Frokane good to see you back.
Wotan's Forest: The tallest and largest trees make their home in Wotan's Forest and the magical Lake of the Wode. If you stand beneath the mighty black trees, they seem so powerful and indestructible; The average height of the trees is 1,000 feet tall and roughly 40 feet in diameter. There are much taller trees, some as tall as 1.2 miles and several hundred feet in diameter. These trees are made of Iron Wood, which is nigh indestructible to nearly any attack. In the center of this vast forest is the Lake of the Wode.
At 3,200 square miles in size and an unknowable depth, Lake of the Wode is one of the largest and deepest lakes in the multiverse, renowned for its deep blue beauty. Sunset on the Lake of the Wode is magical and best appreciated from the eastern shore. The sun bathes the trees in bright colors, and reflects its light in the deep blue of the sacred lake, before sinking below the horizon.
The combatants are in a Pythagorean triple, 120 meters apart, each combatant is atop a 15-meter tall glass pillar. Between each pillar is a glass bridge that connects the pillars. The battleground is anywhere in a 500 by 500 meter area, with the Lake of the Wode on the western edge of the battleground.
In the center of the pillars is a large, wide tree stump. Lying on the stump is a fist-sized diamond. This is the Eye of Wotan. This can be used once by each fighter. Once it is used, it vanishes and returns to the stump.
The Eye of Wotan can negate any single attack that the holder wishes, regardless of preps used against it.
