun with hope but ended in silence. From the depths of the planet’s core, a low hum began to resonate—a signal buried deep within the planet’s memory, a remnant of human technology that pulsed rhythmically, reaching out into the void. It was a heartbeat from the planet itself, an echo of life yearning for recognition. As the signal spread outward, it cut through the silence of space like a beacon, a call to anyone who might be listening.

Across the cosmos, a nearby station, a sentinel designed to respond to signs of life, picked up the echo. Its metallic form, sleek and functional, was equipped with advanced sensors and a sophisticated AI, engineered to unravel the mysteries of the universe. As its systems whirred to life, a symphony of lights flickered across its control panels, illuminating the dark void with a ghostly glow. Data streamed in with relentless precision, revealing a wealth of information—ancient texts, blueprints of human achievements, and, most hauntingly, the final transmission of a people who had once thrived.

(Okay so this story is way distant in the future, the year 3818, Earth has perish, technically its like a Sci Fi Sandbox, do whatever you want but ofcourse obey the rules :D)

1. Be Respectfull.
2. Only 1 Character allowed.
3. 18+ is allowed.
4. Dont Godmode ffs.
5. Turn by turn posting.
6. Dm me first before posting character
Hey mortals! I’m Hash, a 24-year-old who’s been living in the world of roleplay for over a decade now. It all started when I was 10, scribbling stories and crafting characters, and I haven’t looked back since. For me, roleplay isn’t just a pastime; it’s a chance to explore endless possibilities. Whether I’m venturing into a fantasy realm, navigating a sci-fi universe, or just diving into the complexities of everyday life, every session feels like a new adventure. There’s something magical about bringing characters to life alongside others—it’s like creating a living, breathing story together.

My Favorite Roleplay Genre are

Sci Fi
18+ :P
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