A large majority of the day had passed by as the it crawled closer to evening a figure would appear on the horizon. A, somewhat hobbling and large one at that! The day would have some slight surprises for Masako upcoming at a struggled pace. The figure, likely a man wrapped all in various cloth and robe had struggled their way toward the shrine out of distress. The large figure was holding onto their side, were a clear dark stain had formed under their hand. They were bleeding from one wound or another. They needed to get away to safety, and perhaps gain medical attention to spare them.

The frame of the figure as it grew closer would look something akin to an ogre, or some other form of Mogwai to most. The figure stood just over six feet tall, and had a rather wide and likely rotund figure to them as well. While most of them had been covered in foreign robes. One of which resembled a long tunic with various baggy folds, and a large poncho type cape of sorts that had been thrown and tied around into a make shift hood. A style of clothing that looked foreign to the area, and perhaps the era as well.
Their burly arms, and some of their legs were revealed while they were running. Showing a dark faded green pigmentation on both, almost a grey in color.

The large figure would managed to to run himself into the shrine grounds, and practically throw himself with the shrubbery. His tunic matching the dirt, and the cloak along with the rest of their body nearly blending in with the leaves. They held onto their wounded side, and tried to steady their breath for the moment.
Wanting to hide, or at least find a moment of sanctuary.

Less than a breath or so after, a human figure in western attire and bearing a flag of a western nation came walking along. They wore a soldier's uniform, and seemed armed with a long knife as they stalked about. A grip of fear and tiredness in their eyes.
Slowly walking their way toward the shrine, but never going past its gates, or onto is grounds. Still, looking about with a heightened wariness.
The soldier, may just slipped past if left alone.

Although the soldier, was definitely looking for someone, or something. They were clearly on edge, and perhaps dangerous.