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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by wolfsujiyama
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wolfsujiyama Fearian

Member Seen 1 mo ago

As the new year starts the next generation has finally arrived and students from around the world start getting off the train that has dropped them off on the island known as Dimensional Academy, where they will spend the rest of their school years at until they graduate. Unless they decide to live in the city after graduation, which isn't an uncommon thing to happen here at the Academy. The entire city along with the academy is known to teleport together into the other dimensions. Many of the students who are arriving are new students who are starting their first year in the Academy and will be staying for four years. As the train comes to a halt and the new students arriving at the Academy get off the train a group of sisters step off the train, one of them using water magic to create a sphere of water for her to move around across the land, since she was a mermaid and couldn't walk on land, since she didn't have legs. As they glance around at their surroundings noticing the city off in the distance and then looking beyond the train station towards the center of the island where the Academy was located and noticed how big it really was. Mimi and Momo both hopped up and down excitedly as they both said at the same time, "Wow this place is so big and beautiful!" Nella makes a small giggle as she says, "Well, let's head to the school and check it out shall we?" Mimi and Momo both glance back towards their oldest sister Nella as they nod and start to follow Nella towards the school. Hasuno the middle child of the family was following behind them as she says, "Well it is indeed big, but I wonder if it will be any more interesting than the island we're from? I am excited to experience what the Academy has to offer, but will the island be as entertaining or will it be more like our own island?" Nella glances back as she says, "We'll just have wait and see, we start the opening school ceremony today, so we'll have to wait until after that is done, then find our home room classes, and then figure out where our dorms rooms are." Nella sighs as she looks back to where she was going and says, "I will probably have to come up with some kind of speech too..." Hasuno laughs a bit as she says, "It's you're own fault for applying for Student Council President and winning the campaign." Nella sighs as she says, "Yea I know..."

As the group arrives at the school, they head inside as they head for the auditorium and sit in the seats provided to them as they wait for the rest of the students to arrive and take their seats. Once all the students who were arriving, had arrived and taken their seats a Teacher steps up to the stage and says, "My name is Doctor Gardener, I'll be your Science Class and Biology Teacher for the year of your time here at the Academy. First off let me congratulate everyone who was accepted into the Academy and hope you all have a wonderful time here and experience many wonderful experiences here at the Academy. Next I'd like to mention, that none of the teachers will be explaining anything about the worlds you will eventually traveling to, we want you all to experience everything first hand, before we move into classes about the worlds you'll be visiting. The classes for the first week here will be your standard classes, but once we enter into another world the following week, we'll change the classes to teach you about the world you're currently in and what we've discovered from those worlds. Do note, that all students must be within the Academy grounds by the end of each week, or else you'll be left behind, and there is no guarantee that we'll appear in the same place next time we arrive in that world. So its best that on the last day of the week, you stay on the Academy Grounds. Finally, we have teachers at each of the Auditorium Entrances that will lead you all to your specific Dorm rooms for each student. When they call out your titles, make you're way towards them and follow them to your dorm housings." The titles they spoke of was the name of the Arcana's and was given to them based on their application they signed to be accepted into the Academy. Gardener then glances around and notices Nella as she says, "One last thing, let's have a warm welcome to our new Student Council President for the Academy, her name is Nella Kitomi, and I hope you treat her well and show her respect." Nella stands up and waves so that all the students could see who she was and then sits down since the teacher didn't call her up to the stage, which surprised her, cause she though she was going to be called up to give a speech. Gardener then says, "Alright everyone, you all are dismissed, please follow the teachers to your assigned dorm room, so you can unload your cargo, then after that you'll return here for your home room class. Then after class you're welcome to explore the campus, explore the city, or head back to the dorm and unpack your things."

All the students stand up as they then head towards the entrances as several teachers starts calling out the names of Arcana's to each of them which would signify who they would be following to their dorm housing. Nella glances over as she hears one teacher call out her Arcana name as she glances over towards her sisters and says, "Looks like I'll be going over here, you all have fun and behave yourselves." At the same time, the same teacher would call out for Didani as well. Hasuno was about to make a commit to her, when she glances over and heard her Arcana being called out from a different teacher as she glances at the twins and says, "You two have fun, and be nice to your roommates." While Hasuno was heading for the teacher that called for her, the same teacher would call out for Xuno, Khathi, and Momo as well. Mimi and Momo both said at the same time, "Alright!" Mimi and Momo both glance in opposite directions as their Arcana's were called by different teachers, but the same teacher that called for Hasuno called for Momo, as Mimi glances over towards Momo and says, "Looks like we won't be in the same dorm, but let's try to have fun anyways, maybe we'll meet some new and interesting people!" Momo nods as she says, "Yea, maybe we'll be able to visit each other as well!" The two then head towards the teachers that called for them. Once all the students had been called to their assigned teachers, they then follow the teachers out of the school and start heading in different directions to each of their Dorm Housing.

As Nella and Didani arrives at their dorm, Nella glances around and notices the dorm housing she was in was large building that arched cross a river and looked like a large hotel of some kind. Upon entering the housing, the teacher assigned them each to a separate room with a roommate who would be living with them. The rooms were large enough that one would think they were living in their own home with a single bedroom for two, a bathroom, living room, and a kitchen. The only difference was that they had neighbors on both sides of them, and sometimes depending on what floor one was on, they would have a neighbor above them as well, as Nella's and Didani's room was on the upper floor, so they didn't have a neighbor above them.

As Momo was following the teacher, she then notices her sister Hasuno as she runs up to her and says, "It looks like we're in the same dorm housing sis!" Hasuno glances over towards her sisters as she smiles and says, "I see that, though its sad to see you and your sister separated, but I think its a good thing, it will help you two make new friends easier." Momo nods as she says, "Yea, I guess..." As they arrived at their dorm, they would notice that is was a large tree with several houses built into the side of it, and stairs that wrapped around the tree for them to reach their individual tree houses. As they followed the Teacher, Hasuno and Momo were both assigned their own rooms separately and they both were on the bottom level of the tree. Hasuno was roomed with Xuno and as Hasuno steps into the house along with her roommate, they would notice it was a tree house big enough for two people, a bathroom, a living room, a kitchen, and a room for two. As Hasuno walks over to the bedroom she would notice that there was only one bed, but it was big enough for two people to sleep in as Hasuno glances over towards Xuno and says, "Looks like we'll be sleeping together." Hasuno then swims over to one side of the room and lays her bag on the ground as she says, "I'm Hasuno by the way, Hasuno Kitomi." Momo walks into her room as she glances around as she smiles as she walks around inside the home to take a good look at what all the place had to offer, noticing how furnished the place was and they were kind enough to provide food to get them started, but it only had enough to last them a week, after that they'd have to go out and get their own food and supplies, by getting a job and such. As Momo glances back, she notices she had a roommate with her and was roomed with Khathi as she says, "Looks like we'll be roommates, I'm Momo Kitomi, it's nice to meet you?" Momo seemed like she wasn't sure if that greeting was right, almost like it was her first time talking to strangers or visiting another land.

As Mimi's group arrives at their housing, she glances around and notices several houses all lined up on a hill and surprisingly the houses all looked like winter houses. Though there was no snow on the ground at the moment, she thought the houses would look beautiful when winter came. As the teacher assigns them to their dorm she soon finds out that these houses were their dorm room as each house was big enough for two people as she was given her own home with her roommate, she heads inside and finds it had a bathroom, kitchen, living room, and a bedroom for two with a single bed big enough for two people. Mimi would then run to the bed tossing her bag to the side and flopping down on the bed as the teacher calls into the room and says, "Don't forget you still need to head back to school for homeroom!" The teacher moves on as Mimi giggles and sits up as she says, "Yea, I know..." Glancing around at the room she smiles brightly and says, "I can't wait to see what all the things I'll get to experience here at the school!" Mimi glances over towards her roommate and introduces herself to them.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Foster
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With the exception of Lilith; Didani, Xuno, and Khathi managed to arrive much like their other classmates at the assembly on-time, and hadn't made much chit-chat with each other prior to the assembly.

Xuno followed the group enthusiastically from behind to the tree, marveling at the group and their surroundings as they approached their towering dorm-tree. She was a little dismayed at being kept to the ground floor, but considering that her room-mate was restricted to swimming in a ball of water of her own creation, it made sense not to force them to climb a small mountain of stairs. After she delicately placed her precision rifle down, and lovingly put the sawn-off double-barrel shotgun beside it, she turned to face her aquatic-campanion as they too were introducing themselves. "Paladin Xuno. Xuno Pilatus, pleased to meet you, Hasu!" She said, shortening her name as she thrust her armored gauntlet into her water-bubble for a handshake with a wide beaming smile brimming to self-confidence.

The human-centipede hybrid's movements were slow, smooth, and lethargic as she turned to face her room-mate. Her body twisted and writhed as she climbed out from atop the doorframe and approached. As Khathi shook Momo's hand, she noticed her apprehension, and took notice that they were a plant-fairy, "My name is Khathi, but you may call me Khat. It seems we've been paired together because we share similar interests in botany." She smiled warmly before she leaned a little closer, "Although I'd be quite interested in hearing what other interests we may have in common."

Meanwhile back at Scarlet-housing, and after ascending several flights of stairs, Didani tossed her rocket-launcher to the side of the bed with a weighty THUNK followed by an even heavier flamethrower before stretching to relieve some pent-up back and shoulder-pain. The pike she had to negotiate through multiple door-frames was also a pain she did not wish to relive any time soon. If she needed to have her gear outside in a hurry she had already decided it best to toss it all out the window and hope it didn't land on anyone important. She then laid-back on the nearby couch and admired the room, at least it this part of the campus was spacious enough, even though she'd be sharing it with... her eyes drifted towards her room-mate, then the bed, and then back to the room-mate. "I call dibbs on the bed." She called out.

Lilith meanwhile had shown up late to the assembly, and missed when her arcana had been called-out, and so she had to wait until Dr Gardener personally led her to the Noir housing, and had the matter cleared up the the dean of housing, who then pointed her to the appropriate cabin to unload her things to, being let-in just as the guide was showing themselves out while reminding their unseen room-mate not to be late. Peering inside from the door, she saw the cutest little snow-bunny and just had to let herself in and give them a hug. "Hi, mynameisLilithandI'llbeyourroom-mateI'msogladImanagedtocatchuptoyou!" She then paused for a beat, set Mimi down, and repeated herself at a more legible speed: "Hi, I'm Lilith. I'll be your room mate. Sorry I wasn't at the assembly earlier." She then noticed the crossbow in the room, "Ah, you're an arbalest user too?"
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by wolfsujiyama
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wolfsujiyama Fearian

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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Foster
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Hidden 2 mos ago Post by wolfsujiyama
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wolfsujiyama Fearian

Member Seen 1 mo ago

After all the students returned back to the school and made their way towards their respective home rooms, upon entering their home room Nella and Didani would be one of the first to arrive in their home room as the teacher then says, "Welcome, go ahead and have a seat, you can choose whichever seat you want." Nella then heads for the seats and sits down in one of the middle seats, while she was sitting down Hasuno, Momo, Xuno, and Khathi would be the next to arrive as the teacher welcomes them and has them choose their seats. As Momo and Hasuno glances around at the seats, the two would notice their sister Nella sitting in the middle of the room as Momo flies over and lands on Nella's desk as she smiles brightly and says, "Nella! Looks like we're in the same room together!" Hasuno flies over towards her sister and says, "Same here..." Glancing around she doesn't see Mimi though, but there was still time for students to arrive as she says, "Looks like almost the whole family is here, we're just missing one more person. Oh by the way, I want you to meet my roommate, this is Xuno, Xuno this is our oldest sister Nella."

As Nella was about to say something, Momo jumps in and says, "Right! Let me introduce my roommate as well, this is Khat, Khat this is Nella... Wait, you already know that, cause Hasuno introduced her..." Nella giggles as she says, "It's nice to meet you both, allow me to introduce my roommate since we're introducing people." Nella motions over towards the location Didani decided to sit and says, "This is Didani, my roommate, Didani these are my younger sisters Hasuno and Momo, Momo has a twin sister, but we're not sure if she'll be in the same room as us or not." Just as she finishes that sentence Mimi and Lilith would walk in as Mimi would notice her sisters and quickly zoom past everyone in the room as the teacher welcomed them and she picks her twin sister up gently, but quickly and hugs her twin sister Momo as she exclaims, "Momo!" Momo jumps a little in surprise as she realizes her twin picked her up and smiles as she hugs her sister back as she says in surprise, "Mimi!" Nella giggles as she says, "Well, speak of the devil, here she is now, this is Momo's twin Mimi." Though the two were completely different species, the two looked nearly identical, which if it wasn't for their size difference and species difference, they would look practically like identical twins. Mimi would then notice everyone as Nella, Hasuno, and Momo would introduce her to their roommates, Mimi would then introduce hers as well as she says, "Nice to meet you all, this is my roommate Lilith."

Once everyone arrived the teacher would then say, "Alright everyone, go ahead and take your seats, we'll begin with introduction and then I'll explain what Home Room will be for." As all the students take their seats, Nella in the middle of the class, Mimi and Momo taking the far right seats of the class closest to the doors, and Hasuno sitting near be far left of the class near the window, but almost near the back of the class. The teacher would then start speaking, "I would like to welcome you all once more, I am your home room teacher Ms. Clair, this class will be your study room in a sense, during the beginning of each week, if you're not studying on your own after your classes, you'll come in here and spend your time with your classmate and help each other out with their study. However, if there is something you can't figure out and your other classmates can't figure it out, or if you would prefer a teachers advice, come to me and I'll help you with your studies. Since this is your first class for the first week and there is nothing for you to study right now, go ahead and just mingle with your fellow class mates, but first before I let you all relax, why don't we have everyone introduce themselves." The teacher then has everyone take turns by standing up and introducing themselves to the rest of the class.

After everyone had introduced themselves, they were free to start mingling with each other as Mimi glances back to her sister and says, "I think lunch happens after the first class right?" Momo nods as she says, "Yea, we should check out the cafeteria and see what they will be serving!" Mimi and Momo both nod as the teacher walks up to them and says, "Here you two, this is your class schedule, this will show you what classes you two will be taking and on what day." Mimi and Momo both take their papers and glancing over them as they both noticed they were in the same classes on the same day. The teacher would hand the papers out to each student and it would show that everyone in their home room would be in the same classes on the same day as Nella says, "I guess that makes things easier for the teacher, that way not a single student would be making things difficult for the teacher if they were all in a different class than the rest of us." Hasuno glancing over her paper then says, "Oh? Looks like we'll be having Survival Training next, I wonder if we'll actually be doing anything on the first day or if it will be more like home room where we relax and do nothing?"
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Foster
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Didani smirked a bit at the mention of Nella having a skittish younger sister attending class, "I'll try not to startle her too much, then." she giggled, leaving her flamethrower up in the dorm since she probably wouldn't need it just for homeroom, if anything, she seemed in a hurry just to get her paperwork sorted-out for class than actually being prepared for any of the classes. During the walk she seemed to part her way through the crowd with that same false aura of burning malevolence, clearing an easy path for Nella to follow towards homeroom.

Didani had barely managed to take a seat close to Nella, when she heard shouting and saw a flying mermaid rush up to her room-mate, startling her to her feet and reaching for her pike before realizing this was one of Nella's sisters she'd been talking about. She squinted trying to find the family resemblance as the others filed into the classroom. She bowed at Hasuno when introduced, and gave a slightly lower curtsey for Momo and their room-mates as she slowly found her manners at what was beginning to shape up to be a family reunion. Khat just waved tiredly at the group while Xuno enthusiastically insisted on shaking everyone's hands.

Lilith was probably the one most confused by the situation in front of her. Despite being weighed down by all of Mimi's things, Lilith managed to keep pace with her smaller companion; what she'd seen is Mimi running up and hugging a fairy Mini-Mimi named Momo, and suddenly didn't feel so bad about startling her earlier. She had gotten the shortend introduction of names, excluding Nella since everyone assumed she'd heard her name mentioned a half dozen times by now, she pointed and Didani tiredly announced it was Nella: their student council president.

It was only then they resumed taking their seats at the teacher's behest, with Didani seated beside Nella closer to the windows, Lilith seated behind the twins, and somehow Xuno managed to drag Khat to sit with Hasuno in the back of the class. Hearing the discussion of homeroom being followed immediately by lunch was quickly dashed by news of the next class being survival-training and the sounds of wishful-thinking.

"It's where we fight against each other, eventually." Didani dryly interjected to the discussion.

Xuno's eyes went wide at this revelation that she may be asked to fight her room-mate she'd just met, and Khat. "But why?!" She cried.

Didani sighed, looked at Nella, then back towards the freshmen in the back "Hitting static targets can only teach you so much, at some point you'll need to be learn how to deal with things that can hit back, harder than yourself."

"And teamwork." Khathi added, "We also learn to use our abilities together to solve complex problems. I guess they didn't teach you that where you come from?"
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by wolfsujiyama
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wolfsujiyama Fearian

Member Seen 1 mo ago

Nella glances over towards Didani as she mentions that Survival Training would be where they fight each other as she thinks for a moment and says, "Some how I doubt that is the primary goal of Survival Training, it may happen eventually like some kind of tournament thing or something, but I doubt they will have us fight each other on the first day." Thinking about it a bit more as she hears the others talking about targets and teamwork as Hasuno asks, "What are we in high school or something? This is an academy for adults, as Nella said fighting each other is probably going to be a tournament thing later on, but I also doubt they will have targets for us to attack. If anything it'll probably be based on the name of the class. Like teaching us how to survive in the wild or things that could help us in other worlds. Though teamwork will probably be a big thing as well." Mimi and Momo both raise their hand as they asked the teacher at the same time, "Ms. Clair do you know what the Survival Training is about?" Ms. Clair glances over towards the twins as she thinks for a moment and says, "I think that is up to the instructor of the class to explain things to you all on the first day. I'm sorry girls, but you'll have to wait until you get to the class to find out what you'll be doing and learning there." The twins frown a little with puffy cheeks since the teacher wasn't cooperating in telling them about their next class.

A couple hours later of chatting and class, the bell went off signaling the students that first class was over and that lunch was ready as students headed out of class and headed for the cafeteria for lunch. As Nella heads out of the classroom she was then joined by her twin sisters as Mimi and Momo walk up to her and asks, "Wanna eat together sis?" Nella glances back towards the two and then towards their roommates as she asks, "What about your roommates?" They both tilt their head and glance back towards their roommates at the same time as they smiled and asks at the same time, "Would you two like to eat with us as well?" Hasuno flies out of the classroom as she says, "You all have fun, I'm going to grab my meal to go and eat outside." Hasuno glances back towards her roommate and asks, "Hey Xuno, wanna eat outside with me?" Nella then glances over towards Didani and asks, "What do you think, wanna eat lunch with my twin sisters?" Mimi and Momo both look at Didani, Khathi, and Lilith with cute puppy dog eyes in hopes they would agree, even if they were to agree, they added the puppy dog eyes incase they tried to refuse at first.
Hidden 2 mos ago Post by Foster
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Didani just shrugged, since even she was doubted they'd be sparring with each other from day one. But she had to stop herself from laughing at Ms. Clair's most unhelpful clarification as to the nature of their next class. "I guess that all-but confirms it'll have something to do with the secrecy surrounding this school's curriculum." A short while later Xuno added, "Perhaps we could all be right?" Khathi nodded at this being an acceptable compromise. Lilith then spoke, "We should probably switch to a different topic... Mimi, this is your twin sister?" The drider's voice quickly trailed-off as it went into a private discussion with the twins for a more detailed introduction to the rest of her family, how Momo's room-mate had been treating her, and even how Momo and Hasuno were in the same housing-unit and how Mimi was holding-up being relatively isolated in a cabin with a complete stranger since... almost forever. Basically bringing her up to speed with everyone else by the time the bell rang.

On the way to lunch, the prevailing attitude persisted with the twins asking if Nella and Didani wanted to hang out, which then snowballed into inviting Khat (and Lilith, who was going to be hanging with Mimi anyways). Didani pretended not to be interested, for fear of frightening the twins, but a combination of the twins' pleading and not wanting to offend Nella by being rude had swayed her over to accept the offer. They each managed to make their way through the line pretty swiftly thanks to the presence of Nella, and Didani purposefully clearing a path for the rest of them, while Lilith and Khathi acted as bodyguards for the twins so they wouldn't get swallowed-up and lost in the crowd. Khat was the first one to point out Lilith hadn't recognized Nella from the assembly, and had started Mimi with her sudden and unannounced appearance at the cabins; leading to Lilith sheepishly admitting she'd gotten side-tracked on the way to the school and missed the assembly completely. "You know Mimi, the way you ran over and pick up your sister Momo isn't that much different from how I picked you up by surprise earlier." Lilith joked, "So maybe we'll need to start doing that more often!~" Khathi nodded in agreement, while Didani glanced over at Nella, considering if she'd like to be in on this pact of being swept off her feet by surprise on a regular basis.

"By the way, Didani, aren't you supposed to have two ranged weapons?" Khathi asked. The tiefling's eyes went a bit wider at the realization she'd be going to survival-training under-prepared, "I... I must've left my flamethrower back at the dorm..."

Meanwhile, Xuno had accepted Hasu's invitation to eat outside, laying on the grass in the warm sunlight by the waterside. "Your sisters appear to being doing well, even Momo seems to have hit it off with Lilith. Didani... She's trying to be helpful, I guess. But what about you?" By now Xuno had gotten the impression that her room-mate had often kept to herself due to being the only mermaid in the family, but that was also why Xuno felt it all the more important to be with them, in case things weren't all right behind her colorful exterior.
Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by wolfsujiyama
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wolfsujiyama Fearian

Member Seen 1 mo ago

After getting their meal from the cafeteria and heading outside, finding a good place to have their meal, Hasuno relaxes in a small pond they had in the outside lunch area. Hasuna glances over towards Xuno as she notices the concern on her face as she smiles with a giggle and says, "I know that look, but you have the opposite opinion of me." She smiles as she thinks for a moment and says, "I do appreciate your concern, but I should mention... To be honest, I'm doing fine, I'm was at first concern about my older sister Nella, cause back on the island..." She stops for a moment wondering if she was allowed to talk about the island, but remembering their family never said they couldn't talk about it as she continues, "My sister Nella was usually the quiet type and normally stuck to herself... I am more of the social type, so when she succeeded on becoming Student Council President I was surprised, but worried she wouldn't make many friend when she came here. Though seeing her now, it seems she might do alright. I think she is pushing herself to be more social, which isn't a bad thing, but I hope she doesn't take it too far..." Hasuno thinks for a moment as she says, "Mimi and Momo on the other hand are more of the type that are curious about things. At least that's how they were when they were younger, now that we're off the island for the first time, I feel like it will be a whole new experience for us." Hasuno thinks for a moment once more and then says, "By Island I mean our home, our family owns an entire island all to ourselves, and do note our family isn't small, we're a rather large family, but our island is also a place outsiders are forbidden from ever visiting by all countries... Because our family practices some things that are... Not allowed in most countries... Though I don't think I can discuss what we practice. However, I'm sure spending time with us, you may catch onto some of what we tend to practice."

While on their way towards class Mimi would tell Lilith that Momo was indeed her twin sister and about how she and her sister was doing and that they felt like everything was like a new adventure for their first time being off the island, but didn't go into what she meant by the island, but also mentioned it will take them a bit to adjust being in a new place and meeting new people. Once the girls had gotten their meals and sat down at a table to eat, Mimi and Momo both glance over towards Lilith at her joke and comment about them as they both look towards her as Mimi says, "I'd rather not, I only did that cause me and Momo are usually always together and it felt strange not being with her. I was just excited seeing her again." Momo thinks for a moment and says, "Yea, I don't think Mimi can handle too many surprises, she is a real skittish girl." Mimi then turns towards her sister as she teases her and says, "Momo don't say that!" Mimi's cheeks puff out as Momo smiles and says, "I'm only teasing!" As Khathi addresses Didani about her weapons Nella smiles as she says, "Well it's not like we knew what our next class was, we only just found out today during home room."

After an hour had passed, the next bell rang as they would then head towards their next class, as they made their way into the class they would notice there was no teacher inside. There was an open space in the center of the class and the seats were more like stadium seats one multiple levels of flooring, with multiple tables meant for four people to sit at, and a single seat about as long as each table, with more of the same behind them, and them being at least five levels, but the only window in the room was near the open space on the main floor. Mimi and Momo both sit at the bottom level and to the far right side of the room, while Hasuno flies up and sits on the top level and sits in the center of the back. Nella decides to sit in the middle level most on the left side, but closer to the center. After all the students arrived and took their seats, a teacher would walk in as she looked like a Ogre as she says, "Alright everyone, take your seats and listen up. This is not going to be like your training in High School, this class will be teaching you not only how to survive in the wild, but also how to deal with the creatures in this world that High Schools don't teach you about. They don't teach you, because their cities are mostly safe and protected on a daily basis by the guards of each city and don't see a reason to have students worry about such creatures until they are in college. Today we will be doing a form of training exercise, if you all will follow me. By the way, you may call me Ms. Ivar."

The teacher then walks out of the classroom as the students stand up and start heading out of the classroom following the teacher, as they follow the teacher, they would notice they were heading off school grounds. Then they would get onto a bus that was waiting for them, as the bus takes off, students would notice that they were heading out of the city and towards a cliff. As the bus stops the teacher gets off the bus with the students following her as she then says, "Alright everyone, line up onto the plat forms." As the students step onto each platform, Ivar glances over towards the forest below the cliff and then towards the class as she says with a serious look, "This is where we will have our training session... In this forest behind me at the bottom of the cliff are viscous monsters that roam our world, I want to see what you all are capable of and how well you do in an unknown place, out in the wild, I want to see how well you actually do with those weapons and prove to me they aren't just for show." She takes a breath and says, "This will be your first test, if you all survive and come back in one piece, we will go from there and begin training you in Survival, Combat, and Teamwork."

Ivar glances at each student and then says, "Before we begin, I should mention on the teamwork, in this exercise you will be put into teams, however it will work a bit differently, instead of you all choosing who is on your team or me choosing who is on your team. You're team will be chosen by the first person you meet, which will form a two person team, after that the next two people you meet will become your team members, forming a four person team. Those people will be your team from here on out, for the entirety of your time here in the Academy. Those who fight these monsters and are not guards are known as Elementalists, once your teams have been formed, you will be able to take on tasks and quests to go out and exterminate or cull these monsters and investigate places where these monsters have been spotted. Good luck out there and don't die." Ivar held up a remote as she says, "Your goal is to reach the center of the forest, and choose one treasure at the temple as a team and then return here." After she had finished speaking everyone on each platform was then teleported into the air above the forest spread out in a circular formation at the edge of the forest, and dropped causing them to fall towards the forest below.

As they were falling Momo took flight and started to fly towards the forest as she lands on one of the trees below and glances around as she thinks to herself, "I wonder who my first teammate will be? I hope its someone I know or my sister Mimi..." Momo then flies down towards the ground and flies about 3 feet off the ground as she starts making her way towards the center. As Mimi was falling she was on the opposite side of the forest from Momo as she screams at first from the sudden surprise of falling from the sky as she then takes her shotgun and aims it towards the ground, hoping no-one managed to find their way underneath her as she fires the shotgun and used its power to slow her decent, then when she was close to the tree tops she used her Psychic ability to levitate the rest of the way down. Once she was on ground level she then sighs and says, "Why is everything have to be a surprise? Can't anything just be calm an-" She was then cut off as she hears a roar nearby as a monster suddenly jumps out of a bush and attacks her, Mimi jumping out of fear and starts running through the forest as the creature chases after her.

Glancing back she notices the large creature as a voice suddenly pops into her mind as if telling her what the creature was called as it said, 'Tiger Raptor - Fire/Dark - Unfriendly - Animal' as she says, "What was that? A voice? Why'd it tell me what the creature was?" Mimi shakes her head as she says, "Either way I need to deal with it now." Mimi then takes her flowrang and as she slides across the ground and throws it at the creature, it flying much like a boomerang, but with blades on the wings as the creature continues to charge and get sliced in half by the flowrang, as the flowrang flies back, Mimi catches it the moment she stops sliding as she says, "Why kind of creature was that? It looked like some kind of dinosaur... And what was that voice?" Most people are unaware, but in this world either words or voices would pop into their mind for any creature they have never seen before and tell them a bit of information about the creature they have seen.

As Hasuno was falling she used her wings to glide down towards the forest tree tops, once she was close enough she would then use her wind power to carefully move her down below the tree leaves and branches, then float above the ground as she glances around and says, "Now let's see, our goal was to head for the forest center, but whoever we met first would be our duo team, then whichever duo we met up with would form our full team... I wonder who I'm closest to? We've all be scattered at the edge of the forest so, I didn't get the chance to look around to see who all was around me..." As she glanced around she heard a running water nearby as she floats her way towards the sound and notices a rather wide river that was decently deep, which was about as three feet deep and the river seemed to be flowing somewhat towards the center of the forest as Hasuno smiles and says, "Lucky me!" She then hops into the river and starts making her way down stream as she wonders if anyone would notice her in the river.

As Nella falls from the sky, she waved her hands as she formed some ice under her feet and used the ice to slide her way into the forest like she was sliding on an ice ramp and then hops off after slowing her decent. Once she touched the ground she heard a tree beside her snap as she quickly dodges out of the way and notices a giant snake as words popped into her mind as if telling her what the creature was as it said, 'Basilisk - Water/Dark - Unfriendly - Animal' Nella realizing what just happened, then focused on the creature as she noticed it coming back towards her as she then turns and starts running through the forest as it slithers between trees chasing her and breaking a few that got in its way. The creature was gigantic so most trees were breaking around it already, but those that it could move around, it slithered around them as Nella would use her scythe to slash at the creature if it had gotten too close and then continue running through the forest.

As the others landed on the ground they were either safe to travel and search for the center of the forest or search for their first team member. However, those that weren't safe ended up fighting against creatures that were either startled by their sudden decent or were waiting to ambush them. As Khathi landed on the ground and before she had time to get her barring's she would notice a giant creature as it seemed to walk out from behind a bush not noticing her at first. Then a voice pops into her mind as it says, 'Vold - Fire/Ghost - Unfriendly - Aerial' As the creature then glances in her direction it spots her as it roars and starts to charge and bound at her. Meanwhile, once Didani lands on the ground she would notice a tiny creature flying around and then starts flying towards her as if it was attacking her at a high speed, as some words pops into her mind saying, 'Insectodragon - Electric/Dark - Unfriendly - Aerial'.

Hidden 2 mos ago 2 mos ago Post by Foster
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No sooner had Mimi slain the raptor, a shot screeched past her, colliding with a tree in a shower of fine ice-crystals. If she looked to see where it had come from -and up- she would have seen Lilith perched on a tree-branch, waving at her with one of her... legs? As her arms were busy loading another ice-bolt into her crossbow. The next shot landed short, leaving a thin ice-trail leading back to her in a parabolic arc. She secured the other end of this precarious ice-bridge to the tree, and swing through the air on her whip, landing gracefully on the ice-bridge and sliding down it while it crumbled behind her. Astonishingly, this all happened in complete silence.

Lilith had landed with far more grace than one could assume from a drider her size, as she picked up Mimi and kissed them on the forehead in her warm embrace, "That was amazing! You had me worried back there!" She then set her companion gently on the ground and shushed them with a finger on their lips as she channeled her ability to make every noise around them louder. Something big had landed close-by... Hefting her grenade-launcher, she signaled for Mimi to check it out, quietly.

Meanwhile on the other side of the forest, Didani landed and promptly kept to the shadows. She knew she was at a huge disadvantage right now, but with some luck she could slip past all the monsters uns-- then she heard the buzzing, as it moved in to attack, a brief description of words sprang to mind, she sized the initiative and rolled out of the way of the first attack. But this one was almost as stubborn as she was, and cast their little arena in complete pitch-black darkness. She dug her pike defensively into the ground, but instead of a bite-sized dragon-kebab, she could feel electricity coursing through the metal pole, and her hands involuntarily clenched in a death-grip. She could dissipate the heat, move it elsewhere, light a small fire, a tiny beacon of light to attract the pesky flying nuisance. She took all the warmth from their little arena and channeled it into that one spot, setting a bush ablaze and casting a warm glow that stood out from the infinite black void she was stuck fighting in. She heard buzzing move towards the fire, so she unleashed it, let it run wild around her, engulfing the tiny bug until it lost its hold over the darkness, restoring her vision and ended the electrical onslaught. Seeing the pathetic creature that dared to best her, she took aim and put it out of its misery with a rocket, extinguishing both the flames and its life. She spat, it was time to move towards the center and get things over with.

Some moments earlier, Xuno was busy smashing rocks, using them to keep herself aloft and occasionally raining shattered boulders upon any unsuspecting monsters below that looked like they were following her. She could sense a nearby river and decided to head that direction. As she neared, she pulled up a column of water and crashed into it, running her hand through it to slow herself as she shouted to her mermaid-friend below, "Salutations!". She aimed for a superhero-landing into the river below with a thunderous crash that reverberated through the entire forest, and casting a rainbow behind her stylized entrance. She then pulled up her designated marksman rifle and scanned the area for anything hostile with her keen eyesight. "I think I saw something shimmering in this direction." She pointed her rifle at some air that seemed to sparkle with ice-crystals. "And don't forget your promise." She said, referring to when Xuno made her promise before class that she'd definitely figure out what their family-practices were if she hung around and protected them long enough, she was far too stubborn to accept that maybe-possibly she'd figure it out.

Khathi's landing was far more graceful, as she wove the trees and vines into ramps and bridges she could gently slide down to the ground. The trees creaked and groaned as she let them return to their normal posture. She was so caught up in it she didn't think to hide as a 'Vold' stumbled upon her handiwork. So anyways Khathi pulled out her two submachine guns and started blasting as it charged at her, letting loose a flurry of poisoned-bullets as she willed a tree-root into the creature's path, causing it to stumble long enough for her to jump upon its back. Enraged further, the vold took flight as Khat sunk her tomohawks into their back, clinging on for dear life as they flew over some snake-creature chasing some smaller creature. Shrugging at the thought of kinda being stuck with this one for now, she fired a few rounds off at the basilisk to get their attention as well, two birds with one stone and all that. With any luck the two monsters would fight each other instead of the students.
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