A little backstory:
This was written in the style of a quest panel inside of a game that I've played for about 16 years. The blue roses it speaks about are in game items that I have personally sent, along woth the highlighted message, to a few select friends. There is an intended continuation of this, and I may even put it here if I ever manage to get around writing it.
This was written in the style of a quest panel inside of a game that I've played for about 16 years. The blue roses it speaks about are in game items that I have personally sent, along woth the highlighted message, to a few select friends. There is an intended continuation of this, and I may even put it here if I ever manage to get around writing it.
As you're exploring the depths of the Otha Caves, you reach what seems to be its deepest cavern. Despite the darkness you see a small stream of light near the far wall of the cave. As you step closer you discover that there is a crevice in the wall, and your fairly certain you can squeeze through. As you debate exploring this new area you suddenly notice a strong smell coming from within. You cant seem to remember where you recognize the smell until it hits you! That smell, its the scent of the Cerulean Rose! But, how could they be growing all the way down here...
Finally, your curiosity peaked, you squeeze into the crevice and work your way through the tight path. Surprisingly, it doesn't take very long for the path to begin to widen and soon two men in full armor could walk abreast. Subtly it begins to brighten and get warmer as you continue down the winding path and as you curve right your greeted by the entrance of a massive cavern filled with Cerulean Rose's! As you wander into the cavern you realize that there are small stone paths winding around here and there, as well as a massive gemstone on a pedestal radiating light. Perhaps someone must be attending to these roses, surely they couldn't survive here alone... You look up for a moment to marvel at the ceiling. There are gemstones scattered all around it, reflecting the light from the stone on the pedestal.
"Oi there, traveler! I sense that you mean now harm. Welcome to my home!"
The sudden voice breaking the silence causes you to draw your weapon and search for the source. The voice belongs to a man sitting upon a nearby ledge. He looks young, perhaps in his twenties. He wears a simple garb, Just a tunic and rough-spun pants... And a massive blade resting upon his back!
He smiles and speaks to you. "Warrior, it is not often that I have visitors here within my home. Please, come, take a seat! I have just brewed tea."
He motions for you to join him and points out a path you did not see before. You make your way up the path and take a seat with him. It feels nice to rest after trekking the caves for so long. He offers a small cup of sweet smelling tea, oddly shaded blue. He notices your skeptical look and chuckles.
"Worry not my friend, it is perfectly safe. Its made from the very roses that I care for so well. The tea has, special rejuvenating properties, to say the least."
Again he smiles as he takes a sip of tea, looking out over the small sea of roses. You taste the tea and find it to be delicious! Not only does it taster great, but you feel the strength returning to you as if you had just started out on your travels! You open your mouth to speak, and the mysterious man simply holds up a finger with a grin.
"You wish to know of this place?" You nod, closing your mouth. "Well, as far as I can tell, this is where the first Cerulean Rose bloomed. The gemstones that light this cave were here long before I was, but I have kept the roses well fed over the centuries. I've spent the last couple hundred years keeping watch over these roses, tending to them, and giving them to others on occasion. You see, the Cerulean Rose is a symbol similar to a common red rose, but one that I feel is much stronger. You see, A rose is given to those who are kind at heart and pure of soul. Only those of the highest honor are deserving of this treasure, as it is the greatest sign of not only affection, but trust, faithfulness, and loyalty. A rose from a lover is red, to match the love shared. A rose from a friend is blue, to symbolize the hardships that they bear together, and not alone."
The Guardian's smile faltered for a moment, as if a painful memory had resurfaced, but it was quickly under control again.
"If you know anyone deserving of such a treasure, feel free to take one of these roses for them. A few missing will regrow fast enough. However, don't get greedy..."
He nods over to a large pile of weapons and armors and other miscellaneous gear.
"I'm not as kind to looters, as you can see." He chuckles once again, giving you a pat on the back. "Oh! Here, have this for your travels. If your ever in need of energy when things are bad, brew some tea or simple chew a petal or two."
With another smile and a wave, he hops down from the ledge, landing softly among the sea of roses as if made of air and begins tending to his precious garden.
You receive 'Cerulean Tea Bag' X2 !
Finally, your curiosity peaked, you squeeze into the crevice and work your way through the tight path. Surprisingly, it doesn't take very long for the path to begin to widen and soon two men in full armor could walk abreast. Subtly it begins to brighten and get warmer as you continue down the winding path and as you curve right your greeted by the entrance of a massive cavern filled with Cerulean Rose's! As you wander into the cavern you realize that there are small stone paths winding around here and there, as well as a massive gemstone on a pedestal radiating light. Perhaps someone must be attending to these roses, surely they couldn't survive here alone... You look up for a moment to marvel at the ceiling. There are gemstones scattered all around it, reflecting the light from the stone on the pedestal.
"Oi there, traveler! I sense that you mean now harm. Welcome to my home!"
The sudden voice breaking the silence causes you to draw your weapon and search for the source. The voice belongs to a man sitting upon a nearby ledge. He looks young, perhaps in his twenties. He wears a simple garb, Just a tunic and rough-spun pants... And a massive blade resting upon his back!
He smiles and speaks to you. "Warrior, it is not often that I have visitors here within my home. Please, come, take a seat! I have just brewed tea."
He motions for you to join him and points out a path you did not see before. You make your way up the path and take a seat with him. It feels nice to rest after trekking the caves for so long. He offers a small cup of sweet smelling tea, oddly shaded blue. He notices your skeptical look and chuckles.
"Worry not my friend, it is perfectly safe. Its made from the very roses that I care for so well. The tea has, special rejuvenating properties, to say the least."
Again he smiles as he takes a sip of tea, looking out over the small sea of roses. You taste the tea and find it to be delicious! Not only does it taster great, but you feel the strength returning to you as if you had just started out on your travels! You open your mouth to speak, and the mysterious man simply holds up a finger with a grin.
"You wish to know of this place?" You nod, closing your mouth. "Well, as far as I can tell, this is where the first Cerulean Rose bloomed. The gemstones that light this cave were here long before I was, but I have kept the roses well fed over the centuries. I've spent the last couple hundred years keeping watch over these roses, tending to them, and giving them to others on occasion. You see, the Cerulean Rose is a symbol similar to a common red rose, but one that I feel is much stronger. You see, A rose is given to those who are kind at heart and pure of soul. Only those of the highest honor are deserving of this treasure, as it is the greatest sign of not only affection, but trust, faithfulness, and loyalty. A rose from a lover is red, to match the love shared. A rose from a friend is blue, to symbolize the hardships that they bear together, and not alone."
The Guardian's smile faltered for a moment, as if a painful memory had resurfaced, but it was quickly under control again.
"If you know anyone deserving of such a treasure, feel free to take one of these roses for them. A few missing will regrow fast enough. However, don't get greedy..."
He nods over to a large pile of weapons and armors and other miscellaneous gear.
"I'm not as kind to looters, as you can see." He chuckles once again, giving you a pat on the back. "Oh! Here, have this for your travels. If your ever in need of energy when things are bad, brew some tea or simple chew a petal or two."
With another smile and a wave, he hops down from the ledge, landing softly among the sea of roses as if made of air and begins tending to his precious garden.
You receive 'Cerulean Tea Bag' X2 !