Welcome to my GMless Co-op Adventure! I had this idea of communally creating a world and using Mythic GME to run it, along with random generators to keep the world generation going. Some notes and rules:
- I’m going on honor system for dice, as I like to roll physical ones and prefer them over online ones. I hope you’ll stick to this as well, and not ruin the fun.
- Up until I get other players, I will be running this at my own pace. Once a player(s) has joined, an order will be established, along with enforceable time limit on posting. If the person does not post within this time limit, then they can be skipped. If it happens three times, then they will be skipped. Of course, I’ll try to have sympathy for events, and if life gets in the way, just shoot a PM!

I will be using Basic Fantasy RPG 3E (https://basicfantasy.org/downloads/Basic-Fantasy-RPG-Rules-r107.pdf), with the following supplements:
- Glain Companion (https://basicfantasy.org/showcase-download.cgi/767/Glain-Companion-r4.pdf)
- Equipment Emporium (basicfantasy.org/downloads/EE1-Equipm…)

First details of the world will be coming up soon!