
“Tatsuoki sama is nowhere to be found! Has he fallen?”
This cry carried through the air over the chaos below. The hot, late summer sun glared down from above like a single blazing eye of a discontent god as a great battle raged. Nobunaga, head of the Oda of Owari, had for the last fourteen days lain siege to Mount Inaba and the grand castle that sat perched atop it - the stronghold of the Saitō, rulers of Mino. Early this very morning the Oda had finally made a daring move, marching their armies up the mountainside in an attempt to take the castle in an onslaught. Saitō Tatsuoki, head of the clan, ordered his men to the walls and the defense of Inabayama. Tatsuoki’s advisors believed that a single vicious defensive effort would drive the Oda forces back where they could then be routed and pummeled down the face of the mountain and scattered to the forests. “Let them flee back to their lands where we then may finally defeat the Fool of Owari and crush his insolence and his people!”
At first things seemed well enough. The Oda army trudged uphill, at a great disadvantage as Inabayama’s defenders rained arrows and stones down upon them. It was then that a terrible explosion shook the whole castle and a fire broke out in the keep. Fearing a hidden attack Tatsuoki’s commanders ordered half of the defenders to fall back to the interior and moments later the front gates of the castle came swinging open to everyone’s dismay - Oda spies it was revealed had snuck over the walls earlier and cut a path to the gatehouse. The Oda war drums thundered and in mere breaths Nobunaga’s army stormed the keep, quickly overwhelming the shaken defenders. Swordsmen scurried along the walls, cutting down Inabayama’s now vulnerable bowmen as Oda and Saitō samurai clashed in a bloody fray in the courtyard. Tatsuoki himself was nowhere to be seen, an angst quickly spreading among the castle as Oda forces were not only overtaking the interior but many of their warriors had forced their way through the fighting and were entering the tenshu itself. It was well-known that in recent months Saitō retainers had defected to Nobunaga’s side amid his long war with Tatsuoki - and who knew how much about Inabayama’s makeup and defenses the betrayers had shared with their new master.
The fighting’s ferocity grew even as the battle began to enclose around the tenshu at the heart of the castle. Blood soaked the dirt turning it to reddish mud and bodies were piled with little space between them - most of them were fallen Saitō samurai and infantry. The most steadfast and unwavering of Tatsuoki’s sworn held their ground, willing to die as true samurai in defense of their lords’ domain even as the Oda encircled them slowly. They hacked and flayed Nobunaga’s men, teeth bared and eyes burning with fire from within their helmets even as they collapsed one after the next. Among them was Ikari Masato - head of the Ikari household and one of the Saitō’s most courageous vassals. He had served Tatsuoki’s father Dosan sama and now he would die for Dosan’s son it would seem. The castle and the mountain were surrounded and aflame, and the Oda army vastly outnumbered the Saitō. The last thing Masato would hear on the battlefield would be the call for Tatsuoki before three arrows flew into his chest, felling him among his fellow samurai. He felt himself being dragged, thinking it first to be a physician retrieving his body, then perhaps the terrible Oda planning to humiliate and mangle his dying form. No - it was his son and daughter, Ichiro and Natsumi, both their faces coming into view as Masato struggled to see. His breathing was painfully ragged and he tasted blood in his mouth, his head ached and throbbed and his ears were filled with a shrill whistling. The arrows had gone deep and Masato’s chest roiled with pain so great he could not scream or even groan. His mouth hung open, words catching in his throat as his eyes moved between his son and daughter - their agonized young visages running with tears. Masato turned his head and struggled to look around, he was inside somewhere but he could hear the battle close by still. He was laying on hay and he smelled horses - the stables near the tenshu.
“I told you… stay inside.”