"Hold on." Algon peered trough the crystals and pointed at Gao. "That's a spirit right? Summoned by the same kid as that dragon I saw?"
Algon pondered for a second and took a sip of wine. The small butler offered the other glass of wine to Life.
"This gives us new options, good ones. Options you'll like." He paused and called in Klaus and Jared.
"I have a deal for you, if you take it and hold your end of the bargain: No one dies, in fact, both Drake and Ander will have their wildest dreams come true, there's even something in it for yourself. I need you to bring me that key-bearer, alive. I don't care if he is intact as long as he is alive. I also need you and Drake alive and unharmed."
Algon whistled and got of his throne, the throne reshaped to a massive chest. He opened it and took out a small lock-box.
"I'm letting you go free on this mission cause I trust you, It's in your best interest thrust me. But I will send Klaus along with you, you need the firepower, plus fighting that kid again is HIS wish come true so.. win win. You can tell them you escaped by seducing him or something, you are a smart girl, you figure it out."
He put the lock-box on the table in front of her. "This'll come in handy as well. Do we have a deal?"