Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Big Sister AM

Big Sister AM

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

OOC Link

Humans are a vile breed of creatures; any “mythical”, as the humans have dubbed them, will tell you that. They are selfish, always thinking of only themselves and their own. They are greedy, always hoarding more and more for themselves instead of giving it to those in need. They are territorial, chasing off anything that they feel do not belong in the places that they feel belong to them. And as if all that selfishness was not enough for the “mythicals” to hate them, the humans even brought a whole new concept to their lands; the concept of war.

Hundreds, maybe even thousands, of years ago, humans came across the seas. Never before had any land-living creature ventured out that far into the terrifying seas, not knowing what was out there, if anything. The humans built ships; large, wooden structures that could float on the water even when the stroms caused the waves to get tall as the trees. Only a small portion of humans came, but they came with an idea of a world far different from the one already there. They came with armors and weapons. They tore trees down and built structures instead. They killed peaceful creatures because they were different from them.
It was not long before the creatures that had once inhabitated the areas where the humans settled, had to flee. The humans made their way of life impossible. They even attempted to teach them their way of living, telling them that their way was the right way. They crushed their caves and used the stone to build houses. They felled their forests and used to wood to build huts. They tore up their gardens and spread gravel instead.
But as it turned out, fleeing helped little. The humans were curious creatures and spread out all over the lands, making settlements whereever they felt like. Whether it was in the middle of an nymph clearing or under an elven treehouse, the would simply destroy any and all life around them, whether it was by the means of their weapon or by felling their homes and foods.
As if it was not bad enough that the humans were now spread out all over, it turned out that they were quite reproductive, as well. It was only a hundred years or so before there were more humans that there were creatures of any of the original kinds. Their settlements grew to villages. Some of those villages grew to towns and some of those towns grew to cities. The creatures that had once called these lands home, now lived mostly in hiding, fearing the shimmering blades of the humans.

As it turned out, humans are herd creatures. Without a leader, they run amuck. So, a leader rose for them. In one of the cities, a man claimed himself a King and had a castle build in his honor. He named some of the other humans as Lords, Ladies and other fancy titles, such as Duke, Count or Baron.
For a little while, the humans were peaceful.
Another human, in another city, then decided to appoint himself King as well. He named his Dukes and Barons as well and a divide was made. The two cities were now capitals of each their country and as they were about to find out, humans rage war.

War has been raging between the two countries for what seems like eternities. No one remembers why it even started or why they keep fighting, but neither intends to admit defeat. The “mythicals” are spread out all over the land; some hiding from the humans and living in peace with nature, some in villages or towns of their own and some in human cities and towns. Some abide by the ways of the humans and some of the old ways of their kind. Some have even mated with the humans, creating mixed breeds and magis.
Lately, over the past few years, a rumor has been buzzing around of a creature so strong that it could end all wars forever. A creature that could ground the Great Cities like a small plant. Sadly, no one seems to know what this creature is or where.
So... I am horrible at the whole fleshing out idea bit of GMing. It's fine. You can tell me :-P

Also, I rant a lot... Ahem...

Character Skeleton for you, in case you want to start working on your character right away, even though this might never lift of due to... well, pretty much anything from too little interest to nobody following from IntChk to OOC... You know what I mean.
Also, more might be added. Alright, it most likely will. Okay fine, it will for sure.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm in. This sounds fun.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 3 days ago

Sound interesting. I'm in too.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Yog Sothoth

Yog Sothoth

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

I'm interested
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nattylight1992


Member Offline since relaunch

I'm quite interested!
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

Color me interested.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Big Sister AM

Big Sister AM

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Oh, wow. Even with my ranting, my idea caught some interest? Gee, I could you "squee" of joy ^_^

All right-y! As I mentioned in my rant, I'm from Denmark. That puts me in the rather annoying timezone of GMT+1. So... Yeah.

Anyways, I'm very happy about the interest and will get working on some OOC action as soon as I get home (in, like, eight hours).

I do believe that a "squee" cannot be avoided.

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MULTI_MEDIA_MAN


Member Seen 8 hrs ago

I am GMT-5. It's 4 AM. This is surprisingly regular for me. I do not like that.

Onto relevant matters. I kind of want to make a race. But I kind of don't. Decisions. It would help if I were remotely creative, though.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nrtashi
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nrtashi homuhomu

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Big Sister AM

Big Sister AM

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

I am GMT-5. It's 4 AM. This is surprisingly regular for me. I do not like that.

Onto relevant matters. I kind of want to make a race. But I kind of don't. Decisions. It would help if I were remotely creative, though.

4 AM O_O You shouldn't be up at a time like that. You go to bed at 9 PM tonight, young roleplayer! :-o

And the relevant matters: If ya wanna make a race, ya just go 'head 'n' do dat. I'll totally help out to the best of my ability. Several of the NPCs I've got planned are species/races I've made up on my own out of the awesome-sauce from the top of my pea-sized brain :-P

Oh, and by the way, is interested more of an eggshell white, or a radiant rainbow kind of color? ^_~

nrtashi said

That makes six! And me! That makes seven! I am so happy! :-D
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nrtashi
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nrtashi homuhomu

Member Seen 9 yrs ago

Big Sister AM said
4 AM O_O You shouldn't be up at a time like that.

Haha, I also write at these hours. Late night is best time for creative pursuits, right?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Big Sister AM

Big Sister AM

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

nrtashi said
Haha, I also write at these hours. Late night is best time for creative pursuits, right?

I used to do that when I was a teenager. Now I'm old and need my sleep xD If I stay up past 10 PM, I'm pratically brain-dead the next day *insert drum noise - ba dum che*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Big Sister AM

Big Sister AM

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Link to OOC. Barely did anything. Just added stuff to the CS *rolls eyes at my own stupidity/laziness*
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Andion Isurand

Andion Isurand

Member Offline since relaunch

I have a couple characters that could fit, that are linked in my sig if any are needed.
I also have some creatures that could be used to decimate cities, which I could PM you.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Big Sister AM

Big Sister AM

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Well, I won't say that we need anyone, per se, but anyone is welcome to apply.

I took a look on those two characters in your signature (though it was a short one, I must admit). I have to say that I cannot say yes, or no, to character not presented to me with the sheet I have created for the purpose. Personally, I used to oppose the use of Character Skeletons, but... I've gotten used to having them. So...
You get what I'm saying, right? Am I making sense with my rambling?

And... You've got creatures to... decimate the cities? I pictured there being, like, guards and stuff to keep the cities safe... Or what do you mean?
You're welcome to PM me your ideas, though ^_^
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Baklava
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Member Seen 5 mos ago

Hmmmmmaybe interested.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Assallya
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Assallya HP: -10

Member Seen 1 day ago

I'm confused. It sounds like the "mythicals" never engage in conflict? You make it sound like they're incredibly peaceful compared to humans. What about monsters that must feed to survive: vampires, redcaps, and the like? What about the Faerie Court of the Sluagh? What about Orcs who rarely get along with elves and dwarves?
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Big Sister AM

Big Sister AM

Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Assallya said
I'm confused. It sounds like the "mythicals" never engage in conflict? You make it sound like they're incredibly peaceful compared to humans. What about monsters that must feed to survive: vampires, redcaps, and the like? What about the Faerie Court of the Sluagh? What about Orcs who rarely get along with elves and dwarves?

Actually, yeah, I made the "mythicals" out to be extremely peaceful. It was meant to be that they did not know the meaning of war or killing for other reasons than to feed. With that said, there were vile beasts back then, too. Sure, sometimes they napped someone and ate them. Sure, sometimes someone napped one of them and ate them, but that was considered the way of the world. Sure, the one being napped would probably try to fight to not get eaten, but no one else would help, since they knew that once the beast had eaten, it would go away again.
So, onto the rest; if vampires were to exsist in the world, it wouldn't be till after the humans came and messed with everything. First of, vampires, depending on which of the very large amount of myths you choose, are usually considered undead humans of a sort who drink blood from other humans to stay alive. Actually, in far most of the myths, they are human in some way and thus not a species of their own. This would make them a sub-race to humans, in my book.
Redcaps are a human thing, too. They are just too... folklore-y or story-to-scare-children-y to really work for a fantasy RP, IMO.
Faerie Court of the Sluagh (had to google this, honestly) is as far as I could find out something about some souls of sinners stranded as "ghosts" in the living plane. Now, not that ghosts would be impossible; there might be someone who wasn't quite reasy to die, who did anyways and decided to hold on, but, yeah... dunno what to say...

*deep breath*

All in all, I think I'll go with a more simple explanation; I imagine the creatures already living in the world when the humans arrive to be, well, more animal-like than the ones who live alongside the humans. Like, they evolved to fit into a human-ruled world.
I don't know if that makes sense or answers the question, but I sure do hope so ^_^'
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by leashapotimus


Member Offline since relaunch


I would be super interested in this and have a character in mind! Sounds like a lot of fun with some great freedom and good rules to play by :)
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by FateWeaver
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FateWeaver True Neutral

Member Seen 5 yrs ago

Sorry, gonna have to withdraw from this. College is putting a few too many things on my plate to be adding more myself.
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