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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex let off one last burst off flame that shone with a silvery light, shaped itself into a bird, then burst into a shower of sparks that rained down, reaching a few feet above the heads of the people below, before dissipating into nothing. He smiled as he heard the comments of the others. That was just a show-off skill. In battle, he would be much less elegant. That had been proven before now. He could battle with an almost dance-like precision when he was just training, but to have a dragon try and be so precise in actual battle would be far from feasible. In his human form, though, he could battle with a precision that was unmatched by most.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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"Well what else is there to show about us," Lucatiel said taking her eyes from the flame ",We're werewolves that's about it as you can see well besides an odd connection between us that makes us at times know what each other is feeling but other then that not much else. Oh and enhance strength and scent like lets see. You, Flint. Granted your scent is human but theres a scent of something else that makes you unique from just being human or the fact that there are others watching us that are hiding. That's enhanced smelling then there is enhanced hearing like-"
"Like hearing the person playing a musical instrument in the school right now. Probably in there dorm," Zaccar butted in.
"Exactly," Lucatiel replied.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nemogoliath


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Allegra could feel Rhiannon's eyes on her. There was no use trying to hide now, she might as well introduce herself. The dragon had begun a fire show of sorts. I know a thing or two about pyromancy.... she smirked - "a thing or two" was an understatement. The dragon's power was dazzling nonetheless. Allegra didn't know how to change the color of her flame. Perhaps he could teach her. She descended to the ground, being careful to stay out of direct sunlight, and removed her hood, revealing tousled lavender locks and striking blue-red eyes. "Excuse me..." she cleared her throat, "Hello. My name is Allegra, pureblood vampire and pyromancer. I'm sorry for failing to greet you earlier," she turned to Alex, "but you're very impressive." Allegra's face suddenly reddened to a deep scarlet. "That came out wrong, I'm sorry. It's just, your scales are so beautiful and you're the first dragon I've ever met that isn't trying to kill me and your flame is just magnificent." She had never gotten the hang of meeting new people. As far as she knew, people always saw her as a social pariah. Being a vampire, nobody ever wanted her friendship - they just didn't want to become food.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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"A vampire? woah " Flint said quietly to himself having a thousand questions to ask then he looked to Lucatiel as the werewolf talked. "Oh me well errm..." Flint began to blush as he seemed to be put on the spot "W w..well my thing isn't that cool .... not as cool as e...e.everyone else's stuff..." Flint stuttered a little as he looked around nervously "Well errm.... im sure I can show you." Flint began to walk away "I will be right back!" He said as he ran off into the dorms.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex shook his head. 'That boy should stop selling himself short.' He turned to Allegra, quickly changing back into his human form and walking towards her, extending a hand. 'My name is Alex, and I don't believe in judging others based on what they are. Just don't tell any of my relatives.' He said with a small chuckle. 'And thank you. I must admit, I haven't met many vampires, despite my endless travels.' He confessed. He had never had the experience of meeting a vampire for more than a few moments, mainly because he stuck to his human form, and ended up having to defend himself from any nomads that might confuse him for a true human.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krodin329


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Adruin, noticing he' been ignored, decided he'd make a more... Noteworthy entrance. He walked forward, clapping slowly at the display of fire with a grin on his face. It was impressive, but totally useless in combat, especially if it were against a half demon like himself, who could control hell fire, it was the most potent, evil form of fire, and most difficultly controlled. He wouldn't be surprised though, if that demonstration was solely for the point of impressing everyone else. Two can play at that game, he thought. If it came to him being ignored again.
"That was quite impressive, dragon, what species are you? I'm Adruin, the evil angel and earthly guardian. I've come here for a respite from those who have assaulted me continuously. I look forward to living with the lot of you. "
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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Alex chuckled. 'If it wasn't already obvious, I'm a dragon shape-shifter.' He raised an eyebrow at the way Adruin described himself. Something within Alex stirred, something that assumed that he and Adruin wouldn't exactly be best buddies. He would try to see eye-to-eye with the evil angel though. He didn't want to completely throw away his previous statement of not judging people before getting to know them immediately.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by nemogoliath


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Allegra blushed. "I'm more of a swordsman anyway...," she glanced at the skull at the hilt of her sword. Adruin cut in before she could continue. The way he introduced himself set her off edge - he seemed to demand both attention and respect. She was unsure of whether the title, "evil angel" was like hers, a biological label and a matter of fact, or self proclaimed. She extended a hand to him, smiling, "I'm Allegra, vampire. Nice to meet you. I don't want to offend you or anything, but isn't 'evil angel' and 'earthly guardian' kind of contradictory?" It didn't seem right to her that someone could be evil and be a protector of the earth.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

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Flint began to climb the stairs of the tower. Breathing heavily as he got to the 3rd floor. He opened the window and looked to see if his friends where still there. He noticed them talking and so climbed onto the window ledge and sat down comfortably. Waiting for them to be ready to see his power. It was rather cold on the ledge but despite that flint was fine with the extreme height.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Zaccar had been admiring the sky for a short while, not really paying attention to the conversation at hand when he noticed something on the tower ledge that was just above the courtyard, about three floors up. There was someone on it."Hey not to bother this heart felt chat but isn't that Flint on that ledge?" he asked using keen eyesight to see the clothes that matched what Flint was wearing.
"What the heck is he doing?" Lucatiel asked ",I mean that's adventurous but it's also suicidal unless he can fly."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

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Alex watched Flint. 'He can't fly. I know that much.' His eyes lit up as he remembered what Flint had told him earlier, in the cafeteria. "I enjoy the falling too, it's just the landing gets a little messy with me" He recited. 'He's planning on falling from the window.' He concluded. 'I just hope he knows what he's doing...' He wasn't going to swoop to Flint's rescue. He didn't know what Flint was planning to do, but he knew that the boy wasn't stupid. He must have some sort of ability which would keep him from harm.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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"Hmm, I wonder if Ellyll vampires are different to normal vampires..." Rhiannon murmured before waving her hands in front of her, realising the oddness of her musings. "Ah, not that I'm asking to be made one! It'd be interesting though, right? Oh, I'm Rhiannon by the way. I'm basically a Welsh faerie. I'd love to fence against you some time although I'm only a beginner." She intercepted the handshake vigorously before turning to Adruin.

"What grand titles! Well, I'm a choir singer on a national level and am Guardian of Nature!" She declared, somewhat sardonically, before laughing at the title she had created. "Hah, 'Guardian of Nature!' Makes me sound like a tree-hugger. Well, I guess I am in a way. Nice to meet you, O'Angel." She had a thing for satirising pretentious titles of claims even though she meant no offence by it. Then Zaccar spotted Flint.

"Maybe he could be super bouncy?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

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Alex shook his head. 'I don't think so. A messy landing suggest something happens to him...' He snapped his fingers. 'Of course!' He exclaimed. 'Why didn't I see this before?' He asked of no one in particular. He had worked out that Flint had healing powers, it was the only explanation he could think of. He wouldn't tell the others, though, their reactions would be quite amusing. He watched with the same interest as everyone else, he might know what it is that Flint would be doing, but he was still interested to see how he planned to carry this off.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

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Flint looked down and waved to the group before standing up, looking down and then casually stepping off of the ledge. He began to plummet faster and faster he smiled at the rush of air before wincing as he hit the ground feet first.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by MysteriousPanzer


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Zachariah breathed in the fresh air as he walked up to the gates of the building. This school was supposedly going to help him nurture his powers, so needless to say, he was excited. The front gate started to creak open and Zach strolled inside. "Hmph. Unimpressive. Hello? Anybody here that could tell me where to go?" He started looking around to see if he could find someone who could direct him on where to go next.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Argetlam350
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Zaccar and Lucatiel looked stun, they had seen a dead body before but for someone to just up and kill themselves here, right in front of them was a new experience."Did he just, commit suicide?" Lucatiel asked stunned.
"What the heck was he thinking, this better be a joke or his powers better kick in soon before a teacher sees this mess," Zaccar said shocked as well. Though both werewolves also covered there nose. Blood was a bit of a temptation to eat for them and though they would never touch a human body, it was better safe then sorry to sniff in fresh blood. They also backed away slightly to not be as close to the mess.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Jinxer
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Jinxer The British One

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"Oh Sweet God!" Rhiannon shrieked, running over to the half-destroyed body and kneeling by it. "Who knows some healing magic? Go and get someone who does!" Her heart was running apace with panic as she looked around for something, anything, that could help. And then she paused for a moment as it hit her, explaining Alex's earlier exclamation. She looked slowly down at Flint's head.

"I swear, if you did that just to show you're immortal or something I am so slapping you."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by vampiricchild
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vampiricchild Absol

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Alex, seeming like one of the few clear-headed people around, walked straight towards the body of Flint, standing across from the group, so as not to obstruct their view as his powers kicked in. He stayed there, to make sure he was right, and to remove the feeling of guilt that was beginning to form in his stomach. If he was wrong, he had some serious issues to work out. 'Just watch.' He told the others. Looking at the body of Flint, he wondered if the boy had gone too far. Even healers have their limits.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Krodin329


Member Seen 8 yrs ago

Adruin chuckled," I suppose it does sound a tad contradictory. Basically, I'm half angel , half demon. Son of Raphael the archangel, and Abbadon the knight of hell. It's just the name of my species. As for the guardian of earth, my foster parents protected the world from demonic threats, and that's what I do now. I'm not actually evil, but I love the name so I keep it. I apologize for how rude I am bein right now, but I'm not exactly good with socialization, and didn't know another way to approach you. Anyway, I hope all of us can be friends"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by salamimike
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salamimike Probably not even real.

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Bones began to slowly seep back together. Cracking and twisting into their correct positions before muscle began to reform around them. The legs slowly but surely began to heal the bruises disappearing and skin reforming. Flints torso locked back into his hips and his arm began to form back into place. The gash on his head healed quickly and the blood around him became nothing as it seemed to evaporate in thin air. His foot began to slow regrow as the dismembered one turned to ash then to nothing just like the blood. The body of Flint sat up slowly the spine still broken but flint propped up his head and adjusted it as the vertebrae relinked. He slowly stood up and finally opened his eyes. " Looks like your all stuck with me still" Flint joked as he cracked his neck. Stretching out his new legs a little to make sure they worked. His pants where ripped up the legs and one of his shoes had the sole removed.
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