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Zeroth Post
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01」-「 02 」-「 03

I knew you once, long ago, in the wrath of a supernova did I find you.
You were born into a nebula, and I a star. In our union did a thousand and one worlds come alive.
And though I no longer remember your face, nor you mine, I never stopped searching.

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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

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A C T I V I S T S O P P O S E T H E A E O N A G E N D A I N T H E Y E A R 2 0 5 0

The Agenda was a blueprint for the 21st century. It was the plan to inventory and control all land, water, minerals, plants, animals, construction, means of production, information, energy, and human beings in the world. The Agenda was implemented by the Council of International Relations (CIR) in the year 2001. It was the official response to synthetic climate change caused by planetary pollution. However, climate change was only the public lightning rod with which special interests could introduce the Agenda to the public. Governments from all around the world that were present at the executive summit legally agreed to the plan to control the way people live, eat, learn, move, and communicate. All of this was masked by the noble banner of saving the planet from destructive climate change, spurred on by the secretive discovery of Aeon Craters and the death of life that surrounded their impact and the shift in the conceptual law of nature that bent to their will.
In reality, the Agenda outlined the justification for a centralized world government; it built itself off of the fear of the unknown and the possibility of life outside of the realm, solidified when the Aeons fell from their seat of the heavens and violently tore through the atmosphere of our planet and drastically influenced the climate. The Agenda was a comprehensive framework for extreme environmentalism, social engineering, global political control, and groundwork for the development of Artificial Aeon Intelligence, creating a new pantheon of worship for the ever-appealing mantle to be known as God in man's somewhat demented image. Aeons were studied to near obsession, their vast powers carefully extracted, manipulated, made to the government's needs and desires, and carefully woven into the everyday production of pharmaceuticals. The Agenda sailed under the pretense of ‘sustainable development for mankind.’ The phrase means little more than ‘population control.’ It was the systematic program for de-population, enslavement, habitational control, social distribution of commonwealth, and complete deconstruction of national integrity. The Agenda exalted the wealth and living standards of a select few within the upper echelons of society. Everyone else became the subject of technological and totalitarian control. Over the course of fifty years since the Agenda’s inception, people around the world have been relocated to designated urban regions where they are effectively prisoners unless they have the assets to choose their fate. Such subjects have been used for Aeon Experimentation purposes- known as Crown Apocolypse in the earlier stages when mentioned subjects died from a queer crystallization process that completely invaded and later killed their hosts.
The Agenda was fully realized in 2050. Everything is under mass surveillance. The state-sanctioned corporations control all aspects of production and consumerism. All information is relentlessly premeditated and censored. Privacy is a forgotten memory within the residential regions. Freedom of expression has since long been removed from legislative protection. Individualism and independence are actively countered and discouraged. A Central Operating System connects and controls all aspects of technological life, which is pervasive. Medical science is obsessed with throttling senescence. Technological science is obsessed with Augmentations. The military is obsessed with creating the ultimate and perfect Soldiers made from the infusion of Aeon and Man. A Social Credit System segregates the masses.
The presence of this oppressive system has inspired some citizens to vigilantism. Its activity has been sporadic over the past twenty years but has lately surged into the public view again. The actions are conducted by brave men and women who take measures into their own hands by breaking and manipulating the system in favor of the people. They spread the truth about government, the truth about the Aeons and the tale of other forms of intelligence and life forms, the experimentations of the Crown and the people that herald the might of the Aeons in exchange for a short life, and corporate corruption through digital intrusions and physical activism. They help the poor and exposed by commandeering supplies, storage, and housing. They free the wrongfully persecuted and imprisoned. Some rumors are that free and rouge Aeons influence their actions; other rumors are of defected Soldiers from the military attempting to take life back into their own hands and strike back against their former masters. Alas, immorality runs much more profound. Evidence of a cabalistic elite in hidden organizations and councils occasionally surfaces through various means. Their roots appear to reach further than what anyone would ever have suspected. Rumors of sacrificial rituals, pedophilia, medical experiments, and other vile practices circle hidden communications of the Darknet and a long-forgotten means of conversation undertaken by various couriers. Many of these implications are too much for some to stomach, so they eventually vanish.
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

& The Central Operating System (ctOS) is a computer system designed to manage the infrastructure of a city. The system is a complex interconnection of electronic systems such as computer servers, sensors, and databases that interact to manage a city-wide infrastructure. Many systems, such as subway lines, traffic lights, surveillance cameras, electricity grids, internet access, and communications, are connected and controlled by the Central Operating System. Unfortunately, the system is also the core weakness of a city. It can be illegally accessed and used as a weapon against the city and its inhabitants. The legislative control of the Central Operating System lies with the governing body of a city. However, many tech corporations are heavily invested in the system to handle consumer data and user information. There are many hidden details within the fine print of legal documents concerning the relationship between the governing body, investors, and users of the Central Operating System.

& Systems controlled by the Central Operating System (ctOS) include but are not limited to: subway lines, server farms, sensors and alarms, databases, traffic lights, surveillance cameras, facial recognition software, electricity grids, internet access, communication towers, road blockers, gas and sewage lines, ventilation, automated bridges, power transformers, vehicle computers, security turrets and drones, broadcast connections, citizen security profiles, citizen welfare profiles, Solider dossers, Aeon Crater locations, citizenship profiles, universal income profiles, gun ownership profiles, debt and criminal profiles, consumer habit profiles, user data storages, cloud storages, cellphone connections, and remote access, Social Credit System (SCS) profiles.
& The city employs communitarian policies. All citizens are subjects of welfare, food stamps, housing subsidies, and various handouts that puts them in a vulnerable position of control. Regulations severely cripple any financial upward mobility. City-approved rations are Genetically Modified Organisms (GMO) provided by major agriculture corporations. The food is modified to boost specific chemicals that promote docile behavior in human bodies. Moreover, history prior to the Central Operating System is altered in all stages of education. Independent thought is actively discouraged by state-approved educators. Boys are subjected to invasive feminization procedures in order to demolish traces of masculinity and promote gentle obedience. Facts that are deemed inappropriate and offensive are heavily scrutinized and censored in all forms of media and education. Pointing out inconsistencies in evidence or arguments, hypocrisy, or corruption will lead to social punishment, fines, or incarceration.

& A Social Credit System (SCS) monitors, rates, and regulates the financial, social, moral, and political behavior of all citizens via punishments and rewards. Citizens with high scores enjoy special privileges, while those with low scores are treated as second-class citizens. High scores can lead to priority for school admissions and employment, easier access to cash loans and consumer credit, deposit-free transportation hire, free exercise facilities, cheaper public transport, shorter waiting times for healthcare, fast-track promotions, queue jumping for public housing, and tax breaks. Low scores and punishments can lead to: denial of licenses, permits, and access to certain social services; exclusion from booking transportation; less access to credit; restricted access to public services; ineligibility for government jobs; no access to private schools; public shaming through exposure either online or on screens in public spaces with names, photos, and ID numbers of blacklisted citizens; phone dial tones mandated by authorities that inform people that they are calling a dishonest debtor.
& Energy consumption quotas regulate how much each individual can maintain themselves. The city employs total surveillance of electricity, water, and food allocation. Private vehicle ownership is included in the quota and penalized with additional taxation. All public transit is monitored with facial recognition software and third-party security contractors. All manner of self-reliance has been banned. People are not allowed to own woodstoves, rainwater collection, home gardening, or any other equipment or means that eliminates dependency on city regulations.

& Throttling the natural aging process is an obsession. Advanced blood transfusion and harvesting of Aeonchrome is at the forefront of popular medical science. Major pharmaceutical corporations retail serums that can be injected as an aesthetic treatment. The success of the effect depends largely on genetically predisposed factors—some people see great results, whereas others do not. However, premium versions of the serums are only available to the upper echelons of society. The premium serums are produced with much more taboo methods in order to maintain the purity of the aeonchrome ingredient. Absolute purity of aeonchrome can only be obtained from infant and preadolescent humans suffering from Crown Apocolypse. Premium serums are officially labeled as a conspiracy theory.

Other such serums are given to Soldiers of the newly constructed military, a differing strain of the Crown that subjugates them to an Aeon of the current governs needs and selections. Soldiers are rumored to be selected at birth from either influential families or those of a lesser background; some parents offer their children over to the military to settle large quantities and amounting dept.
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Hidden 1 mo ago 1 mo ago Post by Rockette
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Rockette 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘵𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘯 𝘺𝘰𝘶.

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago


J U L I A N L E A O N H E A R D T 2030

A head scientist by the name of Julian Leaonheardt [any formal dossier or record has since been redacted from public accessibility and remains highly classified] lead the experimentation of the Crown Apocalypse virus since its discovery from Aeon Craters and Aeon cells when extracted through traumatic endurance on their limited states of consciousness. Through various applications on unsuspecting subjects taken from the less desirable part of the community, they quickly discovered the unique production of Aeonchrome and its rarity courtesy of a unique gene mutation that was hereditarily exchanged from parent to child in certain family lines. Aeonchrome was modified into applications through serums and enhancements but was difficult to harvest and produce once subjects became older, which quickly convinced Julian and his team to seek adolescents, which quickly inspired the exchange of children into the fostering system of Palmecia to settle large debts or more influential families to exchange their children for pure antidotes of Aeonchrome as payment. Due to increasing demand, Julian thought to introduce the Crown Apocalypse virus into certain foods, starting with plants and the regulated harvest of vegetables, through genetic engineering to test the hypothesis of gene mutation to help manipulate the rapid production of Aeonchrome, more intense strands of the virus were then carefully selected and introduced into school districts of varying academic standing. The year 2030 saw a sudden and rapid acceleration of children mortality rate, with ages ranging from toddlers at five years old to as old as fourteen, the oldest being a sixteen-year-old from the slums of The Shin district named P'Siyah. The cause was assumed to be uncertain dosages not being regulated during their experiments, seeing to the horrific death of the Crown Apocalypse taking hold of youths and crystalizing their vital organs before their bodies shut down or bled out from crystals puncturing and swelling through the bloodstream and impaling through their veins and even bone.

T H E R I S E O F S O L D I E R 2032

Though the experiments on children in the year 2030 introduced mass panic and paranoia, propaganda was quickly introduced in the form of a newly constructed military known as Soldiers; these men and women were unique, advertised as heroes and effectively stationed throughout Palmecia to guard the lesser against their daily woes. Though stoic and donned in black, they provided comfort for a short time, whilst the histories of terror and control were carefully hidden into the backdrop of society. They were an effective tool in distracting those who were left without and even seen as an adornment, an accessory for the upper echelon of civilization. However, it was not long until their different natures were discovered, their powers beside, and all queerly bequeathed strength that saw them as more than heroes, but mortals given the power and might of gods. Through the discovery of a unique strand of the Crown, a more brutal and volatile infection was utilized to create the first 'breed' of Soldiers, the traumatic experience tempered with the cells of selected Aeons to harness their peculiar powers in a symbiotic fashioned relationship. Soldiers became hosts for these would-be fallen gods, blemished or perhaps blessed with a unique mark courtesy of their selected Aeon. Experiments have been going on in secret for the past fifty years to finalize and harness the Crown and Aeon cells to create the perfect breed of military, all sworn to the government as their weapons and now used to temper riots and those that would oppose The Agenda. It is told that those that undergo the induction of becoming Soldiers, be it willing or not, trade their lives for powers, their mortal souls nearly cut in half and fated to die, the oldest Soldiers have never lived past their forties.

T H E F O R S A K E N M A R C H 2036

The Agenda was slowly becoming more and more realized, and sections of Palmecia were beginning to be 'blocked off,' surrounded by massive metal gates that divided people into sectors and districts, reforming lines depending on their financial standing. This segregated families and further drove the wedge betwixt the lesser and upper; the more predominant one was with wealth, the higher they ascended through the sectors, even going as far to establish estates and gardens; most notable public officials are often gifted these creations, alongside well-known families and older bloodlines long before Palmecia was crowned as the prize of The Agenda, the jeweled city coined from its conception. This inspired The Forsaken March on the Palmecia govern, a peaceful protest, at first, to curry better living structures and promote regulated sanitation laws through the crumbling ghettos, the pollution saw to eternally blotched skies of smog and ash, infecting the lungs of many and saw to persistent illness and coughs. Medication became difficult to come by, as certain credentials were then required to pass through the gates, dependent on one's social status by the newly established Social Credit System. The March did not last and was quickly halted by Soldiers, seeing to the arrest of hundreds of individuals who were immediately black-listed and never seen again.

T H E S H I N M A S S A C R E 2040

Perhaps the most brutal and blackened smudge in Palmecia history, though expunged from public record and all mandated history- as if it never even happened. The entire district has been closed off entirely by nearly sky-piercing gates of metal and emblazoned with scarlet paint, marking it as Quarantined due to chemical pollution and unfit for human stability. Any publicly speaking of it are immediately arrested, black-listed, and inducted through community service with a minimum of ten years if not outright removed entirely. Trespassing is not tolerated and any that are witnessed attempting to cross the barrier are quartered off from exposure and regulated through, what rumors claim, as radical psyche-evals to temper their morbid and unhealthy curiosities. In truth, what started as the whispered conceptions of revolution was the festering anger of P'Siyah's violent death at the hands of those once trusted, the circulating conspiracies that children were being used as experiments stirring anger and revulsion over the years, and the arrival of Soldiers now stationed nearly everywhere: at all sources of public transportation and buildings, nearly every crosswalk did a figure of black loom, even patrolling neighborhoods from the most decrepit to the most elite furnishings- the eyes of the Palmecia Govern they uttered, and locked their doors, no longer welcoming the ebony donned heroes of incredible power and grace. Wrought with illness and darkness for nearly a decade, the locales of the Shin sector breathed life into the infancy of a rebellion, what started as simple flyers and fashioned signs quickly accelerated into graffiti and public defacing of Palmecia property to expose the truth of their darkened history of bygone morality and mortal limitations. Headless angels and the eyes of god they said, splattered as vicious illustrations of a forsaken time, on a forsaken place, with forsaken souls lost. They told the tale of a Soldier, one of the first and one of many, who took pity upon their plight and swore themselves to their cause. Having then deserted their masters, this lone warrior took sanctuary among the lesser, made to be one of them, whispered of secrets, and told a story of the beast tethered to their soul. This moment of revolution, however, was once more short-lived as Palmecia sanctioned a warrant for their deserted property, a bloody and cruel retrieval of this betrayal of the govern that lasted for only thirty-six hours, a raid upon The Shin District that ended in a massacre, a mass shooting by firing squad that ran the streets red for what seemed like days. It was never mentioned to what happened with the Soldier.
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