Location: Bruma

Ah, what better could someone want? A warm hearth, pleasant company, hot meal and plentiful ale. Meen-La took her seat at the table, making herself right at home as they'd meet their contacts. A rather open and public place, but it provided cover enough for them all things considered. No one should be looking too terribly hard at them for the time being at least, and looking just like a group of travelers would make them less suspicious too.

Not that man made mead was enough to get her drunk that well considering argonians natural resistance to such things.

So she'd drink, eat and listen to this captain Owen. She did think they did stand out a little too much considering the clandestine nature of their job, but it was what it was as long as the mission wasn't interrupted.

"Departure time could depend." She'd say, snapping down some venison. "Entirely on our...companions abilities. I would vote for either leaving at night when nobody is watching, using a route no-one would expect...or during the day, and we blend in with the merchants or other travelers leaving."