Fandom, Original settings, OCs, Fantasy, Sci-Fi, Casual, third person past tense, OOC chat, PMs, GoogleDocs, post-by-post, DnD 5E, Marvel d616
Urgent cravings
Starting off with the original plotline (2001 rahi saga), and evolving the story due to our characters being extra to the cast.
An amnesiac toa (My character) is unearthed by a group of matoran (other characters). She posesses a ringlike toa stone that activates others like it, which the group that found her happens to possess, transforming them into toa like her. The new team then has to discover their new abilities, as well as why destiny brought them together.
Human kingdoms and the Dragons have waged wars in the past. The wars were ended with a peace treaty. As part of the conditions, the humans have to send children to the dragons every year to be trained as dragon riders.
Doubling - Each of us would play one dragon and one rider.
The menu
Original settings
A member of the royal family is being in some way mistreated by their royal parents. Deciding they have had enough, the royal heir runs away from home and sets to find their own destiny, taking only their most trusted servant with them.
My character: Servant
The human's job takes a new turn when a highly sophisticated computer he is using slowly starts thinking on its own. Can be a computer in a science lab, spaceship, android, ...
No character preference
Post ME2: I'd like to play a setting where there are two Shepard twins - a paragon-ish Shepard stays with cerberus and tries to steer them the right way, and a renegade jerk says 'fuck the Alliance and their jail' and makes Omega their new base of operations.
No character preferrence.
Original and 2009 crossover. A descendant of a Foundation employee finds an pile of old looking computer parts when sorting through things after their FLAG employed relative passed away, deciding to reassemble and reactivate them to find out what they are, unaware that they have unearthed the remains of the original KARR.
My character: KARR (OG)
Instead or as well as Harry, the Potters had paternal twins. As an extra safety measure, Dumbledore decided to split the twins up after Voldemort's fall, keeping the twins oblivious to each other.
My character: Non-Harry twin, cared for by Severus Snape
Personal details
Have an idea of what you want to do before contacting me, whether you like something I posted here or if you have some of your ideas, at least a general overview.
I am at UTC+1 (DST applicable) and I work anywhere between 4:50 and 17:00, from home on mondays and fridays, so those would be my main posting days. Sadly I don't have the time anymore to do hours long back and forth on google docs. Poke me in a PM or on Discord if I am taking too long for your liking =)
I don't have the energy and time to write advanced these days, so casual it will be. If the settign is a comedy, I'm up for whatever, even free through discord and some such.
Typos are OK, we're here to have fun not to get our English grade. But have mercy and at least try ;D
Not too fond of slice-of-life. Real life takes care of that all too well.
No romance for the sake of it being there. If it evolves naturally in the game, great, but nothing predetermined.
As for multiple characters and doubling - I'll play whatever and whoever I feel like, usually just the one main character. Others would be secondary/NPC in most cases unless I have a clear idea of how the character should fit into the story, or they are in groups not interacting with each other.
I prefer PM or guild thread for playing, I can do GDoc with the limitations stated above.