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Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lucy stared in silence as she witnessed two, next to impossible feats. First, a giant, reptilian like....thing descended down and lashed out at the Inquisitor, ripping a good chunk of it out of the cop's backside. So the creature wasn't Ultimatum bred. That was nice to know. Then, the boy from before had arrived just in time, using a point blank range to attack directly the mecha's power core, effectively stopping it in its tracks. What was left of the Inquisitor began to crackle with leaking power, before finally collapsing in a dead heap on the ground. Lucy made sure to back away from the thing. You could never be sure with the Ultimatum. An Inquisitor. Taken down just like that. Now she was certain she had made the right decision in going through with her plan.

Looking up, she saw that the boy from before was addressing her. Steeling herself, she casually got up to her feet and met him with a cold gaze, her arm still numb from the strike. "I'm fine. I appreciate the heroic act. That's all." If she was in pain, she certainly had a good job of concealing it. Glancing upward, she called out, "You can come out now. I assure you, the Inquisitor is dead now thanks to our comrade here." Without waiting for any movement, Lucy acknowledged both boy and beast by saying, "I don't believe we've formally introduced ourselves. As you already know, I am transfer student Lucy Bastion. Would you two mind informing me the names you are most comfortable with me addressing? Considering you saved my life and have passed the test, I suppose you deserve that much."

Her tone was as monotonous as ever, bordering on the line of uncaring. Obviously, she wasn't the best when it came to public socializing.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Lying in wait above, Desdemona had listened to the mechanical whirring of gears malfunctioning after she'd attacked and retreated to the smoke-filled beams above only for it to be followed with an impact blast. Cocking her head to the side to listen at its fall and narrowing her eyes to see through the ribbons of smoke as they cleared, she saw a third figure - possibly the one who'd dealt the final blow considering how Lucy had been clutching her arm before standing. The two exchanged words, and soon Desdemona was being beckoned down. Blinking her eyes and lifting her head from the arm it had been resting on, she slithered through the beams with ease before hopping down directly between the two still standing. Rearing her head back, she huffed. Morgan never had to speak using her creation's voice, and she didn't think Desdemona had one. Outwardly, Desdemona stomped a foot as she looked to Jurano and then to Lucy before looking up to the opening in the window she'd entered through. Spreading her leathery wings, she lifted off and hovered for a moment before heading towards the window.

Morgan's body was waiting where she'd left it, still staring without seeing as her hand resting on the notepad. Being inside of Desdemona's form always made her feel strange as she saw herself sitting lifelessly almost. Sometimes ... she was tempted to stay inside, not wanting to be a weak, lonely human girl again. This was one of these moments again - especially after the thrill of feeling those powerful claws tear through the biotic flesh. Bending down in the large reptilian form, Desdemona lifted Morgan and cradled her as she glided back down towards the warehouse. Tilting her head slightly for a moment, Morgan glimpsed at herself as they passed through the window together. She knew that if anything happened to her human body while her soul was outside of it, there was a chance she'd disappear completely once her hand left that drawing book.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lucy narrowed her eyes in interest as the reptilian creature descended down through the window. The purple haired girl from before was resting in her arms, apparently in a comatose state. Lucy looked from the boy, to the creature, and then the girl. No doubt the creature and the girl were connected somehow, probably either a summoning or a familiar. That meant that only two students in the entire school cared enough to help her. She inwardly grimaced; she had hoped that at least Seth would show up considering the passionate speech he gave her earlier. She didn't let her emotions betray her, keeping up the cool facade. Just as she figured, he was just another person only looking out for himself. He talked big, but in the end, he would rather sit back and watch then contribute to any sort of rebellion.

She shook her head in disgust. He was no use to her. With that out of the way, Lucy opened her mouth to speak, only to be drowned out by the sound of loud pitched sirens. She took a glance at the busted Inquisitor, guessing who it was. From the sound of it, reinforcements. If one unit went down....

"I suggest we leave from here," she told the creature and the boy. "Unless you'd like to spend the rest of your evening being interrogated vigorously, you will follow me. That's all." Turning around, she headed for a back exit. She walked briskly, not bothering to check if they were following her or not. They had so far. Why stop now?

She clenched her left arm gently, the numbness slowly fading away. She would have to treat the wound soon. Very soon. Good thing they were going to her house.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jurano felt the rush of excitement as he heard the sirens in the distance, although he didn't want to have to try and face a hundred inquisitors at once. When Lucy asked him and Morgan to follow her he smiled.
"Do you really think that we want that? also what's with all the 'that's all'?" he asked with a grin. He made started following her, he looked his arms and felt the pain from removing the limiter chips. He tore his school jacket and wrapped his arms and caught up to Lucy.
"Here you may wanna wrap that arm with this for now." he said handing her a torn strip.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Once Desdemona landed on her hind legs, she carefully sat Morgan's form on the ground against a support beam so that she wouldn't fall over - most times the magic of the sketchbook held her upright, but once she was moved from the summoning position it varied. When Desdemona turnred to see Lucy's brief examination held no emotion, as expected, her throat released quiet chitters. It was about as close as the reptilian could come to speaking. The sound of sirens was getting louder, and Lucy wasn't slow to announce their retreat plan. Morgan knew that they would be less inconspicuous if she were to release Desdemona's bond and immediately did so. The reptilian flesh began to flake away as if ash blowing in the breeze before her entire being crumbled into an ink puddle on the ground. The ash pieces floated around Morgan's body and landed on her skin, her soul returning, as the ink puddle slithered back towards the pages of the open book in her lap. Gasping in a breath of air, her lungs protesting in its minimal use, Morgan blinked a few times as her eye color melded back to its usual state.

Looking down to see that Desdemona had returned fully, she snapped the book shut and stood shakily, using the pillar for assistance as her back slid up it. Shoving her drawing pad back into her messenger bag, she looked to Lucy's retreating figure which was followed by her loud-mouth classmate. A weak smirk played at her lips as she shoved off and made to follow, listening to Jurano's idle chatter as he tore at his jacket. This was certainly an interesting group to form, she thought. A loud-mouth, a robot girl, and a maniacal soul-shifter. Perhaps we're all not what we seem, Morgan thought as she quietly followed, reserving her strength for the pursuit because summoning took a lot of out of her if she didn't have a moment to rest.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lucy led them through a series of alleys. The sun was already setting, and Lucy guessed it was at least 6 at night. She raised a slight eyebrow at the creature's transformation back to the girl but said nothing about it. So the girl was a summoner then? And from what Lucy could tell, she could directly control her creations. How very interesting. Seeing the boy's offer of his jacket, she shrugged him off. "I'm fine. What's wrong with me saying "that's all?" Does it bother you somehow?" She picked up the pace slightly. They were almost at their destination. "If not, then I suggest you drop it," she answered icily. "That's all." Friend of the year award right there.

The odd trio finally stood in front of a large dark house with exactly three windows. It wasn't too tall, nor was it too short. It was just sorta. . .there. Without a look back, Lucy entered the house and beckoned the other two forward. "Please close the door. And don't dirty the carpet," she called out to them. She led them into a wide living room with four chairs and three couches, along with a wide, glass table in the middle. She gestured for them to sit. "Make yourself at home. But don't enjoy yourself too much. I'll be right back." She walked down another hallway, leaving the two alone to ponder their thoughts.

The whole room was quite something. Certainly not anything you'd see in a normal house. Decorating the walls were hundreds upon hundreds of scraps of papers. Articles, scriptures, data files, all sorts of information hung around. If one were to take a much closer look, they'd notice that these were all religious papers that focused on one specific subject: Zyaxomort. Finally completing the scenery was a fire place resting in the back of the room. Above said fireplace hung a gigantic oil picture. The picture itself was nothing but a bunch of colorful rainbow strokes and swirls blended together to make. . .something. But what was most interesting was the name of the picture itself. It read, The Will of Zyaxomort.

It was official. Lucy had an obsession.

A few minutes passed before the red head returned with green note book in hand. Several bandages were wrapped around her left arm, and her expression was as lifeless as ever. Taking a spot on one of the chairs, she laid out the notebook on the table, scattering around her numerous notes, plans, and whatever the hell else that lay dormant in the thing.

Finally satisfied at her handiwork, Lucy looked up at both girl and boy. "As of this moment, you are now considered apart of my rebellion. My rebellion to take down the Ultimatum. But before we begin, I must ask once again; what are your names? I will not proceed until you've answered me that."

As if emphasizing her point, she crossed her legs and waited patiently for their answer.

"That's all."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by Aalakrys
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Member Seen 7 days ago

Following along behind their self-appointed leader, Morgan kept quiet as she concentrated on breathing effectively while sprinting. Smoking probably didn't help nor did her stubborn refusal to participate in drills during gym. After being tormented in middle school ended thanks to her lovely creations, she had no reason to run anymore until this moment.

Through her soft panting, she heard Lucy's prickly remarks to Jurano - and people'd thought she was defensive. Really, Morgan's style led towards apathy unless directly challenged - and she'd gladly pass on her somehow assigned hostile image if Lucy wanted it. Still, she followed in silence as the approached the very ordinary dark house and slowed to a stop.

Looking up at it as she approached behind Lucy, Morgan thought it was entirely forgettable due to its average appearance. She kicked her feet against the door sweep before crossing the threshold. Glancing over her shoulder, attempting to keep her tiredness from showing, she said in her low voice, "Here that, Loudmouth - shut it."

The double meaning to her words came out sounding dry, without her usual sting implied. Damn ... I'm so drained ... Flopping down against the foot of the couch at Lucy's offer, directly onto the floor, Morgan leaned heavily against it and ran her hand through her hair with a sigh. She watched Lucy depart through her heavy locks from under her arm before turning her attention to the obvious wall coverings.

Letting her hand fall to the ground and her head fall against the seat of the couch, she peered down her nose at the organized chaos. "Someone has a hobby ... "She muttered, feigning disinterest as her eyes lingered on the splash of color on canvas.

Lucy's words at her reappearance got enough of Morgan's attention to make her roll her head to face the girl as she claimed the artist and the loudmouth as her troops. She'd not watched her come in and sort her things, although she had heard her. Instead, her eyes had been tracing the rainbowic stream of color until the girl had spoken.

Sitting up lazily, Morgan propped her elbows on her bent knees and her chin on those supported fists before she raised one hand's fingers away from her cheek, "Morgan Reid."
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lucy nodded, as if acknowledging Morgan's introduction. Which made sense, considering the two had never spoken directly to one another until now. "I see. Morgan Reid. From what I witnessed today, I can only guess that you possess the power to summon various creatures at the expense of your control. Am I correct in assuming so. . ." The red head's words trailed off as she noticed that the other girl was too preoccupied with taking mental pictures of her living room. Gazing around herself, it was understandable why someone would feel amazed at the sheer chaos displayed on her walls.

"Yes, I do have quite an interest in our world's religious aspects," she mused. "Especially for the being known as Zyaxomort. I apologize if you feel overwhelmed by any of this. I see you especially like the oil picture over there," she said matter of factually, referring to the huge picture hanging over the fireplace. She supposed it made sense. It was only natural for a summoner to be captivated by visual images. "Who knows? Perhaps, in due time, I can let you see the others." A ghost of a smile presented itself on Lucy's face. But that's all it was; a ghost. And in a heartbeat, she turned her unwavering gaze to the boy, back to her usual monotone expression.

"And what about you?"
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jurano walked quietly after hearing Lucy's responr to his question.

When they arrives at what Jurano presumed was Lucys house he noticed at how, plain it was. When morgan looked over her shoulder and called him a loud mouth he responded with a large smil. Loudmouth? I like it! he thought to himself. As they entered he was baffled at what was pasted on the walls. She must really hate the ultimatum.... he thought to himself as he grabbed a sheet off the wall and started reading through at a non human speed, he replaced it wondering how she got all this information.

When she asked for his name he stood and with his jokein tone he said,
"Jurano, my true last name is not known to me so i adopted the last name, Darklight. Funny thing is that my powers, well some of them, represent them." He felt weird explaining his powers but he really couldnt care anymore now that he was part of a rebellion.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

A light of interest reflected in Lucy's eyes. "Darklight? And your powers represent your name? Interesting. . ." She left it at that. She'd witness Jurano's power upfront all in due time. Reaching over the table, she began scribbling in the open notebook, jotting down words and ideas. "Jurano. Morgan. You two have proven yourselves more than capable of assisting me in my fight against the Ultimatum. They have enslaved our world and society into a tyrannical rule. More importantly, they've slandered the name of Zyaxomort by using on of its almighty creations for their own sick purposes. Even insulting the name "Ultimatum" is a sin." One couldn't question that she was certainly devoted to the old folklore and legend. Perhaps a bit too much.

She continued with, "And the most essential factor. They've stolen something very. . .precious to me. No doubt the same has happened to you. Why else would you choose to help me?" She brushed a crimson lock of hair away from her eyes to get a closer look at the two. "Yes, from now on, this place will become our headquarters. We will meet here at least three times a week, every Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday as to avoid suspicion. For now, we will begin planning out our next move of attack. Any quest-" A familiar jolt of pain ripped though Lucy's chest and the calm image she usually kept up was broken almost immediately by rapid gasps for air.

"E-Excuse me," she said, her voice trembling slightly. She bolted up and ran deeper into the house, into her own bedroom. Nothing much; just some books and a T.V. set. Her eyes scanned wildly for her sanctuary. Where was it...where was it? What little energy she could exude was directed as a growl of annoyance. Damnit! She must have left her bag at school. Probably during her little window stunt. . .damnit, damnit, damnit!

Slamming the door, she headed into the bathroom and looked through each and every drawer. She knew there was a spare prescription somewhere. The hammering in her chest increased with each passing second, and this time Lucy could see edges of darkness at the corner of her vision. Not now. . .not when she had just made allies! She couldn't afford to show weakness in front of them. But she could die right here and now and no one would notice! Digging in the cabinet, her fingers groping for the precious pills, one thought filled Lucy's mind. One single thought pounded in her head as she fought to retain her consciousness.

Lucy Bastion regretted living alone.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by jman221
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jman221 The Rooster

Member Seen 2 yrs ago

Jurano was taken back at how much Lucy hated the current world they lived in, he was a pretty laid back guy but this talk of the old folklore and rebellion made him quite excited. When she said they were meeting at this place the three times a week, he decided that to get out of trouble from his foster parents he would tell them that he finally joined an after school club.

He snapped back to reality when Lucy started gasping heavily for breath he got worried and noticed that she was like this at school. He looked at Morgan, he could tell she was tired but she had a somewhat look of worry on her face, even if it was small. Lucy raced up the stairs almost like her life depended on it, When he heard the door slam he raced up opened the door to find her rapidly trying to find something, she collapsed to the floor and Jurano saw what she was looking for he quickly grabbed the small bottle of pills and popped the lid open and grabbed one out. He lifted Lucy's head and slid the pill into her mouth asking,
"You alright? Hey come on, everything's fine now, I've got you." he never was good at trying to comfort people.
Hidden 11 yrs ago Post by TheWendil
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TheWendil The Wendil-Sama™ / ಠ_ಠ

Member Seen 0-24 hrs ago

Lucy almost choked on the pill as the struggle to breath became more and more desperate. With a free hand, she clenched Jurano's shirt in a death grip and a look of wild panic glazed over her eyes. Finally, she calmed down enough to let the pill slide down her throat. The pain was unbearable, like a million needles all at once were stinging her chest. Soon, that same pain began to dull into a slow numb. Moments passed, then seconds, until a full two minutes had gone by. The light in Lucy's eyes began to slowly return, losing it's wild look. Her hand slowly untightened, limping lifelessly at her side. It took another few seconds for her to speak again.

". . .t. . thanks." A round of coughing took her, and she pushed the boy away for room. After recovering from that, she stood up gingerly and looked at Jurano. Whatever emotion was displayed before was now gone, replaced by her usual stoic expression. "Apologies for burdening you with my i-inconvenience Jurano Darklight." Her voice stuttered just slightly, being the only reminder that she had almost died a few minutes ago.

"Right. We should h-head back downstairs. Morgan Reid is no d-doubt worried."
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