Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Sol, Earth Alliance Space
The EAS McClain floated through the asteroid field left by Earth, towards the shipyard. It easygoing to undergo refit with Draconian technology. Not exactly the most exiting thing to her captain, Fergus McClain himself. To him all it meant was a new the of fuel carry. Besides, the war was over, nothing exciting will happen now!

((Made from tablet, so sorry for bad post.))
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 23 days ago

Hive World #291

The Draconian awoke from her slumber, peering around. She tried to move, only to find that her limbs were bound to the rocks. She pulled against them, but found that her strength had left her. She frantically peered around, and the events of the previous day came back to her. She had been dragged before a military court for the crime of being part of the Draconian Empire. There was no way she could possibly defend herself, how could she deny that she was a Draconian? They had taken her Brother for separate purposes, but she herself had been brought here... Why?
There was a growl from behind her, and she had a sinking feeling she would find out why. She turned her head, but could not see over the rock... Then a face came over... if you could call it a face. The insect-like monstrosity stared her down, skittering over the top of the rock and over her to the ground, turning around to examine it's prey. She struggled against the bindings, but in spite of all her strength she could not escape it. Then it lunged towards her, and she screamed in terror as the thing assaulted her. Then it withdrew and skittered away. She breathed heavily and frantically glanced around. Why had it left her? She looked down towards her torn and destroyed clothing. There was surprisingly little blood, and where there was blood it appeared to be from scratches as something had grabbed her rather than tried to kill her, except one wound on her that looked like a small, round hole rather than anything serious. She could feel a sharp pain in around her stomach, but she could do nothing to inspect it. She dropped her head back against the rock and closed her eyes, whispering to herself, begging for something to come and save her.
Just three hours later, nothing had. Finally, she felt a horrific pain that eclipsed anything she had felt in her life, and could see something inside her moving. She cried out in pain, and then there was a sickening sound of skin being torn, and a clawed, insect hand shot out of her chest, splattering her with blood. The hand was followed by a second hand, which tore her further open, and then a head and then a body as the monster slashed it's way out of her, and was not very large at it's current stage. She looked at it in horror as her vision faded. The last thing she saw was it beginning to devour her as it's first meal

Above Hive World #291
Spectre Craft

"Another Draconian amputated." Corvus reported, and there was a nod from the holographic Supreme Commander
"That is good. High Command reports DNA samples from multiple subjects is frozen. We have exterminated large numbers of the Draconians, we estimate there are too few to maintain a viable Gene Pool. Their extinction has been achieved. This is a grand day for all Triarii"
"Yes, Praelatus meus" Corvus said, but his tone must have shown he had some doubt, for the Supreme Commander questioned him
"You feel sorrow for them, Corvus?"
"That last one... she couldn't have been older than two cycles ((16 Earth Years)). It's a waste of good material"
"This is for the Greater Good. They are too dangerous to be left alive"
"Indeed sir, but I just feel she could have been put to a better purpose than one Corruptelae Insectum breeding. I feel they all could. I will send proposals sir."
"I await them eagerly"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Equiis, Tower of the High Archmage
Duck de Steelhorn looked around at his office. Having been constructed during at the beginning of the Equestrian's Space Era it was made of sleek smooth silvery metal, with golden trimming around the top where the wall hits the ceiling and where the wall hits the floor. The office was mostly quiet except for the occasional shuffling of papers as the blue unicorn went over various documents on the state of the Equestrian Empire.The hum of the castle's generators could also be heard in the distance. A few grey filling cabinets set behind Duck and a brown desk with various papers and writing utensils scattered on its shiny surface. The office itself was rather large, having space for the desk and multiple filing cabinets and bookshelves.

Duck himself felt a bit tired. He associated it with his old age, no longer having the energy he once use to. After the end of the Draconian War he had gone back to his usual regime, dealing with the politics of the High Council and supervising the many magical academies of learning in Canterlot. It had been 10 years almost, but he still felt grief over the loss of Luna, the only other pony he had ever loved. Pulling him self away from that rather sad subject he began looking over multiple economic,military, and diplomatic reports. The Equestrian Military had suffered some losses, but was able to regain most of them towards the end of the war. The economy hadn't been prosperous as it once was due to Drac blockades of important trade routes, but with them gone they were being reactivated and expansion beginning once more, in the Milky way and the other galaxies that the Equestrians had scouted out and settled. There alliances remained stable, as such a thing was important in this time when there was rebuilding to be done.

Duck stood up and left his office, he was blinded a bit as he preferred working a low light environment. After adjusting himself to the light of the hallways he starting head towards one of the many balconies within the castle. There wasn't much sound going on except the occasional scraping of hoofs and claws on the metals floors, or the slamming of a door. He stepped out into the balcony and felt the cool night air and the grainy texture of the stone used to construct the balcony beneath his hooves. Placing his hooves on the railing of the balcony he looked over the many lights and tall towers of Canterlot. It was a beautiful night, he only wished he had someone to spend it with.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TehAlphaGamer
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Karboria Capital District, Sazkar Major
Fakeem Suar'kum stood at the balcony at the top of the parliamentary office. He looked downwards, where citizens were milling about. Some commuting up and down the street, some stopping and waving or taking pictures of the new Grand Vessel, and others standing in the square or at shops and kiosks chatting casually. The Supreme Commander grabbed him on the shoulder, startling Fakeem slightly.
"It's a good day out here in Karboria, wouldn't you say?" the gruff commander chuckled heartily.
"Y-yes, it is, Comm-"
"Please, call me Barasmus! After all, I'm subordinate to you." he laughed.
"Right, heh...regardless, all this that's...that's happening."
The commander looked at him with concern. "I truly am sorry about what I had to do to your father. And every time I see you, Grand Vessel, the thought of it still pains me. I just want you to keep in mind that had I not taken the right precautions-"
"Yes, I know, Sazkar would have been destroyed. I've heard this quite a bit, but the weight of it seems to grow more and more. "
"Right. But, it's a new day, a new start for a changing empire. I've been commanding these soldiers for a good 50 years, and I will not stop at anything to save our people. I've also been looking at the reports from some of our outersystem scout fleets. They're picking up new races, new civilizations, rather quickly. And I know that even after 10 long years, we're still making progress. Hopefully that 10 years can stretch out indefinitely, and we can change for the better!"
Barasmus patted the young prophet on the back. "Well, I must return to my duties. I'm sure you may have to return to yours as well. Take care, Grand Vessel."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Member Seen 19 days ago

((I assume the fleets from Sazkar have already been sent out))

Outskirts of EA Space
A huge warship cruised through the system at .10c, headed to a nearby planet as partook a shakedown. Halfway there, it's sensors detected a fleet composed of ships of a design not seen since the occupation of Sazkar. The weaponry immediately popped out of the hull as the tachyon field around the ship came into being, slowing it down to battle speed. A message was sent to the fleet of Sazkarjhit ships, while fighters were launched from the warship.
"This is the EAS Memory of Earth to Sazkarjhit fleet, identify intentions and allegiance immediately."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TehAlphaGamer
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

((They're mostly scouting fleets put on random vectors, and it seems one brushed by your region of space, so yes.))

EA Contact
"This is SOS Valiant Explorer, part of Sazkarjhia Outerystem Scout Fleet 032, from the Sazkarjhia Center for Naval Operations and Space Exploration. We were sent on a random vector as part of a scouting mission. We come in peace, but the vector we were put on must cut through Earth Alliance space, something we were not aware of. We have no intent on attacking you, not since the events of ten years ago. However, if you attack us first we will not hesitate to fight back."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by hacher5


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Colony 257
The night was cool with a slight breeze. All around the forests, the boy could here the soft slumber of the other animals. The boy sat on a stump of wood, with the full moon lightening his sight and the sky. He liked to be alone, the boy. He liked to think. Then he just turned back his attention to his guitar he was holding. Guitars were human, but a lot of culture in the colonies is human. They had a culture bomb on the colonies ever since the government had released documents of the human history and life. Now, the colonials could not get enough of the humans old music and instruments. Old sports the humans played are played in the colonies, possibly in the states aswell. The boy did not know, he was not the smartest lut'lin in the bunch. He continued to strum his instrument until the moon began to set, and, instinctively, he casually walked back to his farm house, almost half a mile away.

The house was tattered, dis repaired, almost like the clothes he wore, filled with holes. When he walked inside, he turned his attention to the fridge, he opened it, and was relieved to see that new rations had been delivered: twp loaves of bread and some meat. Any other food would have to be found in the forest, but that didn't bother him. This was a good ration, and the boy knew that. He prepared himself a cup of water, and set a saucier on the stove. He pulled out some animals bones he had found in the forest, and began to heat it with the water, making a rich broth. Some leftover vegetables were also laid into the stock, and then was the broth was set off the stove.
The father had walked in from his night job at the factory when the boy was finishing the mix

"See you've made yourself with the rest of our food"

"I made it to last us with the new rations, Pa'" he replied. He tasted the broth with his hand, relishing in its flavor. The father smiled, and left to sleep in his bed.
The boy set the mix back into a cupboard, and deep inside his mind, he was afraid. He could hear sirens in the distance, signalling that a hanging was to take place and that all people were to conglomerate to the spot immediately.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Member Seen 19 days ago

Sazkarjhit Contact
The warship retracts its weaponry, and power is cut off from the weapons systems.
"Our space has expanded a lot since the occupation, as has the tolerance of your people it seems. We are pleased with this development, perhaps we can finally put the past of our peoples away and cooperate. A message has been sent to Mars alerting them of this contact, if you wish for a formal meeting then you should head there. In case you do not know it's location, we are transmitting coordinates to you now."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

A Dragoon warship glided through space, its smooth red surface and purple trimming blurring as it flew past. RFL were mounted as weapons on various parts of the ships, all attached to a silver sphere to allow its to fire in any direction the ship needs its to. The ship came to a halt as it saw a approaching Sazkarjhit scout ship, it had detected this and was preparing for diplomatic contact
"We are from the Equestrian Empire, and even know of our past quarrels, considering the Drac war and everything else that has occurred over the past 10 years, we feel it is best to try to estiblish peace wherever possible"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by darkwolf687


Member Seen 23 days ago

((Short post, in phone))

"The ashes of the Draconians fade, and what is left? Only the Greater Good! And from the ashes of the past dawns a new era!"

Spectre Report

To: Supreme Overlord Marcus
From: Spectre Corvus (Full details attached)
Subject: Alternatives
One: Subsume remaining Draconians. They could be of use to the Collective, especially in an augmented form. It is possible we could rear a docile base species from the DNA storage, and add any newly captured Draconians to it. The resources would be a drain, but they could be of excellent use to the Collective, particularly in Spectre
Two: Synthesise all on capture. They are worth more than one Corruptelae Insectum in part
Three: Amputate all on capture. It will save us the resources of shipping them around the Galaxy
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TehAlphaGamer
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EA Contact
The fleet began to move, some ships began to drift away from it.
"Agreed! We have made sure that since the incident ten years ago, we should be more, how you say, open-minded. We too hope that we can put the past behind us and move forward in these vast regions of space. I will report to the Grand Vessel that we have begun to establish diplomatic connections with the likes of you again. We have given the coordinates to a diplomatic breakoff fleet, they will flt over there. We still have our mission, so we will conduct it with what of the fleet we still have. Thank you."
Equestrian Contact
"Equestrians? It is an honor. We understand that we have not seen any of you since...well...the incidents of ten years ago. It's good to hear that you are willing to establish diplomacy and friendly relations. We will send a diplomatic vessel to you when you are willing to receive it. Unless, however, you wish to host a formal meeting, we will allow you to decide where to host the meeting, as Sazkarjhit customs have held to over this time."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by hacher5


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Sarkazjhit Presence over Domu

Though it had ten years, many of the Domi had taken the Lizard War as if it was yesterday. They felt betrayed, enraged, but more importantly, it set them off for this new road of expansion, production; becoming a powerhouse. However, they still felt harsh feelings for the sarkazjhit, whom most of them call lizards, a harsh slang word. Many fleets, over the years, have become stationed in the planetary states, especially the Holy Worlds. So it was not too surprising to see cruiser after cruiser, ship after ship, speed to one sector of Domu when a Sarkazjhit ship appeared. A message was sent to them, stated by Admiral Rethener.

"Haut your engines and state your presence, not doing both of these actions will lead your ship to be destroyed"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TehAlphaGamer
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Zonanese Contact
The Scout Fleet stopped its engines, Fleetmaster Gorya'dum looked with a viewfinder out the bridge of the Mighty Zephyr, one of the old SAF ships now converted to use in scouting missions. He saw that it was the Domi, part of the racial "Trinity" of the Zonanese Empire. The old sailor contemplated to himself the old enemy. He was only a Naval Marshal aboard one of the Trikolo-Class destroyers during the Battle of Domu. He remembered when he first encountered the Zonanese and heard reports. He listened to their radio communications. And he remembered that that battle brought forth the Domi peoples' burning hatred of the Sazkarjhit. He realized this was a problem. He ordered all ships to raise arms, and that if the Zonanese fired and only if they fired that they would shoot back. It was intergalactic law unless the intent for war was established following the Crusading Period.
"We are the ships that comprise Sazkarjhia Outersystem Scout Fleet 012. We mean you no harm, unless you fire upon us. We are on an intergalactic scouting mission, and mean in benevolence to all races known and unknown. We understand your resentment towards our species, it would not surprise us after the events of ten years ago. However, if you were all right with it we would be more than happy to once again establish peaceful communication."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by DELETED264297


Banned Seen 1 mo ago

Sarkazjhit Contact
The ship sends another message
"We are planning on hosting most of our diplomatic meetings at Peace Station, a city on our moon. We are transmitting coordinates now and a special signal that signfies whatever ship entering Equiis's star system is there on diplomatic business."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TehAlphaGamer
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Equestrian Contact
"All right, the diplomatic fleet should be en route to Peace Station now."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by hacher5


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Sarkazjhit Presence over Domu

"However, if you were all right with it we would be more than happy to once again establish peaceful communication."
"once again establish peaceful communication"
"However, if you were all right with it"

Rethener could remember the battle vividly. He was stationed in Commune when the initial attack happened. Shortly after, his fleet jumped to Domu to fend off the second battle. He had lost thousands of ships, hundreds of thousands more soldiers, and they were asking if the Domi were all right with the war, if they wanted to "once again" establish peaceful communications. He was infuriated, but if he did not follow his orders, he would have been hanged as a traitor to the Empire. He sent a flare to the Trinity, telling them of the situation. He also sent a message to the Lizards

"Request pending, lizards"

Meanwhile, in Commune, where the Trinity was stationed this year, the Trinity had approved of a meeting to be stationed in Commune, one of the planets that the Sarkazjhit had not found. This was to ensure that the no citizen would attempt anything "dangerous" when the diplomats landed. When Rethener received his information, he sent another message to the Sarkazjhit.

"First off, no, I am not (nor are most of the entire Empire) 'all right' with your crusade. No, you never did establish peaceful communications with us, either, unless you are referring to the first encounter that our Captain Dunom had with you near Renn (which is debatable in itself). Nevertheless, the Trinity has allowed a diplomatic meeting to be held on another planet, a planet not comprised of Domi Haches, but another kind. Consider yourselves grateful, if we had this here, I grantee that wherever we had it would be destroyed in a matter of minutes by troops that went AWOL or rogue civilians".
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Keyguyperson
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Martian Orbit, Sazkarjhit Contact
The debris field of Earth could be seen even from the orbit of the red planet, the chunks of dirt and rock stretching out to form a chaotic could that would one day become another world. Perhaps that new world might evolve intelligent life over billions of years, to one day be contacted by humanity if it survives. Maybe it will be peaceful, or maybe they will be wiped out by war parties seeking to reclaim their world. Whatever the case, that has not happened yet, and an entirely different uncertainty is currently at hand. Namely, how will Fergus speak to a species he knows only by reports of atrocities from troops under his command?

He was desperately trying to suppress his emotions for the greater good, but he had always had trouble with that. He knew it was required, but it has an extremely hard thing to do. He tried everything he knew of, Buddhist meditation, yoga, Hachist methods, he even reached out to a Goddess without a people and another worshiped by a close ally of the Alliance. Only the first and last did he actually expect to possibly work, mainly due to Buddhist meditation having multiple accounts of relieving stress and him actually having contact with the final deity. Of course, the second to last he had also contacted, but she was also the Goddess of war in Draconian beliefs. So that's a problem.

After many hours of these activities, Fergus decided to try an Abh meditation method. While common among Abh, it is almost never used by neither humans nor dolphins. instead of having you focusing on one thing or clearing the mind, it consists of an intense study of what is bothering you. The study is supposed to reveal why it is bothering you, and thus how you can make it not bother you. While that is the general idea, some say that the understanding is all you need, in the same way that a psychological study of your nightmare makes it seem less frightful, or maybe even humorous in hindsight. This method worked incredibly well with Fergus, while he was never good with making himself do something, he always was good at thinking of why someone else would make themselves do something. You'd never catch him admitting that, though.

Once the thirty-minute meditation session was over, he suddenly felt perfectly fine with the past mistakes of the Sazkarjhit. He had come to the conclusion that they were done not because the Grand Vessel at the time was evil, but because he truly thought he was doing the right thing. In fact, he probably believed he was helping the "heathens", in the same way that the ridiculously conservative "Traditional Christian Hierarchy" during the Common Sense War thought it was saving souls by forcibly altering the memories of conquered populations so they would believe the exact same thing they did. While the possible outcome of the crusade against the Hach would have been terrible, everyone involved thought they were actually helping, and Fergus simply cannot dislike someone who think's they're helping.

Fully prepared for the meeting, Fergus walks to the command center of the orbital station where the EAS McClain is being refitted, and orders a channel to be opened to the Sazkarjhit ships that have just arrived.
"This is Admiral Fergus McClain of the Earth Alliance, it is an honor to once again meet with your people. It is my hope that we can begin to understand each other's cultures better and avoid any future conflicts. If you dock with this station, we can meet face to face in a diplomatic conference room adapted for your species."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TehAlphaGamer
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Zonanese Hostility
"I do apologize, I must have befuddled my words, I meant 'are'. We understand your burning hatred for us, and, even though we take great offense to being called 'lizards' as we assume you have developed from our reptilian physiology, we will let your little...nickname...slide. We are fine with where you wish to decide to host a diplomatic meeting. We see that even after ten years, your resentment holds well. So, please, if we can all talk at a meeting I'm sure we can talk about how we can make amends after such a...how do you say...'altercation?'"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by hacher5


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Sarkazjhit Presence over Domu

"Coordinates sent, you are heading to Commune, home of the Comu Haches"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TehAlphaGamer
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Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Diplomatic Meeting, Mars
Replying to the message stating their compliance and moving towards the docking bay, the diplomatic ship, a small, white vessel, somewhat cubicle but with small winglets, and with two turrets on either side and a dorsal turret on top moved into the bay. A white-suited diplomat and several black-suited soldiers strode out with a military precision. They were ushered by the EA units to the directed meeting room. It was a decently-sized room, with a large desk with several hovering chairs and with a window that overlooked the vast reaches of space, with a bit of the Red Planet's surface in the foreground.

The diplomat, Ambassador Marana Shigano'vum, was escorted by a group of specially-trained OGVS soldiers, who were using the bullpup-style, clip-based rifles as opposed to the Cyclonic Accelerator Rifles. The Ambassador pressed a panel on her wrist, and a small probe stuck out. After some mechanical humming and whirring, a ding sounded, to which the Ambassador replied with a "Hmph!" before retracting the device. She pressed another part of the panel, and the helmet quickly folded down, revealing the face of a female Sazkarjhian. Her face was the same yellowish-orange tint as the rest of her species, but she had distinct, bright-yellow pattern moving down the center of her face. She smiled lightly, barring some of her sharp teeth, which seemed to have been enhanced by her jet-black eyes. She appeared to be quite a charismatic one. The OGVS units folded down their helmets as well, these men and women looked gruff and serious, and it was easy to tell that they were trying to act casual, but were used to a strict military life.

Marana looked around the room, studying the humans. She remembered seeing them deployed on the surface during the Invasion of Sazkar. They were powerful soldiers then, they looked the same now. She remembered what the Fleetmaster aboard that Marku-Class she was stationed on told her. "If any of these...things...try to attack you, just duck. Remember that the soldiers with you can handle it. We don't need a diplomat dead to set off another intergalactic disaster."

She chuckled slightly, before walking around the table to meet the suited officer up front. "Ah! You must be the Admiral McClain, the one who spoke in the message? I am Ambassador Shigano'vum, it is a pleasure to meet you."
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